Fake It

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Fake It Page 53

by Mia Ford

  “You know what,” he finally says, really grabbing my attention. “I think it’s going to be a lot of fun working with you, Lousie Wilter. Loads of fun!”

  I don’t know if his words are intended that way or not, but I can’t help but shiver violently. Maybe Oliver knows what he’s doing to me, or maybe this is all in my crazy brain. All I know for sure is that this training program is going to be far more challenging than I first assumed and for reasons I hadn’t even considered. How the hell am I going to get out of this alive?

  Chapter Three – Oliver

  Damn it, this chick is smoking hot! I mean absolutely stunning, and I don’t think that she knows it either. She doesn’t carry around the same confidence as someone like Kelly, which somehow makes her even more attractive to me. As she tucks a strand of her flame red hair behind her ear and her green eyes sparkle at me, I have to really keep control of myself, which isn’t easy at all. Those plump pink lips and that curvy body with a heart shaped face urge me to wrap my hands around…

  No! I can’t think like that! I shake my head, trying to rid my brain of all those thoughts. I can’t be inappropriate, even if she is sexy and looks like she’s hiding a secret. I need to remain professional.

  As far as I’m concerned, hooking up with patients is fine though it’s not defined in the doctor’s handbook, but going anywhere near co-workers could be disastrous. I’ve been there before, I had a fling with a super cool, gorgeous secretary who at first seemed to be a whole lot of fun. Things were great for a while, it was all casual and fine. I didn’t have anything to worry about… but soon she wanted more, she wanted everything from me, including commitment which of course I wasn’t willing to give. It got very messy, things got very complex and chaotic that it made work extremely difficult. In the end, she had to leave and I promised everyone that I wouldn’t do it again. I can’t continue to make the same mistake over and over again. I need to be smart this time.

  “You think I’m going to be fun?” she stammers while inadvertently flutter her eyelashes at me.

  Oh God, maybe that wasn’t the right comment to make. It’s far too inappropriate to say anything like that. “Oh well, you know, fun to work with.”

  I give her a giant smile, all the while promising myself in my brain that I won’t keep pushing her, however tempting that it might be. “I’ve worked with plenty of trainees before and they’ve always been very serious. You seem much fun.”

  “Ah I see.” She nods in a way that suggests she doesn’t see at all. “Okay, well thank you.”

  A strange atmosphere completely fills the room which I know it’s up to me to break. I’m the damn adult here and I need to behave as such. I’m almost forty years old, she’s twenty one. It’s crazy.

  “Right, okay.” I glance around the room. “Well, I think I’ve shown you everything in here. Shall we go to see the canteen? That’s where all the good stuff happens anyway.”

  I have a plan with what I’m doing, I’m trying to get Louise out of the room so we can be surrounded by other people. If we aren’t alone then there’s no temptation for me to do anything.

  “Sure, sounds good.” She leaps up agreeably. “Whatever you say.”

  Oh God, I wish she wouldn’t say things like that! It drives me nuts. Anything that comes out of her mouth which suggests she’ll submit to me is too much. It makes my brain think all sorts of things I shouldn’t; handcuffs, ropes, whips, those lips wrapped tightly around me…

  As we make our way into the canteen, it seems that a lot of the other doctors have had the same idea. It’s full of people, but thankfully that includes Simon. He glances between me and Louise with a knowing smile. I shake my head sharply at him, trying to indicate that isn’t what my intentions are, but Simon ignores me. He smirks and points towards the guy shadowing him, someone who looks incredibly serious who doesn’t have a sense of humor at all. While I don’t know much about Louise yet, I can tell she’s got lots of layers, and while it might have to be in a friendship way rather than what I’d prefer, but I look forward to peeling them all back.

