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Goddess Complete

Page 50

by Michael Anderle

  Rewards: 3,400 exp

  Quest updated: A Woman in Need (Part II)

  You’ve united the town and brought peace to Gallen Hollows. Not only that, but you’ve earned the undying affection of Lady Gwent. Powerful allies are good to have, my friend.

  Rewards: 7,000 exp + unknown items

  Quest complete: A Willing Student

  The Mages’ Academy is stringent with who they will accept into their order. Prove your worth and earn the respect of the tutors to unlock the benefits of the globally revered academy.

  Difficulty: 4/10

  Rewards: 1,000 exp

  Accept quest: Y/N

  Quest complete: Opposite of Gods

  For the last few weeks, a strange phenomenon has been affecting Killink View’s mages. A shrine dedicated to the gods of the darkness has reportedly been seen to be surrounded by demons. These demons have been spilling into the daylight, threatening to enter the city.

  The guards have been vigilant, firing and deflecting the demons in their attempts to break into the city, but their arrows only keep them at bay. More must be done to eradicate this nuisance before the threat grows.

  Visit the Shrine of the Damned within the mountain’s caves, discover where the mages have been disappearing to, and uncover the source of the disturbance.

  Difficulty: 6/10

  Rewards: 5,000 exp

  Accept quest: Y/N

  Party quest unlocked: A Call to Arms

  You’ve destroyed the dreyda and emerged as the triumphant party of the task! The king and queen are very impressed and wish to bestow many rewards upon you. Look out for additional party quests as the game continues to grow, and the populations build.

  Rewards: 20,000 experience to each team member of the party who contributes the greatest progress to this task (3,000 to each member of every other party) + favor with the city of Killink View + an audience with the king and queen.

  Quest complete: We don’t take kindly to strangers

  Track down the ringleader of the grumblers within Rustfields and change their opinion of the blessed.

  Bonus points not awarded.

  Rewards: 1,200 exp

  Quest complete: Who’s been goblin?

  Your goblin companion is missing, and you have a hunch that someone in this town knows something about it.

  Find out what happened to Huk and return him safely to your party.

  Rewards: 800 exp

  Quest complete: Horsin’ Around

  No steed can outmatch your power! Congratulations on acquiring a new steed (and with unmatched finesse, impressive…)

  Rewards: 50 exp

  Quest complete: Stubborn Llamas

  You did it! Wow, was that one easy! Still, every good deed deserves a reward.

  Rewards: 500 exp

  Quest complete: Get the chick in the wagon

  Don’t get cocky, kid. Even my grandmother could have completed this one, and in less time. With more skill. I mean…they’re chickens, not basilisks.

  Rewards: 400 exp

  Quest complete: The Rift to Nether Realm

  You have unlocked the entrance to the Nether Realm—congratulations!

  This was deemed an impossible task by those who came before, but you managed to unite more magic-users than the city has seen together. You have found the tear in the fabric of reality and can now access the Nether Realm.

  Celebrate your victory but tread carefully. Explore the unexplored. Strange paths lie ahead, but for now, rest up a bit…

  If you can.

  Rewards: 50,000 exp

  Quest complete: The Final Hurdle

  You have done it! You’ve calmed Shikora and brought her back in union with KieraFreya. Now there’s just one thing left to do…

  Difficulty: 9/10

  Rewards: 20,000 exp

  Quest complete: A Fallen Goddess

  You have traveled the land and united all the fallen pieces of KieraFreya. Fragmented and lost, KieraFreya has sought her hero for thousands of years. The gods smiled upon you, and through bravery, courage, valor, and love, you have completed this legendary quest.

  Celebrate, dear adventurer. Enjoy the moment. Legendary quests are hard to come by and are built for champions such as you. Now revel in the prizes yielded and use them to your advantage as you become a true pioneer of Obsidian and all it has to offer.

  Rewards: 100,000 exp, + Champion’s Armor + Blade of the Heroic + Increased reputation among the gods.

  BONUS: Align yourself with the Goddess KieraFreya at your next shrine for additional rewards.


  Failed Quests

  Quest failed: One of us

  Rewards: 5,000 exp, Title unlock (’Oakston Villager’), New language (Tribal: Primitive)


  New spell acquired: Aqua Orb (Lv 1)

  A spell for even the sunniest of days. Conjure the Aqua Orb to protect yourself from heat and heat-related monsters. This ball is the ultimate addition to any high-society party or is perfect when in a pinch in dry environments such as deserts.

  Requirements: n x 20MP per second (where n is equal to the number of seconds taken to cast the spell)

  Spell power increased: Creepers Crawlies (Lv 2)

  Now that your spell has leveled up you can—you guessed it—control vines and foliage with a slightly greater level of efficiency. A wider range of plant life is available to your manipulation, too.

  Requirements: n x 17MP per second (where n is equal to the number of seconds taken to cast the spell)

  Spell power increased: Deic Light (Lv 2)

  The gods have treated you kindly, and you have channeled their light well. Now enemies in the darkness will cower before your might as you blast through shadow and harness the power of the gods.

