Independence Day
Page 23
Moms wanted to get back to her time, to be free of this era and all it entailed, but she was stuck. There were people around the graveside, all white. Further away from the grave stood Sally Hemings. Her arms crossed tight across her chest. Even in death she could not cross that line of color.
There were no tears on Hemings’s face.
Hemings suddenly looked up, right at Moms as if she could see. She nodded, and with that Moms was racing forward in time, everything outside of her tunnel a blur. So fast she could catch no details of possibilities.
It was as it is.
Roland clung to the side of the tunnel of time, wanting to see what was to his right, the possibility that he’d prevented. Where a wave of blue charged off Cemetery Ridge, into the Valley of Death.
Thousands died like Pickett’s men two days earlier. Only a handful of Yankees reached the summit of Seminary Ridge, only to be captured.
The war went on. A haze of blue, gray and most of all blood, that timeline arced away to some dreadful end.
Roland let go, letting time take him.
There was something else out there, outside of the time tunnel as Roland’s return to the Possibility Palace accelerated. A dark, twisted, pulsing braid. Roland swore it was making a noise and he winced when he realized it was voices. The voices of the dead. Their cries were different now. Not begging for mother or God or cursing.
They were crying for peace.
Ivar was in the tunnel of time, his heart racing in relief.
He saw the possible timeline of failure below him as he was pulled out of his bubble. The Union Army entering Vicksburg. The streets littered with thousands of dead soldiers. Dead civilians. The country, North and South, responding with revulsion and rage at Grant. A new commander replacing Grant, who disappeared into a drunken haze. A chastened Lincoln forced to consider peace. Europe leaning toward the Southern interests.
Ivar turned away from it, not caring. It wasn’t what it is.
All he hoped was that Joey and Buster were raiding Old Man Finster’s garden once more.
Scout was sliding through the tunnel of time, forward.
She felt free. She kept her eyes closed, not caring what other possibilities existed, since she’d already been given details of one. Where Sparta and Thebes united. She was sure there were others. Where Epaminondas lived, united Greece, supplanted Alexander as ‘the Great’.
She wasn’t even curious to see how that would have turned out.
Because it wasn’t her timeline.
She was free of Pandora. Of the Sight. Of the confusion.
Who was her mother?
Did it matter?
All that mattered was that she had a choice. And Scout decided who her mother was: Elpis.
She was the child of hope.
The End.
For Now.
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Books by Bob Mayer
Coming 11 September 2016
Nine Eleven
The next installment in the Time Patrol Series
by Bob Mayer
Same date; six different years, the Time Patrol must save our timeline from the Shadow by preserving our past.
Nine-Eleven is a day that reverberates in our collective conscious. But is a date of significance throughout history.
On Nine-Eleven 9 A.D., three Roman legions were annihilated by an alliance of Germanic tribes; the Romans would never again attempt to expand east of the Rhine River.
On Nine-Eleven 1973, a military coup in Chile, engineered by the United States, toppled the elected President and eventually brought Pinochet to power.
On Nine-Eleven 1857, over 100 emigrants were slaughtered in the Mountain Meadows Massacre in Utah.
On Nine-Eleven 2011, over 3,000 Americans were killed in the word terrorist attack in our history.
All of these events, and others on the same day, are being manipulated by the SHADOW in an attempt to change our history.
It is up to the Time Patrol to send an agent back to six different years on Nine Eleven and make sure our timeline remains intact. If they fail, our present will snap out of existence!
Order your copy now!
The Time Patrol Series Available for purchase now!
'He who controls the past, controls the future. He who controls the present, controls the past.' Orwell. 1984.
The Fifth Floor
Before there was just me now, there was a bunch of other stuff that I don't remember. People keep telling me I should remember, but maybe if you can't remember there is a reason.
Thus begins Lara’s story. Who is she? What reality should she believe?
Coming in 2017
For more on the following, I recommend these books:
Nightstalkers: Time Patrol. How the Nightstalkers became the Time Patrol
Time Patrol: Black Tuesday. The first mission run by the Time Patrol, to 29 October in six different years.
Before they were the Time Patrol, they were the Nightstalkers:
The Nightstalkers Series: The Fun in North Carolina. Where the Nightstalkers first encounter Scout in a gated community in North Carolina. The Fun in the Desert. And a history of the Nightstalkers and how they dealt with the Rifts, a President who cannot tell a lie and more! The Clusterfrak in Nebraska. The Demon Core and how it was used at Area 51 to open the first Rift is also touched on in this series.
The six book Atlantis Series: Tells the story of another Earth timeline that faced the Shadow and fought a battle against it covering centuries. We meet Dane, Amelia Earhart, and others from another timeline that battled the Shadow. As well as: The Space Between, The Shadow, The Ones Before.
The books cover a battle in the present and great battles in the past such as Little Big Horn, Isandlwanda, the 300 Spartans at Thermopylae, Gladiators in the shadow of Mount Vesuvius and more.
For a different take on Thomas Jefferson and the Cipher, read the #2 National Bestseller: The Jefferson Allegiance.
Duty, Honor, Country: West Point to Mexico, is a free eBook, first in the series. It goes to West Point in 1842 and traces Grant and other West Pointers from the Academy to the Mexican War and through it. The series goes forward, currently to the battle of Shiloh.
And, of course, if you’re interested in how Hannah and Neeley came together, The Cellar series consists of Bodyguard of Lies and Lost Girls.
Also free: The Green Berets: Eyes of the Hammer. The first book in the bestselling Green Beret series.
About Bob Mayer
Bob Mayer is a NY Times Bestselling author, graduate of West Point, former Green Beret (including commanding an A-Team) and the feeder of two Yellow Labs, most famously Cool Gus. He's had over 60 books published including the #1 series Area 51, Atlantis and The Green Berets. Born in the Bronx, having traveled the world (usually not tourist spots), he now lives peacefully with his wife, and said labs.
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Cool Gus Publishing
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.
D-Day (Time Patrol) by Bob Mayer
COPYRIGHT © 2016 by Bob Mayer
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner without written permission from the author (Bob Mayer) except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.
ISBN: 9781621252832
Table of Contents
Independence Day
The Time Patrol
Where The Time Patrol Ended Up This Particular Day: 4 July
But Before Independence Day And After They Came Back From D-Day
Assembling For The Missions
The Mission Briefing
The Missions Phase I
The Missions Phase II
The Missions Phase III
The Missions Phase IV
The Missions Phase V
The Return
Books by Bob Mayer
About Bob Mayer