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Sought...Book 3 in the Brides of the Kindred series

Page 36

by Evangeline Anderson

  Beautiful, Lock agreed, pinching her nipples gently. Lick her, Brother. Eat her sweet pussy. It’s what our lady needs.

  With pleasure. Bending his head, Deep pressed a soft, hot, sucking kiss to her sensitive clit, making Kat moan breathlessly. Without meaning to, her hands slid down and buried themselves in the thick silk of Deep’s black hair. That’s right, little Kat, he growled softly inside her head. Hold on to me. It’s going to be a wild ride. Then he spread her even wider with his thumbs and took a long lick upwards, starting at the entrance of her pussy and bathing her entire cunt with his tongue.

  “God!” Kat gasped. Her fingers tightened in Deep’s hair involuntarily and her eyes were drawn inexorably to the viewer. The red-haired girl was standing with her legs spread, moaning with obvious pleasure. The blond man behind her was pinching and twisting her nipples while the man with black hair knelt between her legs, splitting her thighs wide with his broad shoulders and lapped her pussy as though he couldn’t get enough of her sweet honey.

  “Oh!” Unable to help herself, Kat tilted her pelvis forward, giving Deep greater access to her pussy. But it wasn’t enough for him. With one sudden move, he shifted one of her legs up to his broad shoulder, spreading her thighs even wider for him and opening her completely.

  Kat moaned and jerked against him as she felt Deep enter her with two thick fingers as he lapped her cunt. Behind her, Lock continued to pinch and twist her nipples while he kissed and nibbled her neck.

  “Does it feel good, my lady?” he murmured hotly in her ear. “Do you liked being spread open so Deep can taste your sweet pussy?”

  “Yes, God, yes!” she moaned, unable to lie. She could feel the orgasm building within her, threatening to wash her away with its intensity but she couldn’t stop reaching for it just the same. She needed to come, God how badly she needed that!

  Not yet. Much to her frustration, Deep pulled away just when she was tilting over the edge.

  Deep! she protested but he shook his head.

  I’m sorry, little Kat but we need the energy of your orgasm to propel us across the vast distance to the Scourge home world. So you can’t come yet.

  But I’m about to go crazy! I need—

  You need to come, my lady, Lock murmured soothingly. And never fear, you will. But you must come with both Deep and I inside you.

  Only when we have both our cocks buried to the hilt in your sweet pussy can we let you orgasm, Deep sent. Because only then will the three of us be fully joined.

  Kat bit her lip. Bonding drink or no bonding drink, this part still made her a little bit nervous. They were both so freaking big and the idea of two of them at once…

  Don’t worry, my lady. Lock stroked her hair gently. I can feel your apprehension but when Deep and I come together, our shafts will fuse into one symmetrical shape—much like the phallus we used on you the night after you ate the bonding fruit.

  It makes for greater ease of penetration, Deep added. As though you’re being filled by one cock instead of two.

  Except that one is freaking huge, Kat pointed out. Will you still be able to do that—to fuse together that way with the bond between you cut?

  Deep frowned. We should be able to. The bond affects our emotional connection—not our physical abilities. But we won’t be filling you together to start with.

  You won’t? She looked at both of them. Then what are you going to do?

  We’ll take things slowly, Lock assured her. Each of us will take a turn. Having one shaft at a time inside you will stretch you open gradually.

  And it will make us wet enough to enter you together, Deep said. Both our cocks need to be coated with your juices so that we can slide easily inside you when we fuse together.

  All…all right. Kat felt like her heart was trying to pound its way out of her ribs with a mixture of apprehension and excitement. God, was she really going to do this? It certainly looked like it. How do we get started? she asked.

  I think it’s time we all moved onto the bed, Deep said. I’ll adjust the viewer so you can keep watching while Lock and I fill you.

  Kat allowed herself to be helped onto the vast, broad bed thinking that it was odd he’d said “fill” instead of “fuck.”

  That’s because it’s not really fucking until we’re both together inside you, Deep sent, apparently hearing her thoughts. Not by Twin Kindred standards, anyway.

  Oh. Okay. Kat cuddled with Lock on the bed while Deep adjusted the viewer. Her eyes strayed to the image of the red haired girl and she saw that her cheeks were flushed and her eyes were bright from the pleasure she’d already given and received. She also couldn’t help noticing that the spiraling green lines of poison had grown until they nearly covered her right cheek but she refused to dwell on that. She was going to squeeze as much love and pleasure and joy into her final hours as she could and not think about anything morbid. Still…a tear dripped down her green-stained cheek despite herself.

  “My lady…” Lock whispered aloud, his voice husky with sorrow. Kat felt his pain and loss as she felt her own and for a moment the shared emotion was almost her undoing. She leaned her head against his broad chest and breathed deeply, trying not to cry. Trying not to spoil what little time she had left.

  “Kat?” Deep climbed into bed beside her and nestled close, his broad chest pressed to her back. “Are you all right?”

  “Fine,” she whispered in a muffled voice. “I’m just…I’m fine. Really.” And the strange thing was that after a minute, she was.

  It was the warmth and reassurance of their bodies against hers that did it. Kat felt completely surrounded by them, cocooned in comfort. And though she couldn’t feel Deep’s emotions as she felt Lock’s, she knew he cared for her just as much as his brother. She could feel his love in the gentle way he touched her, the soothing way he caressed her hair.

  Finally, she sat up and swiped at her eyes. “Sorry, guys. Didn’t mean to kill the mood.”

  “You didn’t,” Lock said quietly. “We feel as you do, don’t we, Deep?”

  “Indeed.” Deep stroked her arm, his eyes bleak. “The idea of losing you just as we’re really getting together is agony, little Kat. Unbearable.”

  Kat sniffed and lifted her chin. “Well we’re just going to have to bear it. We need to do this for Lauren. And…” She snuggled back down between the two of them. “If I have to go, I want to go out on a high note, you know?”

  “A high note?” Lock frowned.

  “I mean…” Kat could feel her cheeks heating in a blush but she made herself continue. “I want to feel you in me, both of you, before the end.”

  “And we want to fill you, little Kat. And fuck you,” Deep murmured. “But first we must wet our cocks in your pussy. Are you ready to let us do that?”

  Kat felt a twist of desire in the pit of her stomach. God, just the idea of spreading her legs and letting them fill her, one at a time was making her hot. The bonding drink was still in her system and her pussy ached with the need to be penetrated. But even beyond that, the love she felt for both of them drove her on. Yes, she murmured, using the mental link of the joining to answer. Yes, go ahead. I want you to. Uh…she looked at them doubtfully. Which one of you wants to…?

  Fill you first? I will, Lock murmured, his brown eyes half-lidded with lust. The last time I entered you, my lady, I never allowed myself full penetration. This time…

  This time he needs to thrust hard and deep inside your sweet pussy, Deep finished for his twin. Come here, Kat. He held out his arms and she crawled into his lap. He kissed her urgently for a moment, then urged her up onto her hands and knees. Lean your head against my chest and spread your legs as wide as you can, he directed as Lock got into position behind her. That will open your pussy enough to let Lock get deep inside you.

  Kat shivered slightly as she felt the broad head of Lock’s shaft brush her wet folds. She moaned softly as he slid over her sensitive clit and Deep stroked her hair soothingly. Watch him, he directed, indicating the vie
wer. Watch Lock penetrate you, little Kat. Watch him fill your sweet pussy with his cock.

  Turning her head, Kat did as he demanded. It was an incredibly erotic sight. The red-haired girl, on her hands and knees, trembling and leaning against the black haired man who was propped up against the head of the bed. Behind her, the blond man knelt, slowly thrusting his thick shaft inch by inch into her wet, open pussy.

  Now, Lock whispered through their link as he stretched her open, his cock finally sliding home inside her. Do you feel that, my lady? Do you feel me in you?

  Yes… Kat moaned and tilted her pelvis, trying to get even more. The penetration was good—was wonderful—but the bonding drink in her system was telling her she needed more. So much more… Good…so good. If only she could get Lock to fuck her, to thrust just a little bit, she was sure she could go off like a rocket…There was some reason she wasn’t supposed to come yet but it slipped her mind. Her thoughts seemed to be blurring, her rational mind consumed with the need for pleasure and penetration.

  But though she came close, she couldn’t quite tilt over the edge of orgasm. All too soon it was over—Lock withdrew slowly, as though reluctant to leave the tight, hot confines of her pussy. Kat almost cried with the feeling of emptiness. But there was another shaft right in front of her, she realized, looking down at Deep’s lap. And it was even thicker than Lock’s.

  Now, Deep was saying. It’s my—

  Kat didn’t give him a chance to finish. With a little cry, she sat up and straddled his narrow, muscular hips. Taking his shaft into her hand, she positioned the wide head of his cock against the opening of her pussy and sank down on him before Deep could say a word.

  Both of them moaned at the sudden intimate contact and Kat gasped in pleasure as the thicker shaft stretched her wide.

  “Gods, little Kat,” Deep murmured hoarsely. “I’ve never known you to be so forward.”

  “I need it,” Kat told him, raising her pelvis so that a few thick inches slipped free and then thrusting back down again to impale herself once more. “I need you. God, Deep, please…fuck me!”

  “Gently, Kat. Gently,” Deep cautioned. He looked over her shoulder at Lock. “Brother, I know we wanted to take things slowly but I think the bonding drink is having an even more pronounced effect on her than we thought. Our little Kat needs to be fucked very badly. Now.”

  “I think you’re right.” Lock nodded. “So how…”

  Lie down beside us on the bed, Deep directed, switching back to the mental exchange of the joining. I’ll withdraw for just a moment and then we’ll fuse and enter her together.

  Yes, Kat sent urgently. Yes, that’s what I need—both of you in me. Now. Right away—please! She was no longer afraid or uncertain. This was what she needed—both of their thick cocks filling her at once. Filling her, fucking her…and coming in her. She was certain of it. Please, she whispered and then gave a soft cry of protest as Deep withdrew from her slowly. God, she felt so empty without him and she needed so badly to be filled…

  It’s only for a minute, sweetheart, he promised, stroking an errant strand of hair out of her eyes. Only for a moment and then Lock and I will fill you properly—the way you need to be filled.

  He urged Kat to lie on her side, propping a pillow under hear head. Relax, little Kat, he murmured. Gods, I love you! You’re so beautiful and so brave, spreading your sweet pussy for Lock and I to fill you at the same time. I never thought you’d be willing to do this with us. To love us both at once.

  You thought that because of what happened in the past, Lock told his brother. I always knew the lady Kat had courage.

  It’s not just courage, Kat protested, trying to think past the haze of lust that was clouding her mind. It’s need—please, I need you both so badly!

  We know, my lady. Just a moment while we fuse, Lock responded, kissing her shoulder.

  Lock and Deep were conferring in low voices but she only heard about half of what was said and she comprehended even less. All she knew was that she was consumed with a burning desire and only being filled and penetrated could slake her sexual thirst.

  “Press your shaft to mine,” Deep murmured to Lock. “I know we cannot feel each other’s emotions as we should at this moment so we must let our bodies do what is necessary.”

  “Here. It’s not…Ah, there.” Lock’s voice was strained at first but then he sounded relieved. “Do you feel that, Brother? I think we’re ready to fill our lady.”

  “Yes,” Deep responded. “And our little Kat is more than ready to be filled…and fucked.”

  Lock, who was behind Kat, raised her top leg, opening her pussy for their penetration. Both of them pressed very close to her, their hard chests bracketing her own until it felt like all three of their hearts were beating in the exact same rhythm.

  Together, Deep murmured. I’ll guide us…now!

  Kat gasped in pleasure as she felt the single, thick cock begin to push into her pussy. First she felt the slippery, broad head press against her entrance. Then, with a slight stretching sensation, the brothers breached her entrance and began to enter her.

  She moaned softly and bit her lip as the sensations became incredibly intense. She could feel her body opening for them, taking them in, but the feeling was of a tightness that was almost but not quite painful.

  God, so much, so deep, she thought, writhing between them. Almost too much…

  It’s all right, Kat. You’re all right, Deep sent, searching her eyes anxiously. I know it’s hard to take the first time. But I swear to you, in a moment you’ll adjust.

  Slowly, my lady. Gently, Lock sent as they continued to thrust slowly into her. Once we touch bottom inside you, the bonding drink will take its full effect and you’ll feel nothing but pleasure.

  I hope you’re right, Kat sent, biting her lip. Because…Oh! Just at that moment, she felt them press hard against the end of her channel and a wave of pleasure overcame her. “God,” she gasped deliriously. “Deep…Lock… Please, I’m close, I’m so close…”

  Gently but with power, Deep directed, obviously sending to his brother. Just a few thrusts should do it. The moment Kat comes, we’ll be launched.

  The feeling of their long, thick cocks pulling out and thrusting back in again was too much for Kat. With a low moan, she felt herself coming, finally tilting over the edge as the orgasm that had been building so long finally came crashing down on her.

  God, yes! she thought again and then the world around her melted away and the air was suddenly full of stars.

  Chapter Forty-one

  The peak of orgasm faded gradually to be replaced by the familiar rush of pleasure and the sensation of being a swift, invisible bird. Kat looked around in delight at the sight of the blue-white ball of Earth floating in space and the stars surrounding it.

  Hold on, she heard Deep say. We’re going to be going faster and farther than we ever have before. Whatever you do, stay together and don’t get lost.

  Kat had a moment of concern—she hadn’t known it was possible for them to get lost from each other during a joining. How could we possibly—she began and then everything became a blur.

  During their previous joinings, Deep had taken his time, allowing her to see her solar system first hand—or as first hand as they could get on the astral plane, anyway. This time, apparently they had no time to linger. Stars, planets, entire constellations rushed by in the blink of an eye. Suns so massive they blotted out the blackness of space with their fiery brilliance rose up and vanished so fast they seemed like wild illusions.

  We have to hurry, Lock explained in her mind as they flew. We have to use the power of your orgasm quickly, my lady, before it dissipates.

  Not to mention that the longer we wait, the more likely it is they’ll fold space and be gone beyond our reach, Deep growled. Have you got the net ready, Lock? Moving at this rate we’ll be there before we know it. I just hope I can hold us in place long enough to find them and see what they’re up to.

got the net. Don’t worry, Lock responded.

  Good. Are you picturing Lauren in your mind? Deep asked Kat. I hope you know her well enough to find her.

  I didn’t have much time to get to know her, but she made a big impression on me, Kat said, watching as the stars and planets whizzed by them. She’s so beautiful and so brave—I really felt for her. Yes, I’m certain I’ll be able to locate her if we can catch them in the net.

  Let’s hope they’re not far from the Scourge home world, then, Deep said grimly. If they’ve gone too far we’ll never find them.

  I have a net big enough to cover three sectors. Lock sounded confident. Unless they’ve folded space, we’ll find them. Never fear.

  Are we almost there yet? Kat asked, feeling like a little kid. As fast as they were traveling, she had the strange sensation that they already had been on the astral plane longer than on any of their two previous joinings.

  It’s just ahead. Look, Lock murmured.

  Their incredible speed slowed until the white and black blurs rushing past them became planets and stars again. It reminded Kat of how space looked when the Millennium Falcon was coming out of light speed in the Star Wars movies. Just ahead she saw the dirty, gray-brown ball of smog and pollution that she recognized as the Scourge home planet. It was only about the size of a billiard ball in the sky but it was getting closer by the minute.

  I don’t see their ship, she sent, feeling disappointed.

  Don’t worry, Lock told her. I’m casting the net wide and far.

  Kat felt a moment of intense concentration from him, as though he was preparing to do some hard physical labor. Then the Scourge home world and all the space around it in every direction was blanketed in a silvery, shimmering net so beautiful and vast it took her breath away.

  Oh Lock, she whispered, totally awed. This is your finest work yet. It’s gorgeous.

  Let’s just hope it does its job, Deep said. Open your mind and feel for the tugging, Kat. Is Lauren anywhere near here?


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