The Sundering

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The Sundering Page 9

by Janelle Peel

Kane’s expression was granite as he refilled her cup, “If the Fire Fae is on her tail, we need to get down there. There’s no telling what he’ll do.”

  Rowe raised her hand, “Um, I don’t see how you guys can help. I mean, with Nat being all…” lifting a shoulder, she dropped it, “in transition… Won’t that only make things worse? What if she,” biting her lip, she cringed, “hurts someone?”

  Shame doused the slow burn of my anger to a simmer. Bare feet slapping against the tile, I walked to her side. Gently, I pulled her into a hug, “I’m so sorry, Rowe.” Her unique aroma permeated my nose, instantly relaxing the animal inside.

  Pack, she rumbled approvingly.

  Rowe stilled. Leaning back, her jade orbs widened in wonder, “I can sense her!” Clapping her palms together excitedly, she tucked her head beneath my chin.

  A soft whine of remorse escaped my lips, Omega. Mine.

  Rubbing her cheek across my collarbone, Rowe chuckled, “All is well, Alpha.”

  Confusion coursed through my brain. Sure, I had the basics of communication down, but this was something else entirely. The top of Rowe’s head, purposely placed below mine, listed her as my subordinate. She trusted me to lead, and would follow without question. Add in the fact she was marking herself in my scent… well… shit. I hadn’t truly realized how much I’d been missing without a second soul.

  Giving me a final squeeze, she nodded to Sora, “If she goes, I go.”

  Sora barked a quick laugh, “Absolutely not. She just tried to rip your head off, Rowe.”

  “It wasn’t like that at all. I was downwind, she couldn’t smell me. As an Omega, I can help cool her temper. The change will be easier away from the entire Pack, anyway.” Moving from her stool, she approached Sora, “I want to help Mel, Jackson, and Bex. Please? I know what I’m doing.”

  Indecision flashed across her face. Looking to Kane, she asked, “What do you think?”

  Drumming his fingers on the bar, he shrugged, “It could be good, but it could also be bad. Rowe can help, yes… but Nat’s Wolf will have full access to her Fae side. With that amount of magic, it’s risky…”

  A low growl began at the back of my throat as an image of Empyrean formed inside my mind.

  What are you trying to say, I asked wordlessly.

  The memory took hold as she pushed her will more forcefully.

  My eyes opened and I blinked in confusion, “Mmm, what happened?”

  Sora sighed while taking in Cooper’s prone form sprawled beside her, “The Goddess.”

  Cooper began to stir as I watched. His hazel gaze caught mine and his lips tipped into a frown. Sitting up, he moved one thickly corded thigh to cover his manhood while I examined his tattoo. If it was silver instead of black, it would be identical to my own flames.

  Grumbling, he looked up and down the beach, “Where are we, and why are we naked?”

  A tinkling chime sounded behind us. Turning, I gasped as the Goddess revealed Herself.

  Kane shook me again, “Hey! There you are. Where did you go?”

  Beaming like a fool, I murmured, “She’s communicating with me.” Turning on my heel, I pressed my back against his broad chest. The musky fragrance of his Wolf littered the air, signaling their contentment.

  Sora’s keen gaze read the situation with ease, “You want me to contact the All Mother, don’t you?”

  Kane froze, “When our Mating completed, I heard a feminine voice. She said, ‘True Mates.’”

  I nodded, “Yes. You once told me time moves differently there. It might be our best option.”

  “True, but I need to call Blaze.” Standing, she strode across the floor to the door, “Just give me a moment.”

  Rowe gestured to herself and Kane, “Um, can we go there, too? I’d love to meet Her.”

  Kane growled, “I do not want you going alone.”

  Biting my lip, I muttered, “We may not have a choice.”


  After Mel finally laid down to rest, my mind rolled with possibilities. I had no illusions, we needed help. It simply wasn’t possible for a succubus and collared Wolf to take on my father alone. He had legions…

  Interrupting my thoughts, a boom sounded from down the hall.

  No one ever stayed near my room.

  In my youth, I’d killed countless Demons as I sleepwalked. Those days were over, but lessers had long memories.

