Fake It

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Fake It Page 16

by Mia Ford

  Several moments tick by. When I can finally get my eyes to focus, I look over his shoulder at the houses I see the fluttering of a couple of curtains and I grin. Hopefully, they don't call the cops.

  Thomas slowly withdraws from me and I hate the way it feels. “I think a couple got a show,” I point to the window.

  “It's too dark for them to really see.” he says.

  I'm not convinced. We race back towards the house.

  After I reach the cover of our house I turn. Laughter erupts out of me as Thomas struts across the yard, hands on hips and discarded clothes clutched in his fists. He looks like a Greek god. The hard planes and lines of his body shimmering in the moon’s sliver light makes my mouth water all over again.

  I grab him by the hand and pull him inside the house. He senses my need again and before long; his member is ready for another round.

  Thomas sweeps his arm across the table, sending papers and a few books crashing to the floor. We both still, holding our breath and hoping like hell our daughter doesn’t wander out of her room.

  Explaining why mommy and daddy are naked on the dining room table might be more than her little mind needs to know.

  After a few blessed seconds of holding our breath, we decide the coast is clear. Thomas kisses my neck and slides home one more time.

  My back arches from the table as my ankles lock behind his back. I pull him deeper and this time he moves slower inside me.

  If someone would have told me this was what my married life was going to be, I would have laughed in their face, but here I am, with the man of my dreams. I couldn’t be happier if I tried.

  A Chance Encounter


  It just takes one casual encounter to find your someone special!

  WOMEN - I had sworn them off my life!

  Yet, I feel something in my heart when she crashes into me

  Those wide green eyes and the embarrassment in them… They almost stop time for me

  But then she runs away.

  I never thought I would ever see her again

  But, later in my office, the same green eyes meet mine!

  I try to resist but my heart can’t.

  And soon, there was that first amazing kiss!

  Can I keep myself from falling in love again, especially when I know she’s having a child already!

  or Was it the chance encounter that I’ve found the love of my life!



  I pulled into traffic after taking a long look at the yellow building, merging with the other commuters. I was so nervous about my first day at work and spent extra time getting ready this morning. My dark red hair was pulled into a smooth bun at the nape of my neck and my dark green eyes popped with the light liner and mascara that I picked out at the store over the weekend. I didn’t usually wear a lot of makeup but this was a new start for me and I wanted to present myself as best I could. I licked my glossed lips and sighed as I got on the freeway, singing along to the song that was playing through my speakers in the beat up Honda that I’d had for several years.

  She was old and probably ugly to some people but my Grandma handed the car down to me. She died ten years ago, and the car was a way for me to remember her by. Well, if I was being honest it was also due to the fact that I was just starting a job in Seattle after moving to a cute little neighborhood just outside of the city. I did love the car though.

  I exited the freeway and looked ahead for a coffee shop. If I hurried and there was one near to the building, I could sneak in for a cup. I grinned when I saw the building that housed the publishing company that I was now employed at and saw one right across the street. This day might go well after all. I parked in the designated lot and slipped my purse over my body before I walked to the crowded intersection, looking around at the tall buildings and gray sky with a rueful smile.

  It was sure different from San Diego where I’d moved from.

  The light changed, and I followed the crowd, separating myself along with a few others to head into the coffee shop. It was crowded, but I had enough time to grab a cup and make it to work. I stood in the fast-moving line and ordered a large cinnamon brew before stepping into the group that was waiting for their orders. I looked around, trying to fit into this business crowd as I swallowed the lump in my throat. When they called my name, I stepped forward and thanked the barista for the coffee before making my way to the counter to add some cream to the cup, inhaling the spicy scent. I loved cinnamon coffee. I finished the preparation and sealed the cup before I turned to leave and go to work.

  As I was walking towards the door, someone bumped into me and I almost lost my footing as I pitched forward. I squealed as someone caught me, closing my eyes to avoid seeing the hard floor and then opening them to see arms holding me steady. “I am so sorry. Someone bumped into me…” My voice trailed off as I noticed that my precious coffee was staining his pristine white shirt and dripping from his black tie. I blushed as I looked into his face, stunned momentarily by the bright turquoise eyes gazing back darkly at me. “Oh my God. Can I get you a napkin or something?” I knew that my voice was shrill, but this was too much for my first day at work. It was too much to process, and I turned to look at the counters for a napkin dispenser.

  “It’s fine. I can change at work.” The voice sounded irritated and curt as I looked back with wide eyes. He looked angry and started to brush past me as I opened my mouth to speak. The man disappeared into the crowd to stand in line as people glanced between us, making me heat up even further. I dropped my shoulders and sulked out the door, mourning the loss of my coffee as well as the horribly awkward moment.

  I did think about his eyes as I stood empty handed on the curb. They reminded me of the photos I’d seen online of tropical beaches in lands far away and those could be beautiful if he wasn’t angry. I sensed that he was the kind of man to show his emotions well and I was not his favorite person right now.

  Oh well. It wasn’t like I’d see him again in this city. What were the chances?

