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Alien Magnetism (The Shadow Zone Brotherhood Book 6)

Page 4

by Elise Jae

  Kissing her, one long, deep melding of our mouths, I pull back, reluctant, but… “I’m not going to make you work too hard for it tonight.”

  That smile turns wicked and she looks over her shoulder to where Dathan is waiting. Leaned against the wall, he watches us with an understanding I force myself to ignore.

  It’s harder than it should be to set her down. But she slides down my body and when her feet are on the ground again, she doesn’t turn to him with any haste.

  She spreads her hands over my chest, like she’s going to say something…. But in the end, she just bites her tongue and turns away.


  Dathan doesn’t waste any time when we get in the room. He doesn’t break any rules, but he gets me on the bed and is inside me before I can think about why he’s so ravenous.

  I don’t know if Hazard sees my confusion, or maybe he thinks I just need the heads up, but he says,

  “Slow down, man. Savor your last time with her. If you want to attack someone, attack your bondmate.”

  So, I’m losing Dathan to the machine too.

  I’m happy for him.

  That’s the goal.

  Running my hand down his face, I look Dathan in the eyes. “So desperate to be rid of me?”

  He chuckles against my skin. “This might be a goodbye, but we both know I’m just the warm up act.”

  “Then give him a good show. Don’t rush it.”

  Dathan shakes his head. “Don’t worry. I know what he wants….”

  It feels overly cryptic. But he bites my neck, teeth dragging over skin and I pull in a low breath.

  All thoughts drawn to the sensations his touch pulls through me, I’ll ask what he means later, for now, I let my eyes flutter closed as his hand smooths down my thigh. That same hand scoops beneath me and he arranges me how he wants me… How he wants Hazard to see me.

  Because Dathan… despite knowing he doesn’t need to keep Hazard happy for next time, is definitely playing with Hazard in mind tonight.

  That’s obvious even before he tips my head to the side. My eyes meet Hazard’s as he takes another drink.

  I don’t feel the slightest remorse as my full focus falls on the man in the chair. The man over me is just an extension of him, no matter who he is.

  Dathan knows that. He’s played with us enough times to know.

  He’s played with me enough times to know his way around my body.

  His lips and teeth work their way from my neck, over my collar bone, to nip at my breasts.

  I draw in a shuddering breath as he pulls my nipple between his lips and suckles.

  That bright pain draws a sharp moan from my throat and Dathan’s ridges expand inside of me as if triggered by the sound.

  Each thrust pulls a new sound from me as his rhythm quickens and his hand moves up to tangle in my hair.

  His grip is painfully tight, but the pleasure he pushes through me…. Each thrust is a tiny battle, one neither of us will lose. The next time I open my eyes, Hazard’s gaze on me is narrow. Dark.

  Dathan shoves into me with another, final thrust and I arch against him, my body bending only as much as his will let me.

  He pushes my hips higher, so he can get his hand between us, so he can get even deeper and I cry out at the pressure.

  The ridges feel harder today, more pronounced, they rake across my entrance with each thrust, and I arch against him.

  And then, I hear the buzzing.

  In his hand, he wields the tiny vibrator against my already swollen clit.

  I almost come off the bed.

  When I come, it feels like it’s too soon.

  But I have no idea how much time has passed and with Dathan still moving inside of me, keeping me high on his cock, I force my eyelids to stay open. I want to see Hazard as he watches me come. I want to see how much he wants to be the man who is in me right now.

  He knows—we both do—that he’s more than enough for me… but Hazard licks his lips and it’s like his mouth is on me.

  Orgasm builds on orgasm.

  Between Dathan, the vibrator and Hazard….

  Dathan drags me over the edge to a third time and through the blinding euphoria I hear that telltale grunt as he spills his first load inside of me.

  Wracked with the tremors of my orgasm, it takes me longer to come back to the plane of coherence.

