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Prince of Havoc

Page 22

by Michael A. Stackpole

  Kai frowned, then reached up into the branches of the low-hanging tree above him and plucked a pink cherry blossom. "How are you so sure I wouldn't have dissuaded you?"

  "What could you have said, Kai? If I tried to remain as the head of the SLDF, Sun-Tzu would just have fired me. The Commander-in-Chief of the SLDF serves at the sufferance of the First Lord. I would have been stripped of power, which would have thrilled Sun-Tzu no end, and Katherine right along with him. The SLDF's loyalties would have been divided and the movement to have me kick Katherine off New Avalon would have taken on a life of its own. Hell, there are already rumors of people pledging their fealty to Arthur if he decides to oppose her."

  "But you, Victor, walking away?" Kai twirled the pink flower around in his fingers. "I don't get it."

  "Didn't you walk away from the military, too, Kai?" Victor gave him a wry grin. "I seem to recall your being Solaris' Champion, don't I?"

  Kai's expression soured further. "Deirdre said you'd point that out."

  "Smart woman, your wife." Victor sighed and sat down next to Kai. "Look, my friend, I've been kicked out of my home, stripped of power, and you know what? I don't think I've ever felt better. The pressure on my shoulders is lifted. I can be here, with Omi, and I don't have billions of people thinking I'm going to be giving their world to Theodore as part of Omi's bride price."

  He fingered the front of his denim overalls. "This gardening stuff, it's a bit more difficult than I ever thought it would be. My back and legs hurt worse than they ever did in a 'Mech, but it's different."

  He stood and tugged Kai over to a brown patch of earth in the garden. "There, you see, down there, those little green things. Those are flowers. Nasturtiums, I think—my Japanese is getting pretty good, but some technical terms escape me still. But, see, I planted those flowers and they're coming up."

  "That's good, Victor, but you're too talented at what you do to remain here as a gardener."

  "You're missing my point, Kai." Victor looked up into Kai's gray eyes. "This is the first time I've done something truly productive. I mean, you have David and Melissa as your contributions to the progression of life in the universe. Omi and I, someday, maybe, we'll have kids, but right now I'm exploring this. I'm working with my hands, I'm doing all the things that all the people who used to look to me for leadership do. Until I got dirt under my fingernails I didn't realize how isolated I really was."

  He dug into his pocket and pulled out a fistful of crumpled Combine yen notes. "Do you have any idea how long it's been since I've actually carried money around with me? Not since getting out of the Nagelring, I think. I didn't know the price of milk or a cabbage or meat or anything. The concerns of the people I ruled were as alien to me as my ways were to them."

  "But, Victor, you had other concerns, very strong concerns that you had to deal with." Kai rested his hands on Victor's shoulders. "Yes, you can lower yourself to the point where worrying about the price of milk or rice or cabbage is your main concern, but very few people can elevate themselves to the point where they can deal with the fate of nations. That's what you've been trained for.

  "Make no mistake about it, Victor, I think you'll make a damned fine gardener, if you want to. With your drive I have no doubt you'll be turning out the Inner Sphere's finest roses and orchids or whatever you want to grow. There will be no stopping you. In fact, the only person who can stop you is you."

  "I know." Victor looked down at the ground. "Minora said some curious stuff to me on my first night here. He talked about my being a weapon and that, right now, I've been slipped into a scabbard. I guess, Kai, I just need time in the scabbard."

  Kai's hands fell away from the Prince's shoulders. "I can understand it, Victor. I just don't know that now is the time for it."

  "I know." Victor's breath hissed between his teeth. "If I were still in charge of the Federated Commonwealth, Sun-Tzu wouldn't be occupying the Compact. Data we get here is sketchy, but I guess things are heating up."

  Kai nodded. "They are."

  "You going down there to fight?"

  "Not determined yet." Kai folded his arms across his chest. "I hope something is resolved before Tharkad. When I got back to Imperial City I had my invitation to the second Whitting Conference. Deirdre, David, and Melissa also had invites."

  "A week ago they came for Theodore, his wife, Tomoe, Omi, and Hohiro. Yvonne and Tancred have also been invited."