  I strode to the intersection, vowing to make the rest of this day better. I still needed coffee, but I’d get some on break since the shop was so close. I walked across the wide street with a crowd, feeling important as I turned to the right and walked over to the square building that stood out with the flawless brick and windows everywhere. Stanton Publishing was one of the biggest publishing companies on the West coast and I was thrilled to be getting a job as an assistant editor to the head honcho of the department, working under some bigger names in the company. I'd always loved writing, using it to get through the harder times in my life. I didn’t expect it to take off but you never know. I’d be around books all day now and it might rub off, making me the newest billionaire author. I giggled as I walked along the sidewalk and then to the tall glass doors, thanking the man that opened the door for me. I followed a group to the car and stood back as I looked surreptitiously around the massive lobby.

  The floors were a warm marble in shades of brown and orange that somehow worked. There was a big desk that had three women working behind it, helping people that had questions. I heard the ding of the door and looked forward to make sure that I could fit, stepping inside with a small smile as I saw the space available.

  Looking around the inside of the elevator, it seemed like I was going to some lawyer’s office. The colors in here were dark but warm like the lobby and I smiled as reality hit me. I had a job in Seattle working for a publishing company. This was a dream job for me and I tucked my purse in front of my body as I took a slow breath. The doors opened on the floors before mine and people exited as I looked out to see what their company looked like. Stanton took of the top three floors and I exited the elevator on the fifteenth floor and looked around. It was nice in here with a hipster feel to the room, complete with a small coffee stand in the corner.


  I approached the desk and told the smiling blonde woman behind the counter my name and th
at I was there for my first day at work. “Isabelle, here you are. I’m going to send you over to HR to get some paperwork done and to meet your immediate manager. Go past the desk and take the next right. You’ll see HR at the end of that hallway. I’ll let them know that you’re here.” She smiled, and I nodded at her with a soft thank you on my lips. This was happening. I followed her directions and approached the door that boasted the name Human Resources, suddenly feeling nervous.



  I slipped into one of the new shirts that I kept in my office, thinking about the redhead that spilled her coffee all over me a few minutes ago. She was almost hot enough to excuse for her mistake, especially with the way that she blushed and apologized. Her coffee smelled good as well and I wish that I’d asked her what it was other than cinnamon.

  It’s not like I’d ever see her again, anyway. I buttoned the shirt and slipped it into my black slacks, thinking about the new assistant that was starting today. I’d been thinking too hard about that when I walked into the coffee shop and a lot of the accident was my fault, though I wouldn’t admit that. I liked seeing her flustered, like I did most women. I reached for the new blue tie and knotted it around my neck as I walked into the attached bathroom to see how it looked.

  I knew that I was attractive to women. I was getting a new assistant because of that fact since the last one became a bit obsessed with me. She hounded me at work, showed up at bars and restaurant and even drove through my neighborhood. That was too much for me and I didn’t want to hook up with her to begin with, employee or not. She was gone the following day, and I left for vacation while my partner promised me that he’d hire someone great, even if he did admit that it was another woman. I hoped for the best as I ran my hand through my tousled brown hair and reached for the coffee I decided to buy in the building after the disaster at the coffee shop. Everyone was staring at me and talking about it and I left quickly to head down the street to my building. I didn’t like the coffee there as much but I just needed some energy after staying out late with friends last night. It would have to do. I decided that I looked as though I’d never had coffee spilled on me and walked back into my office, sipping the coffee. I had a gorgeous view of the city with the water just past that, and I just stared for a moment. I loved living in Seattle.

  I glanced at the clock on the wall, realizing that the new girl had arrived. She had a mountain of paperwork to contend with so I had some time and I walked over to the window and thought about my ex-girlfriend Lana. I never got serious about women and the one time I did, she ended up sleeping with my brother. Lance wasn’t as good-looking as I was but seemed to have something because they were getting pretty serious. I hardly loved Lana at the point we fell apart, but she was fun. I was going to give it a go but now I realized that I wasn’t cut out for love. I’d just keep playing the field.

  I shook my head and grabbed the cup from my desk, walking out and around to HR. I looked around as I headed there, seeing the way that everyone glanced at me and started to appear busy. I was the head editor and the last one to see all the books that came in, so they worked hard to send me quality pieces to read. I made the final decision on everything and it felt good. I grinned to myself and saw the door to Human Resources, taking a deep breath. My bad luck with assistant editors was going to stop here. Ned hired someone good for me that could work at my pace and heed my demands, and I forced positive thoughts through my mind as I opened the door and walked towards the small conference room that they took the newbies to for paperwork and to go over company policies. I saw that the door was cracked and heard voices as I pushed it open, looking inside to see Hannah chatting with the girl next to her. I didn’t have a good view from here and walked in further, moving to sit across from them as a soft curse word slipped through my lips. I saw the shock on Hannah’s face out of the corner of my eye, staring at the woman from the coffee shop as she gave me a wide-eyed look.

