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The Price_Greyson and Sasha's Story

Page 15

by Ruby Rowe

  Helping her inside, I buckle her seatbelt and place the wastebasket and her purse in the backseat. “Do you think you’ll be sick again?”

  Her head falls back, and she shakes it to tell me no. Her eyes close and mouth parts, and it’s as if she’s mentally and physically depleted. What the fuck happened inside that room?

  I drive as fast as I can to get home. Managing to pull her legs up, Sasha curls into a ball and rests her head against the passenger window.

  The shaking eases to trembling, and her wailing lessens to weeping, but the agony is evident in her appearance, and I want to kill someone for it. Anyone will do, but I’d especially like to get my hands on the sick bastards who broke my beautiful girl.

  I slam my fist on the steering wheel, causing Sasha to jump. I grab her hand and squeeze it.

  “I’m sorry I scared you. I’m furious at who did this to you.” My words make her sob again, and fuck, what am I supposed to do?

  Once at the penthouse, I help her inside. Her blotchy skin is paler, and she’s shivering.

  “Do you want to sit on the couch or lie down?”

  “Lie down. Will you stay with me?”

  “Absolutely.” She walks ahead of me to the master bedroom, and after kicking off her heels, she begins undressing.

  I go to my dresser and find one of my t-shirts, thinking it might comfort her. I hand it over, and she puts it on before climbing into bed.

  She pulls the sheet over her, and the comforter next, so figuring I’ll be hot, I strip down to my boxer briefs and get in next to her. She’s turned away in a ball, and the second I spoon with her, she weeps.

  “I’m so cold.”

  “You should warm up in a minute.” I pull her farther back against me, but she tenses, seeming torn as to whether it’s safe to be close to me, and I hate it.

  “Shh … I won’t hurt you, baby. I only want to help.”

  “You can’t help me. No one can now.”

  “I don’t believe that. Today was hard, but tomorrow will be better, and I’ll be right there with you to tackle it.”

  “But the monster’s back.” She sheds more tears, and I clench my eyes shut, wishing it could temporarily deafen me. The sounds of her pain are too gut-wrenching to hear.

  I stroke her hair and hold her, but how her body convulses against mine worries me. The hair on her arms is standing up, and I have to try something, anything, to make her feel better.

  “I’m freezing. I can’t get warm,” she says. I sit up and start to get out of bed, but feeling her roll over fast, I look back at her.

  “I’m going to run you a bath. Maybe it will help.” Jerking up, she digs her nails into my bicep, and panic widens her puffy eyes.

  “No! Don’t put me in the freezing water. Please, Greyson, don’t! I’m begging you.”

  “I meant a hot bath. Damn, I’d never put you in cold water.” Pulling her nails and fingers from my arm, I lie down and face her.

  “What happened to you, Ladybug? Why do you think I’d do that to you?” Her eyes seal shut, and her fucking pain. God, I can’t take it.

  “They did it. They put me in the freezing bath water.”

  “Who’s they? The men who hurt you when you were younger? Your parents?”

  “The men … Alonso’s friends. They did it to clean me and–and to wake me up from the drugged state they’d put me in.”

  Burying her face against my chest, she grips my body like she’s grounding herself to the present because the past is terrifying. A hell on earth.

  “They did it every time–before I went back home. Every time, Greyson, they stuck me in an ice bath.”

  “Fucking Christ.” Cradling her head, I press kisses all over it to show her I’m here for her, but I know it’s not enough to stop the pain. The pain she’s now given me to share with her.

  “I want to be numb again. Please, Greyson, make it go away. Please, please, give me the needle.”

  “Fuck!” Sitting up in bed, I press my palms to my eyes and takes a deep breath. I could make it all go away. I could make it go away for the both of us.

  God, I want to make her agony disappear more than I’ve wanted anything in my life. Shit, we’re in trouble. I twist my torso to look down at her.

  “Sasha, I have to call Camilla to come over here. I’m gonna do something really fucked up if I don’t.”

