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Destiny Lost: A Military Science Fiction Space Opera Epic: Aeon 14 (The Orion War)

Page 14

by M. D. Cooper


  STELLAR DATE: 07.16.8927 (Adjusted Years)

  LOCATION: The Mark’s Dark Layer Station

  REGION: Unclaimed Interstellar Space, Core-Ward of Silstrand

  Sera woke to the sounds of a med tech entering the room. While she hadn’t allowed herself to fall into a very deep sleep, she did feel better. The tech busied himself at a counter across the room, organizing something out of Sera’s view. Eventually, he turned and Sera saw a large needle in his hand.

  “What do you intend to do with that?” she asked.

  Helen sounded worried.

  The tech jumped at the sound of her voice. “Um…I was going to give you this.”

  “I don’t think so. I’ve had enough stuff stuck in me; I can do with one less needle, thanks.”

  The med-tech had a furtive look on his face as he glanced around. “It’s for the pain, it’ll make it better.”

  So that was it. Someone with a conscience couldn’t sleep at night while Rebecca did her thing. So rather than really helping her, he planned to ease his personal concern a bit.

  Helen said.

  Sera replied sourly.

  “Thanks but no thanks. If you really wanted to help, you’d get me out of here.”

  “I would, but it’s impossible. There’s no way out of this place.”

  “Well, thanks for the un-help, but like I said, I’m all done being stuck with things.”

  “But it will make you feel better.” His face crinkled in confusion. “She won’t notice if you make sure to scream.”

  “I don’t know if this is her plan or your independent idea, but that shot will cloud my mind and I may just give in to her. She’s not torturing me just for fun, you know,” Sera paused. “Though, I wouldn’t put it past her to do that.”

  The man looked undecided and Sera gave him the sternest look she could muster. “Go away. I don’t want your pseudo help and if you don’t have the guts to do something constructive then I don’t have time for you.”

  The med-tech seemed somewhat disturbed that he was being given orders by a woman strapped to a table—or at least a woman who appeared to be strapped to a table.

  “Just go before she gets here,” Sera sighed.

  Without a word, the man returned to the counter where he had prepared the syringe. He emptied its contents, threw it in the disposal, and walked to the door. Before exiting, he gave Sera a long look and then slipped out.

  Helen said.



  Rebecca came in less than a minute later, and Sera was surprised her torturer hadn’t spotted the med-tech.

  “Good morning, sunshine,” Rebecca said with a smile. “I trust you slept uncomfortably?”

  Sera didn’t respond and just glared, willing Rebecca to step closer while she went on in standard torturer speak about how pleasant mutilating Sera would be. She wore her hazsuit but hadn’t put on the mask yet.

  Just a little closer.

  Sera got her wish as Rebecca stepped right beside the table to admire her handiwork. She had just started a smart remark about how Sera’s legs looked good covered in crusted, puss-filled holes when her words stopped with a strangled gasp.

  Sera gripped Rebecca’s throat with all her strength, and the other woman grasped at her arm, nails clawing at Sera’s skin. She sat up and added her other hand, desperate not to be dislodged.

  Rebecca appeared to gain a measure of control and her eyes narrowed a moment before she swung a fist into the side of Sera’s head. She let out a grunt, but wasn’t going to let this bitch get the better of her. Instead, she slammed the heel of her hand straight into Rebecca’s face.

  In hindsight, Sera considered that the move was perhaps a mistake. Blood poured from Rebecca’s nose and her grip on the woman’s neck slipped as the hot fluid ran over her hands. Sera dug her fingernails deep into the Rebecca’s skin to maintain her hold.

  Rebecca hit Sera twice more, and then began to try to push herself away from the table, to which Sera’s legs were still strapped. Sera had enough; she shifted to the side, put her left hand on the back of Rebecca’s head and slammed it down into the corner of the table. Her torturer fell to the ground unconscious.

  Sera said to her AI.



  Sera loosened the straps holding her thighs and ankles. She slid off the slab and hefted Rebecca’s limp form onto the table. Blood gushed from the cut across her forehead and Sera ignored it. She quickly stripped off Rebecca’s hazsuit and strapped her former captor in her place. The right wrist strap was useless, so Sera tied Rebecca’s hands behind her back and then strapped her chest down tight to prevent any wriggle room.

  With luck, no one paid too much attention to surveillance on this room while Rebecca was at work. Kade had been an ass, but she was certain that most of the people in his organization weren’t psychopaths like Rebecca. Just because a person was a pirate didn’t mean they were inhuman.

