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Finding Cyn: Devil's Knights Series

Page 20

by Winter Travers

  “I’m goanna cum,” I moaned against his lips. He sucked my bottom lip inside his mouth and I shattered all around him.

  “Mine!” He shouted as he slammed into me one last time and his release filled me, as we held onto one another.

  I buried my head into the crook of his neck and held on as tremors worked through my body. “You’re smelling me again, aren’t you?” I giggled as I felt Rigid bury his nose in my hair.

  “You’re like a fucking drug. I’ve gone four days without you, that’s three and a half days to long.” He chuckled, keeping his face buried in my hair.

  “That’s your own fault. I stayed right where you left me, waiting for you. I’m always waiting for you.”

  “And I’ll always come back to you, Cyn. I promise,” he said, threading his fingers through my hair and tilting my head back.

  “Just don’t leave and I won’t have to wait,” I teased, stroking his cheek, smiling at him.

  “You’re pretty feisty today,” He stated, grabbing my hand and kissing my palm.

  I shivered, feeling the AC pouring out of the ceiling above us. “I need to keep you in line,” I purred as I leaned into him, stealing his warmth.

  Rigid slowly pulled out of me and I let my legs drop to the floor. “You’re cold, beautiful. I’ll grab your clothes,” he said, steadying me as he pulled away. I tested my legs to see if they would hold and wobbled a little. I leaned against the work bench and laughed at the fact that Rigid had fucked me so good that I couldn’t even stand anymore.

  “What’s so funny?” He asked, handing me my clothes. He pulled his boxers on, followed by his shirt and pants.

  “I can’t even stand. What did you do to me?” I asked.

  “Get used to it, beautiful. I plan on doing that to you again once we get back to your house.” He pulled on his boots and looked me over. I hadn’t gotten any of my clothes on yet, but he was already fully dressed. Apparently I didn’t have the same effect on him as he did to me.

  “That’s not fair that you are completely fine and I’m just a naked mess, not even able to stand up.” I pouted as I pulled my bra out of the pile of clothes he handed me and fumbled putting it on.

  He reached behind me, swatted my hands away and hooked my bra in seconds. “Trust me, beautiful. You drove me just as crazy, I’m just eager to get you home and do it again.” He pulled my shirt over my head and I stuck my arms in. He crouched down, holding my shorts out and I stepped into them. He pulled them up my legs, snapped the button and zipped them up. He grabbed my flip flops placing them at my feet and slid my feet into them.

  “You could at least look a little rattled,” I pouted, pulling my hair up into a high pony tail.

  He grabbed my hand, stopping me from putting my hair up, and put it on his dick. It was still hard, ready to go. “My dick is about five minutes away from punching through my jeans, beautiful. I am anything from ok,” he growled.

  I licked my lips, my hand cupping him, wanting more. “We can always go to your room,” I purred, biting my lip.

  “Deal,” he said as he bent down, throwing me over his shoulder.

  “Rigid!’ I yelled. ‘Put me down! I can walk now!”

  He slapped my ass, making me squeal in surprise. “No.” He walked through an open door and out into a huge area that had five car lifts and various guys milling around, working on cars.

  “Oh my God,” I mumbled into Rigid’s back, realizing all these guys had just heard us having sex.

  “Ain’t nothing they’ve never heard before,” I heard Rigid rumble, knowing what I was thinking.

  “About fucking time!” Someone shouted at us as we walked by.

  “Fuck off,” Rigid snapped as we made our way through the shop. He ducked through another door and I heard Meg squeal.

  “Put her down!” She yelled.

  “She’s mine,” Rigid said.

  “Yeah, well. You going all caveman on her ass sure doesn’t look like she agrees if you have to carry where ever the hell you are headed,” Meg said. I couldn’t see her (all I could see was Rigid’s ass, but what a fine ass it was) and knew she was throwing some major sass.

  “Out of the way, Meg,” Rigid growled, his patience wearing thin.

  “I don’t know where you think you are going. Cyn and I have to be to work in an hour. That is unless I should start calling you Minute Man if you plan on being done with Cyn in fifteen minutes.” Meg cackled and burst out laughing.

