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Lawfully Devoted

Page 11

by Jenna Brandt

  “What’s that go to?” Erica pondered, as Zach removed it and handed it over to her.

  “If I had to guess, it looks like it would go to a safety deposit box. See the markings along the side?”

  Erica noticed there was a set of numbers and a small insignia on it. “Do you think that logo belongs to the bank this is for?”

  “That’s possible. Hold on,” he said, snapping a photo of the emblem. He hit a few buttons on his phone, then said, I got a match. It’s the Citizen Business Bank of Amsterdam.”

  “Okay, that’s interesting because it wasn’t listed in the will or the assets I was given. I don’t think my father left any record of doing business with this bank.”

  “I guess we know where we need to go now,” Zach said.

  Erica glanced at her watch and realized if they left right away, they would have enough time to get to the bank before it closed. “We should call the taxi again so we can get going.”

  Zach glanced around and questioned, “Don’t you think your father probably had a few cars around here? Maybe even one with a driver? We’d get there quicker if we took one.”

  She wasn’t sure if she liked the idea of using one, but Zach was right about one thing, it would be faster. “Let’s go ask Mr. Bernhard what he can scrounge up.”

  A few minutes later, they were standing with the butler in the middle of a massive ten-bay garage. “My father must have really liked cars,” she whispered as she walked along the rows of vehicles. Over two dozen sat in the garage, each unique, beautiful, and Erica suspected, extremely expensive.

  “Which car would you like?” Mr. Bernhard asked. “You can take any of the two-seaters, or the Juniper Wind’s chauffeur can take you in one of the other larger cars if you prefer.”

  Erica looked over at Zach, who shrugged and gestured to the cars as if to say it was her choice.

  “I guess I would prefer to have someone drive us who knows the city. I’m not even sure what’s the fastest way to get where we’re going.”

  “If you give the directions to Carl, he’ll be able to get you there as quickly as possible. He knows the city very well as he drove your father into it multiple times a week.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Bernhard, for all your help. I really appreciate it,” Erica said with a smile. “Hopefully we will see you in the near future.”

  “Have a good day, Miss Cruz, and please be careful. I wouldn’t want anything to happen to you.”

  Erica could have sworn she could hear a warning in his tone, but before she could ask him about it, Carl showed up and helped them into the black limousine.

  As she drove away from Juniper Winds, she wondered what the bank deposit box was going to hold, and what it meant for her life.


  The bank was busy with activity as Zach and Erica walked into the building. They made their way over to the first available bank worker where Erica asked, “I need to access a safety deposit box, please.”

  The woman looked up at her and raised an eyebrow. “Yes, ma’am. Can you tell me which box it is and we can get you access to it right away?”

  “That’s just it, I don’t know the box number. I have the key,” she said pulling it out and sliding it across the desk, “but it was my father’s box. He recently passed away and left everything to me.”

  The woman sat back in her chair and asked, “We can look up his box number, but we need proof to what you claim. Do you have a copy of your father’s will along with a certified copy of his death certificate? We’ll also need a valid photo ID from you—a passport would work best.”

  Erica nodded, opening her purse, pulling out the requested items, and handing them over to the woman.

  “Let me take these to the bank manager. I’ll be back in a moment,” the woman said as she stood up with the documents in her hand. “Please have a seat while you wait.”

  “Do you think they’re going to let me in the box?” Erica asked in a hushed voice as she sat in one of the chairs.

  “I’m sure they will. Your father named you as his heir,” Zach pointed out, sitting down beside her.

  Zach watched as the woman talked to a man in a black suit and slicked back blond hair. His eyes kept darting over to them as the woman spoke. After a few minutes, the man came over to them.

  “Good afternoon, Miss Cruz. I wanted to let you know, we’re going to give you access to your father’s box, but you will have to come back tomorrow. We need to verify the information you gave us to make sure everything is in order.” The woman returned and handed the documents back to the bank manager, who in turn handed them to Erica. “We’ve made a copy of the papers you provided, so you can have them back.”

  “When will I be able to get access to the box?” Erica asked, the apprehension clear in her face and voice.

  “If everything checks out, you can come back tomorrow morning to access it.”

  “Thank you,” Erica said, “I’ll be back in the morning.”

  They left the bank and headed down the street to where Erica’s driver was waiting with the car. Zach opened the door for Erica and they both climbed inside.

  “Take us to the hotel, please,” Erica ordered the driver.

  “Why are we going to go back and hole up in the hotel? We’re in Amsterdam. We should go out.”

  “I don’t know. The idea of going out isn’t appealing. I’m not in the best of moods after getting sidelined at the bank.”

  “All the more reason for us to go out. We can take your mind off of the delay.”

  “I guess you’re right. What should we go do?”

  “I have an idea,” he said, snapping his fingers before rolling down the partition and changing their destination. “Please take us to The Jordaan.”

  “Yes, sir, straight away,” the driver said, switching lanes and then turning on another street to change the direction of where they were going.

  “Where are you taking me?”

