Page 14
After a few more minutes of shopping, Thomas said. “I don’t see anything here. Maybe we can find something in one of the antique shops for her house?”
“Okay, that sounds like a good idea.”
Thomas let Julia precede him out the door and winked at the sales lady as she stealthily slid him the credit card and velvet box. Now he could breathe a little easier and enjoy the rest of their shopping and dinner.
Two hours later, he held Antoine’s door open for Julia. The dinner he had planned was going to be spectacular.
“May I help you?” the maître d’ asked.
“Reservation for James,” Thomas said in his most authoritative voice.
“Yes, Mr. James. I have a private table waiting for you.”
Thomas held the chair for Julia, before leaning forward to whisper in her ear, “You’re the most beautiful woman in the entire Quarter tonight.”
Julia bowed her head before whispering, “Thank you.”
He took his seat and reached for her hand.
Moments later a waiter walked to their table. “Good evening, I’m Reginald. It’s my pleasure to serve you tonight. I understand you pre-ordered the five-course meal we have created to celebrate our one hundred seventy-fifth anniversary, an excellent choice. The first course is Pommes de Terre Souffles, which is Antoine’s classic fried puff potatoes. That is followed by our Appetizer en Trois, a trio of Shrimp Remoulade, Lump Crabmeat Ravigote, and Oysters Rockefeller. The third course is Gumbo Creole. A rich Louisiana gumbo with blue crab, gulf shrimp, and oysters.”
Reginald paused for a moment to take a leather order pad from his pocket. “For the last two courses, you each have your choice of Filet de Boeuf avec sauce Marchand de Vin et les champignons—that’s fancy for grilled center cut of beef tenderloin topped with Antoine’s Marchand de Vin sauce and mushrooms. Or Pompano Ponchartrain, which is grilled filet of Pompano with lump crabmeat sautéed in butter.” Reginald looked at Thomas for his answer.
“We will both take the beef tenderloin,” Thomas confidently answered. He knew Julia preferred beef to fish.
“Very good, sir. Lastly is dessert. You each have the choice of Meringue Glacee au Chocolate—which is French vanilla ice cream on a lightly toasted meringue shell draped with chocolate fudge sauce. Or Pudding de Pain de Noix de Pecan—a cinnamon and raisin bread pudding topped with a caramel rum sauce.”
Thomas looked at Julia for her choice. Dessert was the only course he hadn’t been sure of.
“The bread pudding sounds incredible.”
“Two bread puddings then,” Thomas agreed with a satisfied smile.
“Perfect. Would you like wine or cocktails with dinner tonight?” Reginald asked.
“Would you like a bottle of Merlot?” Thomas asked Julia.
“That sounds great.”
“Excellent. I will let the chef know what your choices are and get a Merlot from the cellar.”
Julia sat back and giggled once Reginald left the room. “That sounds like a lot of food, but it all sounded amazing. You made an exceptional choice, Tommy.”
“Thank you.” Thomas was pleased Julia approved of his dinner plans.
Julia smiled and laughed through the entire meal. Thomas was charming, gallant, and funny as all get-out. She couldn’t have imagined a more perfect date.
Dessert arrived, and though it looked and smelled amazing, she wasn’t sure she would be able to eat another bite.
“Will you be disappointed if I can’t eat my bread pudding?”
“Absolutely not. I’m not sure I can eat mine either,” he said with a chuckle. “I’m going to give it a taste and then throw in the towel.”
“Good idea.”
Thomas couldn’t take his eyes from her as her lips wrapped around the fork full of dripping bread pudding. He watched her eyes flutter shut and her tongue dart out to lick her lips before she chewed daintily. The sexy rumble of satisfaction that came from across the table fluttered over his skin like a lover’s fingers, stirring his already aroused body further. His eyes fixed on her caramel rum sauce coated lips as she licked them clean. Already tight slacks became unbearable, as he imagined Julia giving him that kind of personal attention behind closed doors.
