Fake It

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Fake It Page 15

by Mia Ford

  “Still, I tried to find you after I spoke to mother.” His face darkens and I know he’s thinking of what his mother said.

  “Let’s just keep the conversation light, I just worked really hard.”

  He smiles and takes my hand.

  “I’m going to refuse dad’s money. We’ll live poor if we have to. This is about us.” Thomas says and smiles so brightly down at his daughter my heart just melts.

  “She’s perfect isn’t she,” I ask. I’m tired but so full of love and joy I could do a dance around the room. That is if it didn’t feel like my insides were going to fall out.

  He lays a velvet box with a ring nestled in the center of my chest. It’s not a small diamond and it catches the light just perfectly.

  “Will you marry me?”

  I look up at him with his hopeful eyes and down at our daughter. She has her hand wrapped around his finger and it just feels right.

  “Yes, I will. I love you Thomas.”

  “That’s all I wanted to hear.”

  He kisses me and I lean back drifting off to rest while he sits nearby me. One perfect little family, the way it should be.

  The baby wakes up a little later and cries. I slowly open my eyes to see Thomas is cradling her to his chest and whispering to her. I’ve never been more in love than I am right now. I fall back asleep with the peace that everything will be ok.

  When I wake up again it’s time to nurse Aurora. She’s so tiny I feel like I’m going to hurt her. The nurse comes in to show me how to put the nipple in her mouth and after a few tries we get the hang of it. Since she’s a little early, she’s only five pounds so the nurse said she might have trouble latching.

  My fears are calmed when she latches quickly and goes to town.

  The nurse cheers me on as I feed her. It’s a strange and wonderful feeling. Thomas just stands by looking at me with a huge smile on his face.

  I am getting the hang of it when my mother walks in. I start to cry immediately when I see her and realize I’m a hot mess of emotions.

  “Oh, my darling girl,” she moves to me and strokes my hair. “You’re doing so great, she’s perfect.”

  “I didn’t know you were coming. I was so wrapped up in this and tired. I did this without an epidural if you can believe that.”

  “I called her,” Thomas said. “I knew you’d want your mother here. After everything calmed down, I also called Regina and George. They are waiting for me to tell them you want visitors and then they’ll be here to meet the little princess.”

  “That’s a good man,” my mother says, “he’s a keeper.”

  “Yes,” I say with a smile. “He certainly is.

  Chapter Twenty-Three: Thomas

  I walk into my house to find a Sophia at the counter concentrating very hard. She’s looking at paint samples for the nursery. Our son is due in two weeks and she’s not happy we don’t have his room ready. Aurora babbles at me happily from her playpen in the corner. She is always happy when I come home.

  Our house is away from the craziness of the city and rarely are there any rogue fans or cameramen trying to snap pictures of us and the children. After Aurora was born it had been completely insane, but now it’s calmed down a bit. They’ve moved onto some other scandal like Rosa being pregnant and mister party boy leaving her. I can’t help but feel a little triumphant knowing that, but I’m happy so I hope someday she can be too.

  I pick Aurora up and she grabs onto my hair sticking a thumb in her mouth.

  “Dada,” she says causing my heart to melt through my chest. My little girl is everything. She’s got her mother’s eyes and my smile. It’s like she’s the perfect mix of both of us and I can’t wait to see what my son looks like.

  “I have good news honey once you get a minute,” I say. Sophia hasn’t looked up from the paint samples. She’s chewing on her nails.

  “Okay babe. I’ve just been terrible at making decisions this pregnancy. You look and see which ones you want to put in the room.”

  I look at the samples to find six different colors of gray and six different colors of blue. They all look like the same color.

  “I have a solution. We’ll let Aurora pick.”

  I bend down to the princess of my world and she points to one color and then grabs all the samples from me. A gray one goes into her mouth and the others spill to the floor.

  “She likes this gray,” I tell Sophia pulling the spit-soaked sample from her mouth. I put her down on the floor and she toddles to one of the blue ones and puts it in her mouth. “And this blue one.”

  “Well, baby girl, that’s perfect. You’re already such a great big sister,” she coos.

  “It’s date night, you know,” I tell my wife as I kiss her softly.

  “Yes, I know. My mother will be here shortly. You have your questions ready?”

  “I do.”

  Sophia and I have kept our pact to have continuous first dates. We always go somewhere nice and rapid-fire questions while we eat. It’s how we’ve stayed so connected throughout our relationship and marriage. Having Aurora, of course, made us closer, but really checking in with each other has been the key to keeping it together.

  “I have a really spicy one to ask you,” Sophia says as she kisses Aurora on the cheek and puts her in her highchair.

  “I’ll bet you do.”

  She doesn’t know it, but I’ve rented The Bistro out again for the evening. We’ve not had a proper date night in a while and I wanted to do something special for her. She’s such an amazing mother and caring partner.

  “Your father called today, he wanted to know if we were coming for dinner on the mountain next week. I don’t know what that means.”

  “Oh, I do. He’s taking that little camper up that small hill down the road from our old house. He wants us to picnic.”

  “Delightful,” she says and gets out the babies’ dinner so she can cut it up for her. “He says Julia and Steven will be joining us as well.”