  "Nothing for you?"

  "You've got to be kidding." Victor smiled. "Minora and I will be 'batching it' while you're all gone."

  "That sounds like fun."

  "You don't know Minora." Victor shook his head. "Actually I thought I'd head down to Komadorishima during the time of the conference. If I didn't, I'd be a junkie for any news coming out, and I know Katherine is going to have it all prepackaged. I'd just puke."

  Kai got a mischievous grin on his face. "While Katherine is away from New Avalon, you ought to get Phelan and his Wolves to help you take it back."

  "Now, there's a thought." The Prince shrugged. "Unfortunately Katherine invited Phelan, his sister, and their father to the conference. I thought Morgan was going to actually have to marry Candace before that happened, but I guess Katherine is adhering to the old dictum: keep your friends close and your enemies closer."

  "Then she's making a mistake letting you be so far away."

  "Could be, my friend, could be." Victor offered Kai his hand again. "Please give my best to everyone you see there who would care and, if you're not straight off to St. Ives after that, let me know how things went"

  "I'll be your eyes and ears, Victor."

  "Thanks, my friend." He walked Kai back into the palace. "Oh, yes, be sure to thank Sun-Tzu for his note."


  "Yeah, you haven't seen it. I had it framed." Victor led Kai down a small corridor to a where a framed message hung on the wall. "ComStar says he'll be sending me something more official, on Star League stationery and all, but this will do until the real thing arrives."

  Kai peered closely at the document. "It is with great reluctance, Victor Davion, that I, Sun-Tzu Liao, First Lord of the Star League and Chancellor of the Capellan Confederation, do accept your resignation from the Star League Defense Force. In recognition of your service, I present you this hearty commendation for all you have done." Jaw open, he turned and looked at Victor. "That's it? That's all you get for kicking the Clans' collective butt?"

  "It reads best in English. The German is pretty sad."

  Kai peered closely at the Chinese translation. "You don't read Chinese, do you?"


  "Just as well. You wouldn't like it."

  "What a surprise." Victor sighed. "See why gardening looks like a nice alternative?"

  "Yeah, I guess I do." Kai straightened up. "Well, I can promise you one thing that will come out of the Whitting Conference, and it's that the Lords will vote you a real commendation. This is a disgrace and I won't stand for it."

  "Careful, Kai. You don't want to get involved in politics."

  "No, I just want the others to think they don't want me involved. There's a difference."

  "Politically noted."

  "I learned well from you, Victor." Kai gave him a big smile. "And if it turns out I need some gardening done on St. Ives . .. ?"

  "I don't know if I'm ever going to want to get back in the traces, Kai. We'll have to see." Victor slapped him on the back. "No promises, my friend, but if I do come, I'll bring an OmniMech and we'll clear some serious acreage."


  Grand Ballroom, Royal Court

  The Triad

  Tharkad City, Tharkad

  District of Donegal, Federated Commonwealth

  1 November 3061

  Kai Allard-Liao gave his wife a grateful smile as she surreptitiously smoothed the lapel on his jacket in the middle of the packed ballroom. "Thanks. Just one more thing to get used to."

  Deirdre Lear returned his smile. "Actually, I like you better
in a business suit like this, instead of a uniform. It's more subtle, more like you."

  "I hope you're right." He frowned slightly. "You're not having problems with my doing this, are you? Since I've known you I've wanted nothing but to avoid politics, and here I am slipping into this stuff. To make matters worse, I'm a babe in the woods compared to the wolves lurking here."

  Deirdre's blue eyes sparkled. "Kai, there are two things that are constants about you. The first is that you always do the utmost you can to help others. I've seen it firsthand and even though this tendency makes you do things you don't want to do, you go forward with your actions. You'd rather be miserable than to have someone else be miserable, and such a quality in a leader is a very good thing."

  "But, Deirdre, you make it sound as if..."

  She pressed a finger to his lips. "I'm not finished, my dear. The second thing about you is that you always excel at what you do. Prince Davion may learn very well and quickly, but you intuit a lot, and your learning abilities are not shabby at all. Your enemies won't know what hit them."