There was no way he was going to last if she took another bite. Thomas signaled the waiter for the bill, and ten minutes later, they were strolling hand in hand down Royal Street. Albeit, a little slower than before.
“My next surprise is a bit tongue in cheek.” He chuckled with a twinkle in his eyes.
“Really? And what would that be?”
“I booked the eight thirty vampire tour. I wanted the full French Quarter experience.” He laughed. “But please don’t tell Etienne, I’d never hear the end of it.”
“This should be interesting.” Julia laughed, shaking her head. “I’m curious as to how much they get right.”
Thirty minutes into the walking tour, they passed Jack and Michael outside a popular Bourbon Street club. Michael doubled over laughing, and Jack clicked his heels together as he saluted Thomas. Julia giggled while he rolled his eyes. Man, he was going to hear about this one.
It was difficult containing his chuckles and harrumphs as the tour guide spouted one ridiculous, so-called, fact after another. Julia solved the problem by hiding her grin behind her hand or burying her face in his chest while her shoulders shook with silent giggles.
If nothing else, it was entertaining and kept his woman in his arms for two hours straight.
Checking his watch, Thomas breathed a sigh of relief. There was only about five minutes left of this sham of vampire facts, and he was in the clear. But he didn’t possess that kind of luck.
As the tour group rounded a corner to walk another block, he ran smack dab into Etienne’s chest. The regal vampire king raised an eyebrow and cleared his throat as Thomas regained his footing.
“Julia. Thomas. Fancy meeting you here.”
“Um…hi, Etienne.”
The tour guide slowed the group, but Thomas waved him on. They were done anyway.
Etienne smoothed the lapels Thomas had wrinkled when he caught himself from falling. “Interesting choice of entertainment.”
“I thought it would be amusing.” Thomas grinned as Etienne continued to perfect his appearance.
“Yes. They never get a single thing right.”
This comment took Julia by surprise. “How would you know that?”
“It’s prudent to stay on top of what the humans know, or think they know, about any of the supernaturals that exist. I, or one of my family, attend the tours on a regular basis.”
Thomas nodded, once again impressed by the astute vampire. “Much like Men in Black following the gossip magazines for alien stories.”
Completely out of character, Etienne barked out a laugh. “I suppose it is. That is one of my favorite movies, actually.”
“Really?” Julia asked. “I have it on Blu-ray. You should come over one night for dinner and a movie.”
Etienne gave her a regal nod. “I would love to.”
Thomas indicated the Preservation Hall, the famous jazz bar, three doors down. “I was just going to ask Julia if she wanted a nightcap. Would you like to join us?”
“On any other night I would be honored, but I can tell this is an important weekend for you, and thus I will give you your privacy.”
Thomas shook his head, none too surprised by Etienne’s abilities. “Sometimes you are a very scary man.”
“You have no idea,” Etienne grinned.
They said goodnight and enjoyed a cocktail along with incredible jazz while Etienne monitored the action on Bourbon Street.
It was two a.m. when they reached the cottage. Thomas watched Julia yawn as she took a nightgown from the dresser drawer and exhausted, sat on the end of the bed too tired to put it on. Quietly, he joined her, wrapping his arms around her. “I had a fabulous night, and I want nothing more than to sleep with
you snuggled against my chest.”
Gently, he took the nightgown from her and helped her remove her clothes and pull it over her head. Once she was settled under the covers, he stripped to his boxers and joined her, pulling her close for a sweet kiss before falling to sleep with her in his arms.
Sensing she was finally awake, Thomas tightened his hold. He had watched her sleep peacefully, for the past twenty minutes. Happy to just hold her warm, soft curves in his bed.
“Good morning, gorgeous,” he whispered into her hair.
“Mmmm.” She stretched and raised her face for a proper kiss. “What do you have planned for us today? And why are you dressed?”
