Book Read Free


Page 12

by Ana Jolene

  Standing in the street surrounded by street vendors, I realized that this was where Seven shopped for her food. It was a really nice place, hidden from others unless you knew where to look. For a moment, I had to admire her survival skills. She had a great instinct. While everyone else was struggling, she was striving. Why did this impress me?

  Just when I thought her eyes would track me, I made my six-two frame as invisible as it could be behind a merchant’s booth. If she spotted me, this would be difficult to explain.

  Except her eyes slid right past me and landed on the man who was mentally cheating on his wife with Seven.

  I noted the stiffness in her spine as she locked eyes with him. Spotted the tension of her shoulders and the crease that formed between her brows. Did she recognize him? Was he an old boyfriend perhaps?

  Then she blinked and I could tell that she didn’t know this man. Yet something was bothering her enough to make her uneasy. She was dodgy, propelled into action as if she couldn’t get out of there fast enough. What had put her on edge?

  I lingered for a moment, watching her straddle that stupid bike of hers before I jumped on the back of mine. She was fucking insane for opting for a regular bicycle when the roads were so bad and the heat was this extreme. But you couldn’t tell from her form that she was afraid or fatigued. Pumping her legs harder, Seven created speed until I had to jump into action myself before losing her to the dark.


  Just a Fantasy


  Thighs burning, energy depleted, I flopped onto the couch and hopped right back up when something jabbed my ass. “Ow! What the hell?” My hand dug out one of Lucky’s pistols that had found a home between the cushions. “Damn it, Lucky.” The bastard never listened to me!

  The ride home had exhausted me and for once, I didn’t have the energy to cuss at Lucky for leaving his shit all over the place. The coffee table had become a makeshift coat hanger as Lucky dumped his cut over it. Irritation didn’t even spark in my head; it was fogged by the blurry need for rest.

  I pulled Lucky’s cut towards me now, curling myself beneath it despite the fact that I was sweating profusely and snuggled deeper into the couch.

  Sleep beckoned me. The temptation to just fall into the abyss was too great. But the groceries lay on the countertops in the kitchen, waiting for me to get off my ass and put them away. I was too weak to fight the threat of sleep though.

  A moment later, I felt the warmth of a palm on my forehead. “If you’re trying to cop a feel,” I snarled, frowning at the shirtless biker hovering over me, “you might actually want to move your hand lower.”

  Lucky’s eyebrow arched up. “Is that an invitation?”

  “Never in your life.”

  He chuckled. “Well, it’s good to know that your sparkling sense of humor doesn’t fade with the threat of heat exhaustion. Do you have a headache?”

  “Nope,” I lied. The dull ache in my temples wasn’t enough to cause alert in others.

  “Good. But you should probably drink plenty of fluids. Biking home in the intense heat must’ve depleted the water in your body. Why the hell do you even ride that thing?”

  “Thanks for the advice, doctor, but I like my bike.”

  “I should’ve given you a ride home,” he muttered lowly.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I rode past you as you were coming home.”

  “That was you?” An asshole had come close to cutting me off. I should’ve known it was him!

  “Do you know anyone else who rides a white motorcycle, princess?”

  “Don’t call me princess,” I snapped.

  “Fine. Drink this.” A glass of water was shoved into my face. I sat up and sipped it carefully, feeling the refreshing coolness enter my system.

  When I looked up, Lucky stood over me, wearing just his jeans and a growing smile. My biker roommate had a habit of walking around shirtless. I had kept my eyes away for decency’s sake before. Now, I drank him in, noticing the deep ridges of his abdomen and the happy trail that drew my eyes lower.

  They widened as I discovered that his jeans did little to camouflage the erection he had. Hmm, Lucky was lucky, indeed.

  Despite the water I had just consumed, my throat was parched. Need blossomed lower in my body until I became acutely aware of the aroused state I was in. Then Lucky shifted and I was snapped out of my horny trance.