  “Mr. Drury,” Hannah said as she shot me a dark look. “This is Isabelle Evans, and she is going to be taking over as your new assistant.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” I said as I offered her my hand across the table. Isabelle looked flustered all over again and she shook it as she pressed her full, sexy lips together. This girl was more gorgeous than I remembered and I took her in slowly as we shook hands. She did have a firm grip, and I wondered what was making her so nervous.

  “Yes, it is,” she stammered as Hannah looked curiously between us. “We ran into one another at the coffee shop, quite literally.” She looked over the pristine white shirt and raised an eyebrow, her eyes bright as she looked at my broad chest. “You did change here at work, didn’t you? You were a mess back there.”

  “Your coffee smelled good. Cinnamon?” I asked her as she blushed and nodded. All my previous thoughts about Lana were gone while I stared at Isabelle as the silence filled the room.

  “Do you want to go over the job duties while you’re here?” Hannah asked as I blinked and looked at her.

  “Yes, that sounds great. I assume that you were told some things during your interview but you will be working directly under me. I am the head editor here and you will be the last one to read the submissions before it goes to me. Prior to that, I have a large staff that splits up the genres and makes a decision whether to forward the manuscript. Are there any that you’re not comfortable with, Isabelle? We’re open to nearly everything.” I watched as she tapped her pen against the table and smiled.

  “I am fine reading anything. I find it easy to get to the meat of any genre and make it the best story that it can be. I have been editing all through high school and college and my major was English. I am prepared for this job.” Isabelle sounded confident as she sat up and pushed her generous chest forward, making me want to unbutton that shirt to see what they looked like. I blinked and brought myself back to reality as I nodded at her.

  “Ned knows what I look for as far as experience goes and he was impressed with you.” I wondered if he flirted with her during the interview, knowing that dating at work was prohibited. It was a rule that worked all around but one that I was tempted to break with Isabelle.

  “That makes me feel good about this. Thank you,” Isabelle murmured as I thought about what else I needed to say.

  “I put in overtime when the work gets heavy. Is that an option for you?” I asked as she seemed to consider her answer.

  “Yes, it is. I can work around a few things with some notice,” she replied as I wondered what those things were. Was she married? I saw no ring on her long, pale fingers as I looked and then gazed into her eyes.

  “Good. I work hard and I work fast. I expect my staff to do the same which is why your salary is generous. I am sure that Hannah has covered the benefit package that we offer?” I looked at the brunette as she smiled at me.

  “I was going to get there after she finished paperwork,” Hannah assured me as I leaned back and sipped my coffee as Isabelle looked longingly at my cup. I stayed while the paperwork was finished, listening to Hannah explain everything and adding to it as Isabelle looked between us with an overwhelmed expression.

  “That’s wonderful,” she murmured once the process was done, smiling as she looked down at the table. I am so grateful to you for this opportunity.”

  “You had the qualifications. I just hope that it works out for all of us.” I told her as she gave me a wary gaze. Her eyes were a soft green but bright as they locked with mine for a long moment. “I’ll take you to your desk and get you set up, if we’re finished here. Hannah?” I looked at her and she nodded, assuring both of us that we were. We stood, and she told Isabelle that we would be out in a moment and to wait just outside. Once we were alone, I crossed my arms and stared at her. “What is it?”

  “First, you know the rules here and they apply even more to your own assistant.” Hannah hissed at me as her brown eyes flashed. “Second, she is a nice girl and you are way too much for her. I can’t even imagine t
he trauma that you would put her though.”

  “Anything else?” I asked lightly as she collected the paperwork and slipped it into a folder.

  “She’s too much for you, Mason. Trust me on that.” Hannah left the room, and I frowned before following her, telling Isabelle to come with me. I led her out of the office to the main hallway, falling into an easy pace with her as she tucked her purse against her slim waist.

  “How many people work here?” Isabelle asked as she glanced around. I could see the curiosity in the eyes of the staff, aware that there was a lot of gossip about me and Nadia, my former assistant.

  “We have a staff of two hundred people, being a full publishing company. There are departments for every part of the process and I hired the best people on this coast.” I glanced at her as she nodded and kept looking around, seemingly nervous. “Have you ever done any writing yourself?” I had the sudden urge to know her, longing to ask everything about her.

  “I have dabbled, but it’s nothing too serious. I lean more towards the editing side of things and being behind the scenes. It seems like an amazing process to me.” She smiled and her appreciation for reading was obvious as I felt a smile pass over my lips. I’d never sensed that from an employee before and now I cursed the attraction that I was feeling towards her. We moved towards my office and I walked around the large desk that was waiting for her in her own cubicle. I preferred her to have some access to privacy so she could work though I was headed towards getting my assistants their own office.

  “Here is where you’ll be working. There’s a top-of-the-line MacBook, an iPod that you can take home to read new submissions if you choose to, as well as the newest Kindle Fire if you prefer that to Apple products. All submissions that pass the test from the others gets to it and you’ll have access to everything. I do have a smaller desk in my office for the times when we’ll be working together, complete with the same computer. I like to have privacy to discuss things at times.” I walked behind the desk and powered the computer on as she watched me with another overwhelmed expression. I showed her our programs as I gave her the seat, leaning over her to point things out as I breathed in slowly.


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