Book Read Free

Summer State of Mind

Page 20

by Jen Calonita

  “Who knows?” Camp has taught me how to dabble in a lot of areas. There’s nothing I can’t see myself trying now. Well, as long as it doesn’t involve rock-climbing and zip lines, or anything else athletic.

  “You should be here for the shoot,” Ethan says. I didn’t even notice him come over. “You’re the whole reason it’s even happening. Tell her to stay,” he says to Courtney and Hitch.

  “Who’s this?” Mom asks, and I wave her off. I don’t want her embarrassing me in front of everyone.

  “She’s a big girl,” Courtney says. “If she wants to stay, I’m sure all she has to do is ask. But if you stay, I’ll have to hold on to this.” She pulls my iPhone with its bedazzled case out of her pocket. “I know you’ve missed your old friend.”

  She hands it to me, and I turn the jeweled case over in my hands. Somehow I thought I’d be happier to have my phone back. I push power, and it lights up. Within seconds, a bunch of alerts fill up my screen. Then a new text comes in.

  Kate’s Cell: Are you on your way home??? Can I hang on to your Blumarine dress? I’m having dinner with my friend Amber and I want to wear something trendy. Come! (Just don’t tell Margo. She’s been such a pill!) We can hit Intermix!

  The thought of spending the next month of summer with Kate exhausts me. I would never go out to dinner with her and leave Margo out. I realize I’m not ready to deal with that drama. Not when I have Lina and the others here who want to hang out with me for me. Not my AMEX. I miss Margo, but she’ll understand. And when I get back, she and I are going to make some changes.

  They’re all still looking at me. I think for a moment. “If I stay, there might be some backlash. I mean, I did set fire to the theater porch.”

  “You did what?” McDaddy’s head nearly spins off. “I performed in You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown in that theater!”

  “Harper,” Mom says, looking supremely disappointed.

  I look at Hitch. McDaddy and Mom really don’t know? “I figured the punishment you had here was enough,” Hitch said. “Plus I already had the extra wood and man hours, so it didn’t cost me a dime. I never told him.”

  McDaddy looks at me sternly. “Did this happen because of your aromatherapy obsession? You can’t bring candles to camp!”

  Hitch puts his arm around McDaddy. “Come on, Hot Pants. Why don’t we take a walk over to the theater to see how the new porch looks?” Hitch winks at me and then takes my mom by the other arm. “Harper, I hope I’ll see you at the mess hall tonight for the Mardi Gras dinner. You’ve more than proven you’re a true Pines camper to me.”

  McDaddy softens. “I don’t mind driving home without a backseat passenger.”

  “The world of Brookville will still be there when you get home,” Mom agrees.

  “Stay,” Kyle begs.

  “Stay,” Lina echoes.

  “Please stay,” Ethan says. To me, the words sound like I want you to stay. I feel giddy.

  “I know you have friends at home who miss you, but your friends here will miss you just as much,” Lina says. “I can’t imagine the rest of the summer without you.”

  “What do you say?” Courtney asks. “Want to hang around this place with us?”

  I look at my friends and the Pines staff who have become like family. The All-Camp Nights, the cookouts, the early morning kitchen duty, and the time spent by the lake. Sure, camp’s been tricky sometimes, but do I really want to leave all this in the middle of the summer?

  I smile at them. “I guess it would be silly for me to leave before London Blue gets here.”

  Lina grabs me and doesn’t let go.



  SUBJECT: See you soon

  I sent my parents home this afternoon because I wanted to stay at Whispering Pines. You must think I’m crazy! After all my tweets about roughing it out here, I would think I’m crazy, too, but the truth is, even when I was complaining about camp, I was starting to like it. Then in the last week or so I really started to like it. Not “I love Prada” like it, but enough that I want to stay and see what happens next. We won a contest with London Blue, and she’s coming to camp next week to shoot a music video! Mostly, though, I don’t want to leave the people here who I’ve gotten to know. One is Ethan (remember? From Intermezzo?), and if things go the way I hope they will, we will have lots to talk about when I get home.

