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Caught Looking (Hot-Lanta Series)

Page 4

by Meghan Quinn

  It came down to one shot, the score was tied and they both had one ball left. Should she go for the hundred corner or play it safe and get some points? Oh decisions. Thank God Michael had to go first. He took his ball, made Brady kiss it making Jane roll her eyes, then he shot for the hundred. It bounced off the rim and landed in the twenty hole. How the hell did that happen? Pure luck, Jane thought, how irritating. Well at least she didn’t have to go for the hundred, she could settle for thirty points which was her go to shot anyway.

  Molly chimed in breaking off Jane’s train of thought, “Hey, do you hear that? They are playing Luke’s love song for me, ‘You Lost That Lovin’ Feeling.’ I miss him.” Molly did a fake pout look.

  “I know sweetie but he is coming home soon, now watch me make this shot and then we are going shoe shopping with some of the money Michael will be handing over.”

  Jane whipped her arm back and as she was releasing, Molly screamed at the top of her lungs, making Jane jump what seemed like ten feet in the air. The sudden shock of Molly’s high pitch squeal caused Jane’s arm to fling to the right, sending the ball straight into the gutter.

  Jane stood there in shock. She lost, she lost $10,000, she lost her winning streak against Michael and now she had to go on a date with Brady Matthews which most likely was going to be the most awkward event of her life, thanks to Michael.

  “Molly, what the fuck are you screaming…” Jane turned around and saw Molly crying. Jane looked over at the entrance where Molly was looking and saw Luke in his army fatigues, sexier than hell and smiling his movie star grin. He was seriously one gorgeous man with his golden blonde hair and steel blue eyes, his tan made everything on his body more defined. He walked with an air of confidence that made him one sexy man. They were the perfect match, Molly with her long golden hair, hazel eyes and plentiful boobs. The gorgeous couple would make beautiful babies one day. What the hell was Luke doing at the restaurant anyway and how did he know they were there?

  Chapter 4

  Molly was thunderstruck. She had never seen anything more perfect in her life. She ran to Luke and flung herself around him. She threw her mouth on his and started diving into him. Oh he tasted so good, like he always had, just like mint and pure male. She was crying like a lunatic and making a scene but she didn’t care, her man was home and their song was playing, it was the perfect moment.

  Luke walked her over to the group and said his hellos. Molly introduced Luke to Michael and Brady.

  “So this is the guy with the huge dong you keep talking about, well I must say well done Molly.” Michael said.

  “I thought your friend Albert was the gay one, babe.” Luke joked holding her tightly.

  The group laughed and Jane asked, “Why are you home so early, how did you know we were here?”

  “Well, Molly and I both have GPS tracker systems in our phones so we can always know where each other are when we are so far apart. Although, I usually don’t have my phone with me on missions, but when I do have my phone it’s reassuring. I returned home early because I have something important to do.”

  Molly frowned, “Are you leaving me again? You just got here.”

  “Actually doll, the something important has to do with you. I have been doing a lot of thinking and I just don’t know if I can go on another mission without knowing the answer to this question.”

  Molly’s heart dropped and she started shaking.

  Luke got down on one knee and said, “Molly you are the love of my life, you are always there for me and are a constant pillar of strength for me when I’m away. I would not be able to do what I do without you by my side. Please make me the happiest man and marry me.”

  Luke pulled out a ring box and flashed one huge diamond in her face. Molly nearly passed out. Luke just proposed to her. She was never a relationship kind of girl and never considered herself marriage material. She met Luke in a bar and he singled her out. He did not let her leave his sight that night and she knew she was in trouble because she didn’t want to leave his sight. She didn’t expect to ever get married but once she met Luke her life changed drastically. She fell in love and started picturing her future with him at her side. She flung her arms around Luke and kissed him senseless.

  “I take that as a yes!” Luke laughed.

  “Oh baby, you know it is a yes!” Molly replied. “Oh you are so going to get the best ever blow job tonight.”

  “And that is what we will use as their slogan throughout their wedding. No need to use monograms everywhere, oh no we will just plaster, ‘oh you are so going to get the best ever blow job tonight’ all over the walls and invites. If that is not romantic, I don’t know what is!” Jane joked.

  “Yes and we can hand out bubblegum cock suckers as favors,” Molly replied.

  “Let’s save that for the bachelorette party, huh?” Jane said.

  “Fine have it your way,” Molly said. “Oh and I hope you know you are our event planner and my maid of honor. You have your work cut out for you lady.”

  Jane laughed and gave them both a hug. Molly could not be happier right now, she had everything she needed, her friends and her man. Now she just needed to get Luke back to her apartment and get him good and naked.

  Molly felt like she was floating in heaven. She was with the sweetest man, she had the best of friends and she could not have asked for a better proposal.

  “Hey!” Molly said swatting Luke lightly on the shoulder. “Did you have the restaurant play our song over the speakers?”

  Luke gave Molly that little boy grin that made her fall in love with him and replied, “Of course babe, do I win bonus points for that one?”

