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The Highlander's Runaway Bride

Page 20


  None of that mattered or helped at all, because her father held the one thing that would force her to capitulate to whatever he wanted or demanded. Unless she revealed the truth to the husband she loved, and mayhap even if she did, he could not do a thing on her behalf or her daughter’s.

  Finally, she sat at Rob’s side at the table, and her father was far enough away from them that she did not hear his every word. She tried to enjoy the meal and listen to the musicians that played as the rest ate, but knowing he was there and knowing there would be a demand placed on her soon made her tense and made the wonderfully prepared food taste like dirt in her mouth.

  The meal was done when it happened.

  ‘I would like to speak to my daughter, Laird Mackintosh,’ she heard her father say. ‘With your permission, of course.’

  The deference was all for show and meant nothing. Her father stood and Brodie did as well, so now she could see them—as could everyone else. By asking Brodie, he removed any chance that Rob could object.

  ‘If you would send her to my chambers?’ Her father nodded and began to leave the hall.

  ‘Only if she consents, Laird MacKay.’ Brodie’s words startled no one who knew him but shocked her father, who turned and shook his head in disbelief.

  ‘She has no choice in the matter, Laird Mackintosh,’ he said, sputtering in anger at the challenge. ‘Surely, her laird makes those decisions for her, if not her husband?’

  This was going to escalate into something terrible; Eva could feel it. She knew her father—standing up to him, questioning his authority, was the worst thing to do. She stood quickly, nearly knocking over her chair.

  ‘Laird Mackintosh, I will attend to my father’s summons,’ she said, surprised her voice did not tremble or hitch. ‘I would welcome a chance to become reacquainted after so much time apart and so many changes in our lives.’

  She felt Rob’s gaze burning into her, and she knew he wanted to object. Eva knew Brodie wanted to as well, but it would go better in all aspects if she made it appear as though she willingly answered his call. Rob took her hand and tugged her closer as the two lairds considered this battle of wills between them.

  ‘I will come with you,’ he said, entwining their fingers.

  ‘Nay,’ she whispered. ‘’Twill all be well, Rob.’

  Brodie finally nodded his consent, and Eva walked out after her father, following him to the chamber in the far tower that had been assigned him. Though it should have surprised her, finding Sigrid there and already in the bed waiting for her father did not.

  ‘Get out,’ her father ordered.

  Without hesitation and without a stitch of clothing on, Sigrid slid quickly from the bed and walked past Eva without a glance. She would be seen naked if Ramsey MacKay ordered it so. Well, Eva did not wish to embarrass any of the servants who might find the woman, so, before she could shut the door, Eva grabbed a blanket and tossed it at the woman, who had no shame.

  Closing the door, Eva turned as her father filled a cup with the costly wine provided to him by Brodie and then took a seat on the only chair in the chamber. He offered her neither courtesy as he drank the wine. He held out the half-empty cup, expecting her to serve him.

  And so she did, waiting for the true reason for this call to become clear.

  ‘So, you have certainly thrived here with these people.’

  ‘I am well, Father.’

  ‘Better than well, I would say from what I have heard. You managed to ingratiate yourself with the laird and his wife. You must be spreading your legs for your husband, for he practically swives you with his eyes every time he looks at you.’ He drank more of the wine. ‘At least you have used your natural talents as a whore to smooth your way here.’ She gasped at his crude language.

  ‘I am no wh—’ She’d barely begun to deny his words when he lunged from his chair and made a fist. He stopped just before hitting her.

  ‘You forget, I have the proof of that. Tucked away, safe and sound as long as you do as I tell you.’

  ‘I did as you ordered. I married the Mackintosh’s man,’ she whispered. ‘I left your lands and your keep.’ She twisted her hands, trying to keep control, when she wanted to fall to the floor and weep, even beg, for his word that Mairead would be kept safe.

  ‘Ah, but now there is a new task for you.’ Now he approached and held out his hand to her, guiding her to sit in the chair. ‘The provisions of your marriage contract were favourable, but this new treaty does not give me enough consideration.’

  ‘I have nothing to do with Laird Mackintosh’s negotiations, Father. You must know that.’ All the weeks of comfort and security faded into the dark around her. The fear that had been her constant companion, that had kept her from accepting Rob sooner, flooded back in now.

  ‘I have been told of the Mackintosh’s words after you helped his wife deliver their child. He pledged himself in your debt, as did she. Now, all I’m asking is that you use that debt in my favour.’

  ‘I cannot.’

  She uttered the words softly, but it was the first time she’d ever refused an order or request from her father. He turned and walked across the chamber, staring at her from there.

  ‘You do not wish to protect your daughter any longer? She’s still such a wee thing, ’twould take almost nothing to do away with her.’ Eva tried not to react to his threat, searching her heart and soul for the strength to stand against him.

  ‘I think you may have done that already, Father,’ she said calmly. Though the thought of it turned her stomach, it had occurred to her more than once since her daughter’s birth and disappearance. But, her doubt would leave him without a weapon to use against her.

