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Fake It

Page 26

by Mia Ford

  Mason cleaned up and got some water from my bathroom before coming back to join me in bed. We always dressed again in case Kendra wandered in. We snuggled together, and I closed my eyes as I tried not to think about Tuesday.

  Despite myself fighting it, we still told Mason goodbye the following night. I’d agreed to stay at his place and Kendra packed some things while I found clothing for work to bring over. He was leaving early Tuesday morning, and we wanted Kendra to sleep as long as possible. I gave my own personal kind of goodbye on my knees as he took me hard from behind, giving me something to remember.

  We fell asleep, and he kissed me goodbye in the darkness of the morning. Ken was coming to pick him up, and I hugged Mason tightly as I looked at him. “Have fun. Get a lot of work done.” We’d set up a way to Skype already, and I knew that we’d be talking soon. I rolled over as he left the bedroom and walked into the living room to retrieve his bags.

  The pillows smelled like him and the sheets smelled like us. I woke up to my alarm, seeing that it was a little brighter now. I rolled over, feeling the emptiness of the bed as I looked around. I went to make some coffee in the kitchen, taking it over the windows to watch the city come to life before checking on Kendra. She was still sleeping, and I cracked her door before I went to shower and get ready, using the bathroom stuff that I’d brought with me. I wore his robe until I got dressed and I loved how big it was on me as I applied my mascara.

  My phone sounded, and I went to wake her up gently, watching as she looked around the room. “We’re at Mason’s. Remember?”

  Kendra jumped out of bed and ran to the windows in the living room as I laughed and went to get my dress on for work. I’d found a great thrift store for clothes and tried to add something to my wardrobe every two weeks with my paycheck. I slipped heels on and asked if she was dressed, hearing her tell me yes. I walked into the kitchen and got her one of the breakfast bars that we both had when we were lazy.

  I grabbed my purse and keys before we left the apartment and locked the door. It was pleasant walking down to the secured garage and getting settled in my car before driving her to school. I was early for work and parked as I looked around the garage where Mason wouldn’t be.

  I could do this. I walked across the street to get some coffee and went to my desk, warming up my computer. I was going to handle his emails and get some reading in so Mason could come back ready to proof some more books. It wasn’t until I took out my phone that I saw a text from him.

  Mason: I already miss you.

  Me: I miss you.

  I warmed up my computer, assuming he wouldn’t get back to me right away. I was right. I pulled up the new document and started on the fourth chapter, playing some music in the background to keep me occupied.

  The day still dragged. I went to get lunch with Hannah, who seemed to take pity on me and even scoffed at the girls watching us leave. “You are the envy of Seattle now. Not just the company but Seattle.”

  I laughed, and we went to get salads before I finished my long day and went to get Kendra, getting pizza for dinner before she settled in for the night.



  I loved London. There was always a chill to the air when we seemed to go and it was exciting. I missed Isabelle this time though. I rarely missed women like this.

  We were busy meeting with the authors during the day and wooing potential clients at dinner that week. I seemed to have a hard time keeping up with Isabelle back home but I was glad that she was at my place. I liked that they were safe, and I tossed around the idea of asking her to move in.

  The signing seemed to take forever to arrive, and we left early that morning to have breakfast with the hosts. It included several of the authors and was a great chance to get some attention, but I wasn’t enjoying the women and how much they flirted with me. I watched as Ken deflected it smoothly, not insulting them but not encouraging it either. He was professional and charming and I focused on the moment again as I sipped the strong coffee.

  We went to the hotel and surveyed the crowd waiting to get in before we walked the main room. Our authors were front and center and I grinned as I looked at their tables. We paid more for the best banners and swag and it showed as Ken turned to me with a smile.

  The readers were let in and the room filled with the sound of excited women. The only men that usually came were husbands to be there for wives or carry the books that they bought though there were a few readers here and there. I walked to the bar and ordered a drink, slipping a bill over the smooth surface as I reached for the whiskey. I needed it. I considered sending Isabelle a text or calling her, but I was supposed to be mingling.