  “Can’t you control your woman?” Rigid said, I’m assuming to King.

  “I like her the way she is,” King rumbled.

  “Ha!” Meg shouted.

  “She isn’t going to work. Tell ‘em she’s sick or something.” Rigid declared as he made his way around Meg.

  “Um, Rigid. I kind of have to go to work. I’ve missed so much the past month and now that I’m not on medical leave, they’re watching me closely,” I said, totally raining on both of our parades. I had totally forgotten that I had to work tonight. I used to enjoy going to work, but ever since Asshat’s sister had started working at the plant, she had been making my life a living hell. I had only been back for three days, but it was three days to many.

  “Son of bitch. I finally get you back and now you got to leave?” Rigid growled, setting me on my feet.

  “You’re own damn fault you haven’t been with her,” King said from the desk he was sitting behind.

  I looked around, taking in the office. Meg was blocking the doorway that I’m assuming lead to the clubhouse, with her arms propped up on her hips, scowling at Rigid. “She hasn’t slept, you know?” Meg said accusingly at Rigid.

  I gasped. I hadn’t realized that Meg knew I wasn’t sleeping. The night after they had taken care of Nick, Meg had gone back to her house and things had gone back to normal. She had only been around that first night I had the nightmare. Apparently I wasn’t hiding my lack of sleep very well.

  “I know. I’ll make it better,” He vowed, throwing his arm over my shoulder and pulled me to him.

  “You better.” Meg huffed as she walked over to King’s desk and sat on the edge, crossing her arms over her chest.

  “You really got to work tonight, beautiful?” Rigid asked.

  “Yeah. As much as I dread going, I have to. Bills to pay and all that shit,” I said.

  “I’m going to throat punch Cherry tonight if she says one word to you,” Meg said vehnemtly.

  “Easy tiger,” King chuckled from his desk, shaking his head.

  “What the hell are you talking about?” Rigid asked.

  “I told you, Cherry, Nick’s sister, started working at the plant while I was out on medical leave. She’s been a raging bitch the past three days since I came back. She’s gunning to get me fired and take my job,” I explained.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” Rigid growled.

  “You kind of weren’t talking to me and we were kind of busy just now.” I snapped back. Ignorant man, I thought he was done with me an hour ago. Like I was going to go running to him about someone calling me names and giving me a little bit of trouble? Oy.

  “You should have told me,” He repeated.

  I shook my head at him, annoyed that he was pissed off. “It’s nothing. She’ll get tired of messing with me and move onto someone else to mess with. I’m just keeping my head down and doing my job. I talked with Cal about it and he is aware of the situation,” I explained, trying to pacify him.

  “Who the hell is Cal? Why the fuck would you tell him and not me?” Rigid accused.

  “Jesus Christ, man. Cal is out fucking supervisor!” Meg shouted. King busted out laughing, his whole body shaking.

  “How the hell am I supposed to know that?” Rigid huffed, crossing his arms over his chest, throwing an eat shit look at King who was still laughing.

  “Ok, now that everyone is up to date with my life,’ I exclaimed, ‘I need to run home quickly and get ready for work.” I looked at Meg expectantly, seeing as she was my ride.

“I’ll take you home and then to work,” Rigid stated, grabbing my hand and threading his fingers with mine.

  “Good,’ Meg said, jumping off of King’s desk. ‘I still have to run home, change, and take Blue out before I go to work. We totally would have been late if I had to take you home.”

  “Are you sure?” I asked, looking up at Rigid.

  “Yeah, beautiful. I can take a break for a little bit and then I can work on the Chevelle while you are working,” Rigid explained as he tugged me to the door.

  “I’ll see you later!” Meg called as Rigid pulled me out the door and to his bike.

  “I’ve got sandals on,” I said looking back and forth between my flip flops and Rigid’s bike.

  “It’s a short ride, beautiful, and I’ll be careful,” he promised, handing me my helmet.

  I strapped it on and climbed on behind Rigid. “Hurry up, I still need to take a shower and find some clothes to wear tonight,” I bossed, wrapping my arms around him, missing the feel of being on his bike behind him.