  “That’s the guy she met at the PR firm?” I ask. Julia has really turned everything around. She got out of her parent’s house, got a job, and stopped pining for me. Sophia and her have actually become friends.

  “No, this is the guy the PR firm hired to DJ the charity ball they had.” She says. “The other guy moved to England or something strange and sudden like that.”

  “She’s dating a DJ?” I’m surprised by that.

  “He seems really nice,” she smiles at me. “I think you’ll like him. I met him when we went to spinning the other day.”

  “Good for her,” I say. I mean it too. Julia deserves all the happiness in the world.

  My mother decided after her insane attack of Sophia that she needed to go to treatment for her alcoholism. After she came out of the program, my father and her separated. I am not inheriting anything from my father and that’s how I like it.

  Dinah is getting a trust fund like I had and he’s still donating, but with my mother planning to draw this divorce out as long as possible, he must keep some resources.

  I am making my own money and can live quite comfortably with my salary and what’s left in my trust fund. He’s happy camping all over and being free as a bird. He didn’t get rid of all his money though despite separating with my mother. He told me it’s because she’s going to take him to the cleaners when they divorce, and he needs to be ready.

  Happily, the partners at Baxter and Church have started really taking me seriously as someone who can provide value to their company. I’ve been able to not only land some huge clients but head up two huge campaigns complete with billboards and commercials on television.

  “Who would have thought a hookup in a bar bathroom could actually turn out to be your dream guy,” I say as I wrap my arms around Sophia and kiss her neck.

  “I certainly wouldn’t have.” She smiles and feeds Aurora some peas. My daughter makes a face like she’s tasted something bitter and spits them out.

  Yep, life is just about perfect now.
Baby giggles, a sexy mama, and my dream job are all I could ever ask for.

  Epilogue: Sophia

  “Are they down?” Thomas asks me as I make my way slowly out of Tommy’s room. He’s in that two-year-old stage where he doesn’t want to go to sleep. Yeah, the terrible twos are in full effect. I mean come on, how many different positions can a kid flop into before finally settling on the perfect one? I can give you the answer to that. The answer would be about 857 different known positions for a toddler to wiggle, flop, squirm, or otherwise move himself into. Aurora, as always was willing to help. She was the ever-loving big sister and helped me read him a book. She then promptly raced to her room so Santa would come.

  She’d been very cross a half hour later when she peeked in to see Tommy was still up sitting in my lap with another book. After three drinks of water, four hugs, and a threat to her tablet, she finally marched to her room in a huff.

  “Finally,” I say and sink onto the couch. “Babies have it good man. I swear if I was a baby, I’d be in heaven.”

  Thomas chuckled. “And why is that?”

  “Because all people want you to do is eat and sleep. I mean, who doesn’t want that kind of life.”

  He laughs at me again. The warm sound sending butterflies swirling in my stomach. The sensitive little muscle between my legs gives me a pulsing reminder of how much he turns me on. I clench my thighs together, hoping to ease a bit of the ache.

  “True,” he says thoughtfully as he hangs a stocking from the fireplace.

  He continues to work in silence. I watch as he moves around the fireplace. His pajamas are hanging low on his hips. The simple white t-shirt hugs his back and wide shoulders. Again, the pulsing knocks a little harder. I can feel heat already spreading through my body. It’s sending a message to my brain telling me that if I don’t do something now, I’m gonna explode.

  As if he’s read my mind somehow, he says, “Hey, baby. You remember when we loved screwing in public so much?” He arches a sexy dark eyebrow at me, I know I’m a goner. I’m not going to give in that easily . . . well, not yet anyway.

  “What brought that on. Is it the sight of me in these sweatpants and unwashed hair?” I chuckle because it’s the truth. I honestly can’t remember how long the acceptable amount of days one can use dry shampoo is for. And, these sweats. I think I’ve had them since I was a teenager. So, as far as the sex appeal? I’m probably ranking right on up there somewhere with bubblegum stuck on someone’s shoe and Oscar the Grouch.

  He laughs again. “Yes, but I was just remembering how we were when we first met. I think it would be fun to do some of that stuff again.”

  Hell, yes it would! I mean.

  “We’re grown-ups with kids now.” I say teasingly. “This is our life. We can’t just go to a random bathroom and get busy.” Can we? I mean, do parents do that kind of thing?

  “It was just a thought.”

  Suddenly I’m feeling very adventurous. Okay, well, my motor was already revving, but the thought of how we used to do things only make it go harder. I look at my sexy husband as he starts putting presents out for our two healthy and amazing kids. I’m a very lucky woman. To think of everything, we’ve been through; all the crap and hurdles we had to plow our way through led us right here. I’m perfectly content, and if Thomas Henry wants sex in wild places, he’ll get it.

  “Come on, I have an idea.” I say and grab his hand. We check on the kids to make sure they are sound asleep. Heaven knows we don’t need to scar them. Then, tiptoeing down the hall I lead him to the sliding glass doors that go out onto our patio. We live in the suburbs and we do have nosey neighbors. If one of them happens to look out their window tonight, they’re going to get a show.

