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Taken By Surprise (Taken Trilogy Book 1)

Page 11

by Jessica Frances

  “Who would do such a thing?” June begins to look upset and I try my best to stop my eyes from rolling again. It’s difficult to stop, however, so I end up pausing mid-roll. I’m getting better already.

  “A thief among us!” Hugh sounds excited as he claps his hands together and rubs them while he narrows his eyes accusingly at each of us, winking at me when we make eye contact.

  “It’s really scary.” June pushes Hugh lightly, but a smile from Hugh melts any heart. If only Hugh were straight, I would love to have some fun with him.

  “That police officer looks hot,” Macy whispers. I look over to the one she is referring to. He’s bent over, picking up files that have dropped on the ground. I decide to admire my view, losing focus on what we have actually been talking about all this time.

  “Definitely gay,” Hugh assures me, rubbing his hands together again and licking his lips. I laugh loudly at his antics and am quickly shushed by everyone.

  “What about the security tapes?” Macy gets us back on track, although I notice her eyes keep moving over to the police officer who has now stood up, though he has yet to turn back toward us. His arms and back look taut with muscles and I, too, find my attention wavering as I take in his form. Now if only he would turn around to face us.

  “Nothing, all wiped clean.” June throws her hands up in the air, dramatic as ever, and also proving that she already knows about this.

  “What do you think, Rose?” Hugh asks me, tapping his chin as though pondering my innocence.

  “Me?” I already know what my opinion is. A stupid amateur, who left holes and clues everywhere, had hacked the system. After that was discovered, auditors and fraud police were called and, after looking over things for months, they found out about the missing hundreds of thousands. Something that would have never been noticed if it wasn’t for some hack who decided to steal from the bank and not to do it right. I had covered my tracks well, but now, I’m beginning to worry that I might have left something behind. It’s too late to fix anything now and I just have to hope that I haven’t screwed up.

  “I think that police officer is most definitely not gay.” I wink at Hugh and his accusing look turns devious.

  “How about we make this interesting?” Hugh winks back at me and I smile, hoping it’s hiding my worry. “Person who gets the furthest with him wins…” Hugh looks around himself, trying to think of something worthy.

  “How about the person just wins him, I would definitely say he’s first prize material.” Macy eyes him again, moving her wedding ring on her finger around nervously. She always does that when she sees someone come into the bank looking hot. Why get married if you’re going to never be satisfied with your own partner?

  “Sounds good to me.” Hugh grabs and squeezes my hand as he quickly moves past me and walks straight up to the police officer who is now facing all of us.

  Between the both of them, I can’t decide who is hotter. Their good looks make me think the world might just explode, since surely, the hotness from these two guys is just too much to take. Instead, the world stays standing and I decide the cop is hotter, only because he is wearing a uniform.

  Hugh doesn’t seem to have much luck and, after several flirting moves I have previously seen him pull off successfully, he moves away. I smile sweetly at his annoyance as he passes me and I again eye the police officer. Perhaps this will be a good distraction from all the problems around here. It might also be a good way to gain insight to what they know and if they are at all onto me.

  Chapter Twelve – The Night Out

  For the rest of the day, Hugh tries his hardest with the cop, but continually has no luck. I decide to wait it out. If Hugh can’t crack him by the end of the day, then he is most definitely straight and I’m sure to have many weeks giving myself a shot. We now have a name for our prey and it is Officer Johnson.

  He has no wedding ring on his finger and, while I do notice a few glances my way, they don’t appear like the long, wistful ones I’m used to. Because of that, I decide there is a good chance he is dating someone. Actually, based solely on his looks, I’m sure he must be dating someone.

  I have a rule about that. If a guy is taken, then don’t go there. It isn’t really for the noble causes one might think, though. It’s simply that a taken guy is too much drama. You can never let your feelings go anywhere because they are a cheater and that never ends well. Plus, once the girlfriend gets involved, it is just one big mess. I have seen my best friend, Anna, go through it several times. She isn’t a bad person, she’s merely blind to the obvious clues that say they’re seeing someone else. When a guy only booty calls you, takes you to dark, out-of-the-way restaurants and won’t introduce you to friends or family, then something is up.