  She clings to my arm again. “No, please don’t. She’ll worry, and if it hurts the babies, it’ll be my fault. I can’t carry any more guilt. Please, you can find a way make it go away. At least give me alcohol. You drink.”

  “I’m different, and I’m calling Ellis.” Leaning over the bed, I find my phone in the pocket of my pants and dial his number. Sasha’s sobbing beside me the entire time, and I’m close to losing my shit.


  “Cuz, I need you over here now and Camilla, too. I know it’s getting late, but I’m begging here.”

  “I’ll have Beatrice come over right away. Is Sasha upset?”

  “You have no idea, and if you don’t want to find us both with needles in our arms, then I need you to get the fuck over here to stop me. I’ll do anything to rid her of this torture.”

  “Shit, Greyson, we’ll be there. Stay put.” Tossing my phone on the floor, I lie back down with Sasha and pull her to my chest.

  “Those men can’t hurt you anymore. What you’re thinking about isn’t happening now. You’re safe with me and always will be.”

  “The water. I’m so cold.”

  “There’s no water. You’re in our warm bed, but I’ll get you more blankets.” Not remembering what fucking closet they’re in, I run to the spare bedroom and yank off the comforter and sheets, and after dragging them back to our room, I pile them on top of her.

  “This should warm you up.” Sasha looks like a helpless child beneath the mounds of blankets. Recalling that Ellis and Camilla are coming over, I put on some shorts and text Ellis the code to access the elevator.

  “Keep it together, you weak fuck,” I whisper to myself before I get back in bed and wrap her in my arms.



  “I shouldn’t have told you what he said,” Ellis mutters, shaking his head as we ride in the elevator up to Greyson’s.

  “No, we agreed no more secrets, and it’s better that I’m prepared for what we could face. She hasn’t talked about it in over ten years, so I was worried this would be the outcome.”

  Slipping an arm around my waist, Ellis pulls me to his side.

  “If you get too worked up, we’re leaving.”

  “I’ll be all right.” The elevator doors open, and Ellis and I walk across the hall to Greyson’s penthouse. I turn the handle, and it’s unlocked, so we step inside.

  “Greyson,” Ellis calls out. I hear noises down the hall before Greyson walks toward us, pulling a t-shirt on over his head. I cover my mouth when I see him up close. He’s been crying. His eyes are puffy and red, his face, too.

  “Are you OK?” I ask.

  He starts to cry, so he coughs and looks away.

  “No, I’m not, and she’s really not OK. You should’ve fucking told me what happened to her.” Scratching the back of his head, he looks back at me.

  “I’m sorry, but I should’ve been more prepared to help her. I don’t know how she’s going to come back from this.”

  I step closer and squeeze his arm. “It wasn’t my story to tell. I knew if she trusted you, the truth would come out.”

  “She only told me one fucking thing, but it was enough to make me see all of it. Every. Fucking. Part.” He cries, and shit, I don’t know what to do. He wipes his eyes. “Will you please go see her? I need a minute.”

  “Of course.” Kissing his cheek, I give Ellis a look, relaying for him to please help his cousin.

  I head down the hall to see my sister, and when I walk inside the bedroom, I spot the largest pile of blankets on the bed. I’m not sure if she’s beneath them, so I pad to it, w
orrying I’ll wake her.

  I see her brown hair peeking out from the covers. “Sasha, are you awake?” Rolling over, she gradually opens her eyes. Her body’s limp, and there’s no expression on her face.

  I only see her swollen brown eyes staring back at me. Taking off my shoes, I climb in bed and get beneath the blankets, too. I move wet hair from her face and cradle her cheek.

  “I’m sorry. I hope you know I’d take it all away if I could.” She gives a faint nod. “You’re brave, Sasha. So damn brave.”

  “I don’t feel brave.” She coughs to clear her hoarse voice. “I feel weak and ruined.”

  “You’re neither of those things. Acknowledging your past, and the pain it created, shows strength and a step in the right direction. Tell it goodbye, sweetheart, and move forward. No, actually, tell the past to fuck off.”

