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Alien Stolen

Page 4

by Rena Marks

  God, those eyes were sexy.

  I moved farther from him, up against the opposite edge of the cage. I could hardly see him in the dark now, and hopefully he could hardly see me. I ran a palm over my breast and nearly moaned at the exquisite sensation. This was sweet, sweet torture. Maybe I could relieve myself, here in the dark. No one would know.

  Holy fuck. What was happening? Was I really touching myself in a darkened cage with a strange alien?

  The weird flutter in my belly rolled again. Suddenly it wasn’t so strange, it was…wonderful. I opened my eyes to look at him. His gaze met mine, and I think he knew what I was going through.

  Another deep sensation of pleasure warmed the spot at the junction between my thighs. I craved his touch there. The warmth of his palm, the size of his fingers. He was magnificent. What would it feel like to sit on one of those large fingers?

  “I probably need to get out of here,” I muttered, my words slurred.

  He continued to watch me, as if he was waiting for something.

  It didn’t matter that I could barely see him with as far away as I was. It didn’t matter that I’d never seen an alien before now. All that mattered was I hoped he had a huge dick.

  What was I thinking?

  My breathing sped up, and I had the most uncontrollable urge to thrust my pelvis. I shrank as far from the creature as I could. I refused to be the slut.

  But then the pain started. It wrenched through my body, ripping through sensitive nerve endings with a fiery agony.

  The creature continued to talk, and his voice sounded softer, cajoling. As if he tried to soothe me. He reached out.

  “No,” I warned. “You’ll need to stay away. I—ahh—“

  White-hot torture seared through my body, bowing my back, shooting and violent until it ended on a shriek.

  Now, I understood. Feed the urges, or suffer the agony.

  His hand shot out. He barely reached my ankle and pulled me toward him. His palm was so large and…warm. Comfort emanated from where he touched. My knees fell apart easily. My clit throbbed as the pain faded and the sexual tension ratcheted.

  He spread my legs on either side of his body, then flipped me upward until I straddled him, my face so near his.

  So close, he wasn’t so strange at all. He was more beautiful than anything else. His skin was shiny, his eyes flickered. He licked his lips, drawing attention to the fullness of his lower lip. His nostrils flared as he sucked in air, inhaling my scent. The straight cut of his jaw emphasized the chiseled cheekbones. He could almost pass for a man.

  But I’d seen the fangs in his mouth. They were white, and sharp.

  He stopped, letting me take the reins. Just watching to see what I’d do. Being this close relieved the pain. My heart pounded in my chest, and I could feel the sweet warmth of his breath nearby. I pressed my face against his collarbone. He smelled incredible. When I lifted my chin, my lips brushed across hot skin at the top of his shirt. The need to lick him gripped me, and I inhaled sharply to fight it. What was wrong with me? The craving was uncontrollable. I needed to satiate the urge.

  When I calmed enough to breathe normally, I reached out and touched his cheek. I wasn’t sure how his skin would feel. It looked thin and sheer. It wasn’t. It was crisp, sturdy. I traced the edges of one of the squares and he shuddered. So…sensitive, too.

  “I don’t suppose you’d mind?” I whispered. “To have sex?” Because I really, really wanted to do this.

  He said something, and the strange words rolled off his tongue, but meant nothing to me. But he’d been the one to pull me onto his lap, so that did mean something. Was he turned on, too? Had they drugged him before I arrived? I knew how to check.

  I tilted my pelvis down and a shock tingled through my clit where we connected. There was an enormous bulge jutting up against me. My stomach quivered with need.

  “Sweet baby Jesus,” I breathed.

  He wanted me, too.

  The chains clanked as he moved his hands to my hips. He forcefully pushed me onto him, rubbing my clit on his erection back and forth. Raw pleasure made me gasp. We both groaned together. I rocked against him, and he began to pump his hips as I moved mine forward.

  “I can’t believe I’m dry-humping an alien,” I said.

