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Sticky Valves: Book 1 of the Saddleworth Vampire Series

Page 10

by Angela Blythe


  ‘I was miles away, Andy.’

  ‘Great news about Maurice, isn’t it,’ he chirped happily.

  ‘Yeah, great,' She uttered unenthusiastically.

  The Master and Michael were standing outside the band room watching the band in the mist. Again the Master was sensing the air with his mouth open. He turned to Michael and spoke angrily.

  ‘She is still inside I don't understand what has happened. She is fighting it better than anyone I have ever known. Like she is not craving the meat. But I know she is feeling the infection within her. Why doesn’t she stay alone so I may help her?’

  ‘Oh, do you mean Liz? Yes, she won't crave meat, will she. It will be her first time if she does. She’s a vegetarian. She only eats vegetables and rice and tofu and them mung beans.’ Michael shook his head at the silliness of this.

  ‘How perplexing. I had heard there was such a thing but I didn’t think it was true. I want to know how I am going to turn her. And what will she eat. She will need blood or else she will wither like a rose in the winter. But I have shown my hand to someone for once, in error, and this time it may work against me. I already have a problem elsewhere and a new violent vampire to try and control. I don’t need two albatrosses around my neck. To think of it like that, it might be for the best all round, if she was Stephen's first real kill.’

  ‘He might not like that. He liked Liz and Andy a lot.’

  ‘He might not for now. But his old life and feelings with be replaced with his new strength and power. Slowly it will ebb away, as he becomes.’ He stood with his thoughts looking the place over again.

  ‘There is one other inside that is also affected but we will get around to him at some point.’ A rustling in the trees behind them made them turn, and Stephen joined them. Even in the darkness they could see he was in a horrific state. Covered in blood and other matter, but smiling.

  ‘I've put the bin bag in the car,' he said, pleased with himself. Michael turned around to look at him and Stephen winked at him.

  ‘What the bloody hell is that dangling from your forehead,' Michael exclaimed as he naturally picked it off Stephen’s head. ‘Is it a bit of grass?’ He looked down at his hand, tilting it to pick up a bit of light from the bandroom. All of a sudden he dropped it on the ground. ‘No it’s a bloody vein! Gross! How did you go on tonight? I hope it is better than it looks. Which is a monstrosity!’

  ‘I think I did a lot better. You'll find that it is mostly in one piece.’

  ‘What do you mean by that?’

  ‘Well I was only just starting and being really careful and the head came off. Just like that!’

  ‘What do you mean? You say it just come off like it wasn't it on properly.’

  ‘No, it just come off. So you've got the rest of it.’

  ‘What have you done with the head?’

  ‘Thrown it in the canal. I had eaten the eyes anyway.’

  ‘You will have to go with him next time,’ said Norman quietly.

  ‘Do I have to?’

  ‘Yes, you do.’

  ‘Please stop playing,’ said Liz and put her hand up in the air. They all immediately stopped. 'Barry I feel really sick.’

  ‘Best get to the lav then,’ said Barry.

  She stood up, put her instrument on her chair and walked a few steps, then her legs started going wobbly and she felt herself losing consciousness.

  ‘She's going to faint!’ Lynn said from the back and sure enough she did. Pat looked over at Wee Renee and mouthed the word pregnant. Wee Renee replied no, cursed and made the sign of the cross with her hand across her chest. Tony coughed and said the word ‘Bullshit!’ At the same time Gary and Danny had also witnessed this mouthed dialogue and they both burst out laughing. Pat looked at the three of them, lifted her fist in the air shaking it at them. All this was going on as Ernie, Lynn and all the other members of the band were trying to rouse Liz from her faint.

  ‘She grows weaker, good,’ the master drawled menacingly.

  ‘You should have asked me about her. I would've told you she was a vegetarian. Let's plan who we are going to pick next. I know all about them, I can help you.’

