Wanted - Dead or Alive: A Bad Boy Outlaw Romance
Page 3
"What's going on?" I ask, my voice shaky with insecurity. I lean back against him, wondering what it is we’re hiding from. "Why did you drag me in here?"
"I needed to hide," Dexter replies sharply. He motions towards the two laughing policemen who are just now heading inside the bar. "I didn't want those two to see me."
"Why not?" I ask as my heart pounds. I'm not too sure I want to know the answer, but now it's too late. The words are already out in the open.
"You really don't know who I am, do you?" he asks me incredulously, and I give him a wide-eyed look as a reply. It's the first time we've met, isn't it? How am I supposed to know who he is?
"You're...Dexter," I say simply. He stares at me, stunned, like a wounded animal ready to strike back. There's vulnerability in his eyes, like I've just hurt him on some deep emotional level.
Should I know who this guy is? Oh God, is he famous? I’ve never kept up with popular culture, so there’s no way I would know, even if he was.
"I haven't been Dexter in a while," he says, averting his gaze and looking down at the dirty ground beneath us. It's littered with trash and the wind is blowing leaves everywhere. It’s not really the ideal place for having a heart-to-heart. "And you don’t really have somewhere to go, do you?”
His question takes me by surprise, and it becomes my turn to look away. I'm blushing, embarrassed that I’ve been caught out; I can feel the redness creeping in my cheeks.
"Yeah, I don't really have a place to go," I admit. "My car...I ran out of gas, so I won't be able to go anywhere tonight anyway. I guess I’ll just sleep in there.”
"I see," he says.
I love that he doesn't question why I can't go further. He just accepts my answer and is now pondering where we’re going to go from here. "I'll help you, if you want. You’re more than welcome to come and stay with me. But first I have to tell you who I am."
"Okay," I whisper, giving him what I think is my most trusting look. For some reason, even though I've just met Dexter, he doesn't seem like he'd hurt me. He’s huge, ripped and has lines of ink peeking out from his sleeves, but I don't think he wants to cause me any harm. He seems too proud to be the woman-beating type. And I imagine he only beds girls that actually want him.
Just like I do. I want him so badly that it actually hurts.
Not that I’d ever say that out loud.
"Promise not to run?" he asks, and his eyes look vulnerable once again. "Promise you won't run away from me once I tell you?"
At a complete loss for words, I barely manage to nod at him. Dexter looks deep into my eyes, trying to look into my soul, trying to see if I’m telling the truth or not. We're still crouched in this alley, the harsh wind making me chilled to my bones despite the hoodie he kindly gave me earlier. I just want to get out of here, so I hope he'll get it out quickly and we can go somewhere warmer.
"I'm an outlaw," he says, his voice raw with anger and something more sinister. "I'm wanted for murder."
I stare at him blankly as the words spill out of his mouth, not quite comprehending what he's telling me. "What do you mean?" I ask, my voice shaky.
Murder? Did he just say murder?
"Don't you watch the news?" Dexter gets up from the ground, looking frustrated. "I'm on every damn channel. Dexter Hart. A fucking murderer."
I stare at him for a while longer, and slowly, snippets of the news I'd heard over the past few days on the radio come trickling back.
I haven’t watched television for a very long time, so I’ve never seen his photo, but now that he’s said it, his name is familiar. Dexter Hart. A criminal on the run, I must’ve seen it sometime yesterday. He’s wanted for murder. The police issued a statement saying that he’s killed before and will do it again. This guy has caused a statewide manhunt, and there’s even a financial reward for finding him.
A reward that could be mine with a simple scream for help.
Dex and I stare at one another, each of us thinking about our options.
And then I make my decision.
I open my mouth to scream as loud as I can.
But no sound comes out, because Dexter grabs me and pulls me back, his mouth firmly latching onto mine, devouring me in a forbidden kiss.
Oh, god…
I kiss Willa because I don’t know what else to do. Plus, I've wanted to kiss her since the moment I laid eyes on her back in the bar.
She tastes better than I ever could have imagined; sweeter, sexier and deeper. Like chocolate-covered strawberries. Fuck, she feels so good against me.