  I sipped the drink and felt someone move next to me at the bar. “Hello, Mason.” I froze at the familiar voice and looked over to see one of the hot agents in the business. “It’s been a while.”

  “It has, Marilyn. How are you doing?” I asked, going along with the pleasantries as I put the night that we spent together behind me.

  “I’m doing well. This is quite a turn out, isn’t it?” She asked, her hazel eyes raking over my face hungrily as I turned back to my drink.

  “London often is,” I replied, stating the obvious.

  “How long are you in town?” Marilyn asked as I stared forward for a moment.

  “We’re leaving on Monday night,” I replied as she touched my arm.

  “By we, do you mean Ken? Did you bring an assistant this time? I hear that you have a hard time keeping them these days.” I flinched at her touch and Marilyn pulled her hand away.

  “Just Ken this trip.” I wasn’t about to discuss my assistants with her. The rumors were that she got around as well in the business. I was hardly the only one.

  “Want to have dinner tomorrow night?” There it was. She wanted me to say yes and fuck her.

  “I’m busy. I can’t.” My answer was curt, and I watched her stare at me.

  “Really? The signing ends tomorrow. What could you possibly have going on?” Marilyn questioned as I downed the drink in one long sip.

  “Business. This is a business trip after all.” I knew that I was coming off as rude but I figured I’d get it all out now. I’d be more pleasant back out on the floor. I slid the glass back on the bar and turned to walk away, seeing Ken wave me over.

  “Is she breathing down your neck again?” He asked, referring to Marilyn.

  “Yes. It was one night a long time ago.” I frowned and looked at the lines for our authors. I needed to shake this off because travel was a large part of my job. We made our way around and chatted with readers and authors before going for some lunch around the corner where I ordered a beer. Ken raised an eyebrow as he took a blatant sip of water.

  “Are you going to get drunk for the event?” He asked me as I stared out of the window.

  “No. Just this beer.” I knew that I was on edge and he smirked at me.

  “I’d say that you have it bad. You look like I did the week before I proposed to Kathy.” I gave him a shocked look as he stared back at me. “I am not suggesting that you propose but you need to get this sorted out. This is a part of things and not something that I completely enjoy myself. I just know that everything is fine back home.”

  “I have them at my place while I’m gone. Her apartment is so… open. I want her safe.” Ken nodded as our plates were set down. “Fuck if I don’t like the idea of them there and me with them. Is that insane after three months?”

  “Would she want to?” Ken asked as I looked thoughtfully at him.

  “I don’t know. It’s like she’s all in one minute and backing off the next sometimes. There’s a lot of doubt there.”

  “She has a lot at stake. Will you do right by the two of them?” Keith asked as I blinked.

  “You’ve never asked me so much about my love life before,” I shot back as he nodded.

  “There was no reason. Lance did a shitty thing but losing her didn’t get to you. It was being betrayed by your own family
.” Ken observed as I nodded. “This is the real deal for you.”

  We talked a bit more over lunch and stood to leave. I told him that I’d join him at the hotel in a moment and drew my phone out of my pocket. I dialed Isabelle’s cell, knowing that they were probably in for the night. She answered sleepily, and I smiled. “Were you sleeping?”

  “Our whole life is upside down over here. We’ve fallen asleep on the couch more than I want to think about.” Isabelle said as she yawned. “How’s it going?”

  “Great. The signing is successful.” I replied as she murmured something encouraging. “I miss the hell out of you. Both of you.”

  “I miss you.” Isabelle let her emotions into the words and I leaned against the wall and took a deep breath. “Kendra does too. She keeps asking when you’re coming home.”

  “I love you,” I said softly as there was silence on the other end of the phone. “I love you and I want to arrange my entire damn life for you.”

  “I love you,” she told me as I felt warmth wash through me.

  “Can we talk about taking a bigger step when I get back?” I asked as she sucked in her breath. “I don’t know what but I just need you.”