  ‘I do not need you to help me I will do it all by myself. I will pick who is best in my game and won’t be swayed by someone who you have a grievance with, for example.’

  ‘Can you mind-read, Master. I was just thinking, if you aren’t bothered who, well, Tony and Gary annoy me. Ooh, and Pat and Wee bloody Renee.’

  ‘I cannot stand here talking with you all night I have more than one visit to my new children to make.'

  The Master arrived at the house with all intentions to knock on the door and be invited in. However, the band member was outside in the back garden sitting on his garden bench waiting for the visit. In fact, he didn’t want to miss it, hoping it would happen tonight. The man felt everything that was happening to him and embraced it. He relished the metamorphosis, which the master was going to give him. The other night one person had had a small glass out of the bottle of wine and he had drunk the rest of the bottle. The amount of The Master’s blood inside was great and multiplying, his journey was fast and he quickly needed The Master to turn him. He rose from the bench and stepped forward towards The Master with his arms open.

  ‘Hurry. Please. I need you,’ he said in a quavering voice. They locked together and he was happy.

  Diane loved the way that her new state made her feel. As a woman in her late forties, she had felt time pulling away at her face and body muscles, making them slack and sag. She did as much as she could to prevent them getting worse. But hair dye and makeup couldn’t cover bingo wings or what she called her spaniels ears. You can’t fight time. But now, how wonderful, she had noticed a difference in muscle tone and smoothness of skin since her transformation. Her boobs were definitely firmer and higher. So were her buttocks. The lines had gone from her neck and she would never need Botox. Now, she had a body to die for. Quite literally, and she was going to use it. She did need to feed however. It needed to be something bloody, that is one thing she was certain of. Something nourishing and refreshing. After much soul searching Diane had realised, she didn't want to harm her daughter or, for the moment, some stranger. She decided unfortunately that it had to be next-door's dog that ended up her first meal as a vampire. There was no question of her not being able to overpower him, as she just knew she could. Diane hoped this would be enough to nourish her and she wouldn’t have to do it very often. Lets face it, if she took a pet a night, it wouldn’t be long before she got discovered. It was hard getting used to this new way of living, if that is what you could call it and she didn't know the rules. There should be a rulebook, instead of being left to discover it all. Maybe she would suggest it to The Master and offer to write it. That would be fun. She realised that when she was in one of these visceral states she needed to ask The Master about what she should do. Or maybe she would ask one of the others, form a small support group. Knowing their numbers would grow day by day, a rulebook would benefit many.

  Diane couldn’t control herself much longer so decided to get on with the job. She removed all her clothes. That would save on washing, besides that, the chances of getting caught naked were minimal. There was no fear of being seen as her next-door neighbours were always out at this time.

  Walking into the kitchen, she took out her largest knife, just to make it easier. Rule number one she thought. Are you able to use your teeth or do you need a weapon? That was one for the book. Maybe not number one though. Diane had already had to work out about ten things before this.

  She went through the adjoining gates and Dino was chained by his lead outside his kennel. A fluffy brown terrier, with glittering black eyes. At first he started wagging his tail, he knew Diane, and his first thought was doggy treats. Then as she walked into the light, he knew it wasn’t his old friend any longer. He hunched down, cowering, and with a low whine retreated into his kennel. She quickly covered the distance,
walking silently on the cold wet grass in her bare feet. There was a very small part of her left that felt regret and guilt, but if it came to the choice of this dog or her daughter, and it did, there was no question to which she would have to choose.

  11 - Dogs

  ‘The first stage is done, it is been very successful,’ said The Master. ‘It has worked on some. The rest will be turned. Then we will take out the remainder of the band. Those that resist, we kill.’

  ‘Yes, Master,’ said Kate.

  ‘So I just thought I would just show you a preview of further attractions.'

  They were outside the Primary School, looking through the window at the lines of children, practising for the Christmas Concert. A huge school choir, singing a Latin Christmas Carol.

  ‘Look at all those lovely children. I am so looking forward to it,’ whispered Kate.