She resists my kiss at first, her mouth firmly shut as I glue my lips against hers. She struggles against me with her arms, trying to push me away, but only feebly—like she doesn’t fully mean it. I take hold of her hands and pull her closer, feeling her mouth opening in a low moan. I take the opportunity to deepen our kiss, claiming her mouth with my tongue. Slowly, Willa melts into my embrace and her body goes slack, like she can't hold herself up any longer.
After a few seconds, her hands find their way around my neck, twining into my messy hair. I hold her waist and pull her in as close as she can possibly get. The kiss is still hesitant, like we're both trying to gauge the other's reaction. Then, she slips her little tongue inside my mouth and moans against me again, making me groan. My hands form fists at her sides as she finally kisses me back.
Oh, fuck…
She’s hard, raw, biting down on my bottom lip and sucking it inside her mouth. Her kiss is angry, like she's mad that I made her do this. But that only makes it all that much sweeter.
I pull on her hair, making her tip her head back, and my lips begin an assault on her neck, nibbling on her delicate skin. Fuck, she tastes good. I'm struggling to stop myself from ripping her clothes off right here in this fucking alley. She’s too good to be screwed here.
Way too fucking good.
Just eighteen, I have to remind myself with every taste, every kiss, every soft bite. Fucking eighteen, seven years younger than me. And I'm ruining this innocent girl by claiming her as mine.
She's moaning in ecstasy now, her head lolling from side to side as I claim her body. My hands are scratching at her top, my mind convincing me to rip off every shred of clothing she has on. Just as I'm really getting into it, we hear a car pulling away from the parking lot, and the spell is broken.
Willa looks up and my eyes follow hers. We lock gazes, her eyes wild and burning with passion. And then she slips away, moving out of my reach and clearing her throat. A deep blush spreads over her cheeks as she realizes what we've just done. I feel the loss of her body against mine, the warmth where she was nestled only seconds ago slowly fading away until there's only my stone-cold heart.
"Sorry," she mumbles, and I give her an amused look. What the hell is she apologizing for? She’s such a sweet girl.
My eyes float towards the parking lot as Willa readjusts her top, and I see the police car pulling away. Guess they didn't get any information; otherwise they would've stayed a while longer. Luckily no one in there paid me any attention—apart from the perfect angel standing in front of me. In my mind, I curse my friend Kaiden, who gave me the go-ahead to stay at this motel. Looks like it’s not so safe after all.
It’s then that I suddenly remember what Willa did right before I kissed her, the memory crashing back like a clap of thunder. She tried to scream, tried to rat me out. My eyes darken, a red mist descending on my vision. I make her look at me, grabbing her by the waist and pulling her closer. She thrashes wildly in my arms, her eyes wide and alarmed like a doe in danger. "Why'd you try to rat me out?"
"You're a criminal," she hisses at me. "You killed someone!"
"I didn't kill him," I growl. "I fucked him up, I beat him, but I didn't fucking kill him. I’m fucking innocent.”
"Well, isn't that a consolation," Willa spits out, angrily ripping herself out of my embrace. Her eyes are practically shooting daggers at me as she smoothes down her top. "And you
have no right to kiss me like that!"
"I'll do as I damn well please." My eyes blaze with fire as we stare at each other in this raging standoff. "I take what I want, sweet Willa. Maybe you're what I want today."
"I don't belong to anyone," she says, enunciating every word. "Least of all you."
"That's up to me."
There's a shit-eating grin on my face as I say it, and she looks bewildered by this information. I don't want to deal with this anymore, though. We have a different problem on our hands. She knows who I am, and I don't doubt she'll run to the nearest authority the moment I let her go.
"You're coming with me," I say. She starts to speak up, fight me on my decision one more time, but I'm not having any of it. "You don't even have a place to stay. I've rented a room; you can sleep in my bed. I need you in my sights."
"No! I’m not sleeping anywhere with you."
She looks so horrified it actually makes me laugh.
