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Blood of the Earth (Sovereign of the Seven Isles: Book Four)

Page 15

by David A. Wells

  Kelvin nodded to the Ranger, who raced off to saddle horses and raise an alarm.

  Alexander trailed along behind himself, helplessly watching Shivini take him toward the Gate and certain defeat. Once he opened the Gate to another island, there was virtually no hope. He remembered that only moments before Shivini had taken him, he’d felt totally hopeless, like nothing could get any worse. He would have laughed bitterly if he could have.


  Isabel held on for dear life. Asteroth was flying steady and fast, losing altitude in a gradual dive toward the Gate. She wasn’t sure if she would even be able to see Alexander from so high in the dark, but she reasoned that the most important thing was to stop him from opening the Gate. If she could keep him on Ruatha, then there was still hope. If he managed to get though the Gate, then he would be lost to her forever.

  She descended to an altitude of about a hundred feet and settled into a glide, scanning the plain below for any sign of him. As she neared the Gate, she saw him riding as fast as his horse would carry him. She banked hard and started to slip off Asteroth. Her steed compensated and landed quickly to give her the chance to regain her balance. Alexander gained ground, looking over his shoulder with a triumphant grin.

  Isabel reached out to the horse with her mind and commanded him to stop—and stop he did. He came to a halt so suddenly that Alexander went over the horse’s head, tumbling to the ground. Shivini bounded to his feet, running toward the Gate.

  Isabel was helpless to stop him. She couldn’t get to him quickly enough to prevent him from opening the Gate. Once he was through the Gate, all would be lost. Phane would have the Stone, the Gates, the Thinblade, Mindbender, and most importantly to her, he would have Alexander. She would never see him again.

  With grim resignation, Isabel touched her link to the realm of light. It was her only hope. She didn’t know if it would work, but of all the powers available to her, it was the one that might succeed where all others would surely fail.

  Love flowed into her and filled her with calm certainty. She whispered the words that served to focus her mind and helped her form the necessary images, then unleashed her Maker’s light spell at Alexander. It stabbed through the night from her outstretched hand and struck him full in the back, sending him sprawling to the stone of the Gate platform.

  The scream that followed sent chills up her spine and left her blood cold. She froze, fearing that she had just killed her one true love. Alexander lay still as a corpse. She couldn’t see if he was breathing. Cold terror gripped her. One moment she was frozen in place and the next she was off Asteroth and running with every ounce of strength and speed she could muster, driven by fear and need.

  She reached him and rolled him over, searching his face for any sign of life.

  When he gasped for breath and sat up, she nearly fainted from relief.

  Still reeling from the emotional turmoil of almost losing him, she managed to take his face in her hands and look into his gold-flecked eyes.

  “Alexander? Is that you?”

  He swallowed hard and nodded just as Chloe spun into a ball of light from the aether, rising higher with each spin.

  “You’re back!” she shouted with triumph.

  Isabel sobbed, collapsing into his arms as all of her terror broke over her.

  “It’s all right,” Alexander whispered. “You saved me again.”

  “Always,” Isabel said, but even as she spoke, she heard from somewhere deep in her unconscious mind the bubbling up of laughter that embodied both malice and madness. The portal to the realm of light was blocked and the passage to the netherworld was once again open in her mind … but this time it was different.

  She started crying as the magnitude of the danger soaked into her. Yet, when she thought of the alternative, of losing Alexander, she knew in her heart that she had done what she must and she wouldn’t do anything differently, no matter the cost to herself.

  “It’s all right, I’m safe,” Alexander said.

  “I’m not,” she said, sniffing back her tears. “I can feel the darkness awake within my mind again, and the light is gone.”

  “Dear Maker,” Alexander whispered as he closed his eyes and pulled her to him. “We’ll find a way to help you, no matter what it takes,” he said, stroking her hair.

  Kallistos landed nearby and Abigail dismounted quickly. She raced up to her brother.

  “Alexander, are you safe?”