  He brought his lips to mine and paused, letting me choose whether or not to kiss him. His lips were a deep, purplish red—full and human-looking. I sank mine to his. His lips were soft, and moved under mine. We opened at the same time, and his tongue slid against mine. Slow, soft, and sensual.

  I ran my hands up his arms, and the spiny-looking things were soft against my touch. His muscles, on the other hand, were not. I felt every ripple and bulge as he moved. Somehow his hand snaked underneath my skirt and inched up my thigh. Heat licked my core as I anticipated the slow move up.

  Finally he reached my pussy, and rubbed his finger to my folds.

  I moaned. The exquisite sensations from his touch were too delicious to describe. I could feel wetness sliding through me, wanting to escape my sheath. His massive finger dipped into me, exploring my size, and rubbed the slickness back up over me.

  If he would have touched my clit in that moment, I would have come screaming. But this clever alien knew what he was doing, and he rubbed his slippery finger up and down my labia, stretching my opening, exploring my sex. I would have loved to have been more aggressive, but I was completely lost to the feelings he invoked in my body.

  But I had to see him naked. I knew there was no turning back, and I had to see what I was taking on.

  My fingers fumbled slightly as I tried to maneuver the waistband of his pants. He raised his hips, taking me up with him, and shoved them down underneath both of us. His lower legs kicked them off, but I was too focused on checking him out.

  His erection was massive. Shaped mostly human, except for a hard ridge on the underside. I ran my finger up the ridge and he groaned, grabbing my hand and pressing it to his dick. His hand was so very warm over mine.

  His balls were huge. Now, granted, it had been a very long time since I saw balls, but I didn’t think these resembled any human male’s.

  I moved my hand on his cock again. I started down at the base and slid up, fingering the ridge with my thumb, all the way up. When I reached the tip, his cockhead grew. It swelled to incredible proportions, and then, as he slowly exhaled, became normal sized in proportion to the rest of his cock.

  “Well, that’s a swell trick,” I said, my gaze locked to his crotch.

  A slow smile spread across his lips. He was all man.

  My skirt was twisted up around my waist, so I whipped my tank top off over my head. His hands came up to cover my breasts. He smoothed my nipples with his thumbs, and when they hardened, he leaned up and licked them. Instant warmth caressed me, each nerve ending triggering another, spiraling into a web that ended at my crotch.

  Good heavens, he knew what he was doing.

  His other hand was still pulling aside the edge of my panties. His finger slid against the side of my labia, touching gently. Then he began fingering my pussy. I grew wetter and wetter, and before long was mewling.

  I raised myself enough to yanking the offending panties off my legs and squatted back down on him. I pressed my mouth to his, and kissed him deeply. He matched my strokes, and as we kissed, I sat on his huge cock.

  It stretched my opening as in the best way. I felt every single inch of him as he crept deeper inside, and my unused muscles twitched around his hard flesh. He filled me completely.

  I pulled away long enough to gasp, “You’re amazing. I love the way you feel.”

  Then he rolled his hips and took me for a ride.

  My orgasm hit hard and fast. I could hardly take a breath. It burst deep inside me, and I tucked my mouth into the side of his neck to muffle my scream. He shouted out, too, and a burst of hot wetness shot inside me.

  My body was lethargic, draped across his, my face buried in his neck. I breathed deep, inhaling his sc
ent. He was unique, masculine and wild. His hands were rubbing up and down my back, every now and then, he’d explore my vertebrae. Of course, with the spines along his back, he probably felt quite different. But his spines were soft, so I didn’t quite understand their purpose. I couldn’t ask him either.

  We were still connected when I lifted my head and looked him in the face. He stared back at me, and his hand moved up to the back of my head. He pulled me to him and settled his mouth to mine. His cock stirred inside me, growing harder, suddenly stiffening within me.

  He began to rock his hips, thrusting inside me in a slow rhythm that made thinking impossible. It was all about feeling and sensation, just like earlier. And just as strong as it was earlier. The need built again, escalating to where I was mindless. My clit was so sensitive all I could focus on was the firm rhythm of his sex grinding rhythmically against mine. It was the most powerful awareness of a man I’d ever experienced, and I couldn’t even communicate with him.