  It takes me a second to realize he’s still inside me, and when I roll my head to the side, I watch Hazard. He adjusts, squeezing his cock through his pants and I wonder which part he liked best.

  “You okay?” Dathan asks and it takes a moment to realize he’s talking to me.

  I nod, not quite able to catch my breath.

  “Good.” He stands and when he pulls out, he dumps me unceremoniously on the bed.

  Boneless, I watch him go to the cabinet. On his way, Hazard offers him the glass, and Dathan takes it, pulling a long drink before Hazard says something to him that’s so low, I can’t hear it.

  It doesn’t surprise me when Dathan pulls the black bottle from the case…. But the syringe.

  “You have somewhere to be?” I ask, rolling onto my stomach to look at him.

  It’s the high octane option for lube and if he wants to prep ahead of time. I almost ask what’s his hurry.

  Instead, when he comes back to me, tossing the bottle on the bed, pre-filled tube in hand, he just smiles.

  Then, he leans close and whispers, “I like how this one tastes.”

  He flips me over before I can guess what he’s got planned, and his finger’s on my ass so quick, I can’t stop the gasp that falls from my lips.

  “Careful, Dathan. I will throw you out of this room.”

  “It’s okay.” I say. I don’t want to ruin Dathan’s last visit because I couldn’t keep up.

  “Just as long as it stays okay.”

  I glance at Hazard over my shoulder.

  He’s leaned forward on his elbows, ready to move the moment something seems wrong. The second I’m not okay.

  Dathan presses the thin plastic point of the syringe into me and I feel the cool slide of the lube.

  His thumb spreads more over my entrance, and I expect him to leave me where I am, but instead, he pulls me up to my knees.

  “You wanted to give him a show, didn’t you?”

  He strokes his cock, it’s already glistening with the lube, and lays down on the bed, holding out his other hand until I turn. I watch Hazard until one brow raises in challenge.

  When I climb over him, eyes on Hazard, I hold myself there for him. Letting him see how wet I am, how much come Dathan left inside me.

  But the man below me doesn’t let me stay there for long

  “God.” The word is a breath as Dathan presses his stiff cock up into my lubed asshole. I watch Hazard, full of a need I can’t fully process.

  The mirrors in this room have a smokey tint, and the way he’s looking at me, reflected in every angle… I could think Lucifer was real, and he’s the one watching me.

  I know exactly what Hazard sees. Positioned like this, legs spread wide, a fat cock in my ass…. I’m on the verge of asking him—begging, really—to come fill me up. To stuff the monster hiding in his pants into my pussy.

  I pinch my nipples to distract myself. He doesn’t join until after.

  But I want him so badly….

  Dathan jerks beneath me hips driving upward, and I know he’s filling me with his come more quickly than I want.

  Every flinch of his abdomen moves me, seats me further onto him.

  It takes less than a minute for him to finish and when he does….

  He flips me so quickly, there’s no chance it slid out of me. And then his mouth is on me, his tongue delving into my stretched little hole, eating his come out of me.

  It’s not the first time one of them has done it, but it’s the first time I’ve watched Hazard watch someone do it, and it’s so much sexier than I could have ever imagined.

  Brows raised, his eye
s are dark and I imagine his lips have twisted to a wry smile behind his hand.

  I see his stomach clench as he shifts in his chair.

  The image of him forces me to close my eyes. There’s too much sensation flowing through me… too much—

  Dathan presses his thumb inside of me one of his knuckles grinding brutally against my over-sensitized clit.

  My orgasm pushes a sharp hiss between my clenched teeth and I collapse forward onto the bed before it’s over.

  And when it is, Dathan’s dressed and slipping out the door, as if that was one last parting gift.

  I lay there, working to catch my breath.

  “You sure you’ve still got enough energy for me?”

  Rolling my head to the side, I meet Hazard’s gaze as he takes another drink. His eyes never leave me as he sets the glass down.

  The way he looks at me drives a sharp spike of lust through me again and I think ‘ready’ might bee an understatement.