  “I did a little research on our flight over. We’re headed to an area that has lots of gardens, restaurants, and boutiques. I figure, every woman feels better after a little retail therapy. Where we’re going, we can finally use a little of that money your father left you.” He could tell she was going to argue, but before she could, he added, “Come on, it’ll be fun. You need to live a little.”

  “Fine, you’ve convinced me. Let’s go spend a little time in Amsterdam.”

  “And money,” Zach said with a wink. “You need to be a little frivolous for once.”

  Zach was glad he got her to relent. He didn’t like seeing her upset and figured an outing could hopefully lift her spirits. Between shopping and eating, they could make a night of it, and pass the time before going to bed.

  They arrived in the colorful Jordaan area and Zach was pleased to see Erica light up as she looked out her window. There were stacks of buildings that lined the riverfront, along with houseboats on the water.

  As they climbed out of the car, Erica asked, “What should we do first?”

  “Shop, of course. I think you should get a new dress, or two, or three. As many as you’re willing to try on,” he said, taking her by the hand and pulling her into the first upscale boutique near them.

  As they entered, a saleswoman came up to them and gave them a smile. “Good afternoon. My name is Monique. How may I help you today?”

  “She would like to try on some dresses,” Zach said, pushing Erica forward.

  The woman scanned Erica’s body and said, “You’re a size six, correct?”

  Erica nodded. “I have several dresses that will work with your body perfectly. Why don’t you follow me to one of our private dressing areas.”

  The saleswoman escorted them into an area that was so massive, it looked like a suite. There was a couch and two chairs along with a table sprinkled with high-end snacks and drinks across from a set of changing stalls.

  “Please wait here while I select several items for you,” the woman said, leaving them alone.

bsp; “I’m betting this place is crazy expensive. I feel like an imposter just for being in here,” Erica whispered to Zach. “I keep waiting for her to kick me out like they did Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman.”

  “That’s not going to happen. You have every right to be here, and I’ll make sure everyone knows it if they even doubt it for a second.”

  The woman returned, hanging several dresses along with a couple of blouses, skirts, and slacks on hooks. “I took the liberty of picking several other items that I think will look amazing on you. I’ll leave you to try them on. Please let me know if you need anything else.”

  “Here goes nothing,” Erica said as she took the first dress off the hook and went inside the dressing room.

  Zach waited anxiously for her to come out.

  “You have to promise not to laugh,” she said over the door. “I’ve never tried on clothes for an audience.”

  “I give you my word, not one hint of laughter will escape my lips,” he vowed, leaning forward on the couch in excited anticipation.

  Erica emerged in a white empire-waist dress that flared out and flowed around her. It looked perfect on her and Zach couldn’t take his eyes off of her.

  “What do you think?” she asked, a hint of nervousness in her voice.

  “I think you look amazing and you have to get it.”

  “I’ll think about it,” she whispered, twisting side-to-side in front of the mirror, before stepping back into the dressing room with another outfit.

  A half hour later, Erica was trying on the final item. When she came out in the form-fitting, navy blue knee-length dress, Zach said, “That’s it, that’s the one you have to wear tonight.”

  “Why would I do that?” she asked, bewildered.

  “Because this is just the beginning of the night. We still have more to do and you’ll look perfect doing all of it.”

  “I guess since you put it that way,” she said, leaving the new dress on as she gathered up the other garments and headed out of the dressing area with Zach beside her.

  They took everything up to the saleswoman and let her ring up the items. Erica paid for the new clothes, then asked the saleswoman to have everything— besides the new dress she was wearing—delivered to Erica’s hotel.

  They exited the boutique and walked along the sidewalk, looking at the different items in the storefront windows.

  “Wow, that’s simply gorgeous,” Erica said, stopping in front of a jewelry store and pointing to a gorgeous opal necklace.

  “You should get it then,” Zach suggested. “It would go great with the dress you’re wearing.”

  “You think so? I guess it wouldn’t hurt to try it on,” she said, stepping through the threshold of the store with Zach trailing behind her.

  “May I help you?” the man behind the counter asked.

  “Yes, the lady would like to try the necklace on from the window.”

  “Which one?” the man asked, eyeing them up and down, as if deciding whether or not they qualified to have the honor.

  “The opal one,” Erica stated firmly.

  He must have thought they met his standards because he said, “Just a moment while I get it.” The man went over and pulled the necklace from the display. He brought it over and asked, “May I place it around your neck?”

  Erica nodded as she lifted her hair for him. He put the necklace on and clasped the back, then stepped out of the way.

  “Take a look,” he suggested, gesturing to one of the mirrors sitting on a glass display.

  She walked over and looked in the mirror. A smile formed on her face as she let her hair fall down, framing her face and the necklace. The sparkle of the jewel enhanced the twinkle in her eyes, causing Zach’s breath to hitch in his throat. She could match any model on the runway or any celebrity on the red carpet with her beauty.

  “What do you think?”

  “Perfect,” Zach said, knowing he meant her as much as how the necklace completed the outfit.

  “I’ll take it,” she said, pulling out her credit card and handing it over to the man.

  As they exited the jewelry store, Erica looked over at Zach and said, “Thank you for making me do this. It was so much fun. I’ve never gone out and bought things without looking at price tags.”