  At home, I collapse on top of my bed and pull out my laptop from under my pillow. I log on, bypassing all the traps I have set up and wait impatiently for Slayer to come online. I found him online when he tried hacking into my online gaming account and we have been good friends ever since. He taught me a lot about hacking and constantly tells me I am a natural. I don’t know his name or where he is from and we have a deal never to look into each other because, if one of us is compromised, we don’t want to have to be in any position to drag the other one down with us. The only thing I know is that Slayer647 is male and doesn’t have the best spelling or grammar. He also doesn’t have a great home life and, in the end, we have helped each other more than any of our “real” friends.

  I’m nearing the six-foot height, have curves that make guys drool and women envious. I am naturally blessed with clear, tanned skin, my blonde hair is long and natural, which is almost unheard of in L.A., and I have a wardrobe that most women would die for. I’ve had enough fake friends and sleaze-ball boyfriends to last me a lifetime. My family has money and I have lived a life of luxury. So, it’s nice that I have one friend who doesn’t know any of that and still likes me.

  My screen lights up and I sigh in anticipation to see Slayer’s words of wisdom that will hopefully calm me down.

  SLAYER647: Has logged on.

  AMERICAN3.14: Finally!

  SLAYER647: I kno u want me but pls restrain urself!

  AMERICAN3.14: Shut up! I got problems

  SLAYER647: Dont we all hunny

  AMERICAN3.14: Some douche stole money from the bank. They know about the money I took, what do I do?

  SLAYER647: Chill u covered ur tracks fine, u learned from the best

  AMERICAN3.14: I’m worried I didn’t. It was last year and I only just started working there, what if I made a mistake? I shouldn’t have done this.

  SLAYER647: Ur b fine just chill out ok? U did it for the rite reasons ur family needed that money.

  AMERICAN3.14: Still doesn’t make what I did right. They’re saying the person who stole the money is a thief, a criminal. I’ve never thought of myself like that, but it’s true.

  SLAYER647: Your familys busines was goin under. U saved ur family from going bankrupt. Don’t hate on urself over that.

  AMERICAN3.14: You also said I would never get caught.

  SLAYER647: N u havent. Just Chill and this will all be over soon.

  I take deep breaths and try to believe Slayer’s words. He is right. I had done it for the right reasons. Dad had built his firm up from the ground and after the economy crashed his company went into hardship. He had to lay a lot of people off and the stress caused him to have a heart attack. I had never felt so scared in my entire life. I knew I had to do what I could, so I stole a few cents from accounts over a few weeks. It was easy and soon I had over four hundred thousand dollars. I was able to clean the money with the help of Slayer who strangely had a lot of knowledge of how to do that.

  His big skills, though, were expert legal document forges and, while that wasn’t really needed, he was also able to fake a law firm letter to make it look like my dad inherited some money from a long lost relative. It was enough to get him back on his feet and clear some debt. Now, Dad’s on a strict d
iet, which Mom has made it her main goal in life to make sure he sticks to, and is happy to be rehiring some of the people who lost their jobs. My job at the bank was supposed to be temporary, since I had received several offers from colleges who accepted me; two being Harvard and MIT. I’m good with computers and numbers.

  For as long as I can remember, the IT and any mathematic classes I took were like adding one and one together and getting two. It was always easy for me. I never studied and I never had any real interest in going to college. I, of course, am interested in the lifestyle college students have; the parties, the guys and the time away from family. The truth is, that right now, my family can’t afford it and I pretend that it doesn’t really matter anyway. As far as they know, I love working at the bank and have found a real “calling” there.

  SLAYER647: Henrietta? Stacy? 40yo obese dude? U there?

  Often Slayer will randomly spurt out names hoping to guess mine. He had actually said Rose once, but upon our rule, I never told him he had it right.