  Requirements: n x 50MP (where n is equal to the number of seconds taken to cast the spell)

  Spell power increased: Healing Hands (Lv 2)

  A studious mage would be nothing without a little healing power. Lay your hands upon an injured comrade and help bring them back to health. Lay hands on yourself to fix those bumps and bruises and return to the battle as if nothing had ever happened.

  Requirements: (on others) n x 15MP (where n is equal to the number of seconds taken to cast the spell)

  (on self) n x 18MP (where n is equal to the number of seconds taken to cast the spell.

  Spell power increased: Ice Shard (Lv 2)

  Ice may melt, and ice may thaw, but you can guarantee that it’ll do some damage before it fades into oblivion.

  The ultimate spell for stealthy kills, fire an ice shard into your opponent’s heart and watch the baffled faces of the investigators when the shard melts without a trace….

  Requirements: n x 10MP per shard (where n is equal to the number of seconds taken to cast the spell)

  New spell acquired: Mind Manipulation (Lv 1)

  You’ve mastered the art of combining spells in order to screw with people’s minds. Now you can actually try digging your hands into other characters’ brain matter and affecting their biology on a cellular level.

  Mind Manipulation is a spell in the Illusion branch of magic. With this spell, you’ll be able to affect what people see and influence their decisions.

  Warning: There are many who frown upon the manipulation of people’s minds. Use with caution to maintain good standing among those within Obsidian.

  Requirements: n x 20MP

  Spell power increased: Purple Blaze (Lv 4)

  You’re on FIRE! You’ve found a new way to manipulate your spell. Your spells-dex will keep a record of any and all manipulations you discover. Continue with your experiments to unlock bigger and better forms of your Purple Blaze spell, Hot Stuff.


  Fireball: Summon a fireball to throw at your enemies. Size varies dependent on focus and mana invested in the spell.

  Scorching trail: Mark your territory, create barriers, or just draw pretty pictures wit
h the purple flame. Size and duration dependent on focus and mana invested in the spell.

  Bonuses: +1 etheric potential, reduced cast cost (n x 18MP)

  New spell acquired: Resurrection (Lv 1)

  There are a great many forces at work in this realm. Though many choose to pursue the path of the light, magic can be found in the path of the darkness. While life is sought and clung to with iron claws, death is the inevitability that comes to all.

  Or so it would seem.

  Summon the powers within this spell to bring the dead back to the living. Higher tiers of this spell will allow control of the dark forces of the dead, while lower tiers will allow the resurrection of fallen comrades.

  A note of warning: there are those within the realm of Obsidian who frown upon the dark arts. Be wary of your surroundings before toying with the gods of darkness and snatching away their prizes.

  Requirements: 100% of player’s MP

  (NOTE: The Spell of Resurrection can only be cast once within a 48-hour period)

  Spell power increased: Shadow Tweak (Lv 2)

  Ever thought of producing puppet shows? Just an idea. I suppose there are better ways to manipulate the shadows (extra points for creativity and innovation).

  Requirements: n x 12MP (where n is equal to the number of seconds taken to cast the spell)

  Spell power increased: Telekinesis (Lv 3)

  You’ve done it! Now you can manipulate multiple objects at once. Use this spell to confound and confuse your enemies, as well as helping yourself out of sticky situations.

  Requirements: n x 30MP (where n is equal to the number of seconds taken to cast the spell)

  Spell power increased: Volt Shock (Lv 2)

  Is it me, or can you feel a spark between us? Maybe harness that power and zap the hell out of enemies with it. Who knows the limits of your potential?

  Requirements: n x 30MP (where n is equal to the number of seconds taken to cast the spell)

  New spell acquired: Whisper of the Wild (Lv 1)

  Have you ever wanted to communicate with animals? To have them listen to your whispers and wishes? Well, you better start increasing your rank in this spell, then, eh? For now, you might be able to talk to insects and possibly a squirrel, but train this and you’ll have even the most fearsome predators obeying your will.

  Requirements: n x 20MP (where n is equal to the number of seconds taken to cast the spell)

  Obsidian Detective

  Pre-order now to have the book arrive on your Kindle November 1st.

  Two Rebels whose Worlds Collide on a Planetary Level.

  On the fringes of human space, a murder will light a fuse and send two different people colliding together.

  She lives on Earth, where peace among the population is a given. He is on the fringe of society where authority is how much firepower you wield.

  She is from the powerful, the elite. He is with the military.

  Both want the truth – but is revealing the truth good for society?


  Two years ago, a small moon in a far off system was set to be the location of the first intergalactic war between humans and an alien race.

  It never happened. However, something was found many are willing to kill to keep a secret.

  Now, they have killed the wrong people.

  How many will need to die to keep the truth hidden?

  As many as is needed.

