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Sold to the Alien Gladiators: A Dark Reverse Harem Romance

Page 8

by Corin Cain

  “You truly are powerful!” I say to the Toad Lord, trying to infuse my words with the illusion of admiration.

  “Yes. Yes, I am,” the Toad laughs, and finally turns off the pain ray. Karan stops writhing on the floor of the cell, gasping for air as he tries to recover from the agony.

  The Toad Lord aims the gun at Raegan now, who hobbles forward towards him.

  Then, suddenly, the three Aurelians all move with lightning quickness.

  As if they’re one, they all grab the bars of their cage – every muscle in their immense bodies tensing to the fullest as they press against the thick metal.

  The Toad laughs, watching them attempt to break the bars.

  “Strong, but foolish. These Aurelians think they can break bars strong enough to hold Scorp warriors. Ha!”

  He presses the trigger of his pain gun, and this time it’s Raegan who screams out in pain. Fear and darkness fill the back of my mind as I watch him react to the coursing agony.

  But he doesn’t fall to the ground.

  Raegan fights through the pain. More than that – he fights through the pain, and keeps pressing against the bar with his blood-brothers. And, as we stand there watching, the bars start to bend.

  The Toad Lord’s eyes go wide with horror.

  “Guards! Fight them back! But don’t kill them – they’re worth a fortune!”

  The Guards step forward, thrusting with their spears.

  The tip of one spear impales Raegan’s shoulder, and combined with the ray of pain from the Toad Lord’s gun, he finally falls to the ground. Karan dodges to the side, grabbing the spear that’s thrust at him and yanking it out of the Guard’s hands. He spins the blade around and jabs forward, impaling one of the Guards. Acidic blood shots out from the dying Toad and Karan pulls him to the bars, letting the blood splash against the iron. It hisses and corrodes. Baldur dodges the thrust aimed at him and keeps pulling the bars of the cage apart. He struggles, but the bars continue bending open.

  In the chaos and confusion, I reach forward and grab at the pain gun. The Toad Lord throws me to the ground, but the beam is knocked away from Raegan. The Aurelian stands, pulling the spear from his shoulder with a grunt and barreling against the weakened bars.

  The bars snap – and suddenly the three Aurelians burst through them. They slaughter the guards in seconds, and as they fall to the floor, the Toad Lord drops himself – cowering to the ground in terror. The pain gun clatters to the floor, tossed aside by the Toad as he kneels before the Aurelians, whimpering and blubbering in fear.

  Raegan kicks the pain gun towards me, and I grab it.

  “He deserves pain before he dies,” states Karan flatly. He holds the spear up in the air, ready to end the Toad at my signal.

  “No! Please! Please,” begs the Toad.

  I remember all the pain that Toads have caused me – the evilness of their being, and the slavery and the torture they’ve inflicted on me, and so many others.

  And yet I shake my head.

  “No. We can’t be like them. Torture is beneath us,” I say.

  Karan nods, and brings the spear down sharply, straight through the Toad’s heart. The Toad Lord dies instantly and cleanly, his eyes glazing over.

  Alarms sound. “They know we’re escaping! We need to go – now!” Baldur grabs my arm.

  I shake my head, terrified. “No! We can’t leave without freeing those other poor women – the ones on the Toad slaver’s arm!”

  Raegan gives me a warning look. “Every second lowers our probability of escape.”

  “We can’t leave without them. I won’t.”

  Karan growls: “Raegan, you’re injured. You go with Baldur and Jasmine and steal a ship. I’ll free the women.”

  Before the others can protest, he strides away, bounding up the staircase with a spear in his hand. Raegan nods, grabbing me by the arm, and pulling me towards the wooden door.

  The two Aurelians break it down with a massive kick.

  I’m slower than them, and before I can protest Baldur picks me up like I’m weightless – throwing me over his shoulder and running with me.

  Raegan and Baldur slaughter three more guards before we finally burst out of the arena building and into the filthy streets of Bugra. Toads yell and point at the commotion as we run through the crowds, the horns of the alarms sounding behind us.

  Laser shots fly by as we race away. Baldur carries me through a marketplace, the two Aurelians trampling over stalls and merchandise before Raegan bursts through the doors of a trendy building, Baldur and I in tow. I’m bounced up and down across his huge shoulders, but my weight doesn’t seem to slow him down at all.

  We’ve arrived in some kind of showroom for commercial spacecraft. Small, sleek ships are parked all around us.

  “We have many ships for sale,” says a terrified Toad, startled at our entrance. He obviously was not expecting two huge, bloody Aurelians and a naked human woman.

  Raegan puts me down. I gasp, looking at the salesman.

  For a moment, none of us move. Then, slowly, Baldur lowers his spear. The Toad salesman takes the hint.

  “Do you… Do you want to take our best ship for a test drive? Here are the keys!”

  The Toad grabs a set of keys from the table next to him and throws them towards us. Raegan deftly catches them, and presses a button on the largest key.

  A deadly-looking ship behind us hums to life. It has no visible weapons, but it looks like a predatory jungle cat, all sleek curves and darkness.

  “Two full Orbs power that thing. It’s the fastest on the market,” blurts the Toad salesman quickly, shuddering in fear. Raegan lowers his spear further, and the Toad takes a huge breath of relief.

  “Get in,” Baldur orders. I enter the ship. It’s designed for Toads, and it’s small for the Aurelians, but we still manage to fit inside. Raegan takes the pilot’s seat and fires up the thrusters – expertly maneuvering the ship towards the windows at the top of the showroom.

  We rise up, then punch through the glass of the building – soaring over the city. Raegan sweeps the craft around, and we soar back towards the arena. Three ships suddenly fall into pursuit behind us, firing laser shots that scorch past the cockpit. Raegan punches the thrusts to a higher setting, powering us forward and leaving our pursuers behind.

  Baldur suddenly reaches for my throat. I gasp in shock as his hands dart towards my unprotected neck. For the first time I remember that I’m utterly naked in front of him, vulnerable.

  Baldur grabs the collar from around my throat and rips it apart. The glint of Orb gleams as it falls, and I pick the ruined collar up from the cockpit floor.

  “Shameful to use Orbs for such evil,” says Baldur, his eyes filled with anger. I’m shocked that they’ve faded almost completely. It’s as if the green hues I saw during our lovemaking have disappeared completely.

  They glow green only for me.

  From the air, I can see the huge arena below us. It looks like an old history program I saw on the Roman coliseums, the ruins still existing on Earth.

  In the middle of the arena is the unmistakable figure of Karan, with four humans gathered around him. Raegan expertly pilots our stolen craft downward, and as the cabin door swings open, I see fresh wounds on Karan’s muscular body. He urges the humans forward, and as they run towards our ship, I recognize the scared slave who tried to offer me comfort when we were both chained to the Toad slaver’s wrist, as well as the black-haired servant Elanor.


  She smiles at me as she clambers into our stolen craft. “I’m free!”

  Raegan punches the thrusters and the craft soars upwards, all of us crammed tightly in the tiny vessel. There’s a cargo hold below the cockpit, and the newly-freed slaves pile into it, while Elanor sits up near the cabin with me.

  Raegan pilots us ever upwards, and our stolen vessel fires through the atmosphere. Soon, Bugra becomes small behind us.

  I look through the windows at the receding planet. “Th
ere are still so many slaves there.”

  Raegan nods as he pilots the ship, equally disgusted.

  “We tried a thousand years ago to conquer the Toad empire and end the evil practice. The universe was plunged into war. Billions died. The Toads used weapons long outlawed by Aurelians. Planet killers. They were about to lose the war, and as an act of last-resort they wiped out three full planets – using Orbs for absolute evil. If it were up to me, I would crush their evil empire – but the uneasy peace that we maintain is the only reason the universe isn’t still a warzone. Too many have already died from Scorps. We can’t add to the carnage with more unnecessary warfare.”

  I hate the bitter truth behind his answer.

  A few moments later, Karan stiches up Raegan’s shoulder with a med pack found in the ship’s medical bay. The ship is on auto-pilot, far out of range of the Toad threat.

  “The Toad’s violated the law by taking us as slaves,” Karan snarls.

  My response is cold: “So, you let them take humans as slaves – but not Aurelians?”

  Karan growls: “It’s not so simple.”

  Baldur nods. “Especially not now. Because of this violation, the Aurelians will conquer the planet. There were so many witnesses to what the Toads did. The slavers knew that they broke interstellar law. We might not be able to rid the universe of slavery – but we can, at least, bring Bugra under Aurelian rule of law.”

  “The same rule of law that put my father in prison,” I hiss, remembering all the reasons I hated the Aurelians. The other women in this ship fawn over them, their eyes wide and full of lust for the creatures.

  I remember that Aurelians keep harems of dozens of women – and realize that when Karan, Baldur and Raegan bring me back to their home planet, I’ll be just one of many faces. I won’t be special any more – their woman.

  I feel instant jealousy as I compare myself to the freed slaves in the cargo hold. One has larger breasts than me, the other a slimmer frame. I’m angry at myself for caring. I’m angry at myself for thinking that if they weren’t literally forced to fuck me, I wasn’t even sure those three Aurelians would have even looked at me.

  As the truth hits me, Elanor takes her place behind me, running her fingers through my hair.

  Aurelians get their pick of hundreds of human women.

  How can a fast-receding bond – the one from our forced coupling in the arena – compare to the appeal of an infinite array of different women?

  No matter what Elanor told me about how important a bond is to these aliens, I’m convinced it won’t matter compared to the ease these god-like warriors will have in seducing and being served by the most beautiful women in the galaxies. They may keep me around – but why would they ever settle for one woman, when they can literally have their choice from hundreds?

  “If your father broke the law, then he needed to go to prison,” Karan tells me flatly.

  I glare at him. “He paid less in taxes then your people said he owed – and just to try and secure me a better future.”

  Raegan shrugs, then instantly winces as the movement pains his wounds. “Those taxes are how we can afford to protect humanity.”

  “Protect us?” I’m nearly spitting with anger. Elanor’s hands move soothingly through my hair, trying to calm me, but even her magic touch won’t soothe my rage. “Protect us? You’re the reason my family is bankrupt! Your people are the reason I had to live on Bugra, and scavenge to provide for my mother! Dammit, those taxes probably went to the upkeep of some Aurelian manor, not to protecting us humans from some non-existent threat!”

  “Non-existent? I didn’t spend a hundred years killing Scorps to be chewed out by some two-decade old human,” growls Baldur with scorn.

  “Scorps? Ha! Scorps. They haven’t been near Terra in hundreds of years!”

  Raegan gives me a wry look. “There was a Scorp organic ship drifting towards Terra just recently. We blasted it apart forty years ago, long before you were born. If they’d have landed, maybe your father wouldn’t even be alive to be in prison – and maybe you wouldn’t have been born at all. That’s what the tax funds.”

  I sputter, hardly believing it. “That… That can’t be true.”

  Karan growls. “We don’t speak of all our victories. If humanity does not want our protection, they need only tell us and we’ll leave. But if you accept our protection, you must accept our rules.”

  I feel so lost. I turn to the woman calming me with her touch. She’s moved from stroking my hair to massaging my back.

  “Elanor, you don’t need to do that. You’re free now.” “Nonsense. If you’ll have me, I’d like to be your servant, now. Willingly. You’ll have a great place of honor in the Aurelian society – I can tell instantly that you’ve bonded with Raegan. I wish to have a better life for myself, and by serving you, you can help me have it.”

  I shake my head. “I’m going right back to Terra.”

  Raegan’s eyes narrow. “No. You’re coming with us.”

  My eyes widen, flashing with anger. “Excuse me? What am I? Your slave?”

  Baldur smiles in a way that sends shivers down my body. “No. You are our mate. Elanor has a good eye – but what even she failed to see is that we are all bonded to you. Come to our home world of Colossus. We’ll have vast estates waiting for us. The Aurelian population is small, and very wealthy. We’ll have our reward – and it’ll be there to share with you.”

  I stare Baldur down, but I can’t meet his eyes for long. He’s still nude, his chiselled body sending tremors of lust down my spine and all the way between my legs. I hate the heat that radiates from between my legs. I hate that he knows how much he turns me on.

  Elanor moves behind me, and I see her pull off her dress. She stands there naked, and hands it to me.

  “If I’m to serve you, I would give you this. It’s simple, and will be too big for you, but…”

  “Elanor, no. I’m not better than you...”

  She smiles sweetly. “This is not slavery, my sweet. I want to help you, and my life will be so much better if I can serve you.”

  She helps me into the dress, but I still feel naked.

  “Thank you, Elanor. Now… Could you please go back and look after the freed slaves? They must be scared and feeling alone. I know there won’t be food on the ship, but please give them whatever you can find.”

  “Of course,” Elanor nods, making her way to the cargo hold.

  Now we’re alone, Baldur breathes in slowly. “I can taste you, Jasmine. Your scent. You still want me, even now. We’re victorious warriors, returning to our home world, and we’ll have vast estates waiting for us. You’ve never seen an Aurelian pleasure room before. Soon you will.”

  I shudder. “No… I’m not just going to be another woman in your harem.”

  Karan trails his huge finger along my arm. “No, you will not be another woman in our harem. We are bonded to you, Jasmine. Other women… They’re nothing to us now. You could put a table or chair in front of us, and it would have the same appeal as they would.”

  I listen, stunned.

  “The second we’re in communication range with Colossus, I’ll have an envoy sent to bring your mother and father to our home world. They too, will have places of honor in our estates.”

  My nipples harden in the presence of these three alien men. Despite myself, I ache to feel them inside me again. Not just their huge cocks, but the way their minds pulsed inside mine. I can’t believe the way they were able to withstand all the pain they did, and overpower all the adversity they faced – all just to be with me.

  And I can tell they feel the same way. As I sit there, three sets of eyes devour me. I can still feel their cocks inside me from the first time they fucked me – and their cum is still thick inside me.

  I shudder, thinking of that very fact.

  “I… I need to bathe,” I say. “I’m filthy.”

  “There’s no shower on this ship. Soon we’ll be in range to shift – but first…”
r />   Karan’s thumb presses against my hard nipple. He thumbs it between thumb and forefinger, while his eyes stare deeply into mine.

  “I’m filthy,” I say, trying to dissuade him. His eyes flash a deep, raging blue.

  The escape has me sweating and dirty, and I feel disgusting – but the eyes that look at me make me feel like I’m a priceless piece of art.

  Raegan closes in on me too. He grunts, pain clear in his eyes, but it’s clearly being pushed back by lust. His eyes glow gold, and looks at me with seriousness – still capable of rationality, but on the brink of losing control.

  “Jasmine, tell us now if you want us to return you to Terra. Now, before the bond between us grows more intense – and the pain of being without becomes worse than any torture. We must return to our home world, but even if you return to Terra, we’ll still come for you whenever we can.”

  I bite my lip.

  I can choose, right now.

  I can go back to Terra and see my mother again. I know the three aliens will provide for me – that they’ll still get my dad out of jail as they promised.

  But, the alternative…

  Karan thumbs my nipple through the thin dress, my desire mounting. His eyes are the ocean, and he breathes in my scent deeply.

  “I can smell your desire. I want to taste your sweat,” he says, and I moan as Karan leans forward and licks my neck. A dark, manly groan leaves his lips – as if I’m the sweetest fruit in the galaxy.

  Baldur looks at me with his intense gaze. His green eyes sparkle like the hugest emeralds I’ve ever seen. In the cramped cockpit of this small ship, I feel even tinier than I usually do when surrounded by these seven-foot-tall, Greek Gods of aliens. I shudder with need as I stare, transfixed, at Baldur’s huge, flaccid cock. It’s stiffening in his desire. I have no idea how big it is – or how big it could get.

  Could it be a whole foot long? God, how did it ever fit inside me?

  I’m afraid of what Baldur’s cock will do to me now that the oil has worn off.

  I think back to Raegan’s question. The choice of returning to Terra, or traveling with them to their home world.


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