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Torn Apart

Page 9

by Kayla Myles

  I froze in shock at his words as I stared down at the file. No way. How could they have done this, too?

  “George,” Darcy said, his voice growing soft. “They hired bodyguards.”

  The world stopped spinning on its axis for me that day as I stared at the file, Spencer’s silvery-blue eyes staring back at me.

  “Hello. I’m really sorry I’m late.”

  I looked up at the very real face of my boyfriend, and his eyes took one look at my face, then down on the table to where his file laid, and back into my eyes.

  Those eyes… went wide with fear.

  Chapter 14


  I looked at the files on top of the table and saw my photograph on the first page before snapping my eyes back up to George’s, and reality hit me like cold water in the face.

  She found out.

  The shocked look on her face turned into a mixture of anger and devastation as she got up and ran out the door, evading my hand when I reached out to try and stop her.

  Her brother stood up and glared at me, grabbing the collar of my jacket with one hand.

  “You,” he said gruffly, tightening his grip on my clothes. “Tell me everything. Now,” I slapped his hands off of me and looked away

  “I’ll explain everything later, but right now, I have to go,” I said.

  I ran out of the café, ignoring his call. She couldn’t have gotten far.

  The sky crackled and hissed, the clouds darkening the sky, and I cursed as the rain pelted heavily, soaking me in an instant. She didn’t bring an umbrella with her either, so she’s probably in the same state as I am. Goddamn it, why did she have to run off like that?

  I gasped in relief as I saw her running ahead of me, and I increased my pace until I was right behind her. I reached over and grabbed her by the wrist, pulling her towards me. She spun around and I caught her in my arms to steady her. I opened my mouth to explain but she looked up and stared at me with such…rage.

  In all my years serving as a Marine, I was certain that my training had readied me for anything. Be it rain or sleet or snow, or even fucking sandstorms, I’ve faced any kind of battle through the harshest of elements in the world. I’ve lived through multiple types of torture, pain, gunshot wounds, road rashes, broken bones, and even the nastier ones that could’ve killed me if I hadn’t received medical attention so quickly. These experiences made me confident that I could withstand anything life threw at me.

  But right now, under the devastated look in her eyes, as they pooled with unshed tears, her nose flaring with anger, her mouth stuck in a grimace as she tried to keep herself from crying or maybe from screaming at my face…nothing could have prepared me for this.

  I wanted to hold her by the shoulders and start shaking her, yell at her that it wasn’t my fault. I wanted to tell her that this was my job, and that I never wanted to betray her trust. But instead what came out of my mouth was—

  “I didn’t mean for it to go this far,” I said, choking on my words.


  She looked at me like I had just stabbed her right in the heart, and she took a step back from me, her bottom lip shaking. Snow had started to fall, and she looked so beautiful with it dotting her hair and eyelashes. It amazed me that I was still able to think about her like that when she looked so heartbroken over me.

  “That came out wrong,” I said, trying to take it back with a shake of my head. “What I meant was--,”

  “Stop,” she pleaded, and I looked at her helplessly. I couldn’t stop. I needed to explain!

  I opened my mouth, but she raised her hand to stop me, shaking her head.

  “Please,” she whispered, and the words died in my throat.

  “I’m tired of this, Spence,” she said. “I’m tired and I don’t want to hear any more of your lies.”

  “You don’t understand, George,” I replied. “I had to do it.”

  “You could’ve explained why!” she cried.

  “It was my job!” I yelled back, stopping myself from reaching for my scalp and pulling my hair out. “I had to lie to you so I could do my job,” I said, hoping she’d understand. “It’s not like I’m the only one who lied about it!”

  “But you’re the only one who mattered to me!” she screamed, tears streaming down her face as her declaration struck me to the core.

  She took a deep breath and closed her eyes for a long moment. She opened them again, and her soft eyes were no longer present. Her eyes hardened, steeling their gaze on me.

  “And I suppose that…,” she quipped, and my heart broke at the lack of emotion in her voice. “That being with me was just another part of the job, too, huh?”

  “George--,” I started to say, but she lifted her hand to stop me from speaking.

  “I don’t want to hear it!” she cried.

  “Listen to me!” I bellowed, making her jump. “It may have started out that way. I admit that! But I swear to God, Georgiana, each day that passed, each day I got to spend with you, talk to you, hell just being with you, stopped being about my job, and became more because I couldn’t get enough of you!”

  I grabbed both of her shoulders and squeezed, begging her to look at me and understand.

  “The reason we met is because I was hired to be your protector. But the reason I stayed is because I love you,” I whispered. She looked up and glared at me, the hatred in her eyes creating cracks in my heart.

  “Save it,” she hissed, clenching her teeth.

  She took a step back and then turned around to walk away. I just stood there, not taking a single step, a single move, to come after her.