  “Okay. Yes. I miss you,” she told me as I smiled. It was so good to hear her voice. We ended the call with the three words I never thought I’d say to a woman again and I pocketed my phone and walked back to the hotel.

  I joined Ken on the floor as we met people and handed out cards, seeing a lot of interest. We left and went out to dinner before making it an early night. There was still the signing the following day and that meant more networking. I was exhausted when we went back to our rooms and showered before calling Isabelle. Kendra was in the background and we made it a video call so I could talk to both of them. Kendra talked about the places they went by my house and how much she liked it there. She told me that I needed a kitten or a puppy as Isabelle rested her gorgeous face in her hands. I tried to imagine a pet in my bachelor pad and slowly rearranged it on my head to make it work.

  Kendra went to use the bathroom and Isabelle settled on the couch with a rueful smile. “Sorry. I think she’s enjoying herself a little too much.”

  “It’s fine. That’s what I wanted.” I assured her as she laughed. “What would you think about staying there?”

  “You mean moving in?” Her eyes were wide, but I saw the excitement in them.

  “Yes. We could fix up the guest room to suit Kendra and make her feel at home. You could add your touch to the condo and we could just be together all the time.” I told her as I watched her bite her full lip. “I want you with me every night. I love both of you.”

  A tear slipped down her cheek as I heard Kendra coming back. Isabelle wiped it and told me that she’d love to discuss it when I came home, signaling that this was to be kept between us. Fair enough. We finished the call, and I shut out the light to get some sleep. I was looking forward to flying home and being inside of Isabelle again in my bed, proving to her just how much I cared. I wanted to throw away the fucking condoms and feel what it would be like to come inside of her without any barriers and I felt my cock harden. I reached down to grip it and jerked off into my boxers, needing to release something. It would never do what making love to her did for me, but it would work until I was there again.

  We woke up and went to breakfast at our favorite place, relaxing for the first time on the trip. We always spent the last day doing something for ourselves though I’d happily just head home. I went with the plan and visited a museum with Ken, picking up some small gifts for the girls as we wandered around the streets. We grabbed a light dinner before getting on the plane for the long flight. I settled into a seat, stretching out as I closed my eyes. I heard Ken find his own seat as he told me to get some beauty sleep and I gave him the finger in his general direction.

  I woke up a few times throughout the flight, checking my watch every time. I’d go back to sleep but made some coffee when it came time to land, wanting to wake up so I’d be able to see the girls for a bit. I knew that Kendra would have to go to school, but I was hoping that Ken would tell Isabelle to stay home with me for the day. If the boss approved, she couldn’t say no. I sat forward in my seat, sipping the coffee as Ken opened his eyes and looked around. “Are we almost there?”

  “Another thirty minutes. I made some coffee if you want some,” I offered as Ken stretched.

  “I’ll need it. Kathy is going to want a break from the kids the second I’m back home.” He tried to sound like he was complaining but I knew how much Ken loved his family. “What are your plans?”

  “I might be able to say hi to Kendra before she goes to school but I’ll have to see.” Ken smiled.

  “Tell your girlfriend to take the day off. I think with all the work that you guys have gotten done, a day won’t hurt.” I grinned widely, and he went to make coffee before we needed to be seated for the landing.

  We walked down the steps and Ken led the way to the car that was waiting for us, telling me that he’d drop me off first. I grabbed my phone and sent Isabelle a text before settling back in my seat and looking at my favorite city.



  I was calling out to Kendra to get ready when I heard my phone from the kitchen counter. I was keeping an eye on it to see when Mason was landing, hopefully having enough time to see him for a minute before I went to work. I wasn’t sure what his plans were after such a long flight and I read through the text as I gasped.

  He was coming home right now and wanted to take Kendra to school in the car that was bringing them home and he asked me to wait. I knew that she might be a bit late, but it was only adventure club and she had some time before class. I was surprised when he told me to take the day off, assuring me that we’d come right back to the condo when she was dropped off.

