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The Ghost Story Megapack: 25 Classic Tales by Masters

Page 8

by Mary Elizabeth Braddon

  “He pegs shoes like a gentleman,” I said.

  “Yes,” returned the keeper. “He’s werry troublesome that way. He thinks he’s too good for his position. We can’t never do nothing with the boots he makes.”

  “Why do you keep him at work in the shoe department?” I queried.

  “We haven’t got no work to be done in his special line, so we have to put him at whatever we can. He pegs shoes less badly than he does anything else.”

  “What was his special line?”

  “He was a gentleman of leisure travellin’ for his health afore he got into the toils o’ the law. his real name is Marmaduke Fitztappington De Wolfe, of Pelhamhurst-by-the-Sea, Warwickshire.

  He landed in this country of a Tuesday, took to collectin’ souvenir spoons of a Friday, was jugged the same day, tried, convicted, and there he sets. In for two years more.”

  “How interesting!” I said. “Was the evidence against him conclusive?”

  “Extremely. A half-dozen spoons was found on his person.”

  “He pleaded guilty, I suppose?”

  “Not him. He claimed to be as innocent as a new-born babe. Told a cock-and-bull story about havin’ been deluded by spirits, but the judge and jury wasn’t to be fooled. They gave him every chance, too. He even cabled himself, the judge did, to Pelhamhurst-by-the-Sea, Warwickshire, at his own expense, to see if the man was an impostor, but he never got no reply. There was them as said there wasn’t no such place as Pelhamhurst-by-the-Sea in Warwickshire, but they never proved it.”

  “I should like very much to interview him,” said I.

  “It can’t be done, sir,” said my guide. “The rules is very strict.”

  “You couldn’t—er—arrange an interview for me,” I asked, jingling a bunch of keys in my pocket.

  He must have recognized the sound, for he colored and gruffly replied, “I has me orders, and I obeys ’em.”

  “Just—er—add this to the pension fund,”

  I put in, handing him a five-dollar bill. “An interview is impossible, eh?’

  “I didn’t say impossible,” he answered, with a grateful smile. “I said against the rules, but we has been known to make exceptions. I think I can fix you up.”

  * * * *

  Suffice it to say that he did “fix me up,” and that two hours later 5010 and I sat down together in the cell of the former, a not too commodious stall, and had a pleasant chat, in the course of which he told me the story of his life, which, as I had surmised, was to me, at least, exceedingly interesting, and easily worth twice the amount of my contribution to the pension fund under the management of my guide of the morning.

  “My real name,” said the unfortunate convict, “as you may already have guessed, is not 5010. That is an alias forced upon me by the State authorities. My name is really Austin Merton Surrennes.”

  “Ahem!” I said. “Then my guide erred this morning when he told me that in reality you were Marmaduke Fitztappington De Wolfe, of Pelhamhurst-by-the-Sea, Warwickshire?”

  Number 5010 laughed long and loud. “Of course he erred. You don’t suppose that I would give the authorities my real name, do you? Why, man, I am a nephew! I have an aged uncle—a rich millionaire uncle—whose heart and will it would break were he to hear of my present plight.

  Both the heart and will are in my favor, hence my tender solicitude for him. I am innocent, of course—convicts always are, you know—but that wouldn’t make any difference. He’d die of mortification just the same. It’s one of our family traits, that. So I gave a false name to the authorities, and secretly informed my uncle that I was about to set out for a walking trip across the great American desert, requesting him not to worry if he did not hear from me for a number of years. America being in a state of semi-civilization, to which mails outside of certain districts are entirely unknown. My uncle being an Englishman and a conservative gentleman, addicted more to reading than to travel, accepts the information as veracious and suspects nothing, and when I am liberated I shall return to him, and at his death shall become a conservative man of wealth myself. See?”

  “But if you are innocent and he rich and influential, why did you not appeal to him to save you?” I asked.