  He nodded as he held Isabel to his shoulder while she wept in fear. Abigail frowned questioningly. Alexander shook his head to stop her from asking. There would be time to discuss the problem later. For now, he just wanted to comfort Isabel. She had saved him again and risked her soul in the process, risked the horror of the darkness.

  Within minutes, a platoon of Rangers led by Boaberous and Kelvin surrounded them as Isabel tried to gain control over her fear.

  An hour later, Alexander was guiding her back to their quarters. It was late and they were both exhausted.

  Sometime in the middle of the night, Alexander was awoken by a scream. Isabel sat bolt upright and screamed again before she woke and realized she was dreaming. She collapsed into his arms and wept.

  Chapter 16

  Alexander woke with the light of dawn, just a bit at first—hovering in that half waking state where everything is soft and distant. His bed was comfortable and Isabel was warm in his arms. Contentment filled him and surrounded him, but there was something nibbling at the edge of his awareness.

  He opened his eyes and the truth of his reality flooded into him. Today was the day of his war council. He had called together all of the most powerful and influential leaders from all of his allies to hear their counsel. There was much that he needed to tell them, to be sure, but he was hoping that one or more of his guests could offer suggestions for confronting the threats they faced.

  Isabel stretched and nuzzled in closer to him. He looked down at her disheveled chestnut-brown hair and kissed her gently on the top of the head as she used his shoulder for a pillow.

  “Good morning,” she mumbled, still half asleep.

  He kissed her again and stifled a yawn as he slipped out of bed.

  When they emerged from their quarters ready for the day ahead, they found Adele waiting in the sitting room. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying.

  Alexander realized with a start that he hadn’t told her about Lena; she must have found out by other means. He went to her without a word and hugged her gently.

  “I’m so sorry, Adele.”

  She nodded against his shoulder and then stepped back, sniffing her tears away.

  “I have breakfast ready.”

  Alexander nodded dumbly and followed her into the dining room. During breakfast he went through all of the things he needed to accomplish during his war council. There were so many threats. He was almost afraid to reveal to his allies the true nature of the enemies they faced lest they lose heart.

  Jack and Abigail arrived after breakfast to accompany them to the council chamber. Alexander hadn’t actually inspected the large room that had been cleared out and transformed into a meeting hall, but Jack assured him it would be suitable. Boaberous seemed to materialize as they left their chambers and fell in behind Alexander without a word.

  They talked of small things on the way to the war council, avoiding more serious subjects. Alexander smiled and nudged Isabel when he noticed that Jack and Abigail were holding hands. She smiled radiantly and stifled a giggle. Alexander felt a sense of calm wash over him. Even in the face of all the darkness, his sister had found love.

  “I believe you might be right, Little One,” he said in his mind. “Love will triumph.”

  “Of course I am, My Love,” Chloe replied impishly in his mind.

  Jack nodded to the Rangers standing guard outside the large double door. They pulled the doors open simultaneously to reveal a giant room with an oversized table filling the center.

  The arched ceiling was fashioned of
multifaceted panes of glass that diffused the daylight, casting a warm glow over the entire chamber. The walls were adorned with bright, masterfully woven tapestries, no doubt brought from New Ruatha. The room was filled with people, all standing around in small circles talking to one another and enjoying the refreshments being served from tables set up along the sides of the room. Rangers were stationed along the walls to provide security, but no one seemed to be worried about a threat given the collected power within the room.

  Alexander knew differently. He scanned the room with his second sight, looking for the telltale colors of the netherworld but saw nothing unusual.

  Jacked stepped up to the threshold of the room and nodded to a Ranger standing next to a pull cord. A bell tolled once, drawing everyone’s attention. Jack seemed to revel in being the focus of attention, even if he was simply announcing Alexander and Isabel.

  “Assembled guests, Kings, Wizards, Triumvirs, Nobles, and Generals, I am pleased to announce Lord Alexander Reishi and Lady Isabel Reishi.”