  His hands left my hips and slid to my bare ass, cupping both cheeks and grinding our bodies together more effectively. I buried my face against his neck and opened my mouth, desperate to taste any part of him since he’d stopped kissing me. I licked just under his ear then latched on to his earlobe, lightly sucking it.

  He shuddered and it was so sexy, so powerful to get him feeling that way. The same way I felt, but my feelings were drug-enhanced. His mouth found my throat, and he brushed kisses there, and then lightly scraped his fangs against me.

  I was burning up. I couldn’t get close enough to the creature—this Miack—and needed to feel his skin. I ached for him. A carnal image flashed in my mind—what it would feel like if we were naked outside, in the daylight.

  The overwhelming sensations made me vocal, so I released his ear and smothered my cries against the warm skin of his throat. My body shook from the force of the second orgasm and my vaginal walls clenched and rippled around his cock. I felt the flood of liquid as I milked him to his release.

  Miack stilled his hips, his breathing harsh.

  I didn’t want to move. I didn’t want to go anywhere. I just melted to him, waiting for my body to cycle through another heat wave again.

  I wished I knew how many were coming. I didn’t think it was possible to die from so much pleasure, but now I was beginning to wonder.

  I shifted slightly and felt his seed trickle from my body.

  It was only then that I worried about pregnancy.

  Chapter Six

  He was sprawled out on his back, lazily watching me when I woke.

  I stretched. The hot flashes had ended somewhere near morning, or from what I guessed was morning by the sound of the water pipes. God, I felt like I could move mountains. Run marathons. Jump from a cliff…and fly.

  What was going on?

  “I have to get out of here before they get back,” I said. “I have to free my father and friend.”

  I bounded up, hurriedly dressing. Something didn’t feel right. I had so much…energy. Something. It was bursting out of me. More than energy…I seriously felt like I could carry him on my shoulders.

  He laid flat, barely able to open his eyelids. They weren’t kidding about him being weakened. I, on the other hand, felt amazing. Like I could bend metal. I reached out and felt the empty cuff that should have been attached to his ankle, but instead they’d probably freed his legs so he could have sex. I squeezed the cuff, and it crumpled like tin foil in my hand.

  What the—?

  Miack uttered a string of words that sounded liked curses. I reached for the other cuff, and squeezed it, too. Again, it crumpled in my palm.

  Surely they were defective. I reached for the heavy chains that had attached the cuffs to the wall, and pulled the giant links apart, one by one.

  Miack reached out and covered my hand with his. But it was all he could do. Exhausted by that much, he watched me warily.

  Suddenly I understood. He wasn’t simply weakened. I gained his lost strength. I could move mountains, bend metal…break bones.

  Holy shit. This was why they kept him chained in a basement inside a metal locked cage.

  Talk about a secret weapon. He was right to watch me warily. This gift was beyond tempting.

  I had to steal him.

  The realization came as I hurriedly tossed on my clothes. I avoided looking at his beautiful, color-changing eyes, because somewhere in the pit of my belly, shame hit. There was no way I couldn’t not come back for him. I didn’t know what I would do with him when I escaped, but he was my ticket out of here. Somehow I had his superhuman strength, and it was kick ass. He was my insurance for that strength, in case it faded.

  What if it disappeared as quickly as it came?

  If it took a night of rocking sex to get it again, so be it. I felt a twinge of guilt for the guy, but it was him…or us.

  I unlocked the cage, kicking a small rock underneath to keep it from latching fully and locking him in. Just in case. I knew I could break his chains, but for now, I’d keep him here, waiting for my return. Carefully, I snuck up the rope ladder. When I reached the top trap door, I opened it the barest inch to peer out. I saw nothing indicating anyone milled about in the hallway, so I lifted the door all the way and quickly crawled out. I silently closed it behind me and headed straight to room 421. I pulled the keys I’d stolen from my pocket, and tried a few. The first one did nothing. Quickly I yanked it out and stuck another in. Nothing. I tried a third, hoping three times would be the charm. The keychain had a dozen keys on it, surely I couldn’t be that unlucky to go past key number three.