  My limbs lose that jelly feeling and I slip from the bed and crawl to him.

  “As if I’d ever leave one of these rooms without taking the opportunity to fuck you.”

  His smile is one I’m used to seeing, but only here, in these rooms. And only when we’re alone. There’s something soft about it that shouldn’t work on his face. Something warm and deep and….

  “What is it?” He asks, but I shake away what I had been thinking.

  “Can I suck this hard cock?” I am going to want more than that, but he’s given me multiple orgasms already tonight… and he only gets two. I plan to drag them out for as long as I can.

  “You can do anything you want.”

  Not anything, but I don’t argue with him. Because there are so many things I can’t ask for.

  There are so many games we’ve played.

  So many ways he’s taken me and I’ve taken him.

  Tonight, I want to savor him.

  Dathan’s gone.

  It’s only a matter of time before Hazard is too.

  I drag my tongue up the ridges under his cock, trying not to look too smug when his jaw tightens and his eyes close. I slip my lips over him and when I take him into me for the first time tonight, his groan is a deep rumble.

  “It shouldn’t surprise anyone that you’re the one everybody asks for.”

  He only lets me worship his cock for so long before he pulls my head up and meeting my eyes, guides my lips to his.

  I don’t know why it’s different with him. But it always is.

  I love sex. I love giving and getting this kind of pleasure, but with Hazard…. With Hazard, it’s like everything is more intense.

  He takes me there, on the chair, and we fall to the floor the first time he spills into me. It’s a ragged and rough joining, and I savor every second of it.

  When he picks me up after, apologizing, and moving me to the bed for round two, I don’t accept the apology.

  I come two more times before Hazard—his teeth sunk into my shoulder—fills me with his second load.

  When he stills, I hold tight to him, wishing I could melt into his skin.

  He doesn’t make me let him go.

  He holds tight to me as well, pulling me with him as he rolls to his back. He told me once, it was so that he didn’t crush me….

  I’ll never tell, but this is my favorite part.

  The “after” the moments when it’s just the two of us and we can pretend...

  It’s silly, but I’ve counted. In the five months since Hazard told me he was requesting a bondmate, I’ve seen him thirty-two times.

  Thirty-two deliriously decadent nights with him… followed by thirty-two nightmares.

  He should have been matched by now. And I’ve checked. His request is still in.

  Tonight, he’s subdued.

  I wonder if all the waiting is getting on his nerves. I’d seen it before. A few men had come in the week before their bondmate arrived for the first time, to be sure they’d know what to do with her. Others, just to talk to a woman, needing to know what to expect outside the bedroom.

  “Is it because you like to watch?”

  Hazard looks at me like he has no idea what I’m talking about, and I realize I’ve given him no context.

  “I thought maybe you were worried about your pairing… because you like to watch and she might not be up for that?”

  “No.” He looks away, almost as if he hadn’t thought of it. “It’s not about watching…. It’s about you.”


  He nods. “Maybe I shouldn’t have told you that.”

  Maybe not.

  I trace a finger along one of his larger scars. “I’m going to miss you when you’re gone.”

  He rolls me onto my side.

  “You’ll have other men to keep you company. No one out there would ever turn you down.” He presses three fingers inside of me. “I think the only woman here who’s more popular than you, is Kimba.”

  I hum, agreeing. “But I get to have more fun than she does.”

  I’ve been here before, dozens of times. How many men have disappeared from my regular lineup because they’ve bonded?

  It’s never been a problem before.

  I offer him something I only realize I don’t want once it’s out of my mouth.

  “Some of the men bring their bondmates in… if she’s inclined, I’d be happy to see you both.”

  If he brings her in… it might tear me apart.

  It hurt the one time I’ve done it before. And I didn’t—


  The relief that rushes through me threatens to make me go numb, because I know that tone. It’s not a maybe. It’s a hard ‘no.’

