The Sundering

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The Sundering Page 10

by Janelle Peel

  Unsupported, Bex swayed. He barely caught her as she fell. A small smile played at the edge of her lips. Sighing in contentment, she nuzzled her cheek against his neck.

  Angrily, he hissed, “What have you done?”

  Lillin shrugged, “I simply made her let go. She’ll be fine.”

  His tail slithered across the floor. Wrapping around her ankle, he pulled her off balance.

  Falling on her ass, confusion shone across her face, “I can’t? I don’t understand.”

  Tightening the appendage like a boa, he glowered, “Can’t what?”

  She stubbornly shook her head in refusal.

  Bex groaned, “What happened? Ugh, I’m so tired.”

  Standing, he kept Lillin in his periphery and gently lowered Bex to the bed. Perching beside her, he met her ice blue gaze, “Are you okay?”

  Jerking a nod, she winced, “I feel hungover.”

  Threateningly, he bit out, “Lillin.”

  Without answering, she fingered something beneath her toga style dress. After a moment, she attempted to disengage her leg. When that failed, she glared, “I have to go, asshole. I need to find Mel. God knows what’s happening to him.”

  “You’re not going anywhere without us. I don’t trust you.”


  Bound, he could only watch as the Ruler of Hell flicked his wrist.

  The ground in front of his knees immediately softened. Heat billowed in his face as it lit with a red glow. Rising to a point, it took the shape of a ring. After a moment, it cooled.

  The beast beside him secured his chain to the loop with the sharp points of its forelegs.

  “Leave us,” Lucian boomed. “No one enters.”

  Clicking its mandibles, the spider like creature bowed low. Scrabbling backward, it beat a hasty retreat through the large doors. A moment later, they swung closed with a clank.

  Crossing one thickly corded black leg over the other, the King lounged upon his throne, “What is your name?”

  Sealing his lips, he remained quiet.

  Where was Lillin? She wasn’t present when four creepy crawly Demons rushed into her room and took him. Was she safe? Did they take her first? Normally, his Wolf would alert him to any foul play. Without him, he felt completely lost.

  “Perhaps you would like my Daughter to join us?” He smirked, “I do enjoy an audience.”

  Disgust flashed through him. Grudgingly, he answered, “Mel. My name is Mel.”

  Gleefully, his lips lifted, “Ah, I see. The thought of my Daughter’s pain causes you discomfort?”

  Fuck. He’d given himself away. Lillin earned his trust when she’d saved his life. And now, the King knew.

  The sharp points of his nails drummed a staccato on the gilded armrest, “Tell me how you stumbled upon the Fracture.”

  Lowering his brow, he played stupid, “Fracture?”

  His goat like eyes slitted, “Don’t play games.”

  Testing the bonds of the web like material binding his hands, he shrugged, “A group of Mages found a magical anomaly. I came to investigate.”

  “With whom?”

  Gritting his teeth, he growled, “A friend.”

  The King chuckled, “Have no fear, Wolf. There’s no need to protect your friend. He’s already dead.”

  Dread tightened the skin on the back of his neck, “Wh-what?”

  Tipping his horn, he paused to savor the moment, “You see, my Demons have venom. Your friend, sustained quite a bit of damage before he escaped.”

  Mel shook his head. No. It wasn’t possible. Jackson couldn’t be dead. He was immortal for fuck’s sake.

  “Even if he somehow managed to survive, it’s only a matter of time.”

  His thoughts tumbled. He needed to get home, now. Playing the part, his shoulders rounded in defeat, “Is there no cure?”

  The slate floor shook as he rose. Within a blink, he morphed into his human form. Grinning, he showcased his pearly white teeth, “There is. Though, I doubt it will do you much good.”

  Swallowing his pride, he pleaded, “Please. Tell me.”

  Swaggering cockily across the floor, his shiny dress shoes tapped a purposeful cadence, “Would you like to make a deal, Mel?”

  No, he most certainly did not, but he needed answers.

  Images of his home flashed through his mind with Nat featuring a lead role. He’d screwed that one up, however his previous emotions for the Shifter Fae had diminished substantially. Was it his Wolf’s need to Mate with her driving him all along?

  Tucking the revelation away, Viv’s hot pink hair streamed by; followed by the sour tang of her fear as he’d bitten into the tender meat of her hand. He’d changed her life forever, and he owed her. She would go mad without her Mate.

  Resigned to right at least one wrong, he mumbled, “Yes.”

  The King’s eyes lit in a delighted ruby hue, “Good.”


  Blaze dragged me away from Jackson kicking and screaming.

  Slapping his wide palm over my mouth, he growled, “Help is coming. I need you to relax.”

  My fangs dropped in irritation and punctured his flesh. As his spicy blood touched my tongue, my stomach rumbled.

  Fuck, when was the last time I’d eaten?

  Squeezing my cheeks, his cobalt orbs met mine, “Stop.”

  Instantly, I halted. Damn him!

  “Retract and seal.”

  My canines snapped up with a click as I lathered the small holes.

  Holding my gaze, he removed his hand, “Be still.”

  Turning on one shitkicker, I could only watch as he moved to the mini fridge. Pulling out a bag of crimson heaven from his stash, he closed the door and held it out, “Eat.”

  Flashing to his side, I pierced the plastic with a pop. Greedily, I drained its contents.

  “More,” he rumbled.

  My body obeyed while I mentally repeated the word jackass on an unending loop.

  After the third one, he pointed to the overstuffed couch, “Enough. Sit and listen.”

  Glaring daggers, I flopped onto a cushion.

  He sighed, “I know this is hard, Viv. Cooper and Daisy have not made any more progress. Kane, Rowe, and Nat are on their way. We need to be ready to move when they get here.”

  I growled in disapproval. I was not leaving Jackson’s side.

  Intuiting my thoughts, his tone softened, “You don’t want to face those responsible? You don’t want to wring the solution from their necks? Revenge holds no sway over you?” Settling on a grey recliner, he released the compulsion.

  “You fucking asshole!” I screeched. “You have no right to control me!”

  His face turned granite, “I have every right as your Master, Viv. You are mine, and I’ll not let you waste away in that room with my Brother. I need your help.”

  He was right, I just didn’t like it. Sulkily, I shook my head.

  Frowning, he whispered, “Has his condition changed?”

  My heart pinched, “Yes. It’s worse. He’s not breathing anymore.”

  “He doesn’t need to breathe.”

  “I know! You want a fucking list?” I hissed. “Well here you fucking go.” Lifting one finger, I bit out, “His skin is paperwhite. I can see black veins slithering across his body.” A second rose, “He’s emaciated. I can count every goddammed bone!” My middle digit lifted, “He smells like…” tears leaked down my cheeks. Fisting my hands, I pressed them against my eyes hard enough to see stars, “like, a rotting corpse.”

  Instantly, he was at me side. Wrapping his thick arms around my smaller frame, he held me as I cried.

  His deep bass vibrated my chest, “We’ll fix him, Viv. I swear it.”


  Clenched in Kane’s grasp, we tried not to think of what would happen to our body if he dropped us.

  We’d all decided Nat could fly us to Mexico faster than we could book a flight. It seemed like a great idea, originally. I mean, who wouldn’t want to ride a Dragon?
r />   Then we found out she couldn’t get off the ground with both of our weight. Sora’s bright idea was for Kane to carry me in Fox form since I was the smallest.

  Nat swayed to the side; dropping my stomach and pulling a squeal from my Fox.

  A plume of smoke blew over her massive shoulder in apology as Asena’s voice whispered through our thoughts, ‘Sorry, but we are descending.’

  Hearing the Origin speak inside our head was a little unnerving at first, but we’d quickly adjusted. In fact, she seemed pretty cool. My twin soul was enamored with her.

  ‘Thanks, Rowe,’ she answered in an amused tone.

  We really needed to monitor our thoughts. My Fox chuffed. She didn’t have anything to worry about. I was the one who always got us into to trouble.

  “Good,” Kane rumbled, seemingly unaware of our side conversation. Tapping our nose, he tipped his head to our ear, “Are you sure you don’t want to look? It’s pretty cool.”

  We snorted. Yeah, um, no. Most definitely not.

  His chest shook in silent laughter, “You know, Nat would never let you fall.”

  Deciding to ignore him, I let my twin lead and focused on the upcoming mission instead.

  The plan was for me to keep watch over Jackson if Blaze could pull Viv from his side. That was a big if. Personally, I doubted whether he could do it. Nothing could take me from my Mate’s side… whenever I managed to find him. It seemed everyone was finding their places but me, and it stung.

  My Fox whined softly in agreement. She was lonely, too.

  Interrupting my mental tirade, Kane’s grip tightened.

  We must be getting ready to land, I mused. While the trip was mostly pleasant, we were both anxious to stand on our own again.

  “Touchdown in five, four, three…”

  We clenched our teeth.

  “Two, one…”

  A terrified howl ripped from our throat as we hit the ground. Our body shook with each step of her massive claws as we slid to a stop.

  Kane grabbed my nose, “Enough.”

  Abruptly, our scream cut off. Opening our lids, we looked up to his jade eyes.

  He smirked, “It wasn’t so bad, Rowe.”

  Jerk, we growled.

  ‘Everybody off,’ Nat called through the link.

  We leapt from Kane’s arms and promptly rolled in the dirt. Thank the Goddess!

  Shaking his head at our reaction, he slid down her scaled leg with ease.

  The meeting spot was a few miles from the hotel where everyone else was staying. We couldn’t very well land in the parking lot.

  Finished with our reunion with gravity, we shook out our blond ruff while Nat shifted.

  Kane dug through his backpack and handed her some clothes. Pulling out my wrinkled maxi dress, he nodded encouragingly.

  Sighing, we called for the change.

  “No. I still don’t want to leave him,” Viv bit out, crossing her arms.

  Placatingly, Nat lifted her hands, “It’s just for a little while. Rowe will keep him safe.”

  They’d been having the same fight for over an hour and I was done. Moving back inside from the veranda, I touched my chest, “I swear to the Goddess I will watch over Jackson with my life while you’re gone, Viv.”

  Thunder boomed across the sky; punctuating my words as the All Mother accepted my oath.

  Viv tugged at the short ends of her hot pink hair in irritation, “Goddammit, Rowe!”

  Blaze met my gaze with a nod of approval.

  I stuck out my tongue. Now she had to go because I had to stay. If I didn’t hold up my end of the bargain, my own life was forfeit.

  “Gather your gear,” he rumbled. “We stick together as a group. No one moves too far ahead. We leave at midnight.”

  Chapter 11


  Tugging on my leg, I wondered why I’d been able to pull energy from Bex, but not from him.

  Odd. At least my wound had healed, though.

  Baring my teeth, I growled, “Listen here jackass, you may not trust me, but I’ve already saved his ass once. He’s no match for my Father.”

  “My name,” he hissed, “isss Kai.”

  “Fine,” I spat, “Kai. Good for fucking you. Now, let go!”

  “We don’t have a choice, Kai. Leave her,” Bex mumbled. “I can’t go anywhere right now.”

  Rumbling in frustration, a scarlet flame ringed the irises of his dark orbs, “If you don’t bring him back, you will regret it.”

  Stunned at his close resemblance to my Father, I mutely nodded.

  His tail slowly unwound from my ankle before sliding across the floor. Gently, he took Bex’s hand. The menacing glow retreated as his body changed.

  The air shimmered before revealing a very handsome, human male. Fully clothed in a pair of black slacks and grey tee, he looked at Bex with a heartbreaking tenderness. Ginger hair adorned his crown in soft waves as it touched the tip of one ear. A very pointed, ear.

  Noticing my scrutiny, his hazel gaze snapped to mine, “Go.”

  Rising from the floor, I slowly backed to the door. Finding the catch with my fingers, I flicked it with a click. As it slid open, I hesitated, “I will come back.”

  Neither responded as I made my exit.

  The corridor was once again deserted as I threaded my way to the throne room.

  My thoughts tumbled like loose stones.

  What was Kai? The sulfuric notes littering his scent marked him as kin, but it was also laced with something unknown…

  And those ears?

  To my knowledge, I was the only offspring of my father.

  Half Demon, half human, I was cursed. Most despised me due to my strange scent, others coveted my blood. My mother was taken during my father’s last foray on the Earthen plane. I’d often wondered what it would be like to meet her. It was rumored she’d lasted for years under my fathers near constant abuse. Unfortunately for her, she birthed a baby girl instead of a boy. He ripped her apart as I lay squalling in the arms of his former lieutenant.

  The lessers still whispered to this day about his rage.

  Four insect like creatures chittered outside the double doors as I approached the throne room. Torchlight shone against their glossy dark carapaces as they fell silent.

  Clicking its double hinged jaw, the leader scuttled forward, “Princess, the King is busy at the moment.”

  Squaring my shoulders, I growled, “Move aside, Bao. My business is not with you.”

  The spikes along the lesser’s shell quivered, “He does not wish to be disturbed.”

  My lips lifted, “That does not bode well for you.”

  Fanning around their leader in preparation to fight, they advanced in one wave.

  Well, I reflected, I did need a snack.

  Balancing on the balls of my feet, I braced for impact. While their spines were poisonous, I was immune. The pain would be intense, but their life forces would most definitely be worth it.

  Flashing its ten inch long fangs, the leader sprung from the floor.

  Spinning to the side, my nails lengthened as I punctured the tender spot beneath its belly. It screamed in shock, then terror as I ripped away its energy.

  Warmth trickled down my elbow as its acidic blood splattered on the floor. Delicious power ran through my veins as it shriveled in on itself. Tossing its shell aside, I curled my fingers to the rest.

  All three rushed forward. The points of their legs screeched across the stone as they answered my challenge.

  Ducking low, I snatched the closest limb. Desperately, it tried to pull away. With a wet tearing, I ripped its leg from its flailing body. Pivoting on my heel, I slammed it down the throat of the second. It snapped off with a crack; leaving the Demon gurgling in its own fluids.

  The third slammed into my back, and knocked me to the ground. Its mandibles pierced the tender skin of my shoulder as it shredded the muscle beneath. Fire raced down my arm as it pumped venom into the wound.

  Gritting my teeth in a
gony, I focused on the pull.

  Jaw slackening, it fell away; leaving me panting on the floor as the injury healed.

  Slowly, I leveraged myself onto my knees and crawled to the impaled lesser. Its beady eyes sparkled with hatred. Smirking, I ran my fingers along its side and drained it dry.

  Rejuvenated, I rose to my feet. Scanning the ground, I followed the trail of oil to the seven legged creature.

  Scuttling like a crab, it whimpered, “Please, Princess. Mercy!”

  My mouth watered as the hunger inside roared to life. Despite the foul energy I’d just consumed, it always wanted more. Looking down the line of my nose, I pushed the bloodlust back. I despised what I was, but I’d be damned if I let it rule me, “Go!”

  As it scurried into the darkness, I grabbed the metal ring of the door as it swung open. Jumping back, I hid behind the large slab.

  Rimmon floated out. His hood shifted as he took in the dead scattered about the entryway. Cocking his head, he zeroed in on my location, “Lillin, your Father is waiting.”

  Terror raced down my spine as I slid my mask into place. Now wasn’t the time for fear. Standing tall, I strode around the corner with a curt nod, “Rimmon.”

  He paused, “A word of caution, Princess?”

  My brow furrowed. I held no ill will toward him, but he’d never offered to help me before. In fact, no one did, “Yes?”

  “He seems… happy.”

  I scoffed, “The only thing that would make him happy is the next Sundering.”

  “Correct,” he whispered.

  My mind screeched to a halt. No. He couldn’t have found a way so fast. I’d read stories of the first Sundering. The glory days, as many Demons called it, referred to the first battle of Earth. Angels and Demons battled for the souls of man. The fight stretched on for ages before Heaven gained the upper hand. By then, it was too late. The world was broken. Only a handful of humans survived, my mother included. A treaty was signed denoting centuries of peace. They would remain in Heaven, while our kind wasted away in Hell. My Father had been searching for a way back ever since.

  Silently, he continued on his way.

  Gathering my shredded courage like a cloak, I took a deep breath and stepped into the room.



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