  The lock unlatched with a click. I stood bemused for half a second before and I pushed the door open. In the small cot across from the door, Ria sat up quickly, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

  She froze. “Sian?” she asked. Her eyes were rounded.

  “Hurry,” I snapped. “It’s almost morning, and we have to get my dad, too. He’s in room 512.”

  Ria jumped up from her bed, and wrapped her arms around me. I hugged her briefly, taking care not to squish her with my Wonder Woman strength.

  “Is that my skirt?” she asked.

  I looked down. Yeah, it looked a bit different from the one she’d loaned me just yesterday. Rumpled, and a little slutty.

  “Yup,” I said cheerfully. “Sorry I tore it.” And got a lot of body fluids on it.

  I opened the door a crack and peeked out to make sure the coast was clear. As soon as I was positive, we snuck out and headed down the hall to find his room. I began inserting keys in the lock as soon as we reached it, one after another, hoping for the right one to click it open.

  “God, that jangling is so noisy,” Ria whispered. “It’s nerve wracking.”

  “I know.”

  Frantically, I tried to make my fingers work faster. They seemed to move stiffly. Then, like magic, the right key clicked in place, and we pushed our way in. Much like Ria had, my dad immediately sat up on his cot.

  “Rise and shine,” I said. “We need to sneak out of here before they make their morning rounds.”

  “How the hell—“

  I cut him off. “No time to explain, dad. You and Ria need to hide out against the side of the main door. There are four men who stay in the front office, and one who stays at the door. When they come in to make the rounds, sneak through the door behind them and hide in their office for a minute. Before they make a commotion by realizing you two are gone, you have to manage to sneak out past the front door guard. Hopefully it’ll be the end of the shift and he’ll be tired. Slip out behind him, turn to the left so you’re between the building and the wall, and wait there. All hell will break loose, because I’m going to steal a prisoner they want, and it’ll provide enough distraction that you can slip out of the front gate by taking out the lone guard there.”

  “Where will you be?” he asked.

  “Not far behind you. But I have to kidnap this alien. It’ll guarantee my safety. I need you two to be long gone by then.”
/>   “Are you crazy?” my dad demanded.

  “No. At least I think not. Somehow I have his strength. It was transferred to me, and I don’t know how long it’ll last, so he’s my bargaining chip. As soon as I provide the distraction, you two make it to the trees up on the hill to the left when you get past the gate. Hide there. If you can find it, the nearest tree to the edge of the ravine has a knife stuck into the bark. I buried a gun at the roots underneath some leaves. And there are binoculars up in the branches. But don’t waste too much time looking. It’s more important to get away before they find you.”

  We’d reached the doors, so we positioned ourselves on the side behind the door where it would swing open.

  “I’m going to sneak back into the basement. They’ll sound the alarms and set me free when they discover I’m holding him hostage. Please be in the tree watching through the binoculars by then. Hopefully they’ll consider you escaped, or just misplaced, without logging where you were moved, but it’ll be no big loss compared to the alien being stolen. I’ll see you at home,” I added, giving them a grin before shooting off down the hallway. I opened the trap door again and eased my way back inside.

  The alien lifted his head as I approached, sitting up. He’d dressed himself while I was gone, and I was glad for that. Less of a reminder for me. I slipped back into the darkened cage, and he said something in his clicks and strange words.

  “I didn’t magically learn your language overnight,” I said.

  He growled something else.

  “Let me try something,” I said, and motioned to his hands.

  He held them out, and I ran my fingers along the chains. With a yank, they snapped apart as easily as if they were plastic.

  “Wonder how long your strength will hold out in my body?” I mumbled. “Sure is gonna suck if I lose it.”

  He said something, but I had no idea what.

  Then the trap door opened, spilling a small amount of light inside. Good, that meant the guards had arrived, and my dad and Ria should be sneaking out about now. I pushed the alien’s hands down to hide the broken chains.


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