“I’ve been up for a while making coffee. Get dressed and meet me on the patio. I ordered breakfast, and it should be here in a few minutes.”
“Excellent, I could use a strong cup of coffee.” She kissed him again before pulling the nightgown over her head and dropping it at his feet to walk to the bathroom. She was naked as the day she was born and with a little extra sway to her hips. She knew he was watching and made sure to give him something to think about after the door was closed.
Thomas swallowed hard and adjusted his jeans so he could manage to walk to the patio without injuring himself. The woman was going to be the end of him, at the very least she might land him in the emergency room with an embarrassing injury. He stood and eyed the dresser for a moment. Maybe he should change into his running pants before they left for the day.
Thomas was sipping coffee at the bistro table on their private patio when she finished showering. Chewing on her lower lip, she toyed with her towel. Private as it was, she still better put some clothes on. Sighing, she rummaged through her drawer for the sexy red bra and panty set she bought specifically for the red halter sundress she planned on wearing today.
This ought to knock his socks off.
What are you up to, you little minx?
You’ll see.
Thomas groaned in her mind, making her giggle out loud.
Get your sexy ass out here before the food goes cold.
Seconds later, Julia stepped through the door and sucked the breath from his lungs. “Damn, girl! I can’t take you out in public looking that hot. I’ll be beating men off you all day.”
“I guess you better eat a good breakfast then because you’re going to need the energy.”
Thomas grabbed her around the waist and hauled her onto his lap when she tried to slide past him to the other chair. Brushing his lips over the pounding pulse in her neck, he growled, “Maybe I need to hold you hostage in the cottage for the rest of the day?”
Julia tilted her head to give him better access. “Mmm, tempting.”
Thomas lifted his head and kissed her silly. “I better let you eat before the eggs get cold. Cold scrambled eggs are nasty.”
With breakfast finished, they relaxed near the fountain, sipping coffee. Julia tilted her head this way and that as she studied the interesting stone face spouting a stream of water from its mouth. Heavy foliage obscured part of the face, making it hard to tell what it was. The fountain was very calming with water spilling into a small basin before draining somewhere she couldn’t see.
“I think it’s supposed to be a forest sprite.”
“Excuse me?”
“A forest sprite. They are little fairies, brilliantly colored, and about the size of a large insect. They have glistening wings and are often confused with exotic insects or flowers unless you look closely and know what you’re looking for. I have quite a few near my house.”
Thomas listened to her, shocked and yet not surprised to learn of yet another supernatural being. “You’ll have to show me sometime.”
“Oh, sure,” she said like it wasn’t unusual to discuss the existence of fairies. “They usually come around in the evening right before dusk.”
She set her empty coffee cup down and reached for the carafe. Dang, it was empty.
“Want some more? We can stop at Café Beignet on Royal?”
“That sounds great!”
It was a short five-minute walk from their cottage to Café Beignet. The coffee shop was one of his favorites, sitting alongside the Police station and practically across the street from the condo the Le Beau’s owned. No one lived in it at the moment. It was more of a getaway for the family when they needed it. That, and when one of the Le Beaus came home who didn’t have a house built yet, sometimes they stayed in the condo instead of at the main house with Mom and Dad. Regardless, no one outside the main family knew about the condo, and they wanted to keep it that way. Otherwise, he would have used it this weekend.
Lady luck was on his side. There was one open table on the patio. He loved to sit under the shade trees on the patio and people watch. He never knew what was going to walk, roll, or stumble by, but it was a kick watching it happen.
“We didn’t find a gift for Mom yesterday, and we still need a ton of furniture for our house. Want to shop for a couple hours? We don’t need to be at the landing until about two.”
Dang it. He hoped she hadn’t caught the slip about them needing furniture for ‘their’ house.
“Sure, when I’m finished, we can get a refill for the road.”
Whew, that was close.