"I'll sleep on the floor, if you ask me nicely." I step closer to her, tipping her chin back so she's forced to look at me. "But I bet you don't want that, do you, baby doll? You want me where you can feel me."
She starts blushing again. She's so fucking innocent that it scares me. I remember the things I did when I was her age, and blushing was definitely not one of them.
"Fine," she says. The anger is all-too distinct in her voice. "Let's go to your room. But if you make one wrong move, I'll scream my head off. I don't trust you one bit."
"Yet you're willing to spend the night with me, a wanted murderer," I say, chuckling in her face.
She doesn't know how to reply, and I don't give her a chance. Instead, I just grab her arm and pull her towards the direction of my room. We don't have time for silly fights. I need to get us both somewhere safe and locked away.
Willa looks like a sullen teenager as we walk towards the building. I don't question her bad mood, knowing I've made her feel this way. Instead, I purse my lips and pull her along until we're at the door, the cheap neon sign of the motel flashing above us.
Willa tiptoes into my room like a scared animal, checking the corners to make sure it's safe. She's shivering, and I hate seeing her in this way. I wander over towards her and rub her back in a sweet gesture that’s almost alien to me.
She finally cracks a half-smile at me, the tension flooding away from her shoulders. Then she walks over to the bed and sits down, the mattress creaking below her. She kicks off her boots, exposing her dainty little feet in a pair of pink socks. She has the body of a woman, yet some things, like the stuff she wears, really reveal how young she is.
Only eighteen.
"Why are you letting me stay here?" she asks. I finally look down into her eyes, seeing her doubt my real intentions.
"You're a smart girl, figure it out," I growl in her direction, running a hand through my messy hair again. I’m contradicting myself with what I say and the way that I act, but I can’t get it together to sort myself out.
Willa remains quiet, not offering an answer. So I face her again, my eyes blazing with anger. "I know you're going to rat me out the moment I look away, but I know you need a favor, too. You can't just spend the night in your car, you'll freeze to death."
"What makes you think I won't go to the police as soon as you let me go, whenever that is?" Her voice is challenging, her eyes boring into mine. "Got a solution for that?"
"Yeah," I say, walking up to her until she shrinks away from my presence, threatened by my imposing stance. "I just won't let you go."
"I'm not your property!" She sounds shocked. Poor little thing, actually believing she could get away from me if she wanted to. So naïve. So young. She has so much to learn about the big, bad world.
"Not yet," I say with a smirk.
She looks mildly horrified at my words. I turn around to leave, but Willa grabs my sleeve and pulls me closer before I can move away.
"Maybe we can set up a trade," she says, smiling widely at me all of a sudden.
I give her a questioning look, urging her to go on, and she clears her throat and casts her eyes down, obviously embarrassed about her situation. "I'm in a bit of a bind, and I could use a helping hand. In return, I promise not to call the cops. And I won't ask any questions about...the murder. Deal?"
Her eyes are hopeful, wide and sparkling. I hate disappointing her almost as much as I love teasing her. I chuckle, shaking my head.
"What's so funny?" Willa said, sounding offended.
"You," I say. "You think I'm actually going to trade with you?"
"Why wouldn't you?" She actually looks proud of her blackmailing. Adorable. "Either you help me, or I go to the cops."
I step closer again, dominating her with my body until she's shadowed by my overbearing presence. "What makes you think," I start, sliding a finger down her pretty face and coming to rest on that pouty mouth. "I take orders from anyone?"
She gulps, but I'm not done just yet.
"I don't trade, baby doll. I just take whatever the fuck I want."
"But nothing." I grin at her and cut her off, a predatory gleam in my eyes. "And what makes you think you're leaving me, ever? Don't you know I'm a wanted criminal? I'll do whatever I want with you, sweet little Willa. And I have plenty of things in mind…"
I gulp as the threatening words leave Dexter’s mouth. He’s walking, talking, breathing danger, and I should know better than to be turned on by him. Yet I can’t help the growing ache between my legs, the raw need to feel his lips against mine one more time.
Clearing my throat, I turn away and start unpacking my backpack, just to get my mind off what he said. Luckily, I’d had enough time to grab it from my car before we got stuck in the alleyway.
