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Sought...Book 3 in the Brides of the Kindred series

Page 39

by Evangeline Anderson

  Sophie shook her head. “You and that bonding fruit. I honestly think you’re addicted, Kat.”

  “Better addicted to bonding fruit than pretzels with horseradish, soy sauce, and peanut butter,” Kat pointed out, laughing.

  “I guess so.” Liv stopped eating and stared at her pretzel thoughtfully. “You know what this needs? Some hot sauce. Do you have any?”

  “I don’t think so.” Sophie got up to look. “Tranq Prime food is pretty bland…except when it’s completely disgusting, which is most of the time. Sylvan doesn’t care much for condiments.”

  “I can run get some from our suite if you want. I think I have a tiny little bottle of Tabasco somewhere,” Kat offered.

  “No!” Sophie yelled at the same time Liv said, “Not on your life.”

  Kat looked at them in surprise. “What? You changed your mind?”

  Sophie came back to the couch looking sheepish. “No, it’s just that Liv and I made a pact not to let you out of our site for a little while. Since every time you leave you wind up doing crazy things like getting soul bonded or poisoned.”

  “We’d just feel safer if you stayed right here with us for awhile.” Olivia smiled and squeezed her hand.

  “Fine with me,” Kat smiled and settled back against the comfortable cushions. “But if you want to keep me in your line of vision every single minute I’m afraid you’re going to have a fight on your hands. Deep and Lock are expecting me back in time for dinner…if we even manage to eat. I swear those two are insatiable.”

  “Said the girl who can’t get enough kinky threesome sex,” muttered Liv.

  “Liv!” Sophie nudged her sister and grinned. “We agreed we weren’t going to keep on teasing her all the time about that. We have better things to talk about.”

  Olivia raised an eyebrow. “Than sex? I don’t think so.”

  “How about how Lauren’s mom reacted to the news that her daughter is headed for the Maw Cluster—wherever that is,” Kat said soberly. “Do you guys think I was able to give her any hope at all? I feel so bad about the whole thing.”

  “I think she took it reasonably well,” Sophie said thoughtfully, breaking off another piece of pretzel and popping it into her mouth.

  “You told her that her daughter was safe and with a male she trusted. And that she’d be coming home eventually,” Liv spoke distractedly, busy with doctoring another pretzel into submission. “What about maple syrup, Sophie? Got any of that?”

  “Actually, I do.” Sophie popped up again. “But please tell me you’re not going to mix it with soy sauce and horseradish.”

  Liv gave her a mock glare. “Just get it. Anyway, as I was saying, Kat,” she continued. “You did the best you could. I mean, you risked your life to get that information. And I think Aunt Abby was grateful that you tried.” She sighed and took the maple syrup Sophie was offering her. “Thanks. Detective Rast is still coming up in a couple of days to check things out, though. I think he wants to make sure we’re not hiding Lauren somewhere on the ship or something.”

  “What? Why would we do that?” Kat protested.

  Liv shrugged as she added the syrup to her nightmare of a pretzel. “Dunno. I get the feeling he doesn’t quite trust the Kindred.”

  “That’s because he doesn’t know them like we do,” Sophie said, watching as her twin took a big bite of the dripping concoction in her hand. “I swear I’m never going to bake for you again, Liv—you’re ruining my perfectly good pretzels.”

  “I’m improving them,” Olivia corrected, licking her fingers. “God, that’s good! Anyway, Rast should be here on Friday.”

  “What? You never told me that!” Sophie put down her pretzel and frowned. “He’s going to be here right in the middle of my bonding ceremony.”

  “You’re bonding ceremony?” Kat and Liv said at the same time.

  “When were you going to tell us? Where are you going to hold it?” Kat demanded.

  “And how do you think you’ll get an entire wedding together in just a few days?” Liv asked.

  Sophie blushed. “It’s not going to be a big to-do, you guys. Just something small and intimate—only friends and family. And since Nadiah is on her way, we thought this would be the perfect time.”

  “So she finally came of age?” Kat remembered the way Sophie had described Sylvan’s cousin, who had helped her out considerably on Tranq Prime. With her bubbly personality and multicolored hair she sounded like fun.