  ‘Do you love him, Eva?’

  The soft words, asked quietly, were like a nightmare returned to haunt her. Months and months ago, her father had asked her the same question of her, but the man involved was Eirik. Foolishly, she had admitted her love and claimed they would never be parted. In spite of Eirik’s kinship to the Earl of Orkney, her father had tossed him down a ravine, claiming an accident when questions were raised.

  She’d learned that lesson. It was why she’d not told Rob. Eva shook her head.

  ‘Nay, Father. He is just the man you forced me to marry.’

  Her father studied her face, even walking closer to see her more clearly. She tried to keep her gaze empty. She tried.

  ‘You, as your mother before you, have a tendency to fall in bed with whatever man shares your bed and brings you pleasure. Young Eirik did that. Now the Mackintosh’s man does. Does he declare his love for you, as Eirik did? Will he defend your honour to me?’

  She failed then, for he read the truth in her eyes and laughed in her face at the revelation.

  ‘It will be interesting to see what he thinks when he discovers your part in the scheme to force him to marry you.’

  ‘I played no part!’ she denied his words. ‘I ran away to avoid marrying him. If you...’

  ‘Come now, Eva,’ he urged. ‘Let us examine the facts that I will remind your husband of. First, he discovered you missing and found out the direction in which you’d run.’

  She shook her head as he began to explain it all—every word of it would damn her to Rob.

  ‘That was not difficult to arrange at all. My man fed him the information in enough time for him to track you by the signs you left in your flight of escape I arranged.’

  Eva gasped then, realising she’d been a pawn in her father’s plan all along.

  ‘He made no secret of finding you, but the miller sent word to me as soon as he had, so I could arrive and discover you together. I knew you were ill, and that helped give me time to set up the rest of it.’

  He paused and then smiled. Her stomach spasmed, and she nearly fell to her knees.

  ‘And why would he belie
ve me? I know you are asking yourself that question now.’ He lifted her chin with his finger, forcing her to meet his gaze. ‘He did not find a virgin in his bed when he finally took you, did he? And he knows it.’

  Walking away, he filled the cup once again and drank it down before speaking. She knew he would finish the matter between them with a threat and a promise—’twas his way.

  ‘All I want is to better terms from the Mackintosh. And the right of first refusal before he offers anything to the clans who arrive next. Not so much to ask.’ The terms were offered.

  Eva stared at the man who’d raised her and wondered how it had ever come to this. Like a spider weaving his web, he was terrifying and fascinating at the same time.

  ‘If you do not use your influence on my behalf, I will kill her and I will tell him of your part in the plan that deceived him and his chief and forced him to marry you.’ He laughed then, and she trembled at the sight of it. ‘Did he spill his own blood on the sheets because he already suspected your part in all of this, or did you, I wonder?’

  The threat. Clearly, word had spread faster than she had seen to the sheets that morn. She tried to breathe as she waited for the last part. It followed quickly.

  ‘If you do as I ask, the babe is safe and your husband will never learn of your perfidy. You can live your happy little life and no one will know the shame of your past.’ The promise.

  He walked past her and lifted the latch on the door, not waiting for a response from her, for he knew he would get the answer he wanted—her capitulation to his will. Again. Always.

  ‘You may go now,’ he said, nodding to her to leave. ‘There are only a few days before the others arrive, so do not delay. There will be consequences for that.’

  Eva pushed to her feet and struggled out of the room, passing Sigrid in the corridor. When the door closed, she stumbled down a few yards and then leaned against the cold stone wall to pull together the tattered bits of control that she had.

  She could not face Rob in this condition. She could not return to their chamber and defile it with more lies and deceit. She could not go to Arabella or Brodie, not yet.

  Where could she go? Where could she find peace for at least time enough to consider her choices?

  Eva made her way back to the hall and then avoided everyone by going through the kitchen and storage area. Climbing the steps that led to Brodie and Arabella’s chambers, she walked quietly past their door and down to the next one. Lifting the latch and using her fingers to muffle the sound, she eased the door open and nodded at Joanna’s nursemaid. An offer to keep watch over the little one sent the girl away for a short respite.

  She sat staring at the babe for a long time, her mind empty of all the matters and choices before her. But when the sweet one began to fuss, Eva lifted her up and placed the babe against her shoulder. Rubbing her back in the circles she’d seen Bella use to soothe her, she sat and whispered softly, singing a lullaby she’d learned while expecting her own bairn.

  It turned out that the little girl liked to be walked rather than remaining still, so Eva did that, walking to the window and back countless times while her problems spun inside her thoughts.

  She could simply do what he’d asked of her—speak on his behalf to Brodie. Though she could not guarantee Brodie’s agreement with what her father wanted, it might be enough to satisfy him...for now.

  And that was the rub here, giving in to his demand now would only assure his continued demands later. Each time she did it, he would use it against her for something more.

  The little one fussed and squirmed a bit, a sign of growing hunger that meant her time here was limited. But holding the babe soothed her somehow, and she was reluctant to give her up so soon.