  As they entered, people found their seats. Alexander took his place at the table with Isabel at his right and Abigail at his left. Chloe spun into existence and took her place in front of Alexander, silencing the room with her entrance.

  Everyone else who mattered most to him was there: his parents, Isabel’s parents, Anatoly, Lucky, Kelvin and several other wizards, Sark and Ely among them. The guests included King Abel, Prince Conner, Mage Dax and Chancellor Breton from Ithilian, Magda and Cassandra from the Reishi Coven, Regent Cery from New Ruatha, Lady Buckwold, Regent Samuel of Northport, General Markos and General Kern as well as Jataan P’Tal. Alexander had also asked Lieutenant Wyatt, Captain Sava, and Erik Alaric to attend.

  “Thank you all for coming,” Alexander said. “We have much to discuss and much to decide. We face many enemies.

  “Phane controls Andalia by proxy and Karth by force. He has two hundred thousand Lancers on Andalia and half a million infantry on Karth. Both islands have numerous newly constructed shipyards busy building attack boats and transport vessels.

  “He has created a new form of soldier by blending men with wraith … how we don’t know, but they are dangerous in the extreme. We believe he has nearly a hundred such agents. In addition, he has control of one of the three shades loose in the world.

  “The other two shades are working to find the three keystones that unlock the Nether Gate, so they can open it and flood the world of time and substance with darkness. They’ve located the Nether Gate itself and they already have one of the keystones.

  “Zuhl has invaded Fellenden with an army of ten legions and is waging a scorched-earth war against the people. Many cities have been lost. Farms and livestock have been either destroyed or taken to feed his men. He has built an enormous shipyard on the northwest coast near the Iron Oak Forest and is building ships capable of transporting a thousand men each. In addition, he has nearly a million battle-hardened soldiers on Zuhl awaiting the completion of his fleet.

  “We are at war.”

  Alexander stopped and surveyed the room. He was looking at the faces of his friends and allies but he was also scrutinizing their colors, gauging their resolve and commitment. Most, certainly those closest to him, were steadfast. A few showed fear at the stark assessment of what they faced.

  “I will not surrender to any of these enemies or the futures they have planned for us. I will fight them with my last breath. I hope I can count on all of you to do the same. The future is counting on us. If we fail, our descendants will know only darkness.”

  There was a general murmur of ascent from the room. Alexander took a deep breath and stood up. He deliberately unbuckled the Thinblade from his belt and held it by the scabbard, extending the hilt to Anatoly.

  “Grasp the hilt and tell me what you feel,” he said.

  Anatoly took a careful grip on the hilt of the ancient sword but didn’t draw it from its scabbard.

  “It feels like a snake trying to wriggle out of my hand,” Anatoly said.

  Alexander nodded and extended the hilt to Regent Cery.

  Cery took hold and a look of confusion ghosted across his face and he let go, staring at the sword. Alexander extended the hilt of the sword to the Baroness of Buckwold and Regent Samuel of Northport. Each released their grip quickly.

  “I recovered the Thinblade from this very Keep,” Alexander said as he slowly walked around the table. “It was left for me by Mage Cedric and serves as the badge of office for the King of Ruatha. I have since recovered the Sovereign Stone, and so now I am faced with a dilemma. I can’t be both Sovereign of the Seven Isles and the King of Ruatha … I must abdicate the throne of Ruatha and relinquish the Thinblade.”

  Those in the room who didn’t know this was coming were shocked, to say the least. The political leaders of Ruatha were stunned speechless. Such a thing was unheard of. Nobody gave up power, least of all when it was tied to one of the most potent magical swords ever created.

  Alexander stopped in front of Abigail. He could see the uncertainty and discomfort in her colors, but she stood nonetheless. When he extended the hilt of the sword to her, she grasped it and drew the blade as though it belonged to her.

  The room fell silent.

  “Abigail Ruatha, I name you the rightful Queen of Ruatha,” Alexander said, as he handed her the scabbard.

  She sheathed the Thinblade and bowed formally to him.

  “Lord Reishi, I swear loyalty to the Old Law and promise to defend the life, liberty, and property of the innocent.”