  Kai rubbed a hand over his forehead. "But there's so much change now, so many things going on. Victor is out of power, Sun-Tzu has occupied the St. Ives Compact, and we have open warfare there." He sighed. "I've even heard a rumor the Precentor Martial might resign."

  "But change is not all bad, Kai, and change means there are openings for you to move forward and establish yourself." Deirdre stroked his arm with a hand. "I want what you want, my love; and I know you want what is best for your people and friends. You'll find a way to get it. You'll grow into the role of a statesman."

  "I will do my best to make you proud."

  "You always do." Deirdre gave him a wink, then broadened her smile as a tall, black-haired man in gray Wolf Clan leathers approached them. "Khan Kell, it is an honor."

  Phelan Kell smiled openly. "All mine, Dr. Lear. Kai, glad to see you back from Strana Mechty. From what I hear, you put Vlad down hard."

  Kai, aware of his wife's discomfort, nodded. "He was an able foe. I could have the holocam footage of the battle sent to you."

  "Already have it, from Vlad's point of view." Phelan's green eyes twinkled. "He has his agents, I have mine. You piloted a Stormcrow and beat him. That is no mean feat."

  "Alas, we did not defeat the Wolves, but achieved a draw."

  Phelan's leathers groaned as he shrugged his shoulders. "I could not prevent Katherine from taking Victor's realm, so neither of us were able to do for him what he asked us to do. My failure is the greater, of course."

  Kai arched an eyebrow. "But what could you have done? If you had taken all your troops and conquered New Avalon, you would have put all of the Federated Commonwealth behind Katherine. There are enough people in the Inner Sphere who think your defection from the Wolves is a sham that you would have initiated a new war by your action."

  Pain flashed through Phelan's eyes, and a Weariness entered his voice. "You are right, of course, which is exactly what I have told myself every day since Katherine displaced Yvonne. In fact, I need to apologize to Yvonne for failing her. Have you seen her?"

  Kai shook his head.

  "I understand she's here," offered Deirdre. "I've not seen her either, but I believe Katherine ensconced her in the old chateau that Victor used as a getaway three years ago. I'm certain that has elevated her mood. When I last saw her on Luthien she was sliding into a severe depression."

  "Not a good thing." Phelan's eyes focused distantly, then he narrowed his eyes. "Katherine has a lot to answer for. Part of me was hoping Victor would come back and roll over her, but I guess not."

  Kai nodded slowly. "I last spoke in person with him in April. I think, at that time, he was just tired of war. I can't blame him. I even envy him a bit."

  Phelan winced. "But become a gardener? Fighting aphids? I don't know. I thought Victor was made of sterner stuff."

  "I think you will find, Khan Kell, that Victor still is made of sterner stuff." Omi Kurita touched the Wolf lightly on the shoulder and slipped into the circle between him and Deirdre. "Forgive my interruption, but I bear you all greetings from Victor. He wished very much to be remembered to you and said he wished he could be here."

  "Thank you, Lady Omi." Kai bowed his head to her. "You will, of course, convey our best wishes to him. In fact, if you are returning immediately to Luthien, I have some things I would like to send to Victor."

  "It would be my pleasure to carry them for you."

  Phelan glanced down at Omi. "You said Victor still had his spine, but he is abandoning his people."

  "No, Khan Kell, I said Victor was yet made of sterner stuff. Right now he has shifted his focus. He approaches gardening—and all of life—with the same intensity and passion he had for warfare. He is quite the same person you remember, but now he is embracing life, very much in a way he has never done before."

  Kai nodded. "That's just about what he told me as well. Phelan, you never were isolated from real people—while your grandfather ruled Arc-Royal, you grew up with the Kell Hounds. Your career wasn't one of privilege and, as I recall, you did your best to reject all trappings of privilege that being Victor's cousin could have afforded you. And then, when you were taken by the Clans, you were a bondsman who worked his way up to becoming a Khan. You earned the respect you are given. Victor, born to privilege, never had a chance to face the challenges you did. He never had a normal life."