  “Your gun,” I began to complain but he held out his hand and wiggled his fingers. I stared at it, confused.

  He canted his head. “That’s mine.” I looked down to see his cut splayed over my breasts. Oh! I had forgotten that I’d used it for a blanket in my exhausted blur. Taking it now, I shoved it into his chest as I pushed past him, pointedly ignoring the boyish smirk on his face.

  Warmth brushed across my shoulder as our bodies met briefly, sending my arousal shooting higher. God, when had I last spent some quality time with my B.O.B.? It had to be days now, ever since Lucky had moved in. No wonder my libido was screaming for release.

  “Where are you going?” he asked.

  “My groceries—”

  “I’ve already put them away.”

  “Oh.” I hadn’t expected him to do that for me. I turned, facing him again. “So what were you doing on the outskirts of Ward Four?”

  “Had some Glory biz to take care of.”

  “All the way out there?” That was unusual.

  “Yeah, I needed to check on things about the food shortage we’ve been dealing with. Listen,” he began, pausing for a second as if considering before he continued. “I saw you earlier at the street market.”

  So it had been Lucky whose eyes I had sensed on me earlier. My body visibly relaxed at the admission and the paranoia I felt earlier finally took a back seat. “Oh. And?”

  Lucky licked his lips, drawing my attention to its fullness. “What I’m going to tell you is confidential. It’s Glory biz, but I think you could help me out.” Intrigued, I settled down into the couch again, crossing my arms over my chest as Lucky spoke. “How severe do you think our food shortage is? How many years do you predict we can go on before our resources deplete fully?”

  I blew out a breath. What a loaded question. It was hard to say, but Ward Four was experiencing a steady decline in food that would no doubt create future problems for us all. “I think we’re okay right now. I mean, we’ll never return to the point where we can just walk into a grocery store and pick out fresh produce and big slabs of meat anymore. But people are starting to notice. In the future, there’s no telling what kind of provisions will be gone indefinitely.”

  Lucky nodded, eyes focused on the ground, one hand up to his chin as he considered my words. “Ward Three genetically modifies all their produce. Are the chemicals they pump into them harmful to us?”

  “They aren’t grown naturally, that’s for sure. So there’s always a threat that they could be harmful after repeated exposure, especially since there’s no one to regulate what kind of chemicals they use.”

  Lucky’s head dropped. “Shit. That doesn’t give us a lot of options then.”

  “Why? What’s going on?”

  He canted his head, shooting me a small smile. “You know I can’t tell you the full story.”

  “Well, I can’t help you if I don’t know the whole story.”

  “Sorry, but this is Ward business. Besides, you know too much already.”

  “Fine, here’s what I can tell you. A few years down the road, starvation will be a real problem for us. If I had to choose, I’d eat the genetically modified food despite the unknown threat. Who knows how long we’ll have enough to feed us all without Ward Three’s help?”

  Clear blue eyes examined me carefully. I felt my body tense under the scrutiny. Did anyone ever tell him that he looked completely different when he did that? He looked less the easy-going Playgirl model and more the dangerous hitman with that intense stare. My nipples beaded against my will, arousal flaring alongside my frustrati

  His eyes dropped to them, flashing bright before he drew his head up and locked his gaze on mine. I opened my mouth to speak, but he got his words in before me. “Guess you’re not just some fantasy that men beat off to,” he muttered absently.

  I felt my jaw drop at the insult.


  “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”

  “Shit.” Why the hell did I say that? “That came out wrong. I only meant that I hadn’t expected you to give such good advice.”

  “Why ask me then?” she snapped.

  I closed my eyes. What am I doing? I had asked for her help and then insulted her after. Way to go, asshole. “I’m sorry.”

  Talking to Seven about the potential alliance had been a gamble. Though I hadn’t divulged all the details, there was still the possibility that she would figure it out herself. Underneath all that hair, Seven was a damn intelligent woman. And fuck, I found that extremely attractive.