  “Because I was afraid that he, like the rest of the world, would decline to believe my defence,” sighed 5010. “It was a good defence, if the judge had only known it, and I’m proud of it.”

  “But ineffectual,” I put in. “And so, not good.”

  “Alas, yes! This is an incredulous age. People, particularly judges, are hard-headed practical men of affairs. My defence was suited more for an age of mystical tendencies. Why, will you believe it, sir, my own lawyer, the man to whom I paid eighteen dollars and seventy-five cents for championing my cause, told me the defence was rubbish, devoid even of literary merit. What chance could a man have if his lawyer even didn’t believe in him?”

  “None,” I answered, sadly. “And you had no chance at all, though innocent?”

  “Yes, I had one, and I chose not to take it. I might have proved myself non compos mentis; put that involved my making a fool of myself in public before a jury, and I have too much dignity for that, I can tell you. I told my lawyer that I should prefer a felon’s cell to the richly furnished flat of a wealthy lunatic, to which he replied, ‘Then all is lost!’ And so it was. I read my defence in court. The judge laughed, the jury whispered, and I was convicted instanter of stealing spoons, when murder itself was no further from my thoughts than theft.”

  “But they tell me you were caught red-handed,” said I. “Were not a half-dozen spoons found upon your person?”

  “In my hand,” returned the prisoner. “The spoons were in my hand when I was arrested, and they were seen there by the owner, by the police, and by the usual crowd of small boys that congregate at such embarrassing moments, springing up out of sidewalks, dropping down from the heavens, swarming in from everywhere. I had no idea there were so many small boys in the world until I was arrested, and found myself the cynosure of a million or more innocent blue eyes.”

  “Were they all blue-eyed?” I queried, thinking the point interesting from a scientific point of view, hoping to discover that curiosity of a morbid character was always found in connection with eyes of a specified hue.

  “Oh no; I fancy not,” returned my host.

  “But to a man with a load of another fellow’s spoons in his possession, and a pair of handcuffs on his wrists, everything looks blue.”

  “I don’t doubt it,” I replied. “But—er—just how, now, could you defend yourself when every bit of evidence, and—you will excuse me for saying so—conclusive evidence at that, pointed to your guilt?”

  “The spoons were a gift,” he answered.

  “But the owner denied that.”

  “I know it; that’s where the beastly part of it all came in. They were not given to me by the owner, but by a lot of mean, lowdown, practical-joke-loving ghosts.”

  Number 5010’s anger as he spoke these words was terrible to witness, and as he strode up and down the floor of his cell and dashed his arms right and left, I wished for a moment that I was elsewhere. I should not have flown, however, even had the cell door been open and my way clear, for his suggestion of a super natural agency in connection with his crime whetted my curiosity until it was more keen than ever, and I made up my mind to hear the story to the end, if I had to commit a crime and get myself sentenced to confinement in that prison for life to do so.

  Fortunately, extreme measures of this nature were unnecessary, for after a few moments Surrennes calmed down, and seating himself beside me on the cot, drained his water-pitcher to the dregs, and began.

  “Excuse me for not offering you a drink,” he said, “but the wine they serve here while moist is hardly what a connoisseur would choose except for bathing pu
rposes, and I compliment you by assuming that you do not wish to taste it.”

  “Thank you,” I said. “I do not like to take water straight, exactly. I always dilute it, in fact, with a little of this.”

  Here I extracted a small flask from my pocket and handed it to him.

  “Ah!” he said, smacking his lips as he took a long pull at its contents, “that puts spirit into a man.”

  “Yes, it does,” I replied, ruefully, as I noted that he had left me very little but the flask; “but I don’t think it was necessary for you to deprive me of all mine.”

  “No; that is, you can’t appreciate the necessity unless you—er—you have suffered in your life as I am suffering. You were never sent up yourself?”

  I gave him a glance which was all indignation. “I guess not,” I said. “I have led a life that is above reproach.”