  “What are we doing out here?” Thomas says laughing.

  I stand on my tiptoes and seek out his mouth. The second our lips collide the electricity that has always been between us sizzles to life. I hum low in my throat as I push my body tighter to his. My nipples harden beneath my spaghetti stained t-shirt. The brush of the fabric against my sensitive skin mixes with the sensations of him swirling his tongue against mine.

  The throb from earlier has manifested into a full-blown ache. Thomas’s hands skim my ribs and slip beneath my shirt. He roughly pinches one of my nipples between his fingers. An exquisite explosion of pleasure and pain make a flood of moisture gather between my legs.

  A moan slips through my lips as i break the kiss and take a small step back. The moon is almost completely full, giving off the perfect amount of light to show off what we are about to do.

  Reaching for the hem of my shirt, I haul it over my head. My skin is exposed to the cool night air. Goosebumps dot my skin, and my nipples tighten further. I give him a coy smile as I reach up and palm one of my breasts, being sure to give him a nice little show.

  He licks his lips and I see his eyes darken. His erection juts against the front of his pajama bottoms. Taking him by the hand, I lead him down the steps and into the middle of the yard. We are in the direct line of at least two of the houses around us. All someone would have to do is glance through a window.

  Thomas looks at me and growls. He reaches for me but I giggle and dodge his grasp. I drop to my knees, grabbing the waist of his pants and tugging them down his thighs, stopping them at his knees.

  His beautiful erection springs free, and my body responds immediately. I slowly wrap my hand around his shaft and give him a few slow strokes. He sucks in a hiss through his teeth as his velvety smoothness glides through my palm. A bead of clear liquid gathers at the tip, and I lean forward, rolling my tongue against him.

  He moans loudly.

  I grin and take that as an indication that I should continue what I am doing. So. I do. I open my mouth and take him as far as I can. My fingers clutch his hips, trying to pull more of him into my mouth.

  I moan around him as the pleasure he gets only fuels my own. I can feel my desire coiling in my abdomen and I want to jump up and mount him. But, I hold out just a little bit longer, licking and sucking.

  Finally, I pull away and climb to my feet. My cheeks are flush with desire, and his pupils are dilated so much, I can barely see the color.

  I shimmy out of my pants running towards the shed where we keep the gardening tools. I actually have on some semi-sexy underwear tonight so it’s a good show. When I get to the shed I press up against it. There is no hiding. We are in clear view of every nosey busybody in our neighborhood. Hope they enjoy the show. I know I sure as hell am.

  “Come and get me Hollywood.”

  My husband doesn’t have to be told twice because he kicks out of his pants, rips his shirt over his head and strides over to me all at the same time. He’s a predator and I’m his prey.

  He cages me between the wall and his body seconds before his mouth crashes down against mine in a punishing kiss. Then, right as we get going good, he pulls away and spins me around.

  Oh yeah! My body is throbbing head to toe now. I feel his hands roughly grab the lace of my panties. The sound of ripping fabric disappears as my fevered skin is exposed to the cool night air.

  He grips my backside roughly and gives it a hard squeeze. Now, I’m Latina, I have a nice size booty on me but after two kids, it's out of control. Then, without warning he lifts my right leg and hangs it over his arm. I brace myself on one leg, the shed and his body as he spreads me wide.

  I shiver with anticipation because I know what is coming next, and hopefully, that’s me.

  Thomas doesn’t disappoint because in one swift motion he slams into me. A cry comes from my mouth. I couldn’t have stopped it even if I wanted too.

  Behind me, Thomas chuckles. He knows that someone is going to see us because I’m not exactly the quietest person.

  He sets the rhythm to hard and fast. My mind is spinning and my body is rejoicing. Each powerful thrust from my husband pushes me closer to the edge of the cliff.

  In and out. In and out he pushes. Higher and higher I climb. Moans and pants e
scape me without caution. Thomas’s grunts cause his breath to puff out against my back. Deeper he pulses, rubbing against that magical spot. I don’t know what it is about this angle but it’s the best ever. It’s a bit tricky, but we used to have it down to a science. Thankfully, we haven’t lost our touch.

  “I-I-I’m so close,” I gasp. My skin twitches with desire.

  “That’s right, baby. Come for me.”

  With his free hand, he reaches around and strokes my nub. I have no idea how this man managed to never miss a beat while simultaneously driving me insane.

  I squeeze my eyes together because I can feel my orgasm closing in on me. He quickly lowers my leg, and then spins me around.

  Our mouths find one another as he hoists me up against the wall. I wrap my legs around his hips as he thrusts deeply inside me.

  I whimper as his grip on my thighs tightens. Then suddenly, I cry out, his kiss swallowing my screams of ecstasy as my body comes unhinged. I wrap myself around him shivering and trembling as wave after sweet blessed wave slams over me.

  He’s thrusting into me harder and faster. I can hear his grunts and groans as he draw close to his release.

  “That’s right, baby. Let me have it,” I purr. I clench my inner muscles around him and it does the trick.

  Thomas throws back his head and bellows his release. Somewhere close by a dog barks. Over and over, he trembles inside of me until he finally falls still.


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