The Price_Greyson and Sasha's Story

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The Price_Greyson and Sasha's Story Page 12

by Ruby Rowe

  I also discover my expensive suit is covered in white dog hair. Fucking wonderful. Standing up, I glare down at him, and he cocks his head again.

  “Now I get why puppies and babies are so damn cute; it’s so humans will tolerate them. Right, Snowflake?” He stares up at me and lets out a squeaky bark.

  “Hey, don’t blame me. It’s not my fault your old parents gave you such a sensitive name.”

  Hearing the door, I turn around in the foyer just as Sasha walks in. Her eyes spot the puppy in a split-second, and she covers her mouth.

  “Greyson!” she says with a squeal as she runs over and throws her arms around my neck.

  “Whoa, chick,” I say as I stumble backward. She lets me go and squats down to pick up snowflake. My girl makes excited sounds as the dog licks her neck, and hey, that’s my job.

  “I can’t believe you bought me a puppy. This so makes up for the rabbit joke. How did you know I always wanted a terrier? Oh, my gosh, you’re so precious, you cute little fur ball.”

  I’m. Fucked.

  “Uh, about the dog—”

  “I know what you’re going to say, and I swear I’ll take care of him. I’ll feed him and take him out every time. You won’t have to do anything. I promise. I’m so happy.”

  And she is … so fucking happy. I’ve never seen her like this before. “He’s a little snowball, Greyson. He’s adorable.”

  While still holding him, she wraps an arm around my neck and plants a sloppy kiss on my cheek. “I needed this today like you wouldn’t believe. Oh, and you’re going to die when I tell you about Ellis and Camilla.”

  She turns her attention back to the dog, and I’m so screwed right now. I can’t tell her the puppy’s not hers. I can’t find it anywhere in my damn soul to tell her that.


  Not happening.

  I have to figure out a way to become the owner of a fuzzy white snowball named Snowflake. Fuck, Lawrence and Ellis will never let me live this down.

  “I sure hope you know how to take care of him.”

  “I’ll research his breed, and we’ll need to get a dog walker to come and walk him every day. I don’t want him cooped up and alone while we’re gone. He’ll probably need training, too.” Squealing again, she holds him close to her.

  “Don’t squeeze him to death.”

  “I won’t, silly.” She sticks him out toward me. “He’s so cute. Don’t you think?”

  “Yeah, we’ve established he’s cute.”

  “You don’t like him.” She frowns.

  “No, I do. I’m just not used to small dogs or having one in my multi-million-dollar penthouse.”

  “I know, and that’s why I promise to take care of him. Oh, I have to name him.”

  “He has a—”


  “Say what?”

  “Hercules the Abominable Snowman. It’s perfect because he’s so tiny, yet he’s white as snow.”

  “I don’t think those names go together, but whatever you decide is what we’ll call him.”

  Anything’s better than Snowflake.

  “Hercules. I love it. It’s a good conversation starter,” she adds.

  “Yeah, because the little white fur ball isn’t enough of one already,” I mumble.

  “What?” she asks.

  “Nothing. What’s up with Ellis and Camilla?”

  Sasha sets Hercules down, but she struggles to take her eyes off him.

  “They’re having triplets, Greyson. Triplets.” In a beat, my throat thickens, and I go to the living room to sit down on the sofa. Three babies? No fucking way.

  “Ellis must be losing his mind,” I say as Sasha walks in with Hercules trotting behind her.

  “Actually, he seemed happy. My sister was the one freaking out. She was crying, but I think the talk we had helped.”

  I rub my forehead. “A puppy and three babies.”

  “Greyson, it’s not like we’re having them.”

  Looking up at her, I shake my head. “Do you honestly think this isn’t going to affect us, too?”

  “I know it will, but it’s not like we have to care for them all day, every day.”

  “Wow, I better call him.”

  “Yes, but don’t act like you are now. You need to be positive and congratulate him.”

  “I will. It’s shocking is all.”

  “I know, but we’ll help, along with the rest of the family, and it’s not like they have to worry about the financial ramifications.”