  To be honest, I enjoyed the seclusion.

  Sliding from the bed, my side twanged. The wound had closed, but the interior damage was still healing. Glancing back at Mel, my mouth watered.

  Handsome didn’t quite do him justice. The strong line of his jaw; softened by the fan of dark lashes feathering his cheeks. Curly brown hair trailed to the nape of his neck, lending him an innocent quality I hadn’t seen before. Broad shoulders, tanned from days beneath a sunny sky I’d never known…

  Completely engrossed in his perfection, I hadn’t noticed my own movement.

  Mere inches away from his skin, my hand trembled with the need to touch him.

  Snapping it back to my chest in horror, I mentally slapped myself. That couldn’t happen. Not now, not ever. Who would want to risk lying with someone that could steal their life with a touch?

  A small voice pointed out that he was foolish enough to fall asleep next to me.

  Just a taste. One taste wouldn’t hurt…

  Bile pooled in the back of my mouth as I battled against the hunger threatening to consume me. Thoroughly disgusted, I turned away.

  Stepping from my chambers, I secured the door behind me.

  Thankfully, the corridor was deserted. Unfortunately, that did nothing to help my weakened state.

  Deciding to find out who had bravely taken up residence near my quarters, I tiptoed down the hall.

  Pressing my ear to the stone entrance of the room in question, I listened for any hint of movement. Scraping my nails against the latch, I slowly slid it open.

  My mouth opened and closed in shock.

  The Demon before me rose as he jerked something behind him. Leather skin the color of lead, large muscles rippled across his thick chest as he flared the delicate membranes of his wings. Baring sharp yellow teeth, he rumbled, “Are you our essssscort to the King?”

  Recovering, I haughtily tipped my head to the side, “What are you hiding, Lesser?”

  One large ear flicked back as he took a single step forward. The claws lining his toes screeched across the stone floor.

  Inhaling a breath to discipline him for his blunt refusal, I stiffened. Sulfur and something spicy I couldn’t identify.

  He smelled almost like…


  The skin where his brows would be wrinkled in confusion.

  He stared.

  I stared.

  A white haired beauty peeked around his shoulder, “Are we just going to stand around all day? Because, I have to pee.”

  My gaze snapped to hers.

  The nostrils of her pert nose flared. Expression hardening, she barked, “Where the fuck is my Uncle, Bitch?”

  The pieces clicked into place.



  I found Sora outside near the large oak dominating the back yard.

  Looking up to its tall branches, she murmured, “That’s new.”

  My cheeks pinked, “Yeah. Kane says it happened we, um, bonded.” Clearing my throat, I changed the subject, “Anyway, they both want to go to Empyrean. Do you think it’s possible?”

  “I don’t know, Nat. I’ve never gone there of my own volition. Hell, when I ask Her for guidance, She doesn’t always answer.” Shrugging, she fidgeted with the hem of her Metallica band tee, “Are you sure you’re all right?”

  I scoffed, “No, but I kind of have to be.”

  Lifting two fingers in the air, we both spoke in unison, “Truth.”

  Grinning, she hooked a thumb at the house, “Grab them. All we can do is can try.”

  The first hints of dawn were paintin
g the sky pink.

  Waving my hand at the grass, the tall lengths laid down to give us enough room to sit.

  Spread in a circle, Sora took my hand. I gripped Kane’s, with Rowe completing our circuit.

  Closing her lids, Sora whispered, “Relax.”

  Kane and Rowe mirrored her.

  Not seeing the harm in keeping my eyes open, I took a calming breath as her hands ignited in liquid mercury.

  My Wolf flicked an ear at the sight; baffled by our plan. An image of lightning formed within my mind in silent question.

  I chuckled internally, No. Sora’s going to call the Goddess.

  She chuffed once in understanding.

  “Call your magic, Nat.”

  Focusing on my well, I was startled to find a pair of bright green eyes staring back. The silver and gold flames of my magic danced along the tips of her ebony fur. Flashing a cheeky grin, she slammed into me.

  Blinking, I looked up to the starry night sky of Empyrean. Highlighted by the full Moon, the ocean crashed in the distance.