  AMERICAN3.14: Sorry, was just thinking. Thanks for listening to me. I owe you one.

  SLAYER647: U kidden me? I owe u lik a 100 times ova.

  That is true. As much as he has helped me out of my problems, Slayer is an expert at getting himself far too deep into situations and needing help getting out. Once, he had decided it would be fun to hack into a government website. He had gotten into so much trouble that I had to also hack into the same site to split their resources, making them start chasing us both. We only just escaped. I didn’t sleep for a month, worrying SWAT was going to break down my door and arrest me.

  AMERICAN3.14: True, you do owe me. How’s your dad?

  SLAYER647: Back in treatment. They hoping he recovers better from this chemo.

  AMERICAN3.14: I’m crossing all my fingers and toes for him.

  I hear the doorbell ring and know Anna is here. It’s our Friday ritual to eat takeout and then, after Anna tries on all my clothes, we go out drinking.

  SLAYER647: Thanx, I’ll take whateva help i can get.

  AMERICAN3.14: Anna is here, ttyl!

  SLAYER647: dont 4get to tell her to pick up some milk on her way home!

  Slayer has a thing for Anna. It’s hilarious actually, since again, he has no idea who she is or just how gorgeous she is. He is merely determined to be in an imaginary relationship and he has decided Anna will do.

  AMERICAN3.14: Will do, I’ll try to get her not to cheat on you too much tonight.

  SLAYER647: Ur breakin my hart here!

  I laugh and then log off, quickly moving my laptop under my pillow before I run down the stairs and open the front door to Anna tapping her foot impatiently.

  “Took you long enough.”

  “Sorry. Is that Chinese?” I stare at the bags in her hands and feel my stomach rumble.

  “Sure is, and it’s going to cost you that hot little black dress for the night.”

  “Deal.” I grab one of the bags out of her hands and open it up, inhaling the fatty smells that instantly assault my senses.

  “I wish I could meet your brothers. They both look so hot.” Anna’s eyes drift to a large family portrait that is on the wall at the top of the stairs as we move up them. The painting had been done four years ago. I never really notice it there anymore. Dad and Mom appear to be the typically proud parents. Mom looks stunning in a beige, fitted dress with her expensive jewelry out on full display. Dad is wearing a suit, which is mostly hidden behind us. He had quite the bulging stomach when this was done, but since he has gone on his strict diet, he has lost over forty pounds. The slimmer look suits him much better.

  Doug is on my left in the picture. He looks strong and it’s obvious he has done a lot of sports in his life. He had been into baseball before too many injuries caught up to him. Now, he’s an engineer. He’s seven years older than me and just got married last month to his high school sweetheart.

  Nick, who is on my right side, is nine years older and is a doctor and married to his job. He lives in Chicago, while Doug is living in San Francisco. Out of both of them, I am closest to Doug, but even then, I barely see either of them. I basically grew up an only child since they both were away at college for most of my childhood. Mom is incredibly proud of them both, and while a daughter working at a bank isn’t what she had seen in my future, her worry for Dad distracts her from trying to set me up with the perfect husband.

  Anna and I finish our dinner quickly, both eager to enjoy the night. Anna is a great party friend. Our discussions never run too deep and with her family from money, too, I never have to worry about being taken advantage of. She is simply a person looking to have fun and when we go out together that is what we have. We have two rules with each other, never judge and always go with your gut. I have been out with other friends before and it’s always a bore. They cluster together, giggle and wave at boys, but never approach. Plus, they are unable to go to the bar or toilet on their own. Anna and I are forward and independent. I don’t freak out when she leaves me alone and there is no betrayal or drama if one of us leaves without the other.

  “What do you think?” Anna twirls in front of me, wearing the black dress she had been referring to earlier. It looks like it has been made just for her. Her strawberry blonde hair is up in a complicated bun and it makes your eyes instantly follow her neckline downwards. I doubt any guy tonight will be able to keep their eyes off her.