  Her other choice was to go to Rob and confess it all before her father accused her. She would see the love in his gaze wither and die right before her eyes as the truth of her past was laid bare to him. She’d lied to him countless times—lies of both fact and omission. Lies that kept from him the truth that he was indeed only needed as a conduit to Brodie Mackintosh.

  And that was the one thing that would destroy his heart and soul—to think she had finally accepted him only because of his connections. The truth of it, that she loved him for all the good things he was, would never be heard once he felt the sting of her betrayal. Everything that he’d given her—his strength, his support, his trust, his love—would die in that instant.

  Her heart hurt at the thought of it, but she’d run out of choices in this. Do her father’s bidding and be woven into his web of deceit forever. Confess her sins and lose the man she loved even while she suffered the possibility of her daughter’s death.

  * * *

  By the time the nursemaid returned, Eva knew what she must do. She handed Joanna to her and walked out of the chamber before Arabella would be summoned to feed her. She’d nearly made it to the stairs when the lady whispered her name.

  ‘Eva? Are you well?’

  ‘I am, Arabella. Just tired. I seek my chambers now,’ she said, easing away a step at a time.

  ‘Eva? What did your father say?’ This was the only person to know her truth, but she knew only part of it.

  ‘May we speak of this in the morn?’ There was a long pause before an answer came, and she was saved from further scrutiny only by the cry of the bairn.

  ‘Aye. In the morning, then.’

  Eva would leave. She would disappear. This time, without her father to leave clues to be followed. No one would find her. No one would care.

  Without her to do his bidding, her father would have to make his own agreement with the Mackintoshes. Even if he exposed her past, she would be gone before Rob knew the truth. She would not have to see his face when he learned it. And the sick feeling in the pit of her gut told her that Mairead was gone forever.

  But first, she wanted one more night with him. One night to remember for the rest of her days. One night that no one could take from her in the empty months and years that stretched out before her.

  One more night of love before the hatred began and her life descended into hell.

  One more night.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Rob sat in the dark and waited for her. The keep had quieted for the night some time ago, so he listened to the stillness and waited.

  She would want to run, he knew that. The impulse to escape was something within her that nothing and no one could change. Facing down her father was not something she could do well—a lifetime of punishment for just such behaviour would have beaten it out of her.

  So, he waited here, knowing that she would have to pack some of her things before leaving. To help her pick up the pieces. To help her see her own worth. To love her.

  To beg her to stay.

  He heard her footsteps coming down the corridor and listened as she paused there outside the door. He’d seen her do what she was doing there now—gathering herself back inside. The latch lifted and the door eased open. Eva stood there, her body outlined by the torch behind her in the wall.

  Once, she’d stood before the fire here, not knowing that her shape was revealed to him. Now, he needed no light to know that body. He had touched and tasted every curve and crevice, every inch of the skin, every bit of her.

  More than that though, he now knew her heart and her soul.

  And he knew that she held his heart and soul.

  Eva turned then and noticed him. He would wait on her, for he recognised that fragile expression in her gaze as it fell upon him. She walked across the chamber to him and knelt before him. Without a word, she undressed him, easing his belt and plaid out of her way and pulling the shirt over his head.

  Then, she loved him the way he had her—with her mouth and hands and every part of her body, even her hair. He never took his eyes from her as she went about the task of g
iving him pleasure and bringing him to release.

  She was relentless in her attentions, and his good intentions of allowing her to have her way without saying a word failed when she slid her mouth over his flesh and suckled it. He shouted her name, and it echoed off the walls as she cupped his bollocks and sucked him until he spilled his seed.

  When he finished and would have pulled her into his arms and shown her the same consideration, she shook her head and laid it on his chest, as though listening to his heart. They remained there, in silence, touching and yet not, for some time. When his flesh responded once more to her nearness, she began to stroke it.

  ‘Nay,’ he said, moving her hand away. He held her shoulders and helped her to stand before him, between his legs.

  And he undressed her, kissing every inch as he uncovered her to his gaze. She was panting by the time he finished, and he guided her forward, to kneel over his hips. Entering her a scant inch at a time, he slowly filled her until she could take no more. But then she seated herself the rest of the way on his shaft. Her head fell back, her now-loosened hair swung around her hips and the sigh she released heated his blood.

  Rob reached out and stroked her body, sliding his hands over her breasts and teasing the tips with his thumbs. She arched against him, rocking her hips and gasping with each movement. He traced a path down over her belly and into the curls, seeking the spot that drove her to madness. Filled by this flesh, she could not move much, but her body reacted when he slipped one finger and then two into the folds and found the bud there.

  ‘Come for me, Eva. Let me watch you as you do,’ he urged.

  His fingers moved faster and harder on that engorged flesh, and she rocked more and more on his shaft and against his fingers, seeking the release she knew she could find. When he felt the first tremors of it, he pushed them free of the chair and walked them to the bed. Without leaving her body, he laid her down and thrust deeply inside her to touch her core.


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