  “I can help you with the shower,” Rigid said as he cranked up his bike.

  “I’m trying to not be late for work, Rigid. You can stay outside, cause I’m pretty sure you walk through my door, neither one of us will be getting back to work,” I countered.

  Rigid shook his head, laughing and we rocketed out of the parking lot.

  I was back where I belonged, wind blowing in my hair and my arms wrapped around the man I loved. Life was finally starting to look up.


  Chapter 27


  “Yo! I’m heading out to pick up Meg, you coming with?” King shouted from the office.

  I looked at the clock, seeing it was almost eleven and grabbed a rag to wipe my hands off. I had managed to get the Chevelle painted and just needed to clear coat it in the morning.

  I threw the rag into the dirty bin and made my way to the office. King was waiting by the door, ready to lock up. King and I were in the same boat now. Both of our woman worked nights, so we needed to find things to do to fill the time when they were gone.

  It looked like King and I were going to be doing a lot work in the evening hours from now on. “Get all your paperwork taken care of?” I asked, eyeing his desk that was now clear of all the papers that were littering it eight hours before.

  “Yeah, till it fills up again tomorrow.” King joked as he held the door open for me.

  I walked over to my bike, waiting for King to climb onto his. I cranked mine up, anxious to get to Cyn. I watched King, lock the door and pocket the keys. He swung onto his bike and we headed out.

  It had been eight hours too long since I had held Cyn.



  “Just give me the fucking word and I’ll twat punch her,” Meg snarled, her fists balled at her side.

  “She’s not worth it, Meg.” I said, trying to sooth her.

  I looked across the parking lot, watching Cherry and her small gang of friends that she had managed to make in the short time she had started working at the plant. They were gathered round her car, talking loudly about how Cherry had banged Meg’s man and how she was going take Rigid away from me. I really wasn’t concerned about it.

  Meg on the other hand was about to go ape shit on her ass. I heard bikes roar in the parking lot, thankful I wouldn’t have to be pulling Meg off of Cherry.

  Meg and I both turned to watch our men pull in and appreciated all their sexy goodness.

  “And here comes my new man right now.” I heard Cherry call. I looked over my shoulder and watched her making her way over to Meg and I stood.

  Son of a bitch. Maybe we weren’t out of the drama woods yet.

  King and Rigid pulled their bikes right next to us and killed the engines. By the time King and Rigid had gotten off and were standing next to us, Cherry was by us.

  “Hey, King,” she purred. Her voice overly sweet.

  All he did was nod his head at her and pull Meg into his arms. Meg melted into him, wrapping herself around him.

  Cherry huffed at his blatant refusal of her and shifted her sights on Rigid.

  “Hey, Rigid,” she purred, batting her eye lashes at him.

  I rolled my eyes, totally over Cherry and all the bullshit that came with her.

  “’Sup,” Rigid said to her. He draped his arm over my shoulder and curled me into his body. He pressed a kiss to the side of my head, and I melted a little bit at his sweet kiss.

  “You guys looking to have some fun tonight?” Cherry asked, completely oblivious to the fact that King was with Meg and Rigid was mine.

  “My schedule is full right now. I think King’s is too.” Rigid replied, politely rebutting her.

  “What, with these two? Please, I can show you much a better time than they can,” She said, popping her hip out and tossing back her hair. I don’t know how she looked so good after working an eight hour shift.

  No offense to Meg, but we both looked like we had run ten miles and needed a good night sleep. Cherry, on the other hand, looked like she had just stepped out of the beauty salon. If she wasn’t such a bitch I would have asked her what her secret was.

  “We’re not interested, Cherry. Try somewhere else. You’re not going to get anything from us other than a cold shoulder and possibly being banned from the club if you keep messing with our women,” King replied. Meg had turned around, trying to kill Cherry with a death glare, while King had his arm wrapped around her waist.

  “We’ll see about that. If what my brother says is true, it won’t be long till you start stepping out on that one, Rigid,’ she said pointing her finger at me. ‘Heard she’s shit in the sack. You know where to find me,” Cherry said with a parting wink at Rigid and sauntered away.

