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Unpredictable Risk (R.I.S.C. Book 5)

Page 30

by Anna Blakely

  He felt his chin quiver as his tears fought for release. Grant denied them, at first, determined to remain the strong, stoic man everyone expected him to be. But his emotions were too strong. Too powerful.

  Trails of warm tears poured over his lids and down his cheeks as Grant Hill—the man who’d been called more machine than human—lost the battle miserably.

  A loud, unrecognizable roar echoed through the night, and it took him a second to realize it was coming from him.

  As the gates flew open and his heartache poured out in waves from his body, Grant turned to the one thing he knew would break the spell.


  With only one available target, he rammed his balled-up fist against the wall beside him. Again, and again, Grant punched the unforgiving bricks, his throat becoming raw as he finally let go of the pain and anger he’d kept bottled up inside.

  He’d lost his mom. His child. And now, he may very well lose the only woman he’d ever loved.

  In the short period of time they’d spent together, Brynnon had somehow burrowed a permanent place deep inside his soul. She’d seen him at his worst. His best. And everything in between.

  And by some miracle, the crazy, amazing woman had still chosen him.

  I can’t lose her. Ah, god...I can’t lose her.

  As his grief set in and his strength quickly became depleted, Grant turned and slid down the rough wall. His ass hit the cold, hard ground below with a thud.

  Knuckles bloody and throbbing, he rested his forearms on his bent knees and dropped his head between his shoulders. Then for the first time since his mom died, Grant began to sob.

  He wasn’t sure how long he sat like that, but eventually his tears began to dry up, and his stuttering breaths became even. Exhausted, Grant pushed himself back onto his feet.

  “You good?” The deep voice startled him.

  Swinging his watery gaze up, Grant saw Jake standing by the corner’s edge. His hands were shoved into his pockets, and though Grant knew he’d seen at least part of his emotional meltdown, there was no judgment in the man’s eyes.

  “Yeah.” Grant nodded. His voice sounded thick and hoarse. With a loud sniff, he wiped away the last remnants of tears and walked toward his boss.

  “If you need more time, I can go back inside.”

  He shook his head. “Thanks, but I’m good.”

  Jake stared back at him with an understanding Grant knew the other man felt to his core. “I’m sorry you lost your chance to deal with Downing on your own. I know what having that taken away from you means.”

  Grant licked his cold lips. “It’s all I’ve thought about since they took her into that room. Making him’s what got me through that first hour. But when Ryker told us Downing was dead, I...” He shook his head and swallowed. “I don’t know. I guess I just lost it.”

  “Trust me.” Jake took a step forward. “I get it. So do Trevor and Derek. Taking down the bastards responsible for causing the women we love so much pain...that kind of satisfaction is indescribable.”

  As far as pep-talks went, Grant thought this one was pretty fucking shitty.

  “But,” Jake continued on. “Revenge like that? It’s not everything. Not even close.”

  The two men stood silently in the cold, their breaths escaping in puffs of white smoke as they became lost in their own thoughts. Grant finally broke the silence a few minutes later.

  “I knew this would happen.” He looked back at his boss and teammate. “I knew if I let myself care about someone, I’d lose them.”

  “You haven’t lost anyone yet. Brynnon’s still in there, fighting to stay with you. Don’t give up on her, now.”

  “Losing my mom...” Grant shook his head. “That shit was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to go through. But this...I don’t know. It’s different.”

  “I know.”

  Grant swallowed hard. “I can’t get this fucking pain in my chest to go away.” He rubbed the area covering his heart to try and ease the pressure. “It feels like something’s got ahold of my heart, and it won’t let go.”

  “That’s because you love her.”

  “I didn’t want to,” Grant admitted quietly. “I didn’t want any of this.”

  Jake smirked. “Unfortunately, my friend, that’s not always up to us to decide. Come on.” The other man slapped his shoulder. “Let’s go back inside and wait for the doctor to come give us the good news. I’m freezing my ass off out here, and that hand of yours could probably use a band aid...or a cast.”

  Though he wouldn’t have thought it possible, one corner of Grant’s mouth lifted. As the two men walked back to the building’s emergency entrance, he turned to his boss.

  “Thanks, Jake.”

  “For what?”

  “Not firing me, for starters.”

  Jake gave him an incredulous look. “Why the hell would I fire you”

  Blunt as always, Grant said, “I slept with a client.”

  “Meh.” Jake shrugged. “Technically, Brynnon’s father was the client.” He waited a beat before adding, “Unless he’s the one you were referring to.”

  He huffed out a silent chuckle. “Funny.”

  Jake smiled. “I try.”


  The first conscious thought Brynnon had was that she was finally, blessedly, warm.

  After that, her body woke in stages, her mind trying to make its way through the odd murkiness to remember what had happened.

  She remembered feeling cold. Colder than ever before. And the pain...God, the pain had been excruciating.

  It was still there, on the left side of her back. But instead of the sharp, burning pain she remembered, it had become more of a dull ache. She could feel all her fingers and toes, which was a huge relief because it meant the bullet had missed her spine.

  Brynnon tried opening her eyes, their lids heavily weighted. While she lay there, struggling to peel them apart, strobes of memories flashing behind them.

  Her cabin. The bomb. Her brother. Martin.

  He’d confessed to so much. Shooting her brother. The private investigator. He’d shot her.

  Brynnon couldn’t reconcile the man she knew as her brother’s best friend and her father