  The war couldn’t break the great Spencer Downing, but a girl named Georgiana Pratt sure could.

  Chapter 15


  I unhooked all of my clothes from the closet and folded them neatly, the same way Rebecca showed me how to conserve space the first time she saw how disorganized my stuff was. She stood in the corner watching me anxiously, but I was too disappointed to care.

  I had called Darcy and told him I was home safely, but I refused to tell him why I was so upset when I found out about Spencer. I didn’t think he would’ve taken too kindly to the news, especially the fact that the guy who was supposed to protect me had sex with me instead.

  “George, I really hope you’re not leaving because of me,” she said softly, and I sighed as I put the lid of my suitcase down.

  “Although I’m disappointed you didn’t tell me you were hired by my parents as my bodyguard too,” I said, and she flinched. “I have to admit, you’re not the only reason I want to get out of here.”

  “Look, I know it sucked that Spencer and I didn’t tell you, but you have to understand, we had our reasons to do so. We didn’t even know we were both hired by your parents, and I’m pretty sure Spencer still doesn’t even know. I was hired as a failsafe.” she trailed off, and my nostrils flared as I turned around and looked at Rebecca hard.

  “Let me ask you one thing,” I said. “Would you have gotten close to me if you weren’t hired to be my bodyguards?” I asked.

  She took a step towards me, and leveled me with a stern expression of her own.

  “Would you have let us get close to you if you had found out we were?” she asked back.

  My jaw vibrated as I held back my tears. That was a low blow, Rebecca.

  “I have to finish packing my stuff,” I said, turning away from her.

  “Are you transferring rooms now?” she asked.

  “Not for a while, but I’d like to be ready when that happens,” I answered honestly. “But right now, I’m packing my stuff for the volunteer camp at the elementary school.”

  “I have a bad feeling about that, George,” Rebecca said seriously.

  “Well, tough. I’m still going, and there’s nothing you or your feelings can do about it.”


  Volunteering at a small elementary school off campus was quite fulfilling, and it distracted me from thinking abou
t Spencer.

  I knew avoiding him was a coward’s way out, and wouldn’t ever solve the problem, but I didn’t know what else to do. I was conflicted about my feelings, and if I could ever trust Spencer again after what he did to me.

  I was still pissed off at Rebecca a little too, and I snubbed her every attempt at conversation. It ruffled my feathers more when I found out she still went and signed up for this volunteer trip as well, but after a while, I got used to it. She didn’t bother me much, anyway.

  “Big sister, look at this drawing I made for you.”

  I wiped the single tear that escaped from my eye and greeted little Timothy with a big smile. The five year old loved to draw, and it warmed my heart every time he addressed me as his elder sister.

  And it wasn’t just Timothy I had bonded with during my stay, but the other little kids, as well. Taking care of them helped me forget all about my worries, and Spencer, and everything else, even if just for a little while.

  I oohed and aahed over Timothy’s drawing before checking in on the other children’s progress when a loud bang rang out and sent chills down my spine.

  The children immediately stopped whatever they were doing, startled by the noise, when another bang rang out. This time I was certain what the sounds were.


  The children looked at each other in fear, and I quickly rushed to the door and pulled it shut, putting the lock in place. I put a finger at my lips to tell the kids to be quiet before ushering them behind the teacher’s desk. I let a few of them get under the table, and I hugged the rest, hoping the children didn’t notice how fast my heart was beating.

  I saw my phone light up on the other side of the room, and I grimaced as I realized it must’ve fallen out of my pocket earlier. Rebecca was on the other side of the school in charge of another class, and I prayed the shooter didn’t come into either one of our rooms.

  Please, God. Let us be safe!



  “What do you mean backup isn’t on the way?!” I exclaimed, as I glared at the computer screen, watching reports of a school shooting where Georgiana was. Elliot was typing rapidly on his keyboard using the other monitor, trying to find out what was happening inside.

  “I’m sorry, Spencer, but the men I sent over won’t be there in time. The school is in a rural small town, and I believe they only have a couple sheriffs. There is no way they’re going in there guns blazing to stop the shooter that quickly. It may be too late,” Chase said.

  “Then what about George? What about those children she’s with? Each second we waste is another victim to add to the body count!” I bellowed.

  “You don’t think I know that?” he cried back. “I didn’t think anything like this would ever happen.”

  I dropped the call and slammed my fist into a wall in anger, startling Elliot so much he jumped in his seat. What the fuck was I going to do?

  My phone lit up again, and I had half a mind to tell Chase to shove it when I realized it was Tyler calling. Suddenly, I had an idea and answered the call.

  “Hey, Tyler? Can you and your frat boys come over to my dorm?” I said desperately. “I need your help.”