  Anna smiles and then holds a red dress up to my neck. I look down and know she has, once again, picked the dress that I absolutely want to wear. If she hadn’t been here, I would have most likely tried on about ten different ones before finding it. It’s yet another reason Anna is great.


  We get out of our cab, walk past the line of at least eighty people and I wait while Anna sweet talks the security guard into letting us jump the line. We both have good fake IDs, but we always try to not have to show them whenever possible. It doesn’t take much time to get him to agree once he gets a good look at us and soon our ears are being blasted from the loud dance music pumping through the club.

  The place is crowded and hot, however I feel a smile come over my face. I love every part of going out. I shake my head as Anna tries to drag me onto the dance floor; when I pull away from her she moves off and dances herself right into a guy’s arms. He responds immediately to her, and soon, I lose them in the crowd as I go off in search of the bar. My first order of business when going out is to always get a drink.

  I move through the crowd surrounding the bar, and while I usually find getting the attention of a barman quite simple, tonight they must be understaffed. Not a single one is near me. I sigh loudly, annoyed that I’m going to have to wait. I look to both sides of me, finding on one side of me a tall shoulder that knocks into me, and the other side holds a line of guys yelling loudly before chugging back shots. I feel closed in and move away to wedge myself into a new spot where a barman seems to be hanging around. I watch him pouring several drinks and begin to get impatient while waiting for him to get to me.

  This time, next to me are several high-pitched, badly fake-tanned, orange women who are bitching about some guy named Karl, and on my other side, I’m next to a tall man wearing a suit. He gives me the impression of being someone important and when his eyes look downward to connect with mine, he smirks like he knows what I’m thinking.

  “Like what you see?” The guy in the suit keeps the smirk on his face while bringing his arm over my shoulders.

  “I’ve seen better.” I’m annoyed at him for touching me and as his hand squeezes my shoulder, I quickly shrug it off.

  “Aw, honey, no need to be like that. Show me love, not hate.”

  His hands rest on my hips now and I feel a flash of anger shoot through me, causing my fists to ball up and my nails to dig into my palms.

  “How about I show you my fist in your face?” I yell, smacking his hands away from me.

  “Hey, back off, crazy. No need to
be such a bitch about it.” The guy holds up his hands as if surrendering and rolls his eyes to the guy next to him who laughs in return.

  My blood boils.

  “You ass—”

  “Time to go,” a voice near me speaks by my ear before I’m dragged away from the now laughing suit guy.

  “What the hell?” I demand, tearing my eyes from one male ass to the one now standing in front of me.

  “I’m sorry, but I thought it was necessary to step in.”

  “I didn’t ask for your help. I don’t need it,” I yell, feeling even angrier. It took only ten minutes for this night to be ruined.

  “I wasn’t helping you. I just figured that dude was about to get his ass kicked and the guy is an idiot. What would he have left if you took away his inflated ego?”

  I’m at a loss for words. I hadn’t expected that.

  “You’re not going to hit me now, are you?” This new guy smiles at me and I find myself reluctantly smiling back. He looks laid back in just black denim jeans and a navy fitted shirt. His chin is sharp and his face gives the appearance of a tough guy, but his smile brings out his blue eyes and it makes me melt a little inside.


  “On what?” He leans into me to speak and I unintentionally match him by leaning in closer, too.

  “On whether or not you piss me off.”

  The stranger laughs. “Ah, well, I best get off to a good start with you and offer to buy you a drink.”

  “I buy my own drinks.”

  “To help me get on your good side, though, perhaps you’ll allow me to buy you one?”

  I try to look like this is a hard decision to make, but my smile breaks through in the end and I nod that I would like a drink.

  This guy doesn’t ask me what I want to drink and I watch him yell something to the barman whose attention he catches straight away. I’m curious what drink this stranger might think I’ll like.

  I look around for Anna, however she is most likely still on the dance floor. She usually lasts a handful of songs before she decides she needs a drink.


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