I pull out a spare shirt, toothpaste and a toothbrush, desperate to freshen up.
“Mind if I use the bathroom?” I ask shyly, and Dexter nods in the direction of the room. I get up quickly, trying to ignore the heavy thumping of my heart.
Locking the door behind me, I lean against the cold tiles of the bathroom wall. It’s a good timeout, at least. Maybe it will clear my head a little bit, make me see things more clearly.
What the hell am I doing?
I look at my reflection in the mirror, revealing the sad truth. I look horrible. My hair is hanging in limp strands, my eyes are cold, lifeless and tired, and my body is sagging with the stress and exhaustion. I need a quick shower, I decide on a whim, stripping my clothes off until I’m completely naked and feeling more vulnerable than ever.
Knowing that Dexter is only a door away makes me anxious, but it also makes me horny as hell. I should control my feelings better, otherwise this won’t end well for me. I cannot allow myself to act on these feelings—that would just be yet another stupid decision in the seemingly endless line of them that I’ve been making lately.
I slip inside the shower, finding a new bar of soap, and I unwrap it, grateful for the small mercy. The shower is weak, but at least the water is warm as I rinse my hair and body. It feels so damn good to wash myself after all that I’ve been through. It refreshes me, starts to make me feel a little more like myself again.
Once I’m done, I wrap myself in a ragged towel. I leave my hair hanging on my shoulders and spilling down my back, dripping wet. I can’t find a bathrobe, and my clothes are all dirty. Even the shirt that I’d thought was spare was stale smelling, so I’d thrown them all in the sink to soak, without even thinking. I hadn’t considered the fact that I was going to end up with nothing to wear.
“Shit,” I mutter.
I bite my lip, unsure of what to do. I don’t want to go out there in just a towel, but I don’t really have much of a choice, and to be perfectly honest, the prospect of being almost naked in front of Dexter excites me.
Stop it, Willa!
Shyly, I emerge from the bathroom. Dexter is lying on the bed, flicking through the channels on the small TV and cursing under his breath about the
static. My eyes go to his chest right away. He’s stripped off his T-shirt, and his upper body is now in full view. He has a toned chest and abs so ripped they could cut rock. I realize that I’m just standing there staring, but it’s okay, because so is Dexter.
I can feel his eyes burning my skin as he searches my body. I’ve never been more thankful for a ragged towel; even though it’s threadbare, it’s enormous and covers most of me up. I don’t know how I’d cope if I really was nude right now.
I let my wet hair fall in front of my face to hide my blush as I head towards him. “Do you have a shirt I could borrow? I’ve put all my stuff in the sink to wash.”
It feels embarrassing to ask, but I don’t want to be in this towel all night.
Dexter springs up from the bed, his eyes never leaving my body. He rummages in the closet a second later and hands me a huge T-shirt, one that will probably hang down to my knees. Perfect.
We face each other, and I can feel my heart beating faster than ever. “Do you mind?” I ask, my voice shaky as his eyes search mine.
“Do I mind what?” he asks. He’s playing dumb, and we both know it.
“I’ll go change in the bathroom,” I mumble, but he grabs my wrist before I can leave. His touch is scorching hot on my skin, and a bolt of electricity slams through my system, heading straight between my legs.
“You can change here,” he growls. “I’ll look away...promise.”
His grin is devilish, but he does indeed turn around. He’s only inches away and I feel odd changing so close to him. At the same time, there’s a taste of danger in what I’m doing. If Nicolette knew what was happening, she would slap me silly.
‘Keep away from boys that seem dangerous,’ she always used to tell me. It’s a shame that she didn’t take her own advice.
I let my towel drop to the floor and hurriedly pull on the T-shirt he gave me. I was right—it’s way too big for me, reaching my mid-thigh, a little like a dress. I try to ignore the fact I’m not wearing panties or a bra, pulling my hair to my front so it covers my hard nipples. They’ve been pebbled and ready since the moment I started speaking to Dexter, and I don’t want him to know that.