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Unpredictable Risk (R.I.S.C. Book 5)

Page 22

by Anna Blakely

  Out of the corner of her eye, Brynnon noticed a gorgeous, cherry wood baby crib. Her thoughts immediately turned to Grant and the loss he’d suffered. She still had a hard time imagining the pain he’d felt when he found out what his ex had done.

  After he’d told her the story, she’d wanted to ask him whether he’d ever considered having children in the future. In the end, Brynnon had held back, fearing he would assume she was thinking that same future may include her. As much as she loved the idea, the last thing she wanted to do was to scare him off.

  More thoughts of lost children had her mind turning to Charles Wright. Brynnon wondered if he’d heard from the private investigator and made a mental note to ask Grant if anyone on his team had found out anything more.

  Brynnon was still lost in those swirling thoughts when a familiar voice rang out from behind her.

  “I thought that was you.”

  She turned around and forced a smile. “Lucas. What a coincidence.”

  Her ex grinned. “I thought the same thing when I saw you. What brings you here?”

  “Oh, I’m just waiting for them to load some furniture I ordered.”

  “Same. You doing some redecorating or is it for staging your next property?”

  “Neither, actually. It’s for my new place.”

  His brow furrowed a bit. “You’re moving?”

  “I am. I bought a cabin a few months ago, and I’ve been using my free time to fix it up.”

  “A cabin? Sounds quaint.”

  He’s still a pretentious bastard. “It is. The area’s pretty secluded so it’s quiet. Very peaceful.”

  “That’ll be a big change from Dallas, for sure.”

  “We’re done loading.” Grant said curtly as he approached them both.

  Relieved, Brynnon nodded. “Look who I ran into.”

  “Twice in as many days,” Grant observed. “That’s quite a coincidence.”

  “That’s what I told him.”

  Lucas held out his hand. “Grant, right? Good to see you again.”

  Grant accepted the handshake, though Brynnon could tell he didn’t really want to. Without responding to the other man’s comment, he looked over at her.

  “You ready?”

  Sensing he was more than ready to get out of here, Brynnon nodded again. “Yeah. Sure.”

  The other man tipped his chin. “Hopefully, I’ll see you again, soon.”

  “The truck’s running.” Grant placed a gentle hand on Brynnon’s elbow.

  “O-oh. Okay.” She looked at Luke from over her shoulder. “Good luck with your furniture.”

  Lucas gave her a sideways grin. “Same to you.”

  The second they were out the doors, Brynnon turned to Grant, asking, “Why are you in such a hurry?”

  “I don’t like that guy.” Grant opened the passenger door for her.

  “I don’t either, but I actually have a reason.” Brynnon climbed up inside.

  Waiting until he was in the cab with her, Grant put the truck in gear and started to drive before responding. “I do, too.”

  “Yeah. It’s called jealousy. And I already told you, I was only being polite for the sake of the charity. Nothing more.”

  Grant grunted. “I just don’t trust him. I don’t think you should, either.”

  Brynnon laughed. “I don’t. But not because I think he’s out to get me. That man may be a Class-A jerk, but Lucas doesn’t have the balls to physically hurt someone. His being here is just a coincidence.”

  “I don’t believe in coincidences.”

  Brynnon scowled. “Is that a SEAL thing or a R.I.S.C. thing?”


  Sighing, she settled back against the seat. “Seems like a pretty cynical way to live.”

  Grant slid his eyes to her then back to the road. “When you do what I do, Bryn, it’s the only way to live.”

  She supposed he was right. Not a lot of room for second-guessing in his line of work.

  They drove for a couple of miles before he spoke again. “I forgot to tell you, Derek called while you were upstairs working. He still hasn’t been able to locate Mitchell, the P.I. Wright hired, so he called his brother.” Grant looked over at her. “Eric’s a detective with the DPD.”

  “Okay,” Brynnon nodded.

  Grant continued, giving her a more thorough explanation. “Derek told Eric about the threats and what happened with the car. He also relayed what Wright shared with us. Eric got in touch with one of his contacts with the Phoenix P.D. and they’re working to find Mitchell.”

  “Sounds good.”

  “I also gave Derek the address to the cabin, so he’d know where we’ll be.”

  Memories of the close call with the car began to seep in. “Okay.”

  Grant reached over and took her hand in his. “We’ll get to the bottom of this soon, Bryn. I promise.”

  When they got to the cabin, the first thing Grant did was make sure it was safe and secure. Next, they worked together to move the mess from the fallen scaffolding into the small shed located a few feet from the house before finally carrying in the new pieces she’d purchased.

  A little over an hour later, her bedroom was set up exactly as she wanted it.

  “Well,” Grant turned to her from the foot of the bed. “What do you think?”

  “I think”—she walked toward him— “we should test it out.”

  With a knowing grin, he stared back at her. “Test it out, huh?”

  Brynnon shrugged. “Sure. I mean, we need to make sure it’s secure.”

  “And just how do you propose we do that?”

  “Oh, I have a few things in mind.”

  Using her fingertip, she reached up and pushed against his chest. Though he could’ve easily stood his ground, Grant let himself fall backward onto the bed.

  Brynnon lifted her sweater up over her head, letting it fall somewhere on the floor next to her. Heat flooded his eyes. With his hands resting behind his head, Grant watched while she unlatched her bra.

  “You gonna do something about those, or do I have to do that, too?” Brynnon asked, referring to his pants.

  Smiling, Grant toed off his boots and reached for his belt. Within seconds, the two had discarded every scrap of clothing and Grant was rolling a condom down his long, hard length.

  Not wasting time, Brynnon climbed onto the bed, straddling his strong thighs. In the mood to take full control, she put her mouth to his and lifted to her knees. With her hand wrapped around him, she quickly lined the hot, blunt tip to her core and began slowly sinking down.

  A low, guttural moan traveled from Grant’s throat, combining with her own as she filled herself with his pulsating cock. The position made her feel even fuller than before, something she hadn’t thought possible.

  Grant’s hands wrapped around her narrow hips as he lifted his pelvis to meet hers. Brynnon broke away from the kiss. With her palms pressed against his impressive chest, she pushed herself into a sitting position.

  Undulating her hips forward and back, she began riding him in a way that brought them both the ultimate pleasure. With him seated more deeply inside her than ever before, Grant’s shaft reached places it had never been.

  Moaning loudly, she let her head fall back. Grant’s body thrust forcefully against hers, causing Brynnon to cry out in ecstasy.

  “Yes!” She praised him. “You feel so good.”

  Inner muscles quivered. Their bodies began to move faster, Grant forcefully pistoned himself in and out of her soaking heat.

  “You’re already close,” he stated, his voice strained. “I can feel it.”

  He was right. Brynnon felt the telltale tingling building deep inside her. She was almost there, she just needed a little push.

  Lifting one of her hands from his chest, she slid it to where they were connected and began circling her swollen clit with her fingertips.

  “Fuck, yeah,” Grant grunted with approval. “Jesus, that’s hot.”

  His words encourag
ed her, the pads of her fingers pressing down harder. Moving faster. Brynnon cried out again and could feel Grant becoming impossibly larger while he continued pumping himself in and out of her body.

  Hot breath heaved from their chests as they each worked to bring the other to the edge. Grant’s fingers dug into her hips. Brynnon knew he was probably bruising her pale skin but didn’t care. The thought of this man marking her in such a primal way brought her nothing but pure, female satisfaction.

  “I’m not gonna last,” he warned her, his words escaping with each mind-blowing thrust. “Hurry...make yourself come again.”

  Obeying, Brynnon rubbed herself faster, her fingertips moving in small, tight circles. A shiver of pleasure ran the length of her spine, her body jerking with impending explosion.

  With his eyes locked on hers, he panted out, “That’s it, baby. Let go.”

  Brynnon threw her head back, crying out his name as her climax hit. She could feel her body clamping down over his, the strength of her orgasm sending Grant straight into his own.

  “Brynnon!” He growled, his body tensing beneath hers. Grant’s hips jerked uncontrollably, thrusting in and out a few more times until he was finally spent.

  Falling back onto the mattress, he released a loud, satisfied breath. With him still inside her, Brynnon leaned down and kissed him softly before resting one side of her face over his pounding heart.

  “I think you killed me,” his voice rumbled against her cheek.

  Brynnon smiled. “At least we went together.”

  A low laugh reverberated inside his chest. The room had just gone quiet again when Brynnon’s stomach growled loudly.

  “Sounds like you worked up quite an appetite.”

  “I’m starved.” She lifted her head to look at him. “We could leave now and go get something. Or, there are some frozen pizzas in the freezer downstairs. I could go pop in a couple before we head out.”

  Just then, Grant’s phone beeped with a sound she didn’t recognize. Though she hated to break their connection, Brynnon climbed off. Reaching down to where he’d left his jeans, Grant pulled his phone from the pocket and looked at the screen.

  “Doesn’t look like we’re heading out anytime soon.” He turned the phone so she could see.

  “A snowstorm?” Her head swung toward the window. “I thought there was only a slight chance for snow tonight.”

  Dressing in a rush, Brynnon walked over to the window facing the drive. Sure enough, it had already snowed over half an inch with no signs of stopping. “Well, crap.”

  From behind her, Grant said, “Pizza, it is.”


  Chapter 17

  With snow halfway up his boots, Grant swung the axe, its blade splitting the log right down the center with an echoing crack.

  Not only had the meteorologists gotten the forecast wrong, they’d done so in spectacular fashion. Rather than a dusting to an inch, as they’d first predicted, northern Texas had been hit with a record-breaking snowstorm, forcing them to stay at the cabin for the past two days.

  Brynnon had access to plenty of firewood, which helped keep the place warm. She’d been keeping a few extra sets of clothes in her closet already, so she was good in that department. As for him, Grant was thankful she had a washer and dryer.

  With enough coffee and frozen shit in the freezer to keep them fed for the foreseeable future, food wasn’t much of an issue, either. Although, Grant didn’t know how she ate that processed crap on a regular basis.

  According to the highway patrol reports, the roads were almost cleared, so he and Bryn were planning on heading back to the city later today. He’d just wanted to make sure she had more wood cut and stacked for the next time she came back here.

  A twinge of disappointment shot through him as he thought about having to go back to Dallas. He never thought it would have been possible, but Grant had enjoyed these last few days with her.

  For two and a half days, they’d done nothing but make love, sleep, and eat. They christened nearly every space in the cabin.

  The bed. The shower. The couch.

  Grant couldn’t seem to get enough of the fiery woman, and from the way she reacted each time he touched her, Brynnon felt the same about him. Domestic bliss hadn’t been anywhere in his future plans, but after being locked away with her these last few days, Grant had to admit...the idea was becoming more and more appealing.

  He smiled, cracking another log in two. Throwing the pieces in the pile with the others, he’d just started to reach for another when he felt something hit one side of his ass with a dull thud.

  Spinning around, he saw Brynnon standing about five yards away. She was in jeans, her brown work boots, and a spare coat and gloves she forgot she’d left.

  Her long hair was down, spilling well past her shoulders and she stared back at him, smiling. The vixen looked guilty as hell, but not sorry in the least.

  “Told you I’d get you back for that swat you gave me the other day.”

  Grant leaned the axe against the large cutting log. “Don’t even think about it.”

  Locking eyes with his, Brynnon bent over and scooped up another handful of snow. “What’s the matter, big guy? You scared of a little snow?”

  Damn, he loved how playful she was. “You’re gonna start something you can’t finish, Princess.” He knew she was going to throw it before it even left her hand.

  Brynnon drew her arm back and let the frozen ball fly. It hit him center mass, exactly where she’d been aiming.

  Rolling his lips inward, Grant used his gloved hand to brush the moisture from the front of his coat. “Just remember,” he cautioned. “You were warned.”

  With lightning speed, he picked up some snow, packed it into a ball, and threw it back at her. Brynnon squealed and ducked, the ball skimming the top of her hair as it flew past.

  “Ha!” she taunted. “You missed!”

  Simultaneously, they both gathered more snow and began lobbing the balls at one another. Some hit their target while others were narrowly avoided. Brynnon moved in closer as she continued her attempt to take down the enemy not realizing her mistake until it was too late.

  The second she was within reaching distance, Grant swung his hand out. She screamed, trying to fight him off, but it was too late.

  Wrapping his arm around her waist, Grant pulled a laughing Brynnon to him. He was just about to secure his hold when the thick sole of his boot slipped in the wet snow and they both began to fall.

  Doing his best to keep from crushing her, Grant threw his other arm out to the side for leverage. The pair landed on the ground, the impact almost silent as the thick, soft snow broke their fall.

  With her body beneath his, Brynnon dissolved into laughter. The sound sparked his own amusement, and soon the two were laughing together.

  Out of the corner of his eye, Grant noticed an SUV pulling into the drive. On instinct, he pushed himself up and started to draw his gun but realized who was behind the wheel.

  Adrenaline rushed through him as he blew out a breath and helped Brynnon to her feet. When he saw the look of fear she was giving him, Grant silently cursed. “It’s just Derek.”

  Her relief was palpable, and he felt like an ass for scaring her the way he had. Of course, he felt like an even bigger idiot for allowing them both to become so vulnerable.

  What the fuck were you thinking?

  He couldn’t believe how stupid he’d been. Grant had been so busy playing around with her in the snow, someone could’ve snuck up through the trees or opened fire from the road and they would never have known what hit them.

  He looked at her as she smiled over at the other man walking toward them. Pain entered his chest at just the thought of something happening to her. Especially on his watch.

  Get your head back in the game, jackass.

  “Looks like you two are actually enjoyin’ this shit.”

  “Hey, Derek,” Brynnon chuckled. “And yes. I love it.”

  Derek look
ed over at him and shook his head. “She’s nuts.”

  “I am not.” Grant watched as she looked up at the snow-covered trees surrounding them. “How could you not love this? It’s beautiful.”

  “It’s cold and wet,” Derek grumbled. “It also makes it damn near impossible for me to drive my beautiful car, which is why I had to borrow one of R.I.S.C.’s.”

  “Why are you here?” Grant asked bluntly.

  Brynnon gave him a look, and he knew she was confused by his sudden change in mood.

  Derek smirked. “Nice to see you, too, buddy.”

  Rather than call him out on it in front of his teammate, Brynnon covered it with a smile. “Speaking of cold, my pants are soaked. I’m going to go change into something dry. I’ll put on a fresh pot of coffee for us while I’m at it.”

  “Sounds great.” Derek grinned. “Thanks.”

  “No problem.” With another quick glance in his direction, she turned and headed back to the cabin.

  Grant waited until she was inside before speaking. “You must’ve found something important, otherwise you would’ve just called.”

  “Very perceptive.” Derek reached into his coat and pulled out a file. “Our P.I. is officially missin’, and it doesn’t look good. Eric’s contact got back with him. No one’s seen or heard from Mitchell in several days. There’s no sign of his car, his phone is untraceable, and his mail’s stacked in front of his apartment door.”

  Not wanting to jump to conclusions, Grant said, “Could’ve gotten caught up with another job.”

  “That’s what I thought until I hacked into the guy’s bank account. There hasn’t been any activity since the day he was last seen. Not his checking, savings, or credit cards. And there are no records of any recent cash withdrawals, which he would need in order to stay off the grid.”

  Grant sighed. “Damn. That’s not a good sign.”

  “Nope. Eric’s contact is going to keep lookin’. In the meantime, the guy was able to get me access to Hank Mitchell’s computer.” Derek tipped his chin toward the folder. “That’s everything the P.I. had on the bridge collapse and Cantrell Construction. He’d deleted the file, but like most people, the guy didn’t realize deletin’ somethin’ doesn’t actually make it go away.” He looked back toward the cabin then to Grant. “I haven’t had a chance to look through it all, but from what I can tell, Wright was tellin’ the truth.”


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