Book Read Free

Three More Wishes

Page 6

by Sean Michael

Xander pushed Cameron back onto the bed, sliding on top of him. Catching one leg under his arm, he spread Cameron wide. His cock slid along the soft skin behind Cameron’s balls and nudged the sweet little hole.

  “Again.” Cameron’s words sounded less like a question than a plea.

  He nudged again, the tip just pressing in. Cameron’s body rolled, that hot, swollen ring of muscles kissing the tip of his cock.

  “Wanton, needy man.” He loved it, loved the way Cameron begged with and without words.

  “Please. In me. Again.”

  He nodded and stopped teasing, pushing into Cameron’s body. It felt like the perfect sheath around him, holding him tight. He slid all the way in, searching for that little spot.

  “So deep…” Cameron moaned for him. “So deep.”

  He pulled out a little and thrust back in again, hitting Cameron’s gland.


  The shock and need in Cameron’s voice went right to his balls. He did it again, eyes on Cameron’s face. God, he couldn’t believe anyone would give this up. Ever.

  He kept thrusting, the tight heat magnificent around him, the look on Cameron’s face even better.

  “More. More. Oh, God. Please. Don’t stop.”

  “Not stopping, Cameron. Don’t ever want to stop.” Not ever. Not now, not tomorrow, not in five days.

  “No. Never. So good. Your cock. So good.”

  “You, too.” He moved faster, pushed in harder.

  Cameron looked totally blissful, peaceful. Xander just kept pounding, kept working Cameron’s gland. Slowly, that peaceful look morphed into hunger. Groaning, he grabbed hold of Cameron’s cock and began to pull.

  “Yes… Harder. Harder. Never fucking come so much.” Cameron’s fingers dug into his shoulders, the nails stinging.

  It spurred him on, and he shoved harder, tugged faster on that sweet cock.

  “Yes. Yes.” Cameron’s sweet ass rippled around his erection, milking him.

  “Fuck. Oh, damn.” He kept pistoning his hips.

  Every thrust was met, Cameron slamming, bucking, taking him to the root.

  “Yes! Yes!” Xander shouted the word over and over.

  Their skin slapped together, the sound so loud, so fucking perfect. He pressed his thumb into the slit of Cameron’s cock, pushing hard. Cameron cried out, shot hard, heat spraying over his fingers. The way Cameron’s ass squeezed around his cock made him catch his breath, moan. A moment later he was coming deep inside Cameron’s body.

  They slumped to the bed, Cameron holding his weight easily. God, he was going to be a wrung-out puddle by the time they left the island. Given the blissed-out look on Cameron’s face, Xander was pretty sure he could live with that.

  Cameron’s fingers brushed his cheek, the touch soft and careful. Xander smiled and turned his face enough to lick his lover’s fingertips.

  “I’m glad it was you. I wanted my last week to be with someone special.”

  “Your last week? What are you talking about?” Cameron’s last week of what? Did he really think he’d never find a lover who wanted him because he was blind?

  Cameron’s eyes closed, face shuttered. “It doesn’t matter.”

  Oh, he hated that, the way the bliss and happiness disappeared. “Shh. It’s okay, Cameron. We’re here and now. Nothing else matters, right.”

  “That’s right. You. Me. Now.”

  “Yeah, that’s it. Just you and me, making each other feel good.” In every way possible. Xander would see to it.

  “Yes. Yes, Xander. As good as we can.”

  “It’s going to be wonderful. I swear.” On his life, he would make these the very best days of Cameron’s life.

  “I believe you.” Cameron’s lips brushed him.

  “You’d better, because I mean it.” He lay back on the bed and tugged at Cameron. “Come explore me. See me with your hands and mouth.”

  Cameron came to him, cheek on his shoulder, fingers moving over his skin. The first touches were featherlight, then they got firmer. He tried to lie still, tried to let Cameron simply explore, but he couldn’t keep from moving into the touches, arching under Cameron.