  "This is one hell of a time to be looking for a normal life." Phelan shook his head. "No disrespect intended, but I expected better of Victor. I know this is a tough time for him, but he should be here."

  "Should he, Khan Kell?" Deirdre's blue eyes became slits. "He has no standing here. For him to come and be turned away would be a tremendous loss of prestige. And you are missing the whole question of whether or not he feels he has any right to tear his realm apart with a civil war."

  "Good points, Doctor, but I've been hearing that a civil war is brewing anyway." Phelan folded his arms across his chest.

  "Arthur is fomenting trouble in the Draconis March, and various worlds that have rejected Katherine's power grab are facing serious shortages of imported items. Katherine doesn't seem interested in using troops to maintain order, but she will cause food shortages and disrupt economies to bring rebel planets to heel."

  Omi reached out and rested a hand on Phelan's arm. "I would very much appreciate your giving me information about these worlds, so that I may communicate it to Victor."

  Phelan's eyes narrowed. "So, you are not comfortable with Victor as gardener, either."

  "I did not say that, Khan Kell." Omi's voice shrank to a whisper. "In my culture a warrior is lauded for being practiced in many different arts. Gardening, poetry, painting, all of these are acceptable."

  Phelan rolled his eyes. "I remember reading some of Victor's poetry. If he's as much a gardener as he was a poet, I hope you have someone cleaning up after him."

  Omi smiled for a moment. "Hai, Khan Kell, the gardens do not suffer. Victor, however, is withdrawing. As I left with my father to come here, Victor traveled to Komadorishima. Going there is to retreat from the world and from this age."

  "It is very peaceful. Deirdre and I very much enjoyed our time there."

  "Yes, but one goes there to contemplate the future, or to bask in the peace, not to hide from the world." Omi looked up and Kai felt the electricity in her blue-eyed gaze. "The lion in Victor slumbers; but it is important that someone awaken it:"

  The circle widened yet again as the Precentor Martial joined them. "You will find, Lady Omi, that the lion sleeps, but sleeps lightly. At your suggestion I visited Victor at Komadorishima after you departed. Though he claims no interest in what is happening here, he questioned me most keenly and has asked for reports afterward."

  Kai raised a hand to shoulder height. "He asked me for the same sort of reports in April."

  "Your concern over Victor is understandable, Lady Omi." Focht smiled very indulgently. "It is true, he is tired of fight
ing, but, more important, his responsibilities to the Star League and the Federated Commonwealth were ended at the same time. In essence, he lost momentum in his life and, for the first time, he has had a chance to rest. I find it difficult to begrudge him that rest."

  Phelan smiled carefully. "The way you say that, it sounds as if you would like a rest as well."

  Focht threw his head back in a throaty laugh. "Ah, rumors of my supposed resignation have already begun to circulate. I think you will find the Precentor Martial has lots of work yet to do, especially now that Victor has retired from public life."

  The Wolf Khan frowned. "I never thought you had a taste for politics, especially in the Federated Suns half of the Federated Commonwealth."

  Focht adjusted his eyepatch. "ComStar still maintains considerable assets in every nation of the Inner Sphere, save the League. Moreover, because we facilitate communications, we learn of many difficulties and would not be human if we did not suffer with the people of various worlds. Clearly, as was done over thirty years ago, a communications interdiction can be used to encourage compliance with humanitarian efforts on behalf of citizens. In the event of such an interdiction, the protection of ComStar's relay stations will be vital. We are not looking at conquest, but maintaining a defensive posture. Outside of that, we still have the question of what the Wolves will do when the truce expires. The Precentor Martial has plenty to keep him busy."

  Kai smiled. "In fact, now that we only have six Lords in the Star League Council, you may be called upon to break ties, which is yet another duty for you."

  "I think I would prefer combat."

  "It is combat, Precentor Martial, just with more subtle weapons." Kai laughed. "I'd much prefer waging it from a 'Mech cockpit than a suit, though."

  "Indeed." Focht bowed his head. "If you will excuse me, I see one of my aides looking for me."


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