  Soft fur brushed against my back, followed by a cold nose urging me to stand.

  Tinkling laughter announced the All Mother’s presence, “Welcome, Daughter. I see she has found you.”

  Surprise jolted through me as I took in Her ethereal form. Pale blue, Her eyes twinkled in amusement from Her ever changing face. Lifting Her pink lips, She nodded behind me, “Asena, how do you like your choice?”

  Padding around my side, her jade eyes met mine as her voice rumbled through my thoughts, ‘She is acceptable, Mother.’

  Mouth dropping open in shock, I bounced my gaze between them.

  Bells chimed as the Goddess spoke again, “Asena is my first creation. She is the Origin of all Shifters. From her, each of you have been granted your twin souls. It has been some time since she last walked the Earth. Your ability to take the shape of virtually any animal, caught her attention. She has chosen you.”

  I sputtered, “B-but, h-how?”

  Asena nuzzled my cheek, ‘Apologies, young one. My arrival was meant to be one of celebration. The events following were entirely my fault. It has been too long since I have inhabited a mortal. The emotions were… intense.’

  “Intense?” I snarked. “You wouldn’t listen to me. I had no warning whatsoever. You could have hurt Rowe!”

  Her ebony ears flattened in shame.

  The water near my feet retreated as a massive wave formed. Nearly fifteen feet high, it rushed down with a roar.

  I scrambled back; desperately trying to get out its path. It hit, flipping my body around like the interior of a washing machine.

  Shivering as it receded, I spat a gritty mouthful of sand.

  The All Mother frowned in disapproval, “It is not her fault. Imagine if you were just dropped into the world. One you had only seen from a distance. You dishonor her choice.”

  Chagrined at my behavior, I hesitantly nodded. It would be super fucked up. Digging my fingers into her soft pelt, I lifted her chin, “Sorry, Asena. I accept you.”

  The ocean calmed as it quieted once more.

  Raising a hand, the All Mother’s skin glowed with power. Asena’s ruff lit as her form blurred.

  Mine followed as she crashed into my chest without warning.

  A tone tolled; piercing my skull.

  “It is done.”

  Sora’s annoyed voice penetrated the haze covering my thoughts, “Just leave her be. The Goddess will return her when She’s ready.”

  “I can’t just sit here,” Kane growled.

  Mate, Asena whispered, savoring his deep bass.

  A twinge of jealousy pinched through my chest.

  Ours, she clarified.

  Appeased, I opened my lids to the early morning light and promptly squinted, “Shit. What time is it?”

  Lifting me from the ground, Kane crushed my frame to his in a tight grip, “Don’t ever do that again.”

  “I told you, Kane,” Sora bit out, “this might not work. Just be happy she was gone for an hour and not days.”

  A deep purr resonated from the back of our throat; content inside his strong arms.

  “Days?” He grumbled.

  “Yes, that’s what happened to me when the All Mother insisted I master my own magic.” Dismissing him with a glare, she turned, “Nat, what did she say?”

  Hesitantly, I pulled away, “My… soul? Um, well… just a sec.”

  Rowe’s face mirrored Sora’s queer look.

  Directing my attention inward, I mentally asked, Can we show them? This is a big step… Please don’t throw me to the backseat of my own body.

  Her dark fur shook in silent laughter for a moment, We are one. Shift.

  Holding my breath, I called for the change. A half second later, the biggest paws I’d ever seen touched down on the grass. Silver and gold rippled across our pelt as it reflected the sun’s rays in a brilliant display of magic.

  Eyes wide, Sora slowly backed away.

  Taking one long step, we followed.

  She halted.

  Lowering our gaze to hers, Asena opened a mental connection, ‘Hello, Chosen.’

  Gasping, Rowe sprung from the grass and slapped her palms over her ears.

  Paying her no mind, she continued, ‘I have waited a long while to meet you. My name is Asena, first of what you call Shifters.’

  A pleased smile graced Sora’s pink lips, “Hello, Asena.”

  Asena chuffed. Tipping her chin, the tenor of her tone deepened in pleasure as she addressed Kane, ‘I would like to see your other half, now.’

  He growled, “Let me know Nat is in control, first.”