  He will have vengeance no matter the cost. She will dig for the truth. No matter how risky the truth is to reveal.

  Coming November 1st from Amazon and other Digital Book Stores

  Creator Notes - Michael Anderle

  September 18, 2019

  Thank you for reading our stories, and these Author Notes!

  I have some INCREDIBLE…potentially…NEWS! The problem is, I can’t share it, yet.

  Ok, so I’m not going to beat around the bush—I’m that person who never shops for Christmas gifts until the last minute. Then, when I’ve got the presents and gift-wrapped them (horribly), I am anxious to give them to the person I got them for.

  I suck at Christmas, let me tell you.

  I’m older now, and the guys are all out of the house. Neither my wife nor I are huge about Christmas decorations… Except for… Did you guess?

  The week before Christmas.

  All of a sudden, I’m wanting little parts of Christmas to show up in the house. Enough to feel Christmas-y but without the dread of hours of packing to stow it all away. What does this have to do with my news?

  My lawyer would kill me if she found out I had shared it before it was official. THIS IS HORRIBLE! It’s like having a secret that everyone knows I want to share, but I can’t. The people watching me could care less WHAT the secret is. They just want to bet how long I will last before the secret slips.

  It’s like being on a reality TV show, but no one is following me around.

  All I can share is, IF it happens, it absolutely will affect the LitRPG stories coming out of LMBPN in the future.

  This series: WE ARE DONE—FOR NOW.

  KieraFreya is free, and Chloe has grown up. This is it for now, isn’t it?

  If you enjoyed these stories, please be kind and set up a review on book 01. If we can garner enough interest, we can come back to the land of Chloe and KieraFreya and enjoy more of the songs and friendships we have shared through these six books.

  Six, you ask? Well, actually, yes. These three (3) books are actually two stories in each. We will wait a month or so, and then figure out how and when to break them up. Make that a couple of months minimum (we have too many other stories to do.)


  If you enjoyed the artwork, let’s give the props to the amazing Mihaela (she lives with her family in TRANSYLVANIA. I love being able to say that.)

  If you would like us to do something with the artwork, let us know by sending an email to I’m thinking mug or shirt or poster or something, but send us your ideas. We might be able to make something happen!

  ( is an email alias for Zen Master Steve™ - our Operations VP. Won’t he be surprised to read this in a few hours that a new email address comes to him?)


  May you enjoy reading all the more through your life—with some of your time spent in worlds created by LMBPN.

  Thank you!

  Michael Anderle

  You Need A Bigger Sword

  Have you read You Need A Bigger Sword? It’s a Gamelit Fantasy RPG novel and is available now at Amazon and through Kindle Unlimited.

  Turns out, punching zombie bears is fun.

  Who knew?

  Enter the world of Metamorphosis Online, a fully immersive video game where players compete for spots in the Global Top 10—ranks that actually pay you to play the game.

  Gracie doesn't play the game to make money…at first.

  Broke, single, and working a crappy job as a blackjack dealer, Gracie's just blowing off steam and having fun.

  Can playing a new type of immersive game help her overcome real-life issues, or will it cause more problems?

  Before she knows it, Gracie has intervened in a generations-long war between the kobolds and the fae and started a ragtag guild, and her weird math abilities make themselves known in a way that most could not have imagined.

  Can she deal with being pitted against the game developers?

  For the first time Gracie can remember, she has something worth fighting for.

  Available at Amazon

  Witch Of The Federation

  Have you read Michael Anderle’s latest creation, WITCH OF THE FEDERATION? It’s available now at Amazon and through Kindle Unlimited.

  The future has amazing technology. Our alien allies have magic. Together, we are building a training system to teach the best of humanity to go to the stars.

  But the training is monumentally expensive.

p; Stephanie Morgana is a genius, she just doesn't know it.

  The Artificial Intelligence which runs the Virtual World is charged with testing Stephanie, a task it has never performed before.

  The Earth and their allies, may never be the same again.

  Will Stephanie pass the test and be moved to the advanced preparatory schools, or will the system miss her? Will the AI be able to judge a human's potential in an area where it has no existing test data to compare?

  Available at Amazon


  Book one in the best-selling Animus series from Joshua and Michael Anderle is Initiate, and it’s available now from Amazon and through Kindle Unlimited.

  It was just one fight, but it changed Kaiden Jericho's life forever.

  He was in a gang but was trying to change his future when a board member of the elite advanced academy NEXUS made a snap decision and offered him a chance.

  Then fate, or an unbalanced genius, offered him another.

  The Nexus Academy is for the elite trainees from Earth, and now trials from our alien allies, as they teach the future generation how to fight, lead, hack, spy, and many other talents and tactics.

  Hired by companies, governments and NGOs, these graduates work to pay off the massive debt their training at the academy accumulates.

  You don't become the best of the best by staying alive. With the Animus, you are closer to perfection with each death you suffer.

  Kaiden Jericho would rather skip the death part, thank you very much.


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