  Sophie nodded. “Yup. Her mother is having a fit, too. Apparently she wants Nadiah to settle down and marry some stodgy full-blooded Prime guy they have all picked out for her. In fact, I think there was some kind of childhood engagement or something and she’s claiming Nadiah has no choice.”

  “Is that true? Will she cave and marry him?” Olivia raised her eyebrows.

  “Anyone else might but not Nadiah.” Sophie laughed. “She told me all that from Tranq Prime and then the next time I heard from her, she was aboard a cargo carrier bound for the Mother ship. So I’m guessing the Prince Charming dear old Mommy picked out is going to be left standing at the altar.”

  “Well you won’t be.” Kat kissed her cheek impulsively. “You’re going to make a gorgeous bride, Sophie.”

  “Thanks.” She smiled. “I just wish there was someone Nadiah could do the luck kiss with during the ceremony. I know it would give her such a thrill, but all of Sylvan’s brothers and second brothers are spoken for now.”

  “Isn’t there anyone?” Liv asked, eyeing the last pretzel.

  “Well, Sylvan does have an old friend he wants to ask but he’s having trouble getting hold of him. Apparently he’s doing some kind of religious retreat back on the original Kindred home world. You know—wearing special clothes, eating special foods, purifying himself. That kind of thing.” Sophie shrugged. “We’re hoping he’ll come but it’s kind of iffy right now. I told Nadiah not to expect too much but she says she’s just happy to be in the ceremony—even if she doesn’t get to kiss a Kindred.”

  “She has a real thing for the Kindred, huh?” Kat smiled.

  “Mmm-hmm.” Sophie nodded. “Especially the Blood Kindred. I think it’s kind of a rebellion thing because her parents are so against them.”

  “Well, she can have her pick here,” Liv said. “Better keep her away from the unmated males area though—that can get kind of hairy.” She shivered and Kat knew she was still remembering her own ‘adventure’ there, back when Baird had first called her.

  “I don’t think she’ll have to look far to find a male—she’s really pretty.” The timer dinged and Sophie jumped up. “Hang on, that’s my second batch of pretzels.”

  Kat groaned. “Another batch? I’m already so full you’re going to have to roll me out of here.”

  “Well, it’s not like you have to go on a diet,” Liv pointed out. “Since Deep and Lock love you in all your curvy glory.”

  “That’s true.” Kat couldn’t help smiling. “After a lifetime of Weight Watchers and Slim Fast it’s nice not to feel horribly guilty if I want a donut now and then. Not that I’m totally letting myself go,” she added hastily. “But now I feel, I don’t know…”

  “Beautiful, just the way you are?” Sophie suggested, smiling from across the room. “Honestly, Kat, that’s what we’ve been telling you all along.”

  “Yeah, but having your best friends tell you is one thing. Having two hot guys panting after you is something else entirely.” Olivia grinned.

  “She’s right.” Kat grinned back and then sighed.

  “What is it? What’s wrong?” Sophie asked anxiously. “You look so sad all of a sudden. What are you thinking about?”

  “More like ‘who,’” Liv said. “Is Deep already giving you problems again?”

  “Deep? Oh no, he’s fine. More than fine—incredible, actually.” Kat smiled. “I don’t know exactly what happened to him while he was, uh, gone for those few minutes and he won’t say either. But whatever it was, it really changed him.”

sp; “Then why the long face, Kat-woman?” Sophie asked, piling hot pretzels onto a platter.

  “I was just thinking of Lauren again,” Kat admitted. “There’s something that worries me. Something…well, something I didn’t tell your aunt.”

  “What?” Olivia frowned and Sophie said, “Oh dear.”

  “I’m sorry,” Kat said. “I know you two agreed to do full discloser with her from now on but I didn’t want to upset her.”

  “What could upset her more than knowing her daughter is flying through wormholes with a huge Scourge warrior a hundred thousand light years from Earth?” Liv asked practically.

  “Believe me—this could upset her more.” Kat sighed again. “It was something Xairn said when Lauren was asking when he would take her home. He said…” She stopped, biting her lip.

