Book Read Free

Fake It

Page 13

by Mia Ford

  “No, don’t interrupt me. I’m seriously trying to get this out I practiced all day, okay?”

  I just nod and listen. I find it incredibly cute that he actually practiced his speech. So, I listen intently.

  “When we met it was purely sexual because I was guarded. The relationship with Rose really messed me up, but I’ve always cared about you. I know it seems like I was just out looking for sex, but the truth is you’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen and now you’re carrying my baby. I want to make this work. I love you.”

  He leans forward and kisses me softly. I don’t know what to say but of course, I start crying again. He loves me? Like really loves me? I don’t know what to say. Right now, the tears are falling like waterfalls and I can’t control my sobs.

  “What are you thinking?” He asks softly. I know he wants me to say I love him too. I just can’t do it for some reason.

  “How do we start over at this stage in our complicated relationship?”

  “Just like that.” He says smiling. I can see the relief on his face I didn’t shut him down.

  “Okay.” I’m not sure where to go with this conversation next.

  “No, I mean it for real, we’ll just start over. Go on a first date, date each other like we’ve just met. It will be great.”

  “That actually does sound great.” I smile and really feel at ease with him for the first time in months.

  “Okay mama,” he says helping me to my feet. “We’ve got a crib to put together.”

  Chapter Nineteen: Thomas

  I am going all out. I left the house, so I could pick Sophia up for our first date. The cameras have died down a bit, but now that her stomach is fully out there they are still clamoring for pictures. It unnerves me every time we leave anywhere that they run up and get that close.

  “You’ve got it bad, huh?” Mason says as he watches me get ready at his place. I’ve got a suit and tie ready. I told her to dress like we were going to the opera. I have a big surprise planned.

  “I do, and I don’t care what you say. This is the real deal.”

  He holds up his hand in protest. “I’m glad. It’s way better than the arrangement you had before. Now you can be a real family.”

  He wipes a fake tear, but I can’t even be mad at him. It’s the truth. We’re going to be a family me, Sophia, and Aurora. I just hope she likes what I’ve put together.

  As I'm grabbing a water from the fridge there's a knock on the door.

  "That should be Sara," Mason says.

  When he opens the door, he's doused with mayonnaise and ketchup.

  At least that's what it looks like.

  "What the hell?" He exclaims backing up.

  "We are Rosa Diaz’s fateful three." The girls yell and push their way into the house. They have more bottles and I didn't bring a change of clothes.

  I rush into Masons bedroom and shut the door. Fan girls of Rosa's have always been insane. When we were dating they stalked her all the time. There's a whole blog dedicated to bashing me and how I mistreated her. It's amazing to me how some people put on such blinders when it comes to someone they idolize.

  I recognize the short hairstyle she's wearing now and the bodysuit with jeans. She used to say it was her signature look. These girls and many like then wear the same things.

  I hold the door shut and yell, "Mason."

  “I’m calling the police man, just hang on. Crazy bitches running into my house.” He sounds pretty upset and I hope they leave if they know what’s good for them.

  “Come out you asshole,” they call through the door, “face the music.”

  “She cheated on me guys. She cheated on me.” Why am I defending myself to these crazy people? They ran into someone’s house and threw condiments on him.

  “Girls I’m not kidding the cops are on their way. You assaulted me, and you broke into my house.”

  “Shit Vickie, I can’t go to jail.” I hear one say.

  “Next time Henry,” another yells and then they laugh as they run out of the door.

  “How the hell did they know you were here?” Mason comes in, his white shirt covered in ketchup.

  “They did some really good research.” I say. “Did you lock the door.”

  “Yes, and I didn’t call the police for real. That’s all I need is to draw more attention to this whole situation.”

  “Okay, how do I look?”

  “Like a million bucks,” Mason says. “Go knock them dead.” He follows me out and goes to get in his car. A friend of his, Sara, is waiting there with a fake belly and her hair styled like Sophia’s. The first step to the perfect date night is tricking the paparazzi.

  Once I’ve let them see me get into my car and drive to the apartment, Mason follows behind a few car lengths. When I reach our apartment we both go to park around the back.

  I go into the apartment first and the two of them follow to wait out in the hall. Luckily, we have the gates around the front so even if the paps drive into the parking lot, they can’t get in the back to see our little switch-a-roo. I do this a lot by myself. I hire someone or get a buddy to dress like me and go out to lure them away. I’ve never tried with two people so this should be interesting.

  I knock on the door and she answers looking gorgeous in a red dress that shows off her pregnant belly.

  “Hi, I’m here to pick you up for our first date. I’m not that nervous.” I say and pretend to bite my nails. Good Lord, when did I turn into a dorky teenager.

  She giggles, “I’m excited to see the opera.”

  “Oh, we’re not going to the opera, that was to throw you off. I have a few surprises lined up for the evening.”

  “Oh, thank God. I had no clue what to do at the opera.” She laughs. Her face lights up and I’m overwhelmed with admiration for her.