  Once Rebecca was secure, Sera slapped her former captor several times until the other woman started making noises that somewhat resembled a return to consciousness.

  “Wakey wakey.”

  Rebecca snapped awake at that and struggled mightily, desperate to free herself.

  “What the hell!” she yelled.

  “Stop!” Sera ordered. “One peep above a whisper and this nice big needle I am pricking into the underside of your jaw will make a quick visit to your brain. Follow?”

  Rebecca whispered yes, almost meekly, but her eyes held pure hatred.

  “I was going to use you as a hostage to get myself out of here, but it occurred to me that you may not be that well liked, and your people may happily shoot us both. I also doubt you’ll believe me when I say that if you let me go I’ll let you live because…well, I wouldn’t,” Sera smiled with no small dose of malice. “So, to keep up with appearances, I’m going to work you over a bit so that you aren’t immediately recognizable, finish you off, and then I think I’ll strike off on my own.”

  Helen said.


  Rebecca’s face clouded and she appeared to be preparing an unpleasant response, but then thought better. She cringed as Sera held up the needle that had been under her chin and said, “You can make noise now.” Right before she drove it through Rebecca’s thigh.

  Rebecca appeared to be one of those torturers who enjoyed giving pain but not receiving it. There were some that liked it both ways, but from the pitiful shrieking that ensued, such was not the case here. Sera had planted a few good-sized spikes in various places on Rebecca’s body, and was about to drive the final one into her heart, when she found her hand unwilling to complete the downward arc.

  There had been a time in Sera’s life when taking another human life, in the heat of battle, or with calm precision hadn’t been a problem. But she was supposed to have moved on from that. Sabrina was supposed to be her haven, her place of redemption. A dark thought passed through her mind: she wasn’t on Sabrina; no one had to know what happened next.

  It took Sera several minutes to make up her mind, and Rebecca watched that wavering spike with a singular focus. When it finally dropped, she let out a hoarse laugh.

  “I knew you didn’t have it in you.”

  “Apparently not anymore,” Sera nodded. “Something we both should be grateful for.”

  of you,> Helen said softly.

  “When I get out of here…” Rebecca began the standard threat.

  “Oh stuff it.” Sera smashed a fist into the other woman’s face; then followed it with a few more blows. Rebecca was knocked unconscious again from the fury of Sera’s strikes. She then spent several minutes making superficial cuts on Rebecca’s body to match those she bore.

  Sera said while reviewing her work.


  Sera slipped into the hazsuit and sealed its hood shut before she exited the med-lab. The suit was covered in blood—which enhanced the disguise. When Rebecca had left yesterday’s session, she had been covered with blood, too.

  The hall was short but well lit. There were a few other doors along it and all bore markings that indicated they were also med bays. The hall ended in a T, and Sera strode toward the intersection with calm purpose, though she had no idea where she was going. She turned the corner and almost ran into the technician who tried to give her the shot earlier. He was muttering something about not letting that bitch torture people and finally doing something about it.

  The look on his face when he saw whom he had nearly collided with was one of pure horror. It looked like the disguise was working.

  She pushed on his shoulder to turn him around.

  “My quarters, now.”

  He didn’t question her and led her through the halls to Rebecca’s rooms.

  Sera was quite proud of how this escape was going so far. She’d definitely been through worse. The most difficult part was walking without limping. Her body was sending her strong reminders that someone in her condition really shouldn’t be walking around.

  Sera asked.

  Helen replied with a motherly tone.

  As the terrified med tech led her through the halls, Sera’s initial impression that she was on a space station was reinforced. It had all the hallmarks; exposed conduit for easy access and repair, sealable bulkheads, and no external windows. Well that was somewhat unusual, but not if they were in the bowels of a station.

  Her disguise as a bloody Rebecca was working just fine. Everyone stayed out of her way as if she had the plague. Considering the reasons Rebecca wore the hazsuit while interrogating, she supposed plague may be just what people feared. Eventually, her guide led her into a much nicer-looking part of the station, with wider, carpeted corridors.

  Sera shook her head.

  Helen responded with a chuckle.

  The med-tech stopped in front of a door and looked over at her. Sera wondered if there was a security pass code on the door. Hopefully, even if there was, medics had override codes to get in if needed. She nodded for him to open it, and, shaking, he punched in a code and the door slid aside. She gestured for him to go in first.

  The quarters were what she expected—luxurious in the extreme. Rebecca lived very nicely on the spoils of the business. Fabrics draped the walls, exotic woods and rare metals covered every surface. The bed was heaped with furs, and Sera was tempted to toss them on the floor, just to irk Rebecca.

  Helen commented.