  “Well, go on,” Liv said impatiently. “Spit it out.”

  “Yes, Kat, give!” Sophie demanded.

  Kat frowned. “Okay, but you’re not going to like it. Xairn said that the reason he was taking Lauren to the Maw Cluster was so they could change their DNA before he took her back to Earth.”

  “What?” both Sophie and Liv shrieked at once and Sophie almost dropped the pretzels.

  “Change her DNA? That’s crazy,” Liv said.

  Kat nodded. “I know—I thought so too. What do you suppose he meant by it? Is he going to turn Lauren into something else…some other life form he can smuggle back to Earth without anyone knowing?”

  “I hope not.” Sophie looked worried. “Oh, poor Lauren! I wish Liv and I had gotten a chance to meet her.”

  “I think you’ll get your chance.” Kat straightened her shoulders. “I will say this—I think Xairn had her best interests at heart. And I don’t think he’d hurt her…not on purpose anyway.”

  “I hope he won’t hurt her at all!” Olivia exclaimed. “And when do you think he’ll bring her back home?”

  Kat shook her head. “I just don’t know. But I hope she’s being careful and safe—as safe as she can be, anyway.” She smiled. “Deep and Lock think that he loves her, you know. And that he acts more like a Kindred than a Scourge.”

  “I hope they’re right about that. I’ve heard what the Scourge like to do to their women.” Sophie shivered. “Whips and chains and God knows what.”

  “Supposedly they’re into domination and bondage,” Kat said. “But believe me, girls, Lauren has backbone. I don’t think Xairn will find it easy to dominate her—if he even tries.”

  “Let’s hope he doesn’t.” Liv frowned and looked at Sophie. “Hey, why are you standing way over there with the fresh pretzels when I’m sitting over here?”

  “Sorry, your pregnant majesty,” Sophie said sarcastically, but she was smiling as she brought the platter. “Here you go—have some.”

  Kat looked down at the fresh batch uncertainly. “Uh, Sophie? What did you put on these things? I’ve never seen pretzels that look like this before.”

  “That’s because these are the sweet ones.” Sophie pointed. “See? These are the s’mores pretzels with crushed up graham crackers and marshmallows and chocolate. These are the blueberry ones. And these are cinnamon raisin.”

  “Mmm, they look delicious. Thanks, womb-mate.” Olivia picked up a blueberry pretzel and raised it to her nose. She inhaled deeply. “Wonderful!”

  Kat frowned at Sophie. “I thought you said she was craving salty things now.”

  Sophie shrugged. “It changes daily—sometimes hourly. I’m just trying to keep up.”

  “Salty is good too.” Liv stopped with the blueberry pretzel halfway to her mouth and looked up. “Hey Sophie, got any ketchup?”

  The End

  Brides of the Kindred Glossary

  AllFather—the evil head of the Scourge, a race that are the byproduct of a failed genetic trade. The AllFather is one of the Old Ones and has the power to reach into a person’s mind to harvest emotional pain and trauma. He lives for the fulfillment of the Scourge Prophesy.

  Bespeak—to contact someone mentally using a Think-me device. It is considered rude to bespeak someone you don’t know intimately.

  Beast/Rager Kindred—come from Rageron—a jungle planet full of beautiful but deadly flora and fauna. They have dark hair, golden eyes, and hot tempers but their most defining characteristic is the mating fist. The mating fist is an area at the base of the Beast Kindred’s shaft which engages fully only during bonding sex with his chosen mate. When engorged it swells to keep the Beast Kindred and his bride locked together until she is completely bonded to him. This ensures sex that is both extremely long lasting and multiorgasmic for both partners.

  Blood Fever—a condition suffered by unmated females on Tranq Prime, the home world of the Blood Kindred. Blood Fever or Burning Blood as it is often called, is caused by a parasite living on the icy world that affects only women. The parasite—found in the fleeta or blood beetle—reacts with a compound in the Tranq Prime water supply to cause the fever. Symptoms include chills, increased sexual need and the feeling of the blood heating in the veins as well as increased coloration of the nipples and sex. If the fever is not treated in forty-eight hours, it will result in death.