  Unsure how it would work, I tentatively answered, ‘I’m here.’

  Jerking a satisfied nod, he shifted; shredding his pajama pants with the motion. His green gaze brightened as our form shrank to accommodate his smaller size. Brushing his nose down the length of our side, he purred in approval.

  ‘Wolf,’ Asena rumbled back, basking in his musky fragrance. ‘Mate.’

  Impatient, I tapped her mind with a tendril of flame, Are we good? We need to form a plan to help our family.

  Pup, she answered, raising her lip into a snarl. A promise to those who would dare harm our kin.

  The air shimmered as we changed.

  In control once more, I met everyone’s gaze in turn, “We’re ready.”

  Chapter 10



  Doing a double take, I took in the intruder from head to toe. Stunning wasn’t the right word to describe her… Gorgeous? No… Was there a word for the embodiment of female perfection? If there was, I didn’t know it.

  Black and ruby colored hair fell from her crown to her waist. Thick, full lashes framed her aqua orbs. On any other woman, her cheekbones would be too high, too sharp… but paired with her full pouty pink lips, she simply looked like every man, or woman’s, wet dream. The rough bolt of fabric wrapped around her slender frame did nothing except accentuate the length of her long legs. Her scent, littered with my Uncle’s, held notes of sulfur and something sweet. Sugar, maybe?

  Shrugging away the distracting aroma, I growled, “How the fuck do you know my name?”

  Wordlessly, she backed into the corridor. Raising one toned arm, she gestured down the hall.

  Tugging me into step behind him, Kai moved forward.

  My nose wrinkled at the stench of purification. Breathing through my mouth, I inspected the rock walls. Pricking my ears at the silence, I again wondered what he meant about being on another plane.

  My chest bumped into his shoulder as he stopped. Quietly, I whispered, “Sorry.”

  The stranger before us pulled a heavy door aside. Silently, she entered.

  Her gasp drew us into the small chamber.

  Furnished similarly to the room we vacated, nothing of note stood out.

  “He’s gone,” she muttered.

  Kai’s wings twitched, “Who?”

  Turning on her heel, her eyes da
rkened to midnight, “Mel. They took him.”

  My mind screeched to a halt, “Who? And who the fuck are you?”

  Her slender brows formed a v, “My name is Lillin. They must have taken him when I Ieft,” she waved helplessly at the bed.

  Kai hissed, “Who hasss taken him?”

  Baring her teeth, she bit out, “My Father.”



  Running one hand through her long tresses, she seemed to gather courage with the motion, “Best guess? The throne room.”

  “Let go,” Bex scowled, jerking at her bound wrists. “I’m going to kick her ass.”

  Releasing his grip, he stepped closer to Lillin. Oddly, he wanted to protect her from Bex. Shelving the thought, as well as her unique scent, he rumbled, “Wait.”

  Sighing in frustration, Bex stormed from one wall to the other.

  Crossing his arms, he looked down the line of his bulging nose, “Tell ussss what happened.”

  Irritation flashed across her face. Resignation trailed in its wake, “Mel was captured and brought to my Father. I asked if I could keep him as my pet.”

  A fine sheet of frost spread across the floor as Bex halted, “PET?”

  Lillin stared at the ice in wonder, “Yes. It was a better outcome than leaving him there.”

  Hoping to diffuse the situation, he interrupted, “What came next?”

  Her orbs snapped to his, “He was collared and taken to my room. The metal band prevents him from shifting. Essentially, it cuts him off from his twin soul.”

  Bex pounced on Lillin in a move too quick to follow. Gripping her shoulders, she snarled, “Collared? You fucking Bitch!”

  Lillin’s face hardened, “Let go.”

  Bex shook her, “Make me!”

  The sweet scent littering the air increased as Lillin smirked mischievously, “Okay.”

  “Bex!” He called out in warning, unsure what was transpiring.

  The tense line of her spine drooped. Sluggishly, she slurred, “Whhaa?”

  Fear for her safety called his magic. Instinctively, a flame shot out from his chest, and struck Lillin’s thigh.

  Nonchalantly, she patted the smoking material before pulling out of Bex’s grasp.


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