  “Good!” he replied. “And what a satisfaction that is, eh? I don’t believe I’d be able to stand this jail life if it wasn’t for my conscience, which is as clear and clean as it would be if I’d never used it.”

  “Would you mind telling me what your defence was?” I asked.

  “Certainly not,” said he, cheerfully. “I’d be very glad to give it to you. But you must remember one thing—it is copyrighted.”

  “Fire ahead!” I said, with a smile. “I’ll respect your copyright. I’ll give you a royalty on what I get for the story.”

  “Very good,” he answered. “It was like this. To begin, I must tell you that when I was a boy preparing for college I had for a chum a brilliant fun-loving fellow named Hawley Hicks, concerning whose future various prophecies had been made. His mother often asserted that he would be a great poet; his father thought he was born to be a great general; our head-master at the Scarberry Institute for Young Gentlemen prophesied the gallows. They were all wrong; though, for myself, I think that if he had lived long enough almost any one of the prophecies might have come true. The trouble was that Hawley died at the age of twenty-three. Fifteen years elapsed. I was graduated with high honors at Brazenose, lived a life of elegant leisure, and at the age of thirty-seven broke down in health. That was about a year ago. My uncle, whose heir and constant companion I was, gave me a liberal allowance, and sent me off to travel. I came to America, landed in New York early in September, and set about winning back the color which had departed from my cheeks by an assiduous devotion to such pleasures as New York affords.

  Two days after my arrival, I set out for an airing at Coney Island, leaving my hotel at four in the afternoon. On my way down Broadway I was suddenly startled at hearing my name spoken from behind me, and appalled, on turning, to see standing with outstretched hands no less a person than my defunct chum, Hawley Hicks.”

  “Impossible,” said I.

  “Exactly my remark,” returned Number 5010. “To which I added, ‘Hawley Hicks, it can’t be you!’

  “‘But it is me,’ he replied.

  “And then I was convinced, for Hawley never was good on his grammar. I looked at him a minute, and then I said, ‘But, Hawley, I thought you were dead.’

  “‘I am,’ he answered. ‘But why should a little thing like that stand between friends?’

  “‘It shouldn’t, Hawley,’ I answered, meekly; ‘but it’s condemnedly unusual, you know, for a man to associate even with his best friends fifteen years after they’ve died and been buried.’

  “‘Do you mean to say, Austin, that just because I was weak enough once to succumb to a bad cold, you, the dearest friend of my youth, the closest companion of my school-days, the partner of my childish joys, intend to go back on me here in a strange city?’

  “‘Hawley,’ I answered, huskily, ‘not a bit of it. My letter of credit, my room at the hotel, my dress suit, even my ticket to Coney Island, are at your disposal; but I think the partner of your childish joys ought first to be let in on the around-floor of this enterprise, and informed how the deuce you manage to turn up in New York fifteen years subsequent to your obsequies. Is New York the hereafter for boys of your kind, or is this some freak of my imagination?’

  “That was an eminently proper question,” I put in, just to show that while the story I was hearing terrified me, I was not altogether speechless.

  “It was, indeed,” said 5010; “and Hawley recognized it as such, for he replied at once.

  “‘Neither,’ said he. ‘Your imagination is all right, and New York is neither heaven nor the other place. The fact is, I’m spooking, and I can tell you, Austin, it’s just about the finest kind of work there is. If you could manage to shuffle off your mortal coil and get in with a lot of ghosts, the way I have, you’d be playing in great luck.’

  “‘Thanks for the hint, Hawley,’ I said, with a grateful smile; ‘but, to tell you the truth, I do not find that life is entirely bad. I get my three meals a day, keep my pocket full of coin, and sleep eight hours every night on a couch that couldn’t be more desirable if it were studded with jewels and had mineral springs.’