  Not sure how much tweeting I will be doing the next few weeks, but I’ll be home the week of August 17. I can’t wait to see you. XO, Harper

  Harper McAllister @HarperMc

  Long Island will have to survive the summer without me. I’m staying for another session at Whispering Pines! #campconvert



  “HEY, HARPER! WHERE DO YOU want me to put these torches?”

  “Harper! Beaver wants to know if the pineapple smoothies are too frozen to be drunk from a straw.”

  “Harper, is it true we’re roasting a pig tonight? Because I think that’s inhumane, and I have issues…”

  After a rocky start to the summer, I’m suddenly in demand.

  I was worried people would be annoyed if I stuck around Whispering Pines for a second session (Cough, Jeanie. Camilla, cough.), but some people really surprised me. Most of my bunk was excited, and the guys in Ethan and Kyle’s bunk gave me props for singularly destroying and resurrecting a camp dream all in one session. It didn’t hurt that I agreed to have McDaddy take a picture of London with all the marshmallows when she was here. That shoot was the longest two days of my life—we had to be on set from six a.m. to eleven p.m., and it gave me a newfound appreciation for McDaddy’s job.

  Handling a pop star is hard work.

  London was pretty great. She signed autographs, posed for pictures, and even ate in the mess hall. She loved Beaver’s bananas Foster so much she asked him to come to New York City this fall and make it for a dinner she’s having! Anyone who wasn’t already a fan of London is definitely a fan now. That’s why they’ve changed the traditional last-night-of-camp sleepover on the great lawn into a London Blue video party. Beaver and I came up with a Hawaiian theme that goes with the one London has in her video.

  I guess I’m still trying to make up for the fact that I almost ruined everything here a few weeks ago. Plus, who doesn’t love a good party? I love throwing them and spending people’s money to put them on.

  Just kidding! (Sort of.) I am going to try to scale back my spending when I get home. That’s why everything at tonight’s bash is stuff we already had on hand at Whispering Pines. Beaver and I came up with a menu that showcases all the campers’ favorite foods and desserts, plus staples like s’mores and sundaes.

  “Harper, do you want everyone to put the leis on when they get here, or should we drop them off at the cabins beforehand?” Lina asks me. She has one around her neck that is pink like her hair. Kyle is wearing several in the same color.

  “What do you think?” he asks. “I’m going for the Harper—a little over the top, but fun.”

  “You’re just saying that because I won our bet,” I say. When I decided to stay and we won the London contest, my points in our bet skyrocketed. It helped that Kyle began spending so much time with Lina that his competitive streak fell apart for once. He’s been really cute with her. “I hope you like hot pink because I have a Prada dress that is going to look adorable on you the first day of school.”

  Kyle looks pale. “You’re kidding, right?”

  Lina laughs. “Please send me pictures of that!”

  “And the second day you can wear an electric-blue tulle skirt that I’ve been saving for just the right occasion,” I add, enjoying myself.

  “Please,” Kyle begs. “If the guys see that, I’m done for. I’ll do anything.”

  I smirk. “I’m just messing with you. You’re off the hook. We both kind of won this bet, didn’t we?” I think of Ethan.

  “I guess we did,” Kyle agrees and hugs m
e. “Thanks, Camping Barbie, although I don’t think I can call you that anymore.”

  I shrug. “You can. The nickname’s grown on me.”

  I see the giant blow-up screen beginning to inflate near the bottom of the hill as the lights start to come on in cabins and on walkways. The last bits of daylight are beginning to disappear and the final night of camp is really here. A light shines on the massive London Blue banner Lina created. I had it sent out to Staples so we could make a wall-sized version.

  Okay, so I spent a teensy bit of my own money on this party, but I’m proud of my friend’s work. London liked Lina’s original drawing, too. Apparently she’s thinking of using it on her website. Lina practically died when London told her that.

  Kyle takes Lina’s hand. “Come on, Adventure Barbie,” he says. “Let’s give the zip line one last run.”