  Twisting to hold himself over me, his fingers opening me for his cock, he slides into me. There shouldn’t be anything left for him to give me tonight. But he rocks us both, and those ridges under his cock harden with each thrust.

  I want more.

  I want to ask him to come in more often… I want to ask if I could come to him when he can’t come to me, but I can’t.

  Hazard makes love to me soft and slow, coaxing my pleasure from me as he hardens inside of me. With a devastating kiss, he pulls my orgasm from me and for the first time in the nearly year we’ve been seeing each other, he comes a third time.

  The experience leaves me a little lightheaded, and I breathe him in as he holds himself over me. Arms caged around me, muscles quivering, he whispers something too soft against my lips.

  But they’re words I can’t afford to hear—they could too easily break my heart and I ignore them.

  His smile is wicked, and he kisses me as if I belong to him… and I hate that I wish I did.

  I slip from the bed, and pull on my robe, not bothering to tie it as I go to the sink and wet a warm cloth.

  “I’ll always make time for you, Hazard.”

  “Unless Fault’s here?”

  I smile at him in the mirror. “No one else is willing to risk being torn open by him.”

  “Is he really that big?”

  “Let’s say he’s proportionate.” I toss the used cloth in the chute and turn back to him. “We both know, you are not.”

  “Will you go out and find someone else for tonight?”

  “I’ll be on the lookout, I always am.” It’s a lie. But it’s one I need him to believe.

  “How is it possible you can be so horny.”

  I shrug. We’ve had this conversation before, and I still have no answer for him. But if I sleep with anyone else tonight, it will be to drive this feeling of loss away.

  And that’s why I dress and go into the public room again, leaning against the back wall to watch the show for a moment before I go on the prowl.

  That’s where I am when Hazard—even dressed, I know the lines of his body in the dark and strobing lights—walks through, leaving the club without even looking at any of the other women working tonight.

  “He’s fairly devoted to you.”

  I flinch as I turn
and Riann is in front of me.

  The pretty sian man who joined us months ago and came too soon… I haven’t seen him since.

  He looks… sheepish.

  “Hi there.” I don’t have the chance to tell him he doesn’t need to apologize. “Are you looking for some company?”

  I almost feel like I owe him something extra after last time.

  “Yes, and no.” He looks toward the door Hazard just disappeared through. “Can we talk somewhere?”

  It won’t be the first time I pull a guy into a room and don’t have sex with him, so I take his hand and lead him through. Room six still has the orange light on, but I don’t want to make the cleaning crew do another room if we’re just going to talk, so I slip inside, turn the light off and lock us in, like we’re about to make a new mess.

  Riann looks around the room, a small smile quirking one side of his lips. “You were in here tonight… I can smell that cologne he wears for you.”

  “Are we going to talk about me? You? Or Hazard?”

  “Yes.” He smiles and sits in the chair Hazard usually occupies, seemingly studying the difference in how he fills it. “I got here too late tonight, though I wanted to talk to you first anyway…”

  He shifts, and it reminds me of the nervous energy most of the men here for their first time show.

  “Hannah.” He clears his throat. “I know that you and Hazard have some sort of arrangement.”

  My smile falters, but I catch it quickly enough. “You could say that.”

  “I wondered, if you might be willing to ask him if I could join you again… just the two of you.”

  “Hazard’s the one who decides who’s in the room and who isn’t. But I don’t see why he’d obj—”

  “I’m not going to be able to ask him if he’d be willing to join us.”

  It shouldn’t surprise me.

  He continues before I can say anything. The request rushing from him like he has to get it out of him.

  “I’d like to be in the middle of you.”

  “In the middle.” I repeat the words because I wasn’t expecting them

  He glances at the mirror, as if his reflection will judge him. “I know that’s not… exactly what this place is meant for, but…”

  My suspicions the first time had been right. The man is smitten with Hazard. I can’t blame him… and I don’t want to break his heart.


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