  I keep my distance, I step back and lean against the wall to just watch everyone else mingle. I’m usually the center of attention, right in the middle of it all, but today I just want to watch. I guess in a way I want to see what happens with Louise so I can learn more about her, but it quickly becomes obvious to me that no one intends to talk to her at all. At least some of these people must have gone to medical school with her, she should know someone. They’re all talking to one another like they’re old friends. I wonder why they’re leaving Louise out. Maybe it’s because she’s younger, maybe it’s because she graduated early and they’re jealous. Either way I don’t like it one bit.

  “You okay, Louise?” I ask her quietly, touching the bottom of her back gently.

  “Oh.” Her eyes widen as she glances up at me in shock. “Yeah, I’m fine. Thank you.”

  Maybe I can’t act on my strong sexual desire for this woman, but I can be a good friend to her. If she doesn’t have anyone else that doesn’t matter. She can have me fighting for her and corner for her. My heart goes out to her, I want to make things right for her. I could stop being around with other people to keep my temptations inside. I can just control myself.

  “Let’s grab a coffee, then we can go back to my office. Maybe I didn’t show you everything after all.” I give her a cheeky smile, but only a friendly one.

  “Thank you, Doctor Foxx.” She looks relieved to get the chance to leave the uncomfortable room which makes me feel much better about what I’ve said. “That sounds great.”

  I like the sensation of her calling me by my full name, it sends a shiver up and down my spine, which is exactly why I must put a stop to it. “Please, call me Oliver.”

  “Oliver.” She nods enthusiastically with a lovely smile on her lips. “Okay, sure.”

  Nope, maybe Oliver is worse. Somehow, that’s even sexier when Louise says it. Maybe the smart thing to do would be to assign Louise to another doctor so I don’t have to spend so much effort trying to keep myself away… but I also don’t want any of the other vultures near her. I think she’ll be better, safer with me. I hope at any rate…


  I lay my head back on the cushion on my couch and stare up at the ceiling thoughtfully. The bottle of beer clutched tightly between my fingers shakes a little because I’m barely concentrating on holding my fingers together. My brain is absolutely full of thinking about Louise. Spending the entire day with her made it very challenging, I don’t know how I managed to resist her all day long. I can’t stop thinking about certain, very sexy expression on her face, it makes me so damn horny I could scream.

  My hand automatically dips into my trousers and I rub the thick, throbbing erection that I have in there. I feel like I’ve been on the edge of desire all day long and now I need some satisfaction. The only problem is I know I could just sort myself out, but that won’t be enough. I need someone to help me along with this. Of course I’d like it to be Louise and with her damn sexy curvy body. Out of the office it might not be quite so bad, but I’m trying my hardest to be sensible. It’ll still cause complications at work, even if it doesn’t happen there.

  Instead, I grab my cell phone and I put in a call to my next door neighbor, Rita. Me and Rita have had a thing going for absolutely ages. It only stops while she dates people, which at the moment I don’t think she is, so she’ll be up for some no strings fun. This is the exact reason I remain living in an apartment building instead of moving into a much bigger place that I could afford if I wanted to. I like having women nearby me, it makes things very easy.

  “Hey there, sexy,” she purrs as she picks up the phone. “You home alone?”

  I smirk to myself, glad that she’s always so damn willing for me. “Yeah, you coming over?”

  “I’ll be right there. Any minute now. You just wait there, big boy.”

  I drop my trousers and push myself off the couch, then I move towards the
door where I know she’ll be at any moment. I feel aggressively turned on now, I need her hard and fast, I’m impatient and I can’t wait. Her knock comes a couple of seconds later, so I swing the door open and I slam my mouth into hers. I kiss her hard and fast while tearing her clothing off at the same time.

  “You’re needy tonight,” she mutters into my mouth, sounding pleased. “I like it.”

  I’m not thinking of her as I pull her panties to one side and I drag my own underwear down to slam into her. I’m imagining Louise, I’m pretending that I’m with her, in my office, driving into her against the wall. Me and Rita don’t even make it out the hallway, I simply take her where we are.

  “Oh fuck, Oliver,” Rita grunts as she tosses her head back in ecstasy. “That feels good.”