  She swings his arm. “I thought you’d never ask. Race there?” Kyle doesn’t even stop to answer her. He turns around and breaks into a run. “Hey!” She takes off after him.

  Kyle starts running backward and yells to me, “If I had won our bet, you wouldn’t have gotten off so easily!”

  I laugh. “I figured!”

  “Next summer!” he challenges.

  Next summer. Everyone here is already talking about next summer. Half the marshmallows are discussing whether or not they’re going to try to be CITs. Kyle, Ethan, and Lina want to. They’d be great at it, too. And me… all I know is that I’m going home with a new attitude about everything. Next summer is wide open.

  “Where are those two running?” Ethan asks as Kyle and Lina race by him. He walks toward me with a sweatshirt. By mid-August the air at night has a bit of a chill to it. It’s depressing how fast summer has gone. Faster than most summers I can remember.

  “They couldn’t resist one more sports challenge before they go home.” I frown. “I’m worried about what’s going to happen to them after tomorrow. They really like each other, and now they’re going to be two states apart.”

  “They’ll figure it out.” Ethan pulls me close. I feel warmer just being close to him. “I’m glad we don’t have that problem.” He leans in for a kiss.

  Every time he kisses me, I get goose bumps. His lips, the smell of his shampoo, how he puts his hand on my back when he leans in to me… I could get used to this.

  “You know what I’m excited about?” he asks.

  “What?” I ask.

  He smiles. “Now that we’re together, I’ll be able to keep a piece of summer with me all year long.”

  This time I kiss him. How could I not when he says something like that?

  The campers arrive, dragging rolled-up sleeping bags and chatting a mile a minute with their bunkmates and friends. Some are already misty. One of the peeps is inconsolable, and I see her counselor motion to Pam to try to help calm the girl down.

  “What do you think of the party?” I ask Ethan. I step out of the way as one of the campers lays their sleeping bag at our feet.

  “It’s very you,” he says. “I don’t think I’ve ever been at a Whispering Pines party that had a smoothie bar. You really do have Beaves wrapped around your finger.”

  “We’re meeting up in New York for a Food Network cooking class this fall,” I say excitedly. “And I’ll have you know, the smoothie station was his idea.”

  Just then Sam and Courtney walk by us. “This place looks great!” Courtney says. “I don’t think we’ve ever had a party quite like this.”

  “Is that good or bad?” I ask.

  “Good,” Sam says. “Just try to keep Hitch off the megaphone tonight. I have a feeling he’s going to want to do a London Blue sing-along. He’s been watching the video over and over all afternoon since your dad sent a copy up here.”

  “Harper! Ethan! Over here!” Justin calls. He and a few of the other guys have set up camp a few feet away from the screen. It will be a while before Kyle and Lina make their way back. I don’t see Jeanie and my other bunkmates, but we already said our good-byes at the cabin. I’m not sure we’ll write or anything, but if I’m their bunkmate again as a CIT, I don’t think they’ll protest (as long as I don’t bring a dozen beauty appliances that cause a power outage). Sam and Courtney have taken a seat with Cole and Thomas and a few other counselors nearby. For a while all of us just catch up on what we have planned for this fall. It feels weird talking about the things we’ll do without one another.

  By the time we’re ready to view the video, the sky is a deep shade of purple. I stare out at the lake wistfully. I’m going to really miss that view. Thankfully I took about a hundred pictures of it in the last week alone, so I can blow it up as wallpaper if I want.

  “I hope they show my face in this video,” Heath says.

  “I was one of the dancers in the dock scene. I hope your dad captured my good side.” Justin turns so I can see his profile.

  “I have no pull in that department,” I say with a laugh.

  Lina and Kyle run over, sounding out of breath. “Did we miss it?”

  “Nope!” Courtney tells them. “And even if you had, I have a feeling Hitch is going to play this thing ten times in a row.” Lina and Kyle plop down and chug from water bottles.