  I let out a short laugh, and she can’t help but smile. “Oh, my gosh, you’re smiling at me. I’m not an annoying sister after all.”

  Scooting close to me, she hooks her arm around my waist and presses her head against my chest.

  “You’re the best sister,” she mumbles. “Maybe I lived through that horror to have the chance to save you and Liam from Christopher.”

  “No, you lived through that nightmare because you’re worthy of love and respect. You’re worthy of the amazing life that heartbroken man out there wants to give you. Look up here.”

  Moving back to her side of the bed, she stares at me.

  “He’s feeling your pain. I mean, feeling your pain. I think Greyson would sell his soul if it would heal you, and there’s not a love greater than that.”

  “I’m hurting him,” she murmurs.

  “No, this isn’t your fault, but let him help, and don’t give up. Try to work through it.”

  “I’ll try.” She touches my belly and smiles. “I want to be a good aunt to the babies and Liam.”

  “How could you not be after all the babysitting you’ll be doing.”

  She giggles, and thank you, God.

  “Don’t tell Greyson we’re going to babysit a lot. He’s stressed out enough.”

  “My lips are sealed. Let’s talk about the wedding. What color dress would you like to wear? We have to tell Estella ASAP so they can coordinate the flowers and other decorations. She’s calling me an average of six times per day right now.”

  Smiling, Sasha looks at the wall across from us to think, and I won’t leave this room until I’m sure her hope is restored.


  “You need to get to a meeting, and Sasha, too,” Ellis says as we sit on my sofa. Only a small amount of light is coming in through the window, and other than the faint and brief sounds of Camilla’s voice I hear every few minutes or so, it’s quiet.

  “I know, but I can’t leave her, and she sure as hell is in no shape to go anywhere.”

  “You have to give me your word, Greyson. Promise me you won’t do anything rash or foolish. You can’t throw away years of sobriety. You can’t cost Sasha hers, either.”

  I scrub my face. “Do you think I don’t realize the consequences of those actions? It’s why I called you.”

  “I know, but you’re not able to go to a meeting.”

  “I will tomorrow.”

  “What about calling your sponsor?”

  “I could, but I feel better talking to you. I was praying Camilla could get through to Sasha, to bring her back from the hell she’s been transported to. I’m not able, and it pisses me off.”

  “You haven’t been together long. She’s had a lifetime to trust her sister.”

  “I guess. Maybe the fact she’s telling me anything is progress.” Camilla walks into the room, so I stand.

  “She’s better and wants to see you.” Swallowing the lump in my throat, I go to Camilla and hug her. “Thank you.” I turn back to Ellis. “Thank you, too.”

  “Promise me that if you feel that way again, you’ll call me or your sponsor.”

  “I promise.”

  He walks over to me and grips my shoulder. “It’ll be all right. We’ll show ourselves out.” Nodding at him, I stride down the hallway and stop when I reach my bedroom door.

  Fear consumes me as I try to prepare myself for how Sasha may be. I have to be strong enough for the both of us.

  She’s counting on me, and pumping us both full of drugs would only be a temporary fix. In the end, it would ruin our chance at a future together. I know it, and I have to remember that a brief high isn’t worth a lifetime without her.

  I push open the cracked door and walk to the bed. Sasha is still swaddled in blankets as she stares at the ceiling. She turns her head to look at me and smiles. My girl actually gives me a faint smile.

  “Fuck, Ladybug. I’ve been so worried about you.”

  “I know, and I’m sorry I scared you.” She sits up and messes with her unruly waves. “I’m hungry.”

  Hopping on the bed, I lean over and give her a swift kiss.

  “I never thought I’d say this, but it’s a relief to hear those words leave your mouth. What will it be? Pizza? Tacos? Whatever you want is what we’re having.”

  “Can we get lots of things delivered and watch movies in bed?”

  “You got it.” I start to get up.

  “Greyson, thank you for being here for me. I’m going to keep trying to do better, OK?”

  I pull her head to me and kiss it. “You’re already perfect in my eyes, and I’ll be right by your side every single day until you believe it, too.”