  “See, you said we’ll help.”

  She purses her lips, and where did happy Sasha go?

  “Do you not want children?”

  “Yeah, I want kids, but I do not want triplets, and I want you and me to have some time together first–alone.”

  “Well, look at how much we’ll learn from their babies. It’ll be cool watching them grow up.” My girl’s face lights up again, and the realization of what she’s excited about hits me. I get up and pull her into my arms.

  “You’re looking forward to your family growing, aren’t you?” I ask.

  “It’s our family, and if your parents, Lawrence and Aspen will accept me, then I’ll have an even bigger family.”

  I kiss her forehead. “You always remind me of what’s important in life. Wow, I’m going to have more little cousins. That’s amazing.”

  “It is, and so are you for getting us this adorable puppy.” She picks up Hercules and showers him with affection. Damn, I have some explaining to do with Theresa and fast.

  We eat stew for dinner, and it feels like an eternity before Sasha takes Hercules outside. I yank my phone from my pocket and call Theresa. She doesn’t answer, so I send her a text.

  Me: Sorry to bother you, but this can’t wait. I need to buy your parents’ puppy.

  Theresa: Mr. Burke, my mother’s very ill, and I can’t discuss this with them right now. It could be a while before I’m able to, and I really don’t see them giving Snowflake up. They’re attached to him already.

  Me: It’s urgent.

  Theresa: Greyson…

  Shit. She’s only ever called me Greyson once, and it was when she found a used condom lying by my bed when she came over to clean. I have to shut up now.

  Theresa: Look, you can keep Snowflake one more day.

  Hey, that’s a start. Once she gets here, I’ll smooth-talk her until she comes around. No, I’ll bribe her.

  I’ll give her money to help with her parents care and give her some weeks off. I can clean in order to keep the puppy. This is going to work out.


  “I took Hercules out,” Sasha says after walking into the living room, “and can you watch him while I take a shower?”

  I look down at the fur ball and sigh. “Sure, he can sit on my lap. I need to accessorize my clothing anyhow; you know, with white dog hair.”

  Cocking her head to the side, Sasha fists her hips.

  “You’ve seemed miserable since you gave him to me. I feel like you’re regretting it.” She holds a hand up. “You know what? Don’t worry about it. I’ll take him in the bathroom with me.”

  “No, no, bring him here. He can watch some TV with me.” I force a smile to calm her down.

  “If you’re sure.” Picking him up, she brings him over to me. “I won’t be long.” Once she leaves, I look at the little guy, and he licks my arm before staring back up at me.

  “Why do you have to be so damn cute? It’s why I’m in this mess. Hell, you’re getting more attention from my girl than I do.” He stands up on my thighs and barks.

  “Nope, you don’t get to shower with her. She’s all mine, but I will get you a treat to compensate.”

  I lower him to the floor, and he takes off running. He explores the hallway, sniffing all along it, and I figure he’s on a hunt for Sasha, but instead of turning toward the master bedroom, he makes a left and sniffs his way to the spare bedroom she used to sleep in.

  Once inside, Hercules trots to her old bed an
d sticks his nose underneath it. He starts digging with his paws, as if he’s trying to get to something he wants, so I get down on my knees and look under it.

  “We need to buy you some toys tomorrow. That is if you’re still here. Fuck, I have to find a way to make sure you stick around.”

  Whining, he shoves his head beneath the bed. All I see under it are Sasha’s suitcases, and the sight of them brings back unpleasant memories of her moving out. That can’t happen again, hence why it’s so important I keep the fur ball.

  Since Hercules won’t stop barking, I drag the front suitcase out, and it’s heavy. What does she have in here? I unzip the zipper, and son of a bitch. Food.

  The entire suitcase is filled with food, along with some travel size toiletries. It contains mostly single-serving meal items: peanut butter crackers, snack-size bags of chips, packaged nuts and sunflower seeds. There are jars of peanut butter and single-serving cans of soup.

  I fall back on my ass as Hercules noses around the suitcase. My eyes fill with tears, and it pisses me off but not as much as seeing a suitcase full of food hidden under a bed in my fucking house.