  “Good evening, Pines!” Hitch says. Despite Sam’s wishes, he still has his megaphone. The screen lights up behind him. “Are you ready to watch your debut?” The camp cheers. “Here is London Blue’s new video with a special message just for you.”

  “Hi, Whispering Pines! London here.” She’s wearing a glittery minidress. “Thanks for hosting me for two terrific days. I hope you’re as happy with how the video turned out as I am! As a thank-you, I’ve sent copies of the video for all of you to take home. Have a great year!” More cheering.

  “Your idea?” Ethan asks.

  I shrug. “I might have suggested it to McDaddy…”

  Ethan puts his arm around me. “You are a girl of many talents, and I can’t wait to see what you think of next.” I settle into his chest as the screen casts a glow over the audience.

  Lina looks over and smiles. I reach for her hand and squeeze.

  “Oh, don’t worry,” I say. “I’m just getting started.”

  Harper McAllister @HarperMc

  The key to having the best summer of your life? Just let go and have fun! Till next year… #summerstateofmind

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  What would sleepaway camp be without a few end-of-season (or end-of-book in this case) awards?

  A shiny, red, first-place ribbon goes to sleepaway girls, librarians, and readers everywhere who have sent me countless e-mails begging for another Sleepaway Girls book. You guys are a dedicated group! I hope this companion book is as fun for you as an outing to Nordstrom with an AMEX is for Harper. I’m so glad you’ve decided to spend another season at camp with me.

  Top Dog honors go to my fabulous editor, Pam Gruber, a former sleepaway girl herself, who let me return to Whispering Pines. Thanks, too, for giving me the terrific idea of building a tree house in the woods for Harper to sleep in. (By the way, this is exactly where I would sleep if I was forced to camp outdoors, too.)

  A big gold trophy goes to my agent, Laura Dail, for championing a Sleepaway Girls reunion from day one! Tamar Rydzinski gets a medal on a pretty blue ribbon for always making sure the whole world knows about my books.

  Most Impressive Teamwork goes to the folks at Little, Brown Books for Young Readers and the Poppy imprint for letting me publish my twelfth novel with them. I’m forever grateful to all of you who give my books a home—Elizabeth Bewley, Farrin Jacobs, Andrew Smith, Kristina Aven, Melanie Chang, Tracy Shaw, Wendy Dopkin, and incredible jacket designer Liz Casal.

  Most Likely to Win Color War goes to librarians Larissa Simonovski, Kelly Rechste
iner, Jess Tymecki, and Pat Gleiberman—otherwise known as my fellow Beach Bag Book Club creators—for always being up for another event, writing workshop, and breakfast!

  If I could bunk with anyone at sleepaway camp, it would be this group of writers that would win Best Bunk. Thank you for always helping me stay on track: Elizabeth Eulberg (cheerleader and official tour buddy), Kieran Scott (sounding board), Julia DeVillers (fairy godmother), Jennifer E. Smith (nicest person I know and also a great person to fly with even if you accidentally get booked in the same seat), Katie Sise (new friend and confidant), Sarah Mylnowski (voice of reason), and Courtney Sheinmel (most enthusiastic friend).

  I’m also passing out gold stars to Elpida Argenziano (for working alongside me at Panera Bread and Starbucks); lifelong friends Lisa Gagliano and AnnMarie Pullicino (for never missing one of my local book signings); my parents, Nick and Lynn Calonita (for babysitting so I can write); Marcy Miller, a voracious YA reader and terrific friend who reads my first drafts; Aimee Berger of Camplified, who answers all my sleepaway girl questions in about thirty seconds; Lori Levine Waldman (for all the up-to-the-minute camp insight); and Miana Delucia, who is always willing to let me bounce book ideas off her, offer advice, and get her husband, Rick, to take my author photos (all but the one in this book, which is from my own camp counselor days!).

  And finally, the biggest trophy goes to my incredible family—my husband, Mike; sons, Tyler and Dylan; and even the Chihuahua, Captain Jack Sparrow—for supporting me through it all and for making home always the sweetest place to be.











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