  As soon as Tyler, Carlos, and a few of their frat guys arrived, I immediately told them about the situation. I also came clean about my identity, and how I was hired by George’s parents to be her protector. The guys all looked at each other for a few seconds before nodding, and then Tyler looked at me, their faces filled with determination.

  “So what’s the plan, brother?” Tyler asked, and I smiled. I looked over at Elliot next, and he adjusted his eyeglasses as he stared back at me.

  “Surely you weren’t expecting me not to participate?” he asked.

  “Shorty, no offense but--,” Carlos started, and Elliot narrowed his eyes at him. “What can you do?” he asked. Elliot smirked confidently and cracked his fingers.

  “You Neanderthals listen to Downing’s plan while I use my hacking skills to open up a path for you,” he said.

  “You can do that?” I asked in amazement.

  “I don’t just play games on my computer, you know,” Elliot replied, rolling his eyes at me.

  I smiled and discussed the plan, as Elliot would provide us with additional info regarding the school’s layout and fastest route to get there.

  “I’ll hack into their security cameras, so I’ll update you on your phone once I get in,” Elliot said.

  I couldn’t believe the luck I had. Here were these guys ready to help me at a moment’s notice, and without asking anything in return. I had some new friends I could count on.

  I rode in Carlos’s car along with Mitchell and Evan, while Tyler and the rest followed in Nick’s SUV. The plan was pretty simple: Tyler and his guys were going to create a diversion and distract whatever cops might be there guarding the school, while I sneak in. I asked Carlos and the others to let me go by myself to reduce the risk of their lives, but they refused. Still, I told them not to get ahead of themselves, or take any action on their own, but to call me if they caught any sight of the shooter or Georgiana.

  We arrived at the school and still no cops yet. What the hell? I told Tyler and the boys to hang back, while I went in quietly, closing the door behind me. I pulled the gun from behind my back and held it at the ready. I kept my steps light and quiet, peeking through the empty rooms for any sign of George.

  My phone vibrated in my pocket, and I checked on Elliot’s text.

  Got camera feed. Can’t locate shooter yet.

  He sent me another text, and my heart skipped a beat.

  Found her! Head down the hall, turn right, 6 doors down.

  I put my phone back in my pocket and headed down the hall to turn right, when a flash of light caught my attention.

  The footsteps quickened, and I placed my flashlight under the butt of my gun, pointing it directly to the noise when a figure emerged.

  It was Rebecca. And Rebecca was pointing her gun at me, too.

  Chapter 16


  I looked at the gun in Rebecca’s hand, and then to her face in complete confusion. Why was George’s friend pointing a gun at me? And why does it look like she’s handled weapons before?

  The expression on her face clearly reflected mine, so I whispered.

  “What are you doing here, Rebecca?” I asked.

  “I could ask you the same thing,” she fired back, making me bare my teeth in frustration. We didn’t have time for this shit.

  “I’m George’s bodyguard,” I admitted, and she looked at me.

  “Yes I know, but so am I,” she said, shaking her head. My eyes widened in disbelief. What the fuck was she talking about?

  “Her parents hired me,” I said, keeping my gun trained on her.

  She closed her eyes and straightened up with a scoff. I furrowed my brows at her and waited for her to elaborate.

  “Look, they hired me too, just in case.” she admitted, and I could tell from her eyes she was telling me the truth.

  Son of a bitch. Rebecca was a failsafe. They hired her just in case I didn’t do my job right. Unbelievable. So that was why I caught her around campus looking all suspicious once or twice. Because we were scoping out the same places, making sure it was safe.

  Clearly, the last thing we expected was a school shooting where George was volunteering at.

  I dropped the matter for now, and turned my gun away from her, pointing it towards the narrow hallway instead. “Do you have a location on the shooter?” I asked, and she shook her head.

  “I heard gunshots coming from the second floor. I just hope no one got hurt or…,” she trailed off, and I didn’t want to think about the part she left unsaid.

  “Come on. Elliot hacked into the cameras and texted me where George is, so let’s go,” I said, and she nodded.

  We ran towards the room and tried to open the door but it was locked. I knocked on the glass and couldn’t help but cry out.

  “George! It�
��s me! Open up!”

  I saw a head peek out from behind the desk, and I couldn’t help but smile in relief as I recognized the top of Georgiana’s head. She stood up and rushed over to open the door, and Rebecca and I went inside, locking the door again. I yanked Georgiana into my arms, embracing her tight as I silently commanded my heart to calm the fuck down.

  She was here. She was safe. She was with me.

  “How did you--?” I placed a finger on George’s lips and shushed her.

  “I’ll tell you later, but right now, we have to get everyone out of here,” I said. I felt my phone vibrate again, and I pulled it out and read the message.

  Shooter is coming closer!

  I pushed Georgiana away and cupped her cheeks in my hands, making her look directly into my eyes.

  “I need you to stay here a little bit longer,” I said, and she held my wrists anxiously.


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