  The Master watched the light shining in her dead eyes and chuckled. He took her in his arms and waltzed her around the school playground as the children sang.

  Maurice was out on one of his nightly walks. A regular mission to the shop, so that he could buy his liver. It was cold but he was enjoying being outside for once and was taking his time. As he was walking along he saw a picture, and A4 photocopy of a missing dog pinned to a tree. A few steps further and he saw another picture of the same dog on a lamp-post. He stared at the picture, taking it in. He was there quite a while thinking about this the picture and what he should do about it. Or if he should do anything about it all. The street was so quiet, apart from an owl hooting every so often. It gave him plenty of space to think. The picture had a phone number and an address and he knew exactly where this address was. After walking along slowly, looking down at the pavement and his feet walking on it, he decided he would make a visit after he had been to the shops. He needed to give someone a little bit of advice. The owl hooted in agreement.

  Bob was on the telephone again to Adam he was discussing the recent absences from band.

  “That is really creepy,’ said Adam, ‘and, yeah I think it is suspicious too. Why do you think it is vampires? Have you seen any punctures?’

  ‘Well, no,’ replied Bob.

  ‘They could be kidnapped.’

  ‘They aren’t being kidnapped because no one has asked for any ransom and their families aren't rich either.’

  ‘Are you sure you aren’t being paranoid. Anyway, don't you have to be a virgin?’

  ‘I don't know. I don't think so. Not if this is right because some of these people are definitely not virgins. But I really think that some are vampires and some are on the brink of becoming vampires. I have just got a really weird feeling about it Adam.'

  ‘Do you think we watch too much Horror?’

  ‘No, not enough and I want you to find out as much as you can about vampires and how you kill them.’

  Janet had let the phone ring about twenty times before Liz had picked it up.

  ‘Hi, Liz. It’s Janet. How are you?

  ‘I am not well at all.’

  ‘Still got it then? Sorry to hear that. How’s Andy?

  ‘He's fine,' Liz replied tiredly.

  ‘It doesn’t sound like it’s catching. At least that’s something. I want to talk to you about Peter.’

  ‘Yes, how is Woody?'

  'He's not well. He hides away most of the day. I don’t know how he feels really. He won’t talk to me or tell me about it. In fact, he is nasty to me and aggressive. He won't let me help him. I don't know what to do.’

  ‘That is not Woody. What about getting him to the doctors?’

  ‘Any mention of it and he goes berserk. But I thought I should just tell you, you know. A trouble shared is a trouble halved.’

  ‘Let us know if we can do anything and try and keep cheerful Janet.’

  ‘I am trying, believe me. Bye’

  ‘Bye, Janet,’ Liz said sadly.

  Keith sat in his basement. At the side of him, on the cold cement floor he had a large hessian shopping bag. In it, were three cats that he had caught one by one. They were pretty hard to catch, even for him. When he had caught them, he had broken their necks. Then he had placed each one in the bag. For the moment, this would have to be enough he thought. He did not want his friends or colleagues investigating a whole lot of murders. Norman had spoke to him quite strongly and left him in no question about how far he could go. Keith had lost control twice now, and The Master had to bring those two into the fold, before their time. There was enough going on, with the missing people at band and those that were ill. If anyone checked the infected, and how their symptoms presented themselves, it wouldn’t take much for some people to put two and two together. He had to make sure there was nothing else suspicious going on, The Master was right. His survival depended on it too. Everyone would know soon enough.

  Woody was not ready to take the next step. He was lying in bed again, analysing how he felt. He felt so powerful, just like when he was a teenager, perhaps even better and he was enjoying that. The best thing to do was to try and seek out some of the others and find out what he do, he thought. Staying locked in his bedroom forever was not an option. How many times could he say to Janet, when she came to bed at night, that he would sleep on the sofa and watch his video collection, as he couldn’t sleep. If he stayed in the bedroom all night, he would harm her. He was making the choice, when she was asleep, to go out and feed on animals, but this would have to end soon.