  Sasha doesn’t believe she’s staying here. She doesn’t think she’s always going to have plenty of food to eat, and she doesn’t trust in us.

  Why the fuck is that? Grabbing a jar of peanut butter, I squeeze it in my hand, wishing I could launch it through the window.

  As if he senses I’m upset, Hercules jumps onto my lap and tries to lick my face. I find myself wanting his attention, and that pisses me off, too, because I feel weak, and I’m worried this whole fucked-up situation is going to blow up in my face, making Sasha trust me even less.

  Her issues run deeper than I imagined. Will I ever be enough for her? I keep trying to show her how much I care, so what will it take for her to believe I’m not letting her go or sending her away?

  After wiping my eyes, I rub under Hercules’s chin and down his chest, and he stops hopping around to enjoy being pet. After he’s bored with it and licks my face, I close the suitcase and shove it back under the bed.

  “Let’s go find a safer treat for you, and I’ll deal with this messed-up shit later.”



  “Are you sure it’s a good idea to take Hercules over to Ellis and Camilla’s?” Greyson asks.

  “Why wouldn’t it be? Our 4th of July picnic is mainly outside, so it seems like the perfect time. He can play in the backyard with Liam.”

  “That’s just it; what if Liam thinks it’s his dog?”

  “I’ll tell him Hercules is ours as soon as we get there. Of course, he may want his own after he sees him, so Ellis and Camilla might not be happy about that, but we couldn’t leave the adorable guy cooped up and alone all day when it’s so pretty out.” I pet Hercules as he rides on my lap in the car.

  Greyson rubs the back of his neck. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”

  “You seem tense today. Is everything OK?”

  “Yep, everything’s great.”

  “Are you sure your parents aren’t having a social function you should attend? I’d understand if you’re not ready to take me around them yet.”

  Looking over, he furrows his brow. “No, I told you they’re going to a friend’s party. You’ll meet them at the shindig for Ellis and Liam.”

  “OK. I’ll be a wreck, but at the same time, I’m ready to move forward and meet your family.”

  “I’m ready for that to happen, too.” We pull up in the driveway at Ellis and Camilla’s, and while I carry Hercules to the front steps, Greyson retrieves the dessert I made for our dinner.

  I ring the bell, and Ellis opens the door. His gaze immediately falls on our puppy, and hurrying outside, he pulls the door closed behind him.

  “Tell me you knew better than to buy my son a puppy when we’ve got three babies on the way.”

  I giggle. “OK, I knew better.” I look down at Hercules and rub his fuzzy head. “Greyson got me a puppy. This is Hercules the Abominable Snowman.”

  “I’m supposed to believe Greyson voluntarily bought a dog … to live in the penthouse?”

  “I know, right? I was as shocked as you are. Don’t worry; I’ll tell Liam Hercules is mine right away, and I’ll keep him in the backyard.”

  “OK, but you need to watch him closely so he doesn’t bite Liam, and my kid better not start asking for one.”

  I roll my eyes. “Geez, will you let me in? You act like I brought a tiger over to play.”

  Ellis opens the door for me to walk inside. This should make for an interesting day.


  “A dog? I can’t wait to hear the backstory on this one,” I say to Greyson as he walks up to the door.

  “Don’t bust my chops. I’m up a creek without a damn paddle, and I might drown over this fuckup.” Gritting his teeth, he passes by me and heads for the kitchen.

  I follow him, eager to hear his explanation. After setting the dish down he brought, he goes to the exits off the kitchen and looks both ways to ensure no one’s around.

  “It’s Theresa’s parents’ dog, but Sasha thinks it’s ours.”

  “Your housekeeper’s parents own that dog?”

  “Yes, and if I don’t find a way to become the owner, Sasha is going to kill me.”

  I bust into laughter. I can’t help it, and I can’t stop. My cousin has always gotten himself into situations like this. Always.

  “It’s not fucking funny.”

  “Like hell it’s not.” Laughing louder, I wipe tears from my eyes. “How did this happen?”