  Waking up, I stretch and roll toward the window. Like most days in the year, the sun is shining. The blue sky is allowing the bright light to filter in between the curtains.

  I remember the darkness of yesterday and how Camilla and Greyson grabbed hold of me and pulled me out of the pit before the monster of humiliation and shame could swallow me up completely.

  Those who love me won the tug-of-war. Maybe one day soon, I’ll feel like I won, too.

  Greyson turns toward me in bed and wraps his arm around my waist. I feel him grow hard against my ass before he abruptly pulls his pelvis back away from me.

  Is he reverting to how he was before we had sex, where he thinks we can’t mess around because of my history? Or, is he only giving me space because it’s too soon after yesterday?

  He’s thoughtful and loving with me, and I’m grateful for that, but I need normalcy now more than ever. I need to feel his desire like I did before he heard some of the gruesome details of my past.

  I turn over in bed to face him. He’s already staring in my direction, and from the crease in his forehead, I see he’s thinking.

  “Good morning,” I say with a smile.

  “Morning, Ladybug. How are you today?”

  “Better than I expected. I think the binge eating and movie watching from last night helped.” I giggle and move closer, pressing my body against his. He kisses my forehead, but the second I feel his cock stiffening further, he scoots back.

  “I’m sorry, but my body likes how you feel against it this morning.”

  “Don’t be sorry. I need to feel close to you right now.” I reach my hand between us and stroke him through his boxers. Hissing, he closes his eyes.

  “Shit, are you sure?”

  “Yes, please make love to me.” I press my lips to his chest, and in seconds, he’s rolling me onto my back. His open-mouth kisses down my throat incite the all-too-familiar throbbing between my legs, so I open them, allowing him to fill the space between.

  Lifting the t-shirt I’m wearing, he tugs on it until we get it over my head. He tosses it aside and trails his fingers down my belly before slipping them inside my panties.

  “Fuck, you’re so warm and already drenched.”

  “And it will only ever happen with you. Maybe it’s forward of me to tell you this, but I don’t want to be with anyone else for the rest of my life.” Setting back on his legs, he pulls my panties off and tosses them aside.

  “You really mea
n that?”

  “I do.”

  “Good to hear since I don’t plan on giving it to anyone but you for the rest of our lives.” He winks, and I get butterflies over the sight of him.

  His fit body, hard cock snug in his boxer briefs, and his blond hair in disarray makes me swoon. How did I get with someone who’s both hot and sweet?

  Falling back over, he swirls his tongue around my nipple before he nips at it several times. He does the same to the other one while I grip the back of his hair.

  He moves his lips down my stomach, and down and down again, until I’m pushing his head between my legs.

  “Please, put your mouth on me.”

  Growling, he buries his face against my pussy and licks me, the intense pleasure unyielding. I’m arching against him and tugging on his mussed-up hair. He flicks at my clit until I’m unraveling against his mouth and feel utterly spent.

  Dropping my arms to my sides, I bask in the afterglow as he removes his boxer briefs. He lies on top of me and gives kisses to my cheek and ear before he slides his cock right into me.

  He presses his head against my neck, and I hook my arms around his back to bring him closer. We’re hot, our breathing uneven, but we’re like one being, in sync and fusing together.

  He whispers, “I love you” in my ear as he moves forward and back, in and out, languidly and gently, making love to me the way I need him to today. “I love you,” he whispers again,” this time more strenuously as the sensations take over the both of us. I know he won’t hold on long as my muscles squeeze on his shaft.

  It’s rubbing the front of my pussy at just the right speed, and I lose control again, coming against him.

  He freezes, and as still as we are, I feel the pulsing of his cock deep inside me. I’ve never felt closer to anyone.

  His body relaxes further against mine, pushing the air up out of my chest, but I manage to breathe since I don’t want him to move. He’s another blanket keeping me safe and warm.

  Did he mean what he said about being with me for the rest of his life? Maybe I shouldn’t have confessed my feelings. Perhaps it was too soon, but after all he’s done for me, he deserved to know.


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