  I wish she wouldn’t talk, it’s a bit distracting but luckily not enough to take me from fantasy. I can still see Louise in my mind’s eye. I imagine her red hair spilling down her back, her pale neck revealing itself to me so I can take a deep bite of it, her pussy pulsating around me, which drives me over the edge much faster than I would normally. I explode hard and fast inside Rita, clutching on to her to keep me standing upright as I lose my shit.

  “Wow,” she gushes as she strokes her fingers gently through my hair. “That was something else, what’s going on with you at the moment?”

  “Oh, nothing.” I try to play it off. “Nothing at all, just a long old day, that’s all.”

  Actually, I feel much better once I’m done, I feel much less spent up and crazy. I guess having some more sex with Rita would help me get Louise out of my system. Maybe I better keep Rita around for the night in case I get myself all worked up again.

  “Do you want to stay for a bit?” I ask Rita while zipping myself up. “I have some beers in the fridge if you fancy one?”

  She flings her hands onto her hips and she cocks her head to give me a curious look. “Yep, something is definitely going on with you. You’ve never asked me to stay for a beer before. What’s going on with you? Have you fallen in love, or something equally crazy?”

  I burst out into much too hysterical, slightly fake laughter. “No, don’t be insane. I just thought…” I shake my head, knowing that I can’t pull this off at all. “Do you know what? Ignore me. I’ve gone insane.” I open the door and indicate for her to leave, which I know is what she wants anyway. “I’ll see you soon, alright.”

  She leans up and kisses me on the cheek before shimmying sexily away. I chuckle to myself as I watch her go, glad that I have her as great friend. At least I know things won’t get complicated between the two of us. I can be sure about that. Maybe, it gives hope for me and Louise, maybe she won’t be as complicated as the secretary from my past, who’s name I can’t even remember now. Maybe I could make it work as a bit of fun fling after all…

  Or maybe not, maybe the risk is much too high.

  Chapter Four – Louise

  It’s been a week, a whole week of working with Doctor Foxx, or Oliver as he still insists I call him, and my crush isn’t dampening down at all. After the first day, I thought the more time I spent with him the less I’d be attracted to him, but that hasn’t worked at all. The more I listen to him, the more knowledge that he imparts to me, the deeper I fall for him. As I watch him work, with his expert fingers, I admire him deeper. It’s only getting worse and I don’t know how to make it stop.

  “Do you have any questions about the patient we just saw?” he asks me curiously.

  “Erm?” I glance down at my notes, but I don’t think there’s anything I need to know. It was quite a standard appointment, all stuff I learned during my education. “No, I don’t think so.”

  “You don’t ever have much to ask, do you?” He gives me a look. “You always seem to know everything. You must be incredibly smart. I suppose that’s why you graduated early.”

  I shrug and blush, sensing a pride in his tone rather than a look of doubt. People don’t usually see it as a good thing that I’ve graduated so early, so it’s nice to see someone appreciate that.

  “Yeah, I guess so. Or maybe I’m just a geek who’s always got her head in a book.”

  “Don’t you know, geek girls are hot.” He gives me a playful wink, but it’s friendly. At least, I think it is.

  Sometimes I think we’re just friends, but sometimes I get the impression that he’s attracted to me too, which makes it even harder to reel my feelings in. “So that’s good news.”

  “I don’t know about that, I don’t think people think I’m hot, but sure. Thank you.”

  We pause for a moment and share a second of deep eye contact. I feel emotions swirling between us that I don’t know how to decipher. I don’t know if it’s just what I want, or if it’s him too, but it feels like there’s a thick sexual tension between us. My heart thunders in my chest, a thick lump balls up in my throat, anxious butterflies flap everywhere. Does he think I’m hot? Is that what he’s trying to tell me or is this just his way? I’ve seen him make little comments to some of his patients to make them giggle and relax around him. Maybe I’m simply in that category.