  Colin wanted to bite his wife too. He did not know how he was going to stop this. It was a compulsion stronger than he had ever had. He had always been a small and gentle man, and so was his wife. Why had this happened to him? He decided when he did it, and it would be when, he would make it as painless as possible for her.

  Keith picked up Yvonne from the train station. It was rainy, and after she got in, the car windows started steaming up, which made him angry. She has been visiting her sister, and as soon as she got in, she was yacking on about this and that. What her sister had got and how lovely her brother-in-law was, and their new car. He was already annoyed as her train was late, so he took the route through the moors, furious because he had had to wait for his wife to come back. Keith had made a plan in his head of how all this would go down. It wasn’t going to be tonight, but he realised that this was his ideal opportunity and he was going to go for it. Pulling the car up at a graveled area at the side of the moors, he switched off the engine. It was bleak and insanely dark. He had left streetlights behind about three miles ago and was relieved that the night would veil any tell tale signs that he had changed. The rain still came down out of the heavy oppressing clouds. He knew just how to push Yvonne’s buttons.

  ‘What have you stopped for?’ She asked.

  ‘What have you stopped for?’ he mimicked in a woman’s high voice. ‘If you shut up for one minute you will find out!’ He shouted.

  ‘Don’t you dare shout at me like that,’ she said.

  ’You rude bloody man! My sister never gets spoken to like that!’

  ‘Shut up. I have stopped the car to tell you, you are not allowed to go to your sisters again!’

  ‘How dare you! Who do you think you are? Just because you can tell people off at work, it doesn’t mean you can tell me what to do. I’ll go to my sisters even more now. I was happy there, you pig!’

  Keith smacked her across the face.

  ‘Now you’ve done it!’ She screamed at him whilst she fiddled frantically with the seat belt, and picked up her handbag, before getting out of the car. She briskly started walking down the road away from the car. That was just perfect, thought Keith. Attacking her on the moors would ensure minimum clean up and maximum fun. No one would hear her scream. Keith got out of his car and turned his face up to the rain and smiled. It didn’t matter how much of a head start he gave her, because he would still catch her. This would have the added bonus of her being weak and less likely to scratch him up. If she thought she could hide, he had a surprise too, his eyesight was even better in the dark. Th
is was just so perfect.

  ‘I’m coming, dear,’ he shouted.

  ‘I’m coming to get you,’ he laughed madly and raced towards her. A chill ran down Yvonne’s back and she started to run.

  Ernie had called every band member in the afternoon, but had only managed to reach about ten of them. He had made thirty phone calls. Surely two thirds of his band was not ill or indisposed? Generally he had a ninety percent success rate. Lynn came in to his office then with a cup of tea and two chocolate digestives. She could tell by his face that all wasn’t well.

  ‘Not had much luck, Ern?’ She asked.

  ‘No. Only managed to reach ten,' he said gravely.

  ‘What do you think they are up to?'

  ‘I don't know, but they can't all be having a bit of afternoon delight,’ he smiled.

  ‘Oh Ernie,’ she laughed.

  He laughed loudly and she walked out of the room and shut the door. He soon stopped laughing and looked out the window. What the hell is going on?

  ‘I have just been having a quick look about vampires on the internet,’ Adam said to Bob.

  ‘Okay,’ said Bob.

  ‘Has there been any interaction with blood or any sharing of it?’

  Bob thought hard and chewed his chewing gum very loud. Adam knew this helped Bob to think and let him chew down the phone as loud as he wanted to.

  ‘Not as I know of,' said Bob, 'but there might have been.’

  ‘Alright. Have you seen any of them react negatively to garlic?’

  ‘Well, I told you about the old guy Maurice. He is back at band but he certainly didn't like smelling garlic when Danny had bolognese the other day. He couldn’t get out of the room quick enough. But neither did anyone else so that could mean anything.’


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