  Alexander stood aside and held out his open hand toward Abigail.

  “I give you the Queen of Ruatha.”

  There was a brief celebration as the room rose in applause and then the guests circulated around to congratulate Abigail on her very informal coronation. After half an hour or so, everyone returned to the table. Alexander brought them all back to the business at hand.

  “General Valentine, what is the state of our army?” he asked his father.

  “We have a total of sixteen legions in northern Ruatha,” Duncan reported, “including nearly four legions of Ithilian infantry. Nearly all are massed at the Gate. South of the Great Forest we have three legions—two in Kai’Gorn and a legion of Rangers in Southport. Glen Morillian has a single legion holding the forest road, and a single legion of Rangers guards the north against Elred Rake and his cavalry in the northern wilds.

  “Many of our soldiers are inexperienced but they’re learning quickly. We are well provisioned thanks to the magic of Blackstone Keep and we’re ready to move on command.”

  “Excellent. King Abel, what news do you bring?”

  Abel Ithilian nodded deferentially to Alexander.

  “I have mustered another four legions—three of infantry and one of cavalry,” Abel said. “They are encamped at the Gate. We have news from Fellenden that confirms your report. The island is being pillaged and the people are suffering horribly. I have ordered my fleet to ferry evacuees from the southern coast to Ithilian, but many more are lost than saved.

  “In addition, I’ve ordered an armada to be assembled on the northern coast. My naval commanders estimate that they can muster sixty-three combat-worthy vessels.

  “One report tells of Princess Lacy Fellenden. She was sent by her father to recover a family heirloom given to their house by Mage Cedric. She was supposed to have come to Ithilian, but as yet, she has not arrived. We fear the worst.”

  Alexander’s mind raced, hoping and fearing that Princess Lacy might be carrying the one thing he needed more than any other, the one thing that would eliminate the threat of the Nether Gate, but he didn’t voice his thoughts. If she did have a keystone in her possession, she was in great danger, and the fewer people who knew what she might be carrying, the better.

  “Mistress Magda,” Alexander said, turning to the triumvir, “have you anything to add?”

  She nodded formally to Alexander.

  “We have long been loathe to become involved in the
affairs of the larger world, preferring to remain secluded and to focus on our self-appointed task of guarding the Sovereign Stone. Sitting here, seeing the Stone around your neck, I can’t help but conclude that our purpose must change.

  “While there are many within the Reishi Coven who are still wary of allowing the Stone to remain in your care, I have come to believe that you are best suited to carry the burden. Furthermore, we too have looked on the enemies you speak of and agree that they must be stopped. The Reishi Coven and the Sky Knights stand ready to aid you in any way we can.”

  Isabel smiled radiantly, her colors swelling with pride. Alexander gave her hand a squeeze. She had been taken hostage by these people and had turned them into allies, a triumph worthy of story and song.

  Alexander turned to Kelvin and nodded for his report.

  “We’re working diligently to understand many of the items we’ve discovered within the halls of Blackstone Keep. We also stand ready to support the army in a variety of capacities and we’re training the new additions to our ranks. I have a number of very capable wizards ready to deploy with the army as needed.”

  “Very good,” Alexander said. “We know what we face and we know what we have at our disposal. I’ve called you together to hear your counsel. King Abel, what say you?”

  “Fellenden is an important trading partner and her people are longtime friends and allies of Ithilian,” Abel said. “Their plight pains me greatly. I would choose to aid them in every way possible.

  “Phane is a dangerous and treacherous enemy … I know this from personal experience. But at the moment he is distant, and the islands he controls are beyond the power of our forces.

  “As for the shades, they are beyond me. I have neither the knowledge nor the power necessary to defeat them and so I choose to face those enemies that I can stand against.

  “I say we destroy the forces that have invaded Fellenden and capture Zuhl’s shipyard for our own use.”

  Alexander smiled slightly. He had similar ideas but he wanted to hear the suggestions of all those present.


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