  I don’t know if it’s gonna help me to be honest, but at the same time I really want to know. I wish I could tear his head open and see into his brain, really know what’s going on inside of there.

  “Do you, erm, want to go for your lunch break now?” Oliver drags his eyes away and he stares at the appointment list for a moment, breaking the magic. “It’s about lunch time, isn’t it?”

  “Oh.” I’m taken aback by that. Usually we wait until all his appointments are done and we head to the canteen together. I like it, because it means I don’t have to sit alone. “Aren’t you coming?”

  “I just have one more appointment, then I’ll be there. It’s only a quick and simple one so there isn’t any point in you hanging around. You can go ahead first and I’ll meet you in there.”

  I freeze on the spot, unsure if I should go or not. I don’t know if I want to, but I don’t feel like I can argue either. There’s something about this that makes it feel more like a command than a request.

  “Right, okay.” There’s a tremor in my voice as I speak. “I’ll see you in a bit then.”

  “Yep. No worries. I won’t be long. I’ll see you in there.”

  I grab my bag and start to leave the room, but I don’t feel right about it. I glance back to look at Oliver, but he’s refusing to make eye contact with me. I really hope I haven’t done anything wrong. Maybe he’s angry that I don’t have any questions for him, maybe it’s damaging his ego. I should change that up, try and think of anything to ask just that he can impart his wisdom. I need to remember that while he’s made that comment about me being a geek girl in a positive way, he might not actually like my intelligence. My brains always put everyone off, I don’t even know how keen Jonathon was about it, maybe that’s why it all ended much too quickly.

  A sadness shrouds me as I take my seat alone in the canteen, as usual no one talks to me, but actually I’m glad for a change. I don’t want to speak to anyone, I just want to think. I want to analyze and wonder what I’ve done wrong. It’s either the fact that I haven’t massaged his ego or it’s that he can see my feelings written all over my face. He knows I’m attracted to him and he’s trying to shut me down gently. I already know that nothing can happen, even if he did like me, he doesn’t need to be mean about it. Maybe, if I can work up the bravery, I’ll try and find a way to speak to him about it once he gets in here. Maybe, I don’t know if I have that ability, but I can try.

  Once I finish eating, I wait in the canteen. I sit in silence with my arms folded across my chest waiting. I ate slowly to give Oliver time to finish up with his appointment, but still he isn’t here. He definitely said that he’d come, he told me to wait here for him, but now I feel a bit silly doing so. Everyone else is moving as soon as they’ve finished eating, but I’m waiting foolishly for goodness knows what. I can almost feel all eyes upon me, people thinking that I’m strange. I do
n’t like it.

  What the hell is going on? I glance my eyes towards the door but he’s still not there. Has he remembered what he said? I know that he’s a busy man and he gets distracted easily, but this is mad.

  In the end, I feel so ridiculous that I huff and I grab up my belongings. Tears sting the back of my eyes as I know now that I have to go and face him again, which is going to be humiliating. I’ve left it so long that he knows I’ve waited for him. There’s no getting away with it…

  “Are you okay?” I spin my head rapidly as a softly spoken female voice speaks to me. “Sorry, I know this might be none of my business, but you look a bit sad.”

  “Oh, erm…” I try to suck some air in to cool me down. “Yeah, I’m okay. Thanks for asking.”

  This isn’t one of the other trainee doctors, it’s someone I don’t know at all, but she looks friendly and sweet which actually I need. Her blue eyes are warm and open, it seems like she’s inviting me in. I haven’t had a genuine friend before and I would absolutely love one.

  “I’m Julia, by the way.” She extends her hand out for me to shake it. “I work on the reception desk. I haven’t been here for too long so I don’t know many people. Please tell me if I’m overstepping a boundary, I just want to say hi because you look really sad.”

  My face breaks out into a smile, already it feels like a massive weight has been lifted from my shoulders. “No, you know what, that’s really kind of you. I don’t know anyone either so it’s good that you’ve spoken to me. I am okay, I’m just having a bit of a rough day.”


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