  The day off? He was with Ken and if he approved it that was as good as it got. I smiled and looked at the shift dress that I was wearing, hoping that it would be coming off soon. Kendra walked out in her jeans and sweatshirt, carrying her shoes. I helped her get them on and grabbed her packed lunch and led her to the elevator in the main hallway to meet Mason as she looked around. “Where are we going, Mommy? The car is over there.”

  “You’ll see.” I told her as we stepped in and I pushed the button for the lobby of the building. I leaned back and glanced down at her as Kendra stared at me. The door opened, and we stepped out into the crowded lobby as I took her hand and headed to the glass doors. My mind whirled as we walked; thinking about the fact that he wanted us to move in and Mason loved me.

  He loved me. He loved us.

  I smiled at the doorman as he held the heavy door open for us, stepping out onto the sidewalk. There was a sleek town car parked against the curb and I smiled as Kendra looked around. “What is it?”

  The door of the car opened and Mason stepped out, smiling at me as our eyes locked. He tore his eyes away from me and called out Kendra’s name and she turned her head to stare at him. “Mason!!” She ran forward and jumped into his arms as I watched, feeling the emotions racing through my body. “You’re home!”

  “I am. I was going to take you to school today in this car. I have a seat for you and everything,” Mason told her as he knelt on the sidewalk before her. “After school, I want to take you and your mom to dinner. Your choice. How does that sound?”

  “Do I have to go to school?” She asked as he picked her up to carry her to the car, giving me a heated look.

  “You are going to learn so much today and then we’ll have some fun.” Mason was looking at me as he spoke, and I blushed as heat washed over me.

  “Okay.” Kendra wrapped her arms around his neck. “I’m glad you’re back. I missed you.”

  “I missed you, kiddo.” Mason placed her inside the car and I heard Ken greeting her as Mason followed her. I laughed as I walked over and got into the car once everyone was settled, asking Ken how the trip was. He told us about the convention and how many peop
le that they met during the trip, looking at Mason several times during the conversation. Kendra stared at Mason with warmth in her eyes as she listened to us and I knew that she was ready for me to have someone in my life. She probably was before this but I couldn’t regret waiting for Mason. He was worth those years alone, trying to better my life.

  School was still close, and we pulled up to the sidewalk as Kendra sighed dramatically. “It’s just for the day. We’re going to pick you up later together,” I told her as she narrowed her eyes at me.

  “You get to stay home, don’t you?” Her voice was filled with disappointment and I smiled.

  “It’s different from school. I can work from there just as easily as I can from the office and I want to spend some time with Mason.” I looked at him, seeing the hunger in his eyes as my body started to tingle.

  He walked her up to the entrance along with me and we both hugged her. Some girls came by and watched for a moment before asking who he was. I giggled as she told them that he was Mason, my boyfriend. There was so much happiness in her voice and I watched them walk to their classroom for a long moment. He took my hand once she was out of sight and led me back to the car, his grip tight on me. “Now I want to get you back to the condo and rip this dress off of your body.” His voice was low, and I shivered as I glanced around. “I can’t wait to be inside of you, over and over. You’re not moving out of that bed until we need to pick Kendra up.” He pushed me playfully into the car and I laughed as I climbed onto the bench seat across from Ken, smiling as Mason moved beside me and grabbed my hand again.

  “So, the day off is cool with you?” I asked Ken as he nodded.

  “You both work so hard. I’ve seen the numbers. Enjoy yourselves for the day.” His eyes twinkled as he looked us over and I blushed. “I can’t wait to get home myself.”

  I laughed nervously as we continued back to the condo, relieved when Mason pulled me out the door and called out to Ken that he’d talk to him later. The doorman held open the door, greeting us cheerfully as Mason hurried to the elevators. The doors opened, and he pushed me inside, kissing me as he pressed me against the back of the car. I was vaguely aware that it was empty, but I didn’t care as I wrapped my arms around his neck to pull him closer. We heard the ding of the door and he pulled away, staring at me before he pulled me to his door and unlocked it.


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