  “I’m glad you’re having a good time. Are you hungry?” Zach asked, noticing a restaurant with an outdoor patio was coming up.

  “I’m famished. I guess shopping really makes you hungry,” she jested.

  “Then let’s go have dinner.”


  The afternoon of shopping had flown by and Erica was so grateful Zach talked her into doing it. Now, she was looking forward to having a nice meal with him before they headed back to the hotel.

  Zach pulled her chair out, then pushed it in after she was seated. “I just want to make it clear, I consider this our first date. I told you when it happened, you would know. I don’t want there to be any mistake about what is going on between us.”

  Erica’s eyes darted over to meet Zach’s. The habit to argue that this wasn’t the best time for them to start dating came to mind, but somehow she couldn’t push the words past her lips. She realized, she wanted this to be a date. Instead, she said, “There won’t be any mistake. I understand what we’re doing right now.”

  Zach took the seat across from Erica, then the server gave them each a set of menus.

  “Would you care for a drink? We have an excellent wine menu,” the man said with an easy smile.

  “Do you feel like sharing a bottle of wine?” Zach asked. “I know you prefer coffee, but a change might be nice.”

  “Normally I don’t drink much, but I think a little Amsterdam wine sounds lovely tonight.”

  “Are you a red or white girl?” Zach inquired.

  “If I do have a glass, I usually prefer red.”

  “We’ll take a bottle of your best Pinot Noir then, please,” he said, handing the drink menu back to the server.

  The server scurried off, leaving them alone.

  “It’s so beautiful here,” Erica observed, looking around at the waterfront. “With the lights flickering on, the place is glowing like spun gold against the blue of the water and the night sky. I can’t imagine being in a more perfect place for a first date.”

  “Being here with you makes this date perfect,” Zach stated with a smile. “I can’t think of anyone I would rather be with than you.”

  The endearing compliment made Erica blush, but in a way, that made her happy. Zach reached out across the table and took her hand. Electricity moved up Erica’s arm, causing her whole body to warm under his touch, despite the cool breeze of the night air.

  Erica’s eyes met Zach’s and she could see the admiration mixed with desire and affection reflected in them. It had been a long time since a man looked at her that way, and she realized she was glad that this time it was Zach.

  The server arrived with the bottle of wine. He poured them each a glass, then put it in a silver bucket at the edge of the table.

  “Have you had a chance to look at the menu?” the server asked, glancing at their hands sitting on the closed menus.

  Zach let out a small chuckle, before turning his attention to the server. “No, but why don’t you tell us about the specials.”

  “Tonight, we have the Lobster Thermidor, a rich dish of lobster chunks covered in a creamy white sauce and crowned with a broiled Gruyere cheese. It’s accompanied by sautéed heirloom asparagus.”

  “That sounds great. What do you think, Erica, you want to get that?”

  She nodded.

  “We’ll both have the special then,” Zach said, pulling the menus from under their other hands and giving them to the server before he took off again.

  “So, I already know what movies and music you like, what else do you enjoy in your free time?” Erica inquired.

  “I enjoy playing video games—a lot of times with Aiden. I also love football. My favorite team is the Denver Broncos, but
living in Colorado, it kind of has to be. I try to go to games a few times per season if I can manage. We should go together next season,” Zach offered.

  “That would be fun. I was a cheerleader in high school, so I enjoy watching a good game.”

  “A cheerleader, you say? I could totally see that,” he said, leaning back in his chair. “I bet you looked really hot in your cheerleading outfit.”

  “I still have it at home.”

  “Really? I would give anything to see you in it,” Zach said with a mischievous smile. “You’ll have to model it for me sometime like you did the dresses today.”

  Erica could feel herself blush again, thinking of the intimate nature of doing that in her own home. She knew exactly what that would lead to and she needed to make it clear she wasn’t game for that.

  “Sorry, Zach, the only guy who gets that pleasure will be my husband one day. I thought you knew I don’t do casual intimacy.”

  Zach brows furrowed together as he said, “I do. I wasn’t expecting anything like that, and I’m sorry if that’s the impression I gave. I literally just want to see you in your cheerleading outfit.”

  Erica let out a laugh. “Alrighty then, I guess it’s good to have dreams,” she teased.

  “Goals, I have goals, and believe me, when I get one in mind, I always achieve it.”

  “Oh, do you hear that?” Erica clapped her hands together in excitement. “Music!”

  A band had set up and was playing music at a stage at the edge of the patio. They were playing Dutch folk music and a crowd was growing. A few couples were dancing to the rhythm while others were clapping along to the beat.

  “Come on, let’s go enjoy this while they make our meal,” Zach said, taking her by the hand and dragging her over.

  They joined the crowd, enjoying the fast-paced songs the band played. The third song slowed down enticing couples to dance more closely.

  Zach reached out and pulled Erica into his arms. “Dance with me,” he whispered against the side of her cheek.

  Erica loved the feel of Zach’s arms around her. She could feel his muscles ripple below his suit jacket as he tightened his grip around her waist. She placed her hands on his chest as they both began to sway to the music.


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