  When she wasn’t spewing insults or glaring at me in a projection of her hatred, I could see her rational reasoning come through crystal clear with her words. It made me stand back and wonder what else I didn’t know about her.

  People thought of me as the smooth operator, the guy who had a large ration of charm hidden away so I could dish compliments out to women whenever I pleased. Except things with Seven clearly never went as I planned. What I had meant as a compliment had come out all wrong in my fumble to get it all out. I’d pissed her off. And she had every right to be mad at me. She was still glaring at me with scary intensity. “Seven, look, I didn’t mean—”

  The shrill sound of my phone going off interrupted my words. I glanced at her, but she simply walked away, going up the stairs, and slamming the door of her bedroom shut behind her. Well, there went my chance to tell her that I’d managed to snag a generator for us. Sighing, I pulled out my phone, answering it. “Where are you?” Hastie asked.

  “I’m at home.” I explained how I did my own investigating on the food shortage and then stopped by the house to check that Seven had made it home safely.

  “We need to vote. We can’t wait any longer. Time is almost up.”

  “I’m coming.”

  As I snapped the phone shut, I glanced up at the closed door of Seven’s room. I’d been a fool to say those hurtful words, but knew it would make me a bigger idiot to try to barge into her room now and try to talk to her while she was fuming. If I wanted to face her again, I had to sort my own head out first.


  New Brother


  I stayed in my bedroom until Lucky left. What was his problem? Lucky and I always fought, neither one willing to let the other one win. But this time, instead of standing my ground and yelling back something equally insulting to put him back in his place, I scampered away like a hurt little puppy.

  Now that the initial shock was wearing off, anger simmered within me. If Lucky had still been around, I’d march down those stairs and deliver a roundhouse kick directly to his larynx for saying such a thing.

  Was that all he thought of me? As some slut who had no other purpose other than being a nice piece of ass for him and his friends to leer at? I wasn’t a sweet butt. I didn’t sleep my way around the club and I didn’t get off on the idea of lying with a Glory brother.

  It was no secret that the men of Glory MC slept around, sometimes taking on two or three at a time. Did that mean I also did the same when I went home for the night, indulging in the same dark fantasies that became stories of accomplishment the next morning?

  No. I wasn’t a whore. Sure, I liked sex. Loved it, even. But I would never use my body to get something that I could earn with respect instead.

  It would be too easy, biting your lip and spreading your thighs wide. And when it was all said and done, what did you have to show for it? The bite marks on your neck would only last so long. And then you’d be back there again, lying on your back, crying out a name you didn’t even care about.

  Been there, done that.

  My obsession with Glory MC began because of the sense of protection it entailed. Imagine being lost all your life, being tethered to nothing and belonging to no one.

  I wanted to find a home, a place where I could let my guard down. I just so happened to find that kind of peace in a group of big, intimidating bikers.

  Most people were afraid of the dangerous aura that Glory MC emitted. Leather, chrome, and big engines intimidated others, but it only secured me more. The way I saw it, the more people feared Glory MC, the less likely they would mess with anyone associated with them. That kind of protection was unprecedented for a girl living in a post-flare world without any family.

  Maybe I was the fool to think that I could find a little niche for myself in this world. While the rest of Glory MC had welcomed me with open arms, Lucky had been the only one to reject me.

  I realized too late that he was just using my knowledge of food to benefit the club. It reminded me that I was still an outsider, a person not belonging to their group. Someone not to be trusted.

  Again, I was cast aside, not having any choice in the matter. I was tired of it. Tired of others making decisions for me. Tired of being seen as a burden.

  The shrill sound of the phone ringing startled me out of my thoughts. The power was back on! “Hello?”

  “Are you still talking to me?” My best friend’s voice held a tinge of worry.

  I grinned into the phone, glad to be hearing Indy’s voice over the line. “Well, I am now, aren’t I?”