  Cameron’s lips found his nipples, first one, then the other, the suction drawing them up to hard little points. He arched into Cameron’s mouth, sliding his hand around the man’s scalp, holding him there for a moment. He could feel the softness of Cameron’s tongue, licking, laving his sensitive skin.

  “God, you’re sensual.”

  Cameron’s explorations felt so right.

  “Mmm. Taste delicious.”

  “I’m glad you think so.” How had Xander gotten so lucky?

  “I do. I so do.” Cameron brushed more soft kisses on his nipple.

  “Making me hard again.”

  Cameron was like the best aphrodisiac ever.

  “I know we won’t come again, but that’s okay. We can feel.”

  “And feel and feel and feel. Your touch is amazing.”

  “Thank you.” Cameron traced along his sides with both hands.

  Xander hummed, his skin so alive under Cameron’s touches.

  “Where did you get this scar?” Cameron asked, fingers finding a tiny scar on his hip.

  “When I was little I was playing in the kitchen with my sister and a knife fell off the counter. It landed on my hip.” It had nearly cut his sister quite badly, but he’d managed to push her out of the way

  “Oh, man. Did you need stitches?”

  “Yeah. Three. I was lucky, though, the blade didn’t get anything important.” He arched into another touch.

  “Are my hands too rough?”

  “Your hands are perfect.”

  “Good.” Cameron slipped down, cheek on his belly, hands moving down his legs.

  “Pampering me.” He felt so good.

  “I just want to touch a while.”

  “Please, yes. Don’t stop—it feels so good.” Like he was the center of Cameron’s universe, and he was discovering that he liked that feeling.

  “I won’t stop. I want you to remember me fondly.”

  “More than fondly, I swear.”

  “Good.” Cameron sounded fierce somehow.

  He slid his hand through Cameron’s hair, stroking his scalp. Xander didn’t think he’d ever forget Cameron—it would be impossible.

  Cameron leaned down, kissed his hip, hands still moving. Xander let his eyes drop closed so he could concentrate on the touches, feel everything that Cameron was giving him. The touches gradually slowed and Xander’s eyelids grew heavy.


  “Thank you.”

  “No, thank you.” He stroked Cameron’s head, tracing the man’s features with his fingers. The peace between them amazed him, made him incredibly grateful. “You need anything, Cameron?”

  “No. No, I just want to stay right here.”

  “We can do that.” He could so do that.

  “Good.” Cameron placed a soft kiss on his belly.

  “Mmm. You can do that again.”

  The kiss brushed Xander’s skin again, sweet as anything.

  “God, your mouth is hot.”

  “Good.” Cameron chuckled, tongue on his belly.

  He laughed, too. “That tickles.”

  Cameron blew a raspberry on his skin this time. He bucked up, gasping.

  “You’re ticklish.” Cameron chuckled, then blew again.

  He jerked again. “Fuck! Yes. I am.”

  Cameron’s laughter joined his, fingers digging into his ribs and pushing hard.

  “Oh, damn.” He tried to curl into himself, but Cameron’s body was in the way and he wound up jerking and jumping, laughing hard.

  Cameron bounced on his belly, fingers and mouth driving him nuts.

Oh, fuck, fuck.”

  “I’ve got you.” Cameron held him, chuckling as he panted and laughed.

  “God. I don’t think I’ve laughed so hard in a very long time.”

  “I know I haven’t. Thank you.”

  “No, thank you.” He chuckled and tugged Cameron up, brought their lips together.

  He took in the sight of Cameron—relaxed, easy, happy. It was a good look on the man. He thought he probably looked the same way. Cameron’s eyes moved restlessly, but every other part of the man felt melted.

  He kissed Cameron’s forehead and pulled him close. “Nap time, hon.”

  “Nap time.” Cameron rested down into him.

  “Yeah. Just like that.”

  Chapter Four

  Cameron listened to Xander snore. He listened for a long time, then he slipped out of the bed, slowly making his way to the door so he could listen to the night time, the ocean.