  “Theresa had an emergency and left me with the dog. Sasha came home, and instead of asking me who the little shit belonged to, she assumed I bought it for her.”

  “Why didn’t you tell her right then?”

  “No, Ellis. That was not possible. If you’d seen how happy it made her, you’d understand. Didn’t you notice her excitement at the door? I’ve never seen her love on something so much.”

  Greyson rubs his forehead. “Fuck, I’m going to be living in a dog house if I can’t find a way to keep the fur ball.”

  My head falls back, and I chuckle.

  “What’s so funny?” Camilla asks as she strolls into the kitchen.

  “Greyson’s being his entertaining self. Did you see his new pet?”

  “Yeah, Sasha has him in the backyard with Liam. I have to say I’m shocked, Greyson. I wouldn’t have pegged you for a small dog lover.”

  “I’m not, but it’s making Sasha happy.”

  “You’re right about that. She’s all smiles, and now I fear my child is going to want one. When that happens, I’m sending him to your house to play with your puppy. Every. Single. Time.” Walking by Greyson, she squeezes his bicep and snickers.

  “Ha ha. Fuck, I’m so screwed,” he mumbles.

  “Guys, will you help me carry the food outside?”

  “Shit, the grill. I better get back out there,” I say before I pick up a couple of dishes off the island and head to the backyard.

  Greyson and Camilla follow me outside to the patio where we’re having our 4th of July picnic as Liam calls it.

  As I check on the barbecue chicken and flip burgers, Camilla gets the table ready. “How are you planning to fix this situation you’ve created for yourself?” I ask Greyson as he stands next to me.

  “I’m going to plead my case to Theresa until she agrees to let me keep him. I’ll throw money her way, too, if necessary.”

  “Good luck with that. People don’t give up their pets. It’s like handing over a child.”

  “Fuck, I know.” He scratches the back of his head. “Talk about something else. Anything.”

  I nod toward the table as I pile the grilled meat onto a platter.

  “Let’s eat. Camilla and I have some news that might distract you.”

  “I still can’t believe you’re having triplets.”

  “I know. Like I told you on the phone, I’m stunned and scared shitless.”
I shut off the gas grill and walk to the patio.

  I’m excited about the plans Camilla and I made, and somehow, we’re going to handle our growing family like pros, coming out stronger on the other side.

  By the time we have the babies, she’s going to believe without a doubt that she can count on me. Maybe by then, I won’t be scared shitless.


  Liam insisted on sitting next to me at the end of the glass table, and I’m sure it was so he could reach down and pet Hercules.

  “You better not be sneaking him food, kiddo.”

  “Only one piece of my chicken,” he says before he laughs, and I laugh from the southern twang I heard in his voice when he said chicken. “I want a puppy. Momma, can we get me a dog?”

  “No, we cannot.” My sister looks straight at Greyson and smiles. “Sasha and I need to go dress shopping, and I’m sure Liam would love to play with your puppy at your penthouse while we do that.” I take a glimpse at Greyson next to me, and he rolls his eyes.

  “What do we need to go dress shopping for?” I ask Camilla. She glances to Ellis, and they both smile.

  “We have some news. Since we’re unable to go to Italy, we’ve decided to get married at Ellis and Liam’s birthday party,” she replies.

  “Oh, that’s a brilliant idea,” I say excitedly. “One big celebration, and you’ll already have your family and friends there.”

  Grinning at Ellis with admiration, Camilla squeezes his hand.

  “It was Ellis’s idea, and I think it’s perfect.”

  “Wow, that’s soon. We really do need to go shopping.” Hercules whimpers, so I peer around Liam to check on him. He’s panting, and I wonder if he’s getting hot and thirsty. “Excuse me. I better get Hercules’s water dish from the car. Liam, will you watch him for me?”

  “Yeah, I can take care of him.” I ruffle his light brown hair as I stand. “Greyson, can I have the keys?”

  “Sure.” He hands them over, and I walk through the house to the front door. I open it, and holy shit. Rusty’s hand is up like he was about to knock.

  Gasping, I slam it shut and lean back against it.


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