  “Yeah, but you don’t sound too happy about it.”

  “I’ve had a bad day,” I admitted. “Actually it started when my best friend decided to throw me to the wolves.”

  “Oh, please. We all know that if you really didn’t want Lucky to stay with you, you would have told him no. Nobody can force you to do things that you don’t want to do.”

  “Yeah, but the offer was proposed before I even got a say in it.”

  Indy sighed heavily. “You’re right. I’m a bitch. Do you forgive me?”

  I smiled. “Always.”

  “Now,” Indy went on. “Answer me honestly. On a range from one to ten, how much is Lucky driving you crazy?”

  Well, considering what just happened . . . “Fifteen.”

  She barked out a laugh. “That bad?”

  “Worse than you think.” But I wasn’t going to tell her what Lucky had just said to me.

  “Come on, we’ve spent time with him before. He’s really not that bad.”

  “He’s okay in small doses,” I allowed reluctantly.

  “What’s he doing that pisses you off so much?”

  I settled into the couch. “Where do I fucking start? First off, he has no sense of decorum. He has turned your old room into his personal man cave. Weapons are littered about. His clothes are hanging off things. I don’t know why because he doesn’t even wear a shirt half the time.”

  “I’ve seen him shirtless once,” Indy cut in, her voice going all dreamy-like. “Nice ropey muscles. I’d say that goes in the extra benefits category. A little man candy never hurt anyone.”

  “Hey! Whose side are you on?”

  More laughter. “Look, Lucky is just a little tougher to win over, I guess.”

  “Are we talking about the same guy who can easily be bought by a quick flash of tits and a big smile from a willing woman?”

  Indy snorted. “Have you tried that tactic already?”


  “What? It was just a suggestion!”

  “I’m not a sweet butt.” Ward Four would experience a blizzard before that ever happened.

  “He does still seem to be on edge ever since he returned from his little hiatus,” Indy mused. “Did you ever find out where he went?”

  No. But I figured it was a touchy subject given that Lucky had put so much effort in keeping it under wraps. “We argue more than we really confide in each other, Indy. I doubt he’ll tell me.”

t have you ever asked him?” I paused, considering this. Would he really tell me if I asked? “Ask him. And maybe you’ll understand him more.”

  “Why does this feel like you’re suddenly giving me dating advice?”

  “I wasn’t. Not unless you’ve harboring some secret infatuation with him or something. But that would be ridiculous, right?” Her tinkling laughter froze me in place. “Right, Seven?”


  “Oh my God,” Indy cried. “You’re fucking kidding me!”

  “What?” I hadn’t said anything.

  The muffled sound of Indy settling into a chair carried through the phone. “Tell me everything.”

  “There’s nothing to tell!”

  “Wrong, bitch. I know you well enough to know that there’s something you’re not telling me. Spill it or I’ll trek my fat ass over there and make you tell me.”

  The old Indy wouldn’t have spewed threats like that or been so direct. Her confidence had grown, but I almost wished for the old version of my best friend in times like this. I spoke fast. “Therewasakiss.”

  Indy didn’t miss a beat. “A kiss?” she exclaimed. “When?”

  “That drunken night when he borrowed your Chevelle and drove me home.”

  I heard a gasp. “Why is this the first time I’m hearing about this?”

  “Because it shouldn’t have happened in the first place.”

  Indy’s voice softened. “Seven, liking the kiss doesn’t mean anything other than the fact that there might be sparks between you two.”

  I huffed. “Sparks?”

  “Better sparks than hellfire. You know, if this works out, we’ll both be considered part of Glory MC. How cool would that be? Isn’t that what you always wanted?”

  “Whoa! Don’t go planning a wedding!”

  “I just want you happy. And if Lucky’s it, then I’ll support it.”

  “You’re getting way too ahead of yourself. I’ll admit I might’ve masturbated to the thought of him in the bath once or twice, but it doesn’t mean wedding bells are in the future!”


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