  There were pills in his bag, enough to do the job, but part of him wanted to walk into the ocean and simply disappear.

  He heard Xander’s footsteps a moment before the man’s arms came around him, Xander’s heat pressing against his back.

  “I didn’t mean to wake you up.” He wasn’t going to waste a second of his time.

  “I’d rather be awake with you here than asleep alone in the bed.” Xander kissed the top of his head. “It’s beautiful—you want to go for a walk?”

  “I’d love that. It’s dark, yes?”

  “It is. The sky looks amazing. A billion stars.” Xander took his hand and led him from the porch.

  The sand moved under his feet, shifted, slid. Xander let go of his hand and slid an arm around his waist, pulling him into the warmth and strength close to him.

  “Thank you. Is it pretty where you’re from?”

  “It’s nice. Not as pretty as this, though.”

  Cameron wished he could see it. “It smells so exotic.”

  “Ocean and breezes, palms and flowers. It is exotic.”

  “Where I came from, nothing was exotic. Cow shit, wind, and cold.”

  Xander squeezed his hip. “I don’t know, to a city boy even cow shit seems kind of exotic.”

  That made him laugh. “The mustangs are exotic, amazing.”

  “You’re talking horses now and not cars, right?”

  “Yes. Wild mustangs, although the cars aren’t bad.”

  “How cool is that? You had those on your property? Or in the area at least? I guess they weren’t yours if they were wild…”

  The sand got wet beneath their feet.

  “They run in a protected area, mostly, but we had a little herd on our…” No. Not his. “On Chett’s property.”

  “Sounds like you already were in touch with magical, even before you came here.”

  “I used to be, yes. Once upon a time.” Once when he was a whole man, useful.

  “And now you are again.” Xander kissed the side of his mouth. “Although, I think half the magic of this place is because of you.”

  “That’s a sweet thing to say.”

  “I mean it, Cameron. I can’t imagine being here with anyone else.”

  “Thank you.” He sighed softly as they walked. He focused on the feel of the sand under his feet.

  “Waves are coming,” murmured Xander, and a moment later water ran over his feet like a blanket of wet before disappearing again.

  “How fast do you think the water gets deep here?”

  “Probably not very. I mean everything else is perfect, so why not the beach? I bet we could go quite far out and then there’ll be a sandbar before it gets really deep.”

  “Oh.” That was a long way to chicken out.

  “We’ll have to wander out tomorrow.”

  “Yeah, we should. See how far we can go before it’s too far while the sun is out.” More water rushed up over his feet.

  Cameron nodded, smiled at the warm caress of the water.

  “How far do you want to walk?” Xander asked him.

  “Forever.” He laughed a little, self-conscious.

  “Forever it is.” Xander kept them moving, the sand still wet under their feet, the waves occasionally rushing up to them.

  “Tell me why you chose this place?” He knew why he’d come.

  “Because it’s warm, it’s beautiful, and they said they could find me you.”

  “You wanted a worthless cowboy?”

  Xander made a pshaw sound. “That’s not how I’d describe you, Cameron. Not at all.”

  He didn’t know how to respond to that.

  “You’re handsome and sweet and funny, and maybe the most sensual man I’ve ever met.”

  “Thank you.” He leaned into Xander’s strength. “You’re exactly who I asked for, too.”

  “Good, I’m glad. I want to be exactly right for you.”

  “You are.”

  Xander was perfect.

  Xander dropped a kiss on his lips. “Thanks.”

  He held on tight, just for a second. Xander deepened the kiss for another second, and he could feel the man’s smile as their lips parted.

  “You’re happy, huh?” This might be his fantasy, but it was important that Xander was happy.

  “Yeah. Very. You, too, right?”

  “I am. I’m trying to put everything into this time, you know?”

  “Yeah, it’s a special time. Making wonderful memories.” Xander stopped and turned him, drew him close again.