  Sera turned to her reluctant escort and pulled the hazsuit’s helmet off.

  “She’s gotta have some weapons in here, help me find them.”

  The man fell back, his expression aghast. “You!”

  “Yes, I’m here. She’s strapped to a table in med.”

  “You got free!”

  “You’re quite observant. I’m very good at getting free. It’s a survival trait.”

  “Did you kill her?”

  Sera couldn’t help but think that he certainly was morbid for a med-tech. “No, I don’t do cold-blooded killing. But she’s going to need some reconstructive surgery.”

  He nodded. “Oh.”

  “By the way,” she extended her hand, “I’m Sera. You’re?”

  “Andy.” He took a tentative step forward, shook her hand, and then pulled back. Sera didn’t fault him; she was still covered in blood.

  “So, you look for guns, I need to find something to wear. I can’t stand her, but she has excellent taste in clothing.”

  While Andy rummaged around, Sera pulled open Rebecca’s wardrobe, praying that there would be something in a nice, soft lambskin.

  Sera was impressed. The wardrobe was probably larger than her cabin on Sabrina, and it contained hundreds of outfits hanging in several long rows. Nearly every style and fabric combination this side of Sol was represented.

  As she walked through the rows of clothing, her eye was drawn to a section filled with black, shiny outfits. She recognized it as the same type of material Rebecca had worn on Sabrina.

  Sera felt the fabric. It was rubbery, but slick and not tacky. It stretched nicely, and gleamed under the lights. She pulled one of the items off the rack and held it up to herself. It was a full suit that even had attached socks and gloves—covering its wearer from toe to neck.




  “What the heck,” Sera said aloud. “Kinky pirate mistress will probably help me blend in.”

  She grabbed a belt and a pair of boots before heading into the suite’s bathroom. There, she peeled off the hazsuit, grimacing with pain as fresh scabs tore open.

  “Crap, you were right, Helen. I look like shit.”


  Sera didn’t disagree. She stepped into the shower and let the water sluice away the blood and anger. Five minutes later, she stepped out, feeling ready to face the reason she had been trying to get onto this station for so long.

  She dried off using fluffy cotton towels and then flipped the slinky suit over, looking for a zipper or fastening.

  Helen supplied.

  “Huh, I guess it is pretty stretchy,” Sera said as she stepped into the suit. She pulled it up her body and pulled her arms inside, slipping them into the sleeves.

  “Damn, this feels goooood,” she said as the slick suit sensed a warm body and tightened around her, pushing out any stray pockets of air and outlining her body perfectly.

  Sera turned in the mirror, admiring her gleaming black figure.

  “Looks pretty damn good too,” she said with a smile.

  Helen said with a wry smile in Sera’s mind.

  “What can I say, a girl’s gotta—” Her words cut off as excruciating pain lanced across her skin. She screamed in agony as the feeling intensified, as though her skin were on fire underneath the suit.

  She clawed at it, attempting to tear it off, but it had tightened around her to the point where she couldn’t get a grip on it, nor pull it from her neck.

  “Helen…help…” she managed to gasp before falling unconscious to the bathroom floor.

  She woke several minutes later to find Andy hovering over her, concern filling his eyes.

  Helen said.

  Helen’s words didn’t make any sense.



  I managed to stop it.>

  Sera didn’t feel much worse than before—almost better. She wondered how it had tried to kill her.



  “WHAT?” Sera yelled and reached down, feeling her body. From what she could tell, nothing had changed; the suit still covered her, gleaming in the room’s bright lights.

  “Are you OK?” Andy asked. “You screamed and passed out, but moments later seemed fine. I linked with your internal system and it showed you had an allergic reaction to the material.”

  Sera ignored Andy’s question.


  Sera had heard of clothing like that, though never had the desire to own any.


  Sera ran a hand down her leg and gasped. It was extremely sensitive, it also felt incredibly good. So that’s why Rebecca had clothing made out of this material.

  “I think I’m OK now,” she said to Andy and stood.


  Sera replied.

  “Are you sure, you’re OK,” Andy asked. “That was a pretty strong reaction.”

  “My med package handled it, I actually feel pretty good now,” Sera smiled. She did feel pretty good, but in a lot of pain at the same time, it was strange and rather distracting. Just when the escape was going so well.

  Helen said.

  Sera struggled to her feet and Andy took her arm and guided her to Rebecca’s bed. The feeling of his hand on her arm almost drove her mad, but she didn’t pull away, she didn’t want to. He brought her the boots and she pulled them on, they were a bit too big, but snugged up once she zipped them closed.


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