  When we walk out into the hall and see Mason and Sara waiting there she raises her brows at me. “Double date?”

  “Nope, they’re our distraction.”

  I lead her towards the back of the apartment as Mason leads Sara the same way towards the front. He puts on sunglasses and a hat and Sara pushes her hair in her face. I think they’ll pass for us at least long enough for us to get out of here.

  “That’s too funny. She had a belly!” Sophia says when we walk out and there are no cameramen in the back.

  “Yes, we’ve been planning this to make sure everything was perfect.”

  “I can’t wait to see where we’re going.”

  We get into the car and I pull out glancing over to see all the flashbulbs as Mason and Sara rush down the street. We pull out without getting noticed. It’s the best feeling in the world.

  She smiles at me and I can tell she’s much more relaxed than normal. “I know you don’t like dealing with them, especially with little Aurora swimming around.”

  “Thank you, Thomas. This is really thoughtful.”

  I drive to the destination without much traffic to deter me. I assume by now they’ve figured out my decoys are not who they thought they were. The walkway from our apartment only goes so far and the only thing they could reach was a small park.

  I’d told them to walk to the park and stand by the pond with their arms around each other. It was starting to get dark as we’d left, but eventually, when they turned to go back and get in the car, the paps would catch on.

  I pull into the parking lot of The Bistro. It’s a place Sophia has mentioned loving in the past. I walk around to let her out of the car.

  “The Bistro is only open for lunch?” She looks at me with a curious smirk.

  “I know, but I rented the whole place just for our dinner, so we could get to know each other. The perfect first date for two people who don’t ever get privacy.”

  She squeals, “I love everything on the menu here!”

  We walk in and see a buffet set up to the side with an attendant to slice the meats. There is one of everything from the menu set out and ready for us to enjoy.

  “I’m in
heaven!” She doesn’t have any shame in going straight to the table and piling food on her plate. I think I have fallen even more in love just now watching her load her plate and the happiness on her face. I want to always do things that make her look this happy.

  We sit after I pile up my plate and dig in as the waiter comes over to pour water and wine. She covers her glass. “None for me, thank you. I will have a Sprite or Ginger Ale thought.”

  “So, I thought we’d do like a fire round of questions to get to know each other better.”

  “That sounds fun,” she says. “I’m going to eat and talk though because I’m starving. You’ll just have to look away from my terrible manners.”

  “One of the benefits of having the place to ourselves,” I say smiling. “Okay, where and when did you lose your virginity?”

  “Oh, getting right into the juicy ones,” Sophia says sucking some of the sauce from her pasta from her fingers. “I was nineteen on a boat in the middle of a lake. It was not romantic. There were bugs and it was really hot. I got a horrible sunburn on parts that shouldn’t have been in the sun.”

  I laugh. That is the best story ever.

  “How about you?”

  “I was eighteen and it was in the pool house at my parent’s house. They were both gone for like a week and I did it with two different girls while they were out.”

  “Oh wow, you always were a ladies’ man even in the beginning.” She laughs and the waiter brings her Sprite. “Thank you, this will save me from heartburn.”

  “Biggest regret?” I know that’s a loaded one, but it’s also a good way to get to know each other.

  “Not knowing my father better. He left us, and he’s a son of a bitch, but I wish I’d have taken the time to really get to know him.”

  “That’s a good one. Mine is a friend I lost in middle school. He was not in the same circles but we were buddies. Once my mother figured out he was on scholarship and couldn’t actually afford our private school she put all these things in my head. I should have ignored her and just been his friend.”

  “What happened, he found out?”

  “I shunned him and then he started all these rumors about me and we just never made up.”

  “At least our regrets aren’t robbing banks and murdering people,” she says.

  “That’s true.”

  The rest of the meal is a lot of the same. I feel like we’ve learned so much about each other just from sitting and communicating.

  “We’re going to do this again,” I tell her as we’re finishing up dinner.

  “Oh yeah, have more first dates?”

  “Yes, because we need to know each other and make time for us even if we have a kid. Even if we have ten kids.”

  “Okay, it’s a promise,” Sophia says.

  We leave the restaurant and I’m surprised but there are still no cameramen waiting for us in the parking lot. I’m stuffed to the hilt and just want to go home and cuddle with Sophia feeling our baby kick. I kiss her long and slow before opening her car door. This is right where I want to be and everything is going to be different from this night on.

  Chapter Twenty: Sophia

  “Hi sweetie, I just got to your parent’s house. I got off a little early so I made my way over here.”

  I leave a message for Thomas and look at my watch. It’s a little past four. He won’t be to his parent’s house until a bit after five, but I wasn’t feeling going all the way back to our apartment after work. I like the serenity of this side of town. Everyone has huge houses with security gates so there’s not a ton of traffic.