Several hours later, he had a new dining room set on its way to their house, and a stunning antique patio set for his mother. Shopping had never been so fun, and Julia made all the difference.
“Okay, big guy. Want to tell me what happens at two o’clock?”
“I got us tickets on the Steamboat Natchez for the afternoon Jazz cruise. I hope that’s okay with you?”
Julia made a high-pitched squee and jumped up and down like a five-year-old. “I’ve always wanted to do that!”
Thomas laughed at her antics. “Good, I’m glad you’re excited. The cruise is from two-thirty to four-thirty, and then I have plans for you at the cottage.”
Julia watched his eyes dilate with passion at the mention of the cottage and his plans. I wonder what he’s up to?
They found a comfortable spot along the railing where they could see everything and hear the guide pointing out landmarks and telling fascinating stories of long ago.
The past two hours with Julia in his arms along the railing had been heaven. Thomas removed his arms from around her and took her hand so they could exit the riverboat. He thought he knew a lot about New Orleans, but the rich history he learned during the cruise made him itch to do a little more research into the cities past. But for now, he had a big night ahead of him, and Julia was going to have his undivided attention.
Chapter Thirteen
Thomas closed the door of their cottage and pulled the love of his life into his arms. Breathing in a lung full of her fresh wintery scent, he moaned as his groin tightened. Julia slid her palms up his chest and around his neck, pulling him in for a heart-stopping kiss.
He pressed his forehead to hers. “I need you so badly, but I have very important plans for you. As much as I want to strip that sexy dress off your incredible body, getting you naked will have to wait a little longer.”
Her eyes twinkled with curiosity. “What exactly do you have planned?”
“That’s a surprise. If you need to freshen up before dinner, I can wait a few more minutes.”
Julia frowned at him playfully before she went to freshen up. Goddess only knew what he had up his sleeve this time.
A few minutes later, she joined him in the living room ready for yet another surprise. The more time she spent with Tommy, the more he amazed her with his thoughtfulness.
“Ready?” he asked with a knowing grin tugging his lips.
“As ready as I can be. Am I dressed okay?”
“Perfectly.” He winked as he took her hand and led her to the end of the private patio only to stop in front of the fountain.
Julia cleared her throat. “Um…what are you doing?”
He answered with a smile as he pulled an
extremely old key from his pocket. Using his left hand, he swept some of the vines aside to show a hidden keyhole. A half turn of the key caused the fountain to swing slowly open presenting them with a sweeping staircase.
Julia gasped and gripped his arm tightly. The arc of the stairs hid their final destination from her view, and the excitement of discovering what was up there had her heart pounding.
“Cover your eyes and I will lead you up the stairs. I don’t want you to see it until we reach the top.”
Julia chewed her lower lip and covered her eyes. She felt Tommy take her arm and gently show her the first stair before leading her slowly and carefully up the ancient stone steps.
“Okay, you can look now.” Thomas held his breath waiting for her reaction.
“Oh, my. This is amazing!”
She stood before a secret garden, hidden in the middle of the city. A beautiful table was set with a linen cloth and candles. Rose petals and tiny candles floated on the surface of an identical fountain to the one they had passed through to get here. The China was gorgeous. As she walked to take a closer look, she recognized it as a set she had admired in one of the shops yesterday. Movement off to the side caught her eye as a woman stepped into view holding a violin and began to play softly.
“When did you do all this?” she breathed in awe.
“The butler here comes in very handy. I described what I wanted, and he arranged everything, down to the meal that will be served.”
Julia turned to him and pulled his lips to hers for an emotional kiss. “Oh, Tommy, thank you.”
“I would move heaven and earth for you, Julia,” he said softly, caressing her cheek. “There is nothing I wouldn’t do for you.”
Julia turned her cheek fully into his palm, closed her eyes, and committed this moment to memory. When she opened them, a twinkle in one of the garden’s trees caught her eye. A second later, another twinkle flickered a few inches from the first.