  “‘That’s your mortal ignorance, Austin,’ he retorted. ‘I lived long enough to appreciate the necessity of being ignorant, but your style of existence is really not to be mentioned in the same cycle with mine. You talk about three meals a day, as if that were an ideal; you forget that with the eating your labor is just begun; those meals have to be digested, every one of ’em, and if you could only understand it, it would appall you to see what a fearful wear and tear that act of digestion is. In my life you are feasting all the time, but with no need for digestion. You speak of money in your pockets; well, I have none, yet am I the richer of the two. I don’t need money.

  The world is mine. If I chose to I could pour the contents of that jeweller’s window into your lap in five seconds, but cui bono? The gems delight my eye quite as well where they are; and as for travel, Austin, of which you have always been fond, the spectral method beats all. Just watch me!’

  “I watched him as well as I could for a minute,” said 5010; “and then he disappeared. In another minute he was before me again.

  “‘Well,’ I said, ‘I suppose you’ve been around the block in that time, eh?’

  He roared with laughter. ‘Around the block?’ he ejaculated. ‘I have done the Continent of Europe, taken a run through China, haunted the Emperor of Japan, and sailed around the Horn since I left you a minute ago.’

  “He was a truthful boy in spite of his peculiarities, Hawley was,” said Surrennes, quietly, “so I had to believe what he said. He abhorred lies.”

  “That was pretty fast travelling, though,” said I. “He’d make a fine messenger-boy.”

  “That’s so. I wish I’d suggested it to him,” smiled my host. “But I can tell you, sir, I was astonished. ‘Hawley,’ I said, ‘you always were a fast youth, but I never thought you would develop into this. I wonder you’re not out of breath after such a journey.’

  “‘Another point, my dear Austin, in favor of my mode of existence. We spooks have no breath to begin with. Consequently, to get out of it is no deprivation. But, I say,’ he added, ‘whither are you bound?’

  “‘To Coney Island to see the sights,’ I replied. ‘Won’t you join me?’

  “‘Not I,’ he replied. ‘Coney Island is tame. When I first joined the spectre band, it seemed to me that nothing could delight me more than an eternal round of gayety like that; but, Austin, I have changed. I have developed a good deal since you and I were parted at the grave.’

  “‘I should say you had,’ I answered. ‘I doubt if many of your old friends would know you.’

  “‘You seem to have had difficulty in so doing yourself, Austin,’ he replied, regretfully; ‘but see here, old chap, give up Coney Island, and spend the evening with me at the club. You’ll have a good time, I can assure you.’

  “‘The club?’ I said. ‘You don’t mean to say you visions
have a club?’

  “‘I do indeed; the Ghost Club is the most flourishing association of choice spirits in the world.

  We have rooms in every city in creation; and the finest part of it is there are no dues to be paid.

  The membership list holds some of the finest names in history—Shakespeare, Milton, Chaucer, Napoleon Bonaparte, Cæsar, George Washington, Mozart, Frederick the Great, Marc Antony—Cassius was black-balled on Cæsar’s account—Galileo, Confucius.’

  “‘You admit the Chinese, eh?’ I queried.

  “‘Not always,’ he replied. ‘But Con was such a good fellow they hadn’t the heart to keep him out; but you see, Austin, what a lot of fine fellows there are in it.’

  Yes, it’s a magnificent list, and I should say they made a pretty interesting set of fellows to hear talk,’ I put in.

  “‘Well, rather,’ Hawley replied. ‘I wish you could have heard a debate between Shakespeare and Cæsar on the resolution, “The Pen is mightier than the Sword;” it was immense.’

  “‘I should think it might have been,’ I said. ‘Which won?’

  “‘The sword party. They were the best fighters; though on the merits of the argument Shakespeare was ’way ahead.’

  If I thought I’d stand a chance of seeing spooks like that, I think I’d give up Coney Island and go with you,’ I said.

  “‘Well,’ replied Hawley, ‘that’s just the kind of a chance you do stand. They’ll all be there tonight, and as this is ladies’ day, you might meet Lucretia Borgia, Cleopatra, and a few other feminine apparitions of considerable note.’


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