  I feel like a whale. I’m nearing the end of my eighth month and my belly has really popped. I get tired easily and love just sitting with my swollen feet up. Thomas has been so great for these past couple months. We’re really getting our relationship on track and I’m so happy about that.

  I’m going to have the baby and the man.

  We are dog sitting tonight for his parents while they go check out campers and Thomas Sr. convinced her to go to a cabin in the woods. Thomas said she’s not happy about it, but she’s trying to keep him happy in hopes he’ll decide to keep the money.

  “Thomas and I will be happy to come over and help you with the dogs,” I hear myself saying. Why? I don’t know. I don’t feel comfortable at his parent’s house and I’m the size of their couch. I just want to feel like I’m making an effort with his parents. Last month he went with me to my mother’s house and he was amazing. She ate it up loving having him there. They both doted on me and brought me everything I could possibly need. She even offered to come and stay with me when I come home from the hospital.

  I’m stoked to have that time to bond with my mother. I think it will be good to have her around when Thomas goes back to work. I don’t know what I’m doing with a newborn. At least for the first couple weeks having someone around who does, will help me cope.

  I walk into the kitchen and see that there’s a plate of fruit and some cookies left over from something. I take a cookie and sit at the kitchen table. Now when I sit down it’s the best feeling in the world.

  I sit for a while before Mrs. Henry comes into the kitchen with her dogs. She’s carrying a wine glass which isn’t unusual, but I notice the way she’s walking is kind of clumsy.

  “Hello, how are you today?” I ask not getting up but thinking I have a good reason.

  “Oh, it’s you,” the words slur out and I realize she’s been drinking more than just one glass of wine.

  “Um, yes. Sorry, I got here before Thomas, I got out of work early.” I rub my belly and wait for her response. She’s not throwing out the friendliest vibes.

  “Here’s the thing missy. I have pictures of you with another man. Let me show you.” She slurs some more. I watch as she tries to do something on her phone and closes one eye to see it.

  Finally, she thrusts the phone at me and downs the rest of the wine in her glass. She makes her way over to the refrigerator and pulls out a bottle.

  I look at the pictures and see it’s me and George. I’m hugging him outside The Bistro and he’s kissing the top of my head. We do that when we part just because. She flips and another picture shows us eating ice cream together on a bench. His arm is around me and we’re smiling. It’s actually a nice picture.

  “Oh no, this is George. He’s very gay.” I smile and hand the phone back thinking that should explain it. “Thomas actually likes George.”

  That last part isn’t a lie, but it’s not the full truth. I know Thomas would like George, but they still haven’t met.

  “I don’t believe you, Sophia. Here’s the thing. You’re bar trash. My son knocked you up.” She pours more wine into her glass.

  My chest tightens as she insults me and I anticipate what she could possibly say next.

  “I know he thinks he loves you and you’re going to get married and be happy. The thing is he doesn’t love you. I know my son better than you. You don’t know shit.”

  She’s getting angrier and I just don’t understand where all the aggression is coming from. I honestly thought she liked me. I tell myself this is the alcohol talking.

  “The thing is, he always listens to mommy. Once this baby is out and we have his father’s money nailed down you’re gone.”

  “I’m her mother, there’s no way I’m going anywhere,” I finally find my voice and start to defend myself against this unprovoked attack.

  “We’ll find you unfit. I’ll have my grandchild taken away from you so fast. When you have a lot of money, you can do that.”

  I want to tell her I have a lot of money and I’ll fight you. I want to say your son paid me so much money and I’m getting more once she’s here. I want to say all that and more but the bile rising in the back of my throat won’t let me. I feel like all the walls are closing in and I have to get out of this house.

  I’ve never been spoken too like this before. I don’t know what to do. I do know she’s not getting my baby ever. If I have to go into hiding t
o have Aurora, this type of toxic energy will never be around her.

  I stand and make my way to the door. She doesn’t say anything else. I just have to get to my car and then I’ll go to mom’s house. I don’t feel safe here. I’ll text Thomas when I’ve dealt with my feelings about this.

  If I get to mom’s then this will all be okay. I repeat this to myself as I drive to the apartment to get a few things. My anxiety is through the roof for some reason. I guess because I’m acting impulsively. My body and brain aren’t really sure how to react to this version of me.

  Chapter Twenty-One: Thomas

  In my pocket my phone buzzes. I think about ignoring it, but instead, I pull it out of my pocket. I frown at the screen. The number is unfamiliar to me.

  “Hello?” I ask warily. I never know who is going to be on the other end of the line. I usually don’t answer unfamiliar numbers.

  “Thomas it’s Julia. Don’t hang up.” I was about to do just that, but something stopped me. I frown. I sigh heavily into the speaker, not really wanting to deal with her right now.

  “What do you want, Julia. Where are you calling from?”

  “I got a new phone, sorry. I wanted to let you know I saw Sophia run away from your mother just now. She got in her car and left in a hurry. I don’t know what’s wrong but as pregnant as she is, she doesn’t need to be upset.”


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