  “Let me go, King. Just one good punch to her junk, that’s all I want. One twat punch.” Meg fumed, trying to pull out of King’s arms.

  I looked up at Rigid, his eyes watching Cherry walk back to her car and friends. “I’m assuming she doesn’t know about her brother?” I questioned.

  Rigid’s eyes fell to me and he shook his head. “We took care of it, or should I say Slider took care of it. He knows some messed up shit that has helped us out in a pinch.”

  “I’m not sure I want to know,” I said, guessing how Slider had gotten rid of Nick.

  “I don’t ask either, beautiful,” Rigid chuckled, a grin spreading across his lips.

  “Can we go home now?” I asked, suddenly really tired. I still wasn’t used to working yet. I used to be able to work my full shift and stay up until four AM before I felt tired. Now, midnight hit and it was a miracle I made it home before I fell into a fitful sleep filled with nightmares and tossing and turning.

  “Yeah, beautiful.” He grabbed my hand, lacing his fingers through mine and walked us over to his bike.

  King had managed to calm down Meg and they were also getting ready to leave.

  I grabbed the helmet Rigid held out for me and strapped it on. I watched Meg do the same thing, while neither of the guys put one on. “How come we have to wear helmets and ya’ll don’t?” I asked.

  “Cause you guys are more important than we are. Got to keep you safe,” Rigid said, leaning down, placing a swift kiss on my lips and swung his leg over the bike.

  I looked at Meg who was flipping on King as he climbed on to his bike, his back to Meg. “Fucking men,” Meg ranted as she climbed on behind King.

  I shook my head, laughing, and scurried on behind Rigid. “I’ll see you tomorrow!” I yelled at Meg as Rigid and King cranked up their bikes.

  She threw a quick wave at me and they rocketed out of the parking lot, headed to Meg’s house. Rigid and I pulled out after them, headed to my house. I loved being on the back of Rigid’s bike at night. The stars above us, the moon shining bright, lighting the sky.

  I felt so at home and safe riding with Rigid. He drove like the bike was a part of him, smoothly making turns and curves, our bodies becoming one as we leaned tog
ether. I loved it. If it was possible, I would never ride in another car, ever. I think I was made for the biker bitch life.

  Most of all, I was made to be Rigid’s.


  Chapter 28


  Cyn was passed out next to me, her breath lightly drifting over my chest. As soon as we had gotten off the bike and walked into her house, I took one look at her and knew she needed sleep more than the long, hard, fuck I had been wanting to give her.

  I pulled her down the hall, to her room, and quickly stripped her clothes off her. I pulled one of my tees out that she still had in the top drawer of her dresser and pulled it over her head. She wrapped her arms around me, snuggling into me. I lifted her up, cradling in my arms, and laid her down in her bed. I pulled the covers over her and walked back out, locking the door and turning off all the lights.

  By the time I made it back to bed, she was out, her hands tucked under her head, softly snoring away. Quickly taking off my clothes, I slid into bed with her and just enjoyed having her back in my arms.

  She had slept all through the night, not even a whimper from her lips. I slept light, making sure I would wake up if she had a nightmare.

  It was just past nine o’clock and my dick was ready for her to wake up. I had woken up an hour earlier, and it had taken all my will power not to wake her up and fuck her till she couldn’t walk.

  She stretched out next to me, her eyes flickering as she woke up. “Morning,” she said sleepily.

  “Good morning, beautiful.” I replied, my hand cupping her chin and leaning down, placing a kiss on her lips.

  “I could get used to waking up this way,” she confessed, wrapping her arms around my neck, pulling me on top of her.

  “I’ll be here every morning as long as you’ll have me.” I smiled, placing kisses up and down her neck.

  “I guess, I’ll have to get you a key so you can come over while I’m at work. I’ll expect you waiting in bed, naked for me every night.” She giggled, her hands traveling down my back.

  “I’m pretty sure that can be arranged,” I quipped, nipping her neck.

  She squealed, pulling away from me. “No biting.” She laughed, her eyes filled with the light I had seen the first night I had meet her.


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