  Xander’s kiss opened his mouth. Cameron groaned, licking into Xander’s lips. He just needed to forget. Xander took one kiss after another, everything else slowly falling away. He stepped into Xander’s body, wrapped his arms around the broad shoulders. Xander’s hands landed on his ass, squeezed his buttocks, made them ache, the burn from the earlier spanking still there.

  “I can’t believe I let you spank me. It was so good.”

  “That’s why you let me.” Xander rubbed him gently. “There’s more stuff I can do to you, more stuff I want to do.”

  “Please. I want to experience everything.”

  “You will. Well, nothing harsh. You aren’t the type to enjoy harsh.”

  “No. No, I’ve had enough harsh.”

  Chett sitting at the table and explaining that there wasn’t room at the ranch for someone who couldn’t work, and folks would start to talk, start to wonder. That was harsh.

  “But that leaves all sorts of wonderful things for us to explore. I’m going to rock your world.”

  “Okay.” He nodded, smiled, eager. “Yes, please.”

  Xander’s arm slid back around his waist and they started walking again, the breeze off the ocean delicious.

  “Can you tell me about you? I promise it won’t leave here. I just want to know about you.” He wanted to know absolutely everything.

  “Sure. You know I own a bookstore back home. What else do you want to know?”

  “Everything. When’s your birthday? What’s your house look like? Do you have a lover back home?”

  “I don’t have anyone back home. I wouldn’t have come if I did.”

  He couldn’t quite tell if Xander sounded affronted or amused.

  “That’s good to know, really.”

  “I live over the bookstore. It’s not a big place, but it has everything I need.”

  He recognized that tone, though—it was pride of place.

  “What’s it look like? Do you have a neat view?”

  “The bookstore is on a street where most of the buildings have been restored, renovated. It’s a little artsy fartsy, but I like it. My apartment has four rooms, old wood floors, slanted ceilings. It’s old, but redone and cute and home.”

  “That sounds fantastic.” He could imagine it, clear as a bell.

  “It is, really. I have an ec
lectic collection of furniture, lots and lots of bookshelves, and a fireplace.”

  “Cozy. I can imagine you in a space like that.” He liked thinking about Xander somewhere like that.

  “I can imagine us both there, actually. Sitting by the fire, me reading to you.”

  That thought made him smile. “Can you? That is a beautiful thought.”

  “Mmm-hmm. It is. I’ll feed you fruit, and we’ll listen to the fire crackle.”

  Cameron nodded, letting himself fantasize. “Making love by a fire is always magical.”

  “Yeah. It is.” Xander stopped them again, mouth pressing against his.


  Each kiss made him fall a little bit harder for this decent, peaceful man. Xander’s hand slid to cup the back of his neck, tilting his head, the kiss pressing deeper. The world spun a little bit, shifted under his feet, and he let himself trust Xander to hold him up. Moaning, Xander deepened the kiss even further. Cameron held on, the sand sliding under his feet.

  “We should make out on the beach. Like in that old movie.”

  That made him laugh, the sound ringing out, pure happiness.

  Xander lifted him up, and the next thing he knew he was lying on the sand, Xander on top of him and kissing him as the waves splashed over their legs. He gasped, the world spinning faster and faster underneath him. Wild. This was wild.

  Xander pushed a leg between his and began to rub against him, cocks pushing through their clothing. He spread and arched, gasping into Xander’s mouth as water lapped at his balls through his shorts. They rolled and rolled, Xander rubbing and kissing, making him feel amazing.

  He’d never been so out of control, and outside to boot.

  He was on top, then Xander was, then him again. Each kiss was fiercer than the last. They moaned, laughed. They bit at each other, cackling together. Their bodies humped together over and over, and suddenly he was close to orgasm. He grabbed Xander’s ass, his body jerking convulsively.

  “Oh, God, Cameron.” Xander humped against him, then froze.

  “Yes.” He couldn’t stop laughing.

  “Oh, God, so good.” Xander half collapsed, panting hard.

  “Thank you. Thank you for this.”

  “Are you kidding? It was my total pleasure.” Xander licked at his lips. “You’re something else. Something special.”


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