  Molly laughed. “Oh Luke you are so on the good boy list right now, you are going to be quite the pleasured man for quite some time.”

  Molly heard Jane groan in the background but she didn’t care, she wrapped her arms around Luke and kissed him all over. Whenever Luke was gone she never forgot what it felt like to have him in her arms but when he was back with her, having him in her arms always made her feel more whole.

  She heard Michael clear his throat behind her. She almost completely forgot about the skee-ball challenge. Molly separated herself from Luke just enough to address Jane.

  “Sorry I made you lose sweetie, but hey now you can go out with that hunk of meat over there.” Molly said tossing her thumb toward Brady.

  Brady blushed, was that actually a blush, from Brady Matthews? Molly thought he was some over-confident prick. Not that she would normally encourage her best friend to go out with someone like him but Jane really just needed to get back into the scene and get a good fuck in her bones. Then she would be ready to go on to the next best thing. Brady was a perfect rebound for Jane. But Molly would let her friend worry about her future date with Brady because at the current moment, all Molly cared about was taking her fiancé home for some serious private time. She could not be happier.


  Once everything settled down, Molly and Luke left so they could go “bone” as Molly put it, she was a lady with absolutely no class but Jane loved her for it. That left her with just Michael and Brady and Jane could tell Michael was itching to leave Brady and her alone. Jane prayed she wasn’t going to be left alone with Brady because it would be extremely awkward. What the hell would he say to him?

  She thought maybe she would just be polite and go out with Brady to make her friends get off her back but she really didn’t want to. She knew Molly wanted her to just go out with Brady for a good lay, but what were Michael’s intentions? Did he really think they would make a good match, or was he doing a friend a favor? Was this Michael’s idea or Brady’s?

  Michel patted Brady on the shoulder and announced, “I think I am going to take off and see how the misses is doing. Why don’t you guys stay here, maybe you can teach Brady a thing or two about skee-ball. Oh and tough loss kid, maybe next time you can beat me.”

  Jane replied, “You only won because Molly screamed so loud the sound waves move
d my arm to the side and threw off my shot.”

  “You keep thinking that darlin’.” Michael kissed her on the cheek, shook Brady’s hand and took off.

  Great, now she was all alone with Brady Matthews, no doubt every girl in the place was wondering what the hell he was doing with her. Jane was mortified. Brady’s face read like an open book, he looked just as uncomfortable as Jane. She knew this was going to be awful, Brady’s face agreed with her.

  He wasn’t even really looking at her, just scraping the ground with his shoe. Maybe she should just call it a night and take off, let Brady off the hook. That would be the best option for everyone. Jane had a feeling Michael asked Brady to go out with her, to give her a boost of confidence since things have been so bad for her in her romantic life. Well Brady didn’t have to do Michael or her any favors, she would relieve Brady of his duties. She thought that maybe she could go out on a date with the intimidating man but she lost all her nerve when she saw the look on his face and decided to call it a night instead.

  Jane yawned, looked at her watch and announced, “Well it’s getting late, I’m sure you have to get up and workout early tomorrow morning, maybe swing a bat or do something baseball related. I will just pay my bill and we can be off.”


  Brady was a little shocked that Jane wanted to leave. He thought they were having a nice night with their friends. Well now that he thought about it, whenever he tried talking to Jane individually she either was short and gave him one worded answers or she didn’t answer at all. What was her deal? Women always threw themselves at him, not that he liked it, but did he repulse her? He knew he was a little nervous but he didn’t think he was giving her a bad vibe.

  He was looking good tonight, was it his cologne? No that couldn’t be it. Molly said he smelled like sex in heaven tonight. She was funny, why couldn’t Jane be more open like Molly? Granted Molly was a little too much for Brady, Luke definitely had his hands full but he just wished Jane opened up more like her friend, let loose a little more, let him into her little world.

  “Hey I thought you owed me a date?” Brady asked. Hoping he didn’t sound desperate or whiney.

  Jane looked a little shocked and said, “Listen Brady, you’re a nice guy and I know you are just doing Michael a favor by asking me out, but you don’t have to really. You’re off the hook, I’m sure you have more famous and more attractive woman to date.” And with that Jane shook his hand and took off.

  Wow, that was a bit harsh. Brady was a little startled by her honesty, she barely talked all night to him and when she did talk to him, she accused him of only wanting famous women in his life and that he was too good for her. What little did she know of him. He actually would prefer to sit at home with his girl tucked under his arm drinking some wine and talking about their day while swinging on their front porch swing. Cheesy maybe, but he grew up in a small town and cherished those memories. He didn’t get many of them with all the publicity surrounding him thanks to the worst mistake of his life; Laney Johnson.

  Well he wasn’t going to force Jane to go out with him. He had to make a better impression on her if he was ever going to have a shot at taking her out. He was surprised when that thought crossed his mind; he wanted to make a better impression? So he was still going to pursue her? Even though she was giving him the cold shoulder? Well Brady Matthews never turned away from a challenge. He was going to get a date with Jane Bradley if it was the last thing he did.

  Chapter 5

  Luke swept Molly into the bedroom and she instantly melted. She missed her man so much. She made him sit on the bed while she turned on some sexy music to set the mood. Luke always laughed at her when she played music, he always thought it was corny, but she liked it because it gave her more confidence when she stripped for him.

  She always wondered why Luke fell for her, why he chose her to be his. He was devastatingly gorgeous, like Photoshop gorgeous. His muscles rippled under his clothes and begged to be touched. He was exceptionally sculpted, their bodies fit perfectly together and thank God he was not a hairy man.

  The music started playing and Molly started feeling the beat. She peeled off Luke’s army issued t-shirt and glided her hands down to his waist to un-buckle his belt. He stopped her and said, “Not so fast doll, you took off my shirt, now you take something off.”

  Easy enough for Molly, she was wearing a black strapless dress and could not wait to get out of it. She turned around so her back was to Luke and asked for a little help. His hands glided up her backside and slowly unzipped the back of her dress. She turned to face him and let the dress fall to the ground, she kicked it to the side, meanwhile still wearing her stilettos.

  “Damn, you are fucking beautiful.” Luke Said. “How did I ever get so lucky to find you?”

  “I was just thinking the same thing.” Molly said while leaning over nibbling at Luke’s lip and unbuckling his belt. She felt his erection already and it took every ounce of control in her not to rip his pants open and slip herself over his shaft.

  “Your turn.” Luke said in a low grumble.

  Molly walked away from Luke so he could get the whole view of her body while she unclasped her bra and let it fall to the floor. Luke’s eyes turned dark with lust, he was going to pounce on her soon so she needed to get what she wanted before he got the chance. She went over to Luke and sat on his lap. Luke breathed in real fast with the sudden movement on his lap.

  “You’re killing me woman, I can’t take this slow seductive crap after being gone for so long. I’m about to explode!”

  “Patience Luke, believe me I’m so fucking wet right now and throbbing I can’t take it either.”

  Luke growled in the back of his throat, grabbed Molly behind her neck and moved her mouth over his. They plunged in to each other like raw animals. Molly slowly rocked on Luke’s lap as she felt his erection getting harder and harder. She kept rocking and making out with Luke, heightening her senses until she could not take it any longer. She pushed him down on the bed and ripped his pants off. Thank God he took care of his shoes and socks earlier. His penis surged so high and was glistening at the tip. She just stared at him until Luke interrupted her thoughts.

  “Like what you see there, hot stuff?” Luke joked with his hands behind his head.

  Molly could only nod. She tore her thong off and ran her hands up Luke’s thighs. God was he perfect, everything a woman could ask for. He was caring, sweet, sexy, funny and he loved her with all his heart.

  She moved her hands to the center of his being and slowly started stroking him, he made a low grumbling noise. She was never a selfish lover, she always thought pleasing her man was just as satisfying as him pleasing her because she knew she was the reason they were turned on and about to explode, that gave her all the satisfaction she needed.

  She slowly lowered her head and took him in her mouth. She licked along his top and gently stroked the bottom of his shaft. He slightly squirmed under her touch and she knew he was going to release soon. She could not wait an longer to fully have him. She kept stroking with her mouth and her hand and just when she thought he was about to release, he lifted off the bed and threw her underneath him. He placed an elbow on either side of her head and stroked her hair gently.

  Panting Molly asked, “What are you doing, don’t you want me to finish you off?”

  “I would rather we finish together.” He said gently as he stared down at her. She felt his erection dancing between her hotness pleading to enter. She surged her hips forward to urge him on but he only laid flatter on her. “I want to take my time with you and savor this moment. I have the most beautiful girl in my arms and I want to make sure this lasts a long time.”

  Molly all but melted in his arms. Luke lowered his mouth down to hers and gently started kissing her. He roamed from her lips to her neck and down to her breasts. He sucked each one gently and used his tongue to play with her nipples. He gently lowered his head to her abdomen trailing kisses along the way and then to her thro
bbing center. He kissed it and then started licking her wetness. She gasped out loud and had to control herself not to surge her hips to his face. He continued to slowly lavish her until her body went completely numb. She could not hold it any longer, the pleasure she had was too intense and she finally gave away to the first wave of ecstasy. She didn’t know how long she laid there squirming with surges of pleasure since he continued to torture her with his tongue but next thing she knew Luke was on top of her kissing her mouth and spreading her legs with his knees.

  “Open for me baby.” She did.

  He slowly teased her core and entered one inch at a time. It was torture, she kept surging her hips toward him and she finally screamed, “Fuck, babe I need you so bad, please take me over the edge again.”

  On that note Luke entered her fully and started rocking back and forth, in and out of her. Molly’s senses kept building until everything turned black and she could only feel Luke and what he was doing to her. They built their ecstasy so high together they came barreling down at the same time. Luke moaned in the back of his throat and Molly screamed with desire. Luke finally collapsed on top of Molly with their bodies still connected through their centers for quite some time. He supported his weight on his elbows and just stared down at her. He put a piece of her hair behind her ear and gently kissed her forehead.


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