  Once a Kindred male has had a female’s blood, he forms a natural antidote to Blood Fever which he can pass on by sharing body fluids with her. The most effective way to get the antidote into the female’s system is for a Blood Kindred to bite her, thereby injecting it along with his essence. However, it is also possible to pass along the healing fluid through sex.

  Blood Fever used to be very common on Tranq Prime which is what prompted the cold, proud natives to initiate a genetic exchange with the Kindred in the first place. A recent vaccine has nearly eradicated the disease, however, and the original inhabitants of the ice bound planet have little reason to continue the trade. A faction calling themselves Purists are against any further trade with the Kindred.

  Blood/Tranq Kindred—are blond with pale blue eyes and come from Tranq Prime where ice, snow, and arctic-like temperatures are the norm. To combat the severe weather conditions, the Blood Kindred have higher than normal body heat with double the human amount of red blood cells. They have developed specific biting rituals to share their supercharged blood and take the blood of their mates during their own version of bonding sex. They have a set of double fangs located where a human’s canine teeth would be. These fangs do not develop fully or become sharp enough to pierce flesh until a Blood Kindred is with a woman he wishes to mate and bond with.

  Bonding Ceremony—a wedding-type ritual which takes place after the Claiming Period if the bride chosen by a Kindred warrior has allowed him to have bonding sex with her and joined her mind to his.

  Bonding Sex—the extra step a Kindred warrior takes to bind his bride to him permanently during intercourse. For the Beast Kindred, it is the use of the mating fist. For the Blood Kindred, bonding sex means sex during penetration. Twin Kindred bind a bride to themselves by entering her and coming in her at the same time.

  Claiming Ceremony—a sort of engagement service that takes place when a bride is first claimed by a Kindred warrior. He declares his intentions toward her and she vows to obey the laws of the Claiming Period.

  Claiming Period—women who are drafted are required to go up to the Kindred Mothership and spend a thirty day “claiming period” with the warrior who has chosen them. If, at the end of that time, they have managed to resist the charms of their Kindred mate, they are allowed to go back down to Earth and resume their normal life. However, if they succumb to their Kindred male’s seduction, they are mated for life and must move to the Kindred ship to live, leaving everything else behind and seeing their family and friends on Earth only infrequently. Of course, many women are unwilling to give everything up at the drop of a hat, draft or no draft. But the Kindred have a secret weapon—devotion to their female’s pleasure and attention to detail during incredibly hot sex.

  Claming Period Rules—The Claiming Period lasts for four weeks during which the
Kindred warrior attempts to seduce his chosen bride and she tries to resist him:

  The Holding Week: the Kindred warrior may hold his bride.

  The Bathing Week: the warrior and his bride bathe together and he is allowed to massage her with scented oils and make her come.

  The Tasting Week: the warrior is allowed to perform oral sex on his bride.

  The Bonding Week: sex is allowed but it is completely up to the bride whether she will take things a step further and allow bonding sex which is a special and specific process to the three different types of Kindred males. (Most women have given in well before this point but a few do resist.)

  The only way out before the claiming period is up is a breach of contract. This can happen if the Kindred warrior does not strictly follow the rules and tries to skip forward in the order of allowed events or by breaking one of the rules laid down by the Kindred High Council. These rules—mostly to do with restrictions on communication with Earth—are for the safety of everyone aboard the Mothership and are nonnegotiable. Ignorance is no excuse for breaking them and will result in immediate termination of the claiming period.

  Convo-pillar—A half inch long insect which resembles a brightly colored caterpillar. Convo-pillars were genetically engineered by traders on the fringe colonies around Rageron to translate alien languages by communicating via thought waves to their wearer’s brain. They have been outlawed by the Kindred High Council because their notoriously unreliable translations cause more conflicts than they solve.

  Dream Sharing—occurs when a Kindred warrior’s mind aligns with that of his bride and they begin to see each other’s day to day activities and memories in their sleep. However, the alignment of the two (or three in the case of the Twin Kindred) minds can take several forms and is not limited to sleep.


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