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The Sundering

Page 17

by Janelle Peel

  Pursing her lips, she nodded, “It must be awful for him. From what I’ve read so far, an Angel’s virtue is paramount. If they stray too far from their path, eventually they lose the gold. That’s when they fall from Heaven.” Tipping her head, her expression softened, “How are you doing, Sora?”

  Moving to her side, Sora scoffed, “As good as expected, given the situation.”

  Daisy took her hand, “You’re the strongest person I know. It will work out.” Squeezing her fingers, she turned to me, “Now, everything on this surface is safe. I’ve handled each item personally, so you don’t have to wear gloves. If you move into the stacks, keep your skin covered at all times.”

  Lifting my eyes to the ceiling, nothing pierced the darkness above, “How big are the Archives?”

  She barked an unhappy laugh, “We’ve been exploring them for years, Bex. Hidden rooms are found all the time. We honestly have no clue.”

  Crap on a cracker, that was scary.

  “This box,” she continued, rapping her knuckles onto a plastic blue tub, “has flashlights. I’ve also provided robes for you.”

  Blaze and Cooper arrived.

  “The security is acceptable,” Blaze rumbled.

  Perching on the edge of a chair, Sora rubbed her face, “Good. Let’s get started. Once we have a decent understanding of the inner workings of Heaven, we can contact Gazardiel. I need everyone to search for anything regarding the Sundering.”

  Grumbling under my breath, I threw on the grey robe Daisy provided. It wasn’t my fault I couldn’t fucking read multiple languages.

  Since I couldn’t help, I decided to explore the massive library.

  The beam of my flashlight bounced along the tall shelves as I read the handwritten labels of each stack.




  Fuck this was boring. Delving deeper, a breeze whispered past my cheek. Curiously, I followed it to a section labeled, Shifters.

  Figuring I could at least learn something about half of my heritage, I pulled on my gloves to begin searching.

  Chapter 18


  Skimming the text, I mentally thanked the All Mother. I’d feared She’d taken my ability to read Latin, but She hadn’t.

  Tapping the page, I met Daisy’s green eyes.

  Dirt marked the bridge of her upturned nose, and a fine coating dusted the tip of her auburn pony tail. Normally, I’d make a jest. Now, I couldn’t even crack a smile. “This tome says Heaven is comprised of Choirs with an Archangel leading each one. They in turn, do God’s will. Gazardiel, is the Angel of new beginnings and enlightenment. The other book, mentions three Spheres. Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, etc. It’s anyone’s guess as to which version is correct. There’s no mention of the Sundering, so I think we should just go to the source.”

  Blaze leaned forward. Plucking the glass tube from the table, his brow furrowed, “Do we know which Angel this feather belongs to?”

  Cooper shrugged, “Not yet.”

  Daisy balanced on two legs of her chair. Dropping to the floor, she nodded, “I think you’re right. There’s just too much information to go through. Cooper and I ran into the same problem when we first began looking.” Standing, she turned toward the stacks, “I’ll get Bex.”

  Blaze pressed a kiss to my cheek. His breath tickled my ear, “I think Lila should be present for this.”

  Clenching my teeth, I growled in frustration. She shouldn’t be a part of any of this.

  “I know, Love. But, we need to know everything.”

  Pushing back from the table, I sighed, “I’ll get her.”

  Rowe opened the door with half of a sub sandwich in her mouth. Tonguing the large bite aside, she mumbled, “Sora, what’s up?”

  Lila peeked past her thigh. Mayo smeared the curve of one cheek, and the remains of a chocolate chip cookie coated her fingers, “Mommy!”

  My heart pinched. Dropping to my knees, I puller her tight against my chest, “Hey, Princess. Are you having fun with Auntie Rowe, and Auntie Justine?”

  Leaning back, she waved her hand, “Cookie?”

  My lips lifted into a grin, “No, but thank you.” Swooping her onto one hip, I addressed Rowe, “Could you grab the wipes?”

  “No,” Lila chirped, wiping her palm across the neck of my ACDC band tee, “all better.”

  It was a good thing Julian was a whiz in the laundry department. The brown streak looked similar to something we’d recently convinced her to leave in the toilet.

  Justine bumped Rowe aside with her hip. Brandishing a to go pack of the greatest invention ever made, she dabbed at my collar, “Sweetie, your Mom isn’t a napkin.”

  Popping her thumb into her mouth before Justine could clean it, Lila giggled.

  “Well, ladies,” I sighed. “It seems we’ve hit a dead end. We’re going to contact the Angel. Blaze thinks it’s best if Lila is present since it involves her newest ability. Did you guys want to come?”

  Rowe paused, “Sure, um, if Shifters are allowed.”

  The previous Council Hunted Shifters and stole their magic. The thought of any harm coming to what was mine set my teeth on edge. A low growl rumbled from my throat, “You’re always allowed wherever I go. You know that.”

  Her green orbs brightened as her Fox peered through their shared eyes, “We’re in.”

  “Me, too,” Justine added.

  Back in the catacombs, Justine kept Lila entertained with ponies. Their silver shapes trotted up and down the hall. Stomping their hooves at regular intervals, Lila was entranced by their shimmering manes.

  The door to the Archives was ajar, so we filed in.

  “Flower!” Lila squealed, straightening her legs to get down. It was her own nickname for Daisy.

  Striding forward, Daisy snatched her up. Blowing raspberries under her chin, she laughed, “How’s my favorite niece doing?”


  While they carried on, I settled in beside Blaze. His stoic mask was firmly in place, but the rigid line of his shoulders spoke volumes. He was just as worried as I.

  Bex dropped into the chair beside me. Tucking her snow white tresses behind one pointed ear, she whispered, “Are we ready for this?”

  I jerked my head in the negative. Unfortunately, we didn’t have a choice.

  Cooper took Lila next and began bouncing her on his knee.

  Everyone’s gaze met mine as Daisy closed the door.

  Now or never, I thought. Opening the case, the feather lit each of our faces in a golden glow. Tentatively, I gripped the spine, “Gazardiel.”


  The feather lit with a ray of pure sunshine as my lids clenched closed involuntarily. Blinking away the spots, I gasped.

  Hovering over a foot above the laminate surface, she appeared. Clad in hip hugging skinny jeans and tight cream tank, her sky blue orbs touched on everyone gathered. Honey ringlets fell down her back in a riot of curls. Bare, her feet touched down on the table as her wings disappeared. Tipping her chin to Sora, my heart wept at the glorious sound of her voice, “Took you long enough.”

  Sora glared, “Really? You’re going to lead with that?”

  Similar to the strum of a harp, she laughed, “Cut me some slack. No one in Heaven has a sense of humor.”

  Blaze rumbled beside his Mate, “We need answers, Gazardiel. Not petty banter.”

  Sobering, she hopped from the table. Grabbing a chair, it whined across the stone floor before she perched on its edge, “The Sundering, right?”

  Lila clapped her hands together, “Pretty!”

  Pressing a kiss to her chubby cheek, Cooper nodded, “Yes. We need to know what is happening.”

  Gazardiel’s gaze halted on Lila. Biting her rosy lower lip, she turned away, “I am limited in what I can give, but I will tell you all I can. It would be beneficial if you could hold your questions until I’ve finished. Are we in agreement?”

  We all nodded.

  Crossing her long legs,
she waved at the stacks around us, “The first Sundering is not mentioned in any book. Sure, there’s rumors, but it was ordered that any knowledge be kept from humanity. Obviously, the exception is the mention of Demons, Hell, an Angel’s fall from Heaven and such. There are multiple variations through many religions. The war for humankind’s souls began with their creation. My Lord favored His newest children. Jealousy ripped through those not completely devoted to His cause. It seemed no matter how bad the human’s behaved, they could do no wrong in His eyes. Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Pride, Wrath, and Sloth; the sins you know today began with a single Angel. As his hatred increased, he was cast out of Heaven. He swore he would destroy everything we held dear. Over the centuries he has gone by many names, but I believe he is now called Lucian. His hordes invaded the plane you call Earth. Millions died before we beat them back, but the damage was already done. Humanity barely survived. Hundreds of Angels perished, and more left their posts to join Lucian. Twisted creatures, little more than beasts now, they debase themselves in Hell.”

  Sora slammed her fist on the table with a hiss, “I appreciate the history lesson, but I need to know where Lila fits into all of this.”

  Lifting one blond brow at the interruption, Gazardiel continued, “Patience, Mistress. The story I tell you now paints the picture of what your little girl could grow up in.”

  Blaze pulled Sora back. Whispering softly into her ear, he addressed the Angel, “Apologies. This is very stressful for us.”

  Tenting her fingers, Gazardiel tipped her head, “Indeed. The information was kept from humanity in hopes to prevent what is coming to pass. A Fracture has opened, and we do not know how. It is a gateway to Hell. We know you’ve sealed it, but it is only a matter of time before they break through. It is not an if, but when. There was a treaty in place after the first war, however, with the Fracture’s opening, it is void. Billions will die when his legions are released. They will stop at nothing until the world as you know, burns. We had a contact there, but it has been more than a hundred years since he has been able to deliver a message.”

  I gulped. Lifting my hand into the air, I waited like a child in school.

  “Yes, Bex?”

  My shoulders bowed under the weight of her stare. Odd that Michael’s hadn’t affected me so. Clearing my throat, I dropped my arm, “The Angel, was his name Michael?”

  Her supple lips opened in surprise. Snapping her teeth closed, hope colored her tone, “You’ve seen him?”

  “Yes, in Hell. He said he serves his God still.”

  Tears filled her eyes, “I have wondered if he still lived. Praise the Lord, this is wonderful. Did he look all right? Is there anything you can tell me?”

  Shit. Now I had to give her the bad news. Sucking in a breath, I answered, “His wings are no longer like yours. The majority of his feathers are black. He leads 666 legions of Hell.”

  Drumming her fingers on the table, her expression lit with understanding, “Of course. He would have to do unspeakable things to attain that role. I would expect nothing less. He is the will of God, the protector of humanity. This is good, Bex. Thank you. If he truly leads the horde, there is still hope.” Cocking her head to the side, she seemed to listen to an unheard voice. Her eyes narrowed at Sora, “My time is up. Do you wish to save your world?”

  “Of course, but you haven’t answered my question. What is Lila’s role in all of this? She’s just a toddler.”

  Sliding out of her chair, Gazardiel stood, “Your child’s role, is one of the utmost importance.” Hips swaying, she moved to Cooper’s side.

  Cooper glanced at Sora as his grip tightened on Lila’s waist.

  “Please,” Sora begged, “tell me what you mean.”

  Gazardiel lifted her fingers to Lila, “Hello, little one. Are you ready to show your Mother?”

  Lila grabbed her hand. Instantly, golden light lit her platinum crown as she lifted from Cooper’s grasp. Floating above the table, she reached for Sora.

  Gazardiel smiled, “She is the Messiah. The right hand of God. She alone has the power to subdue the enemies of humanity, but she requires training. For this, I am truly sorry.”

  Sora flashed from her chair with her arms open wide.

  “Mommy?” Lila wailed in fear.

  Her terror filled voice echoed off the walls as Sora clawed at empty air.

  Gazardiel and Lila were gone.

  Blaze let lose an anguished roar.

  Cooper, Daisy, Justine, and Rowe rushed through the stacks in hopes of finding her.

  My head hit the laminate surface with a thunk. Their efforts were in vain. Michael had transported Kai and I in much the same way.


  Kicking himself for not having the foresight to grab his belongings from Bex’s room, he flapped his large wings harder.

  He’d been searching for the Air Elemental for days, and staying in his avian form was quickly becoming tiresome.

  Luck would have it his power pinged off something further north.

  Landing at a nearby truck stop, he searched for any sign of inhabitants. Thankfully, it was well past midnight. Large semis littered the parking lot with their engine’s running, but not a single person wandered across the asphalt.

  Calling to his well, he shifted in a ruby shimmer.

  As his loafers touched on the sidewalk, a chill licked up his spine. Fuck, it was freezing. Gritting his teeth, he read the freeway sign before him.

  Welcome to Colorado.

  Walking around the side of the gas station, he found a patch of dirt. Lowering to a squat, he sent his magic below the Earth’s crust.

  If he was going to continue, he’d need currency.

  Lava bubbled to his hand. It bumped playfully against his skin as it instantly warmed his shivering body. Digging deeper, he sent the magma searching for the element he required. Following the thread, he carefully pulled it to the surface. Steaming in a charred mess in the soil, he began shaping the ruddy chunks into small marbles.

  Regretfully, he sent the magma back.

  As they cooled, he buffed the spheres to a high sheen against his black tee.

  He didn’t have time to mess with stones. Gold was a valuable commodity in the new world.

  Pocketing his treasure, he watched the attendant move a bristled stick across the floor through the window.

  The bell jingled overhead as he pushed through the glass entry.

  Barely out of his youth, the male looked up with a smile.

  “Excuse me, would you be able to tell me if there’s a pawn shop nearby?”

  Leaning the wooden handle against the counter, the gangly teen nodded, “Sure, Mister.” Lifting one skinny arm, he pointed outside, “Follow this road for two blocks, and take your next right. You can’t miss it.”

  Perfect. Choosing a ball at random, he tossed it over, “Thank you.” Turning on his heel, the young man’s gasp followed him out the door.


  News of Lila’s disappearance hit Mel hard, but he refused to go home.

  Toeing at the line marking the crater with my boot, I sighed.

  I’d come out here every day to see if there had been any change. So far, there hadn’t.

  My time was spent stealing sips of energy from the hotel staff, reading up on the modern world, and checking the Fracture.

  Mel barely left his room.

  I missed him. He was so happy when we’d first traveled down here, but now he was empty. No matter what I tried, nothing lifted his spirits.

  Settling on my rear, my thoughts rolled.

  Should I try to seduce him? Would it even work? I was attracted to him, but sex was always used as a form or punishment or nourishment. From my studies, it seemed most women enjoyed it. Was it possible that I could, too?

  Maybe I should call Rowe. She would know what to do.

  Standing, I dusted off my jeans. The walk back would help settle my nerves.

  A rock rolling down the edge of the crater drew my attention.

>   Pausing, I cocked my head to listen.


  Dropping to my belly, I pressed my ear to the sooty surface.

  A strange clanking sounded from deep inside the volcano.

  Bile rose to the back of my throat. They were digging.

  Rushing to my feet, I skidded across the rocky terrain faster than I’d ever ran before.

  They were coming.

  The Sundering had begun.

  Thanks for reading!

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  The Clutch- Group of Vampires and Shifters

  Sora- Mistress of the SoCal Cutch, Mate to Blaze. Mage, Dhampir, Hybrid, Chosen

  Blaze- Vampire, Master of the SoCal Clutch

  Nat- Mage, Wolf Shifter, Earth Elemental, Fae

  Bex- Wolf Shifter, Water Elemental, Fae

  Jackson- Brother of Blaze, 2nd in command, Vampire

  Viv- Best friend to Sora, Vampire, Mate to Jackson

  Allie- Vampire, Mate to Von

  Von- Tacker, Vampire, Mate to Allie

  Sasha- Vampire

  Julian- Head of the House for the Clutch

  Mason- Lead Protector for the Clutch

  Mel- Wolf, Pack Alpha

  Jonas- Bear, Beta to Mel

  Rowe- Fox, Omega to Mel

  Kane- Wolf Shifter, Pack Alpha

  Justine- Mage

  Kai- Fae, Fire Elemental

  Seattle Stronghold

  Daisy- Mage, coleader of the Seattle Stronghold

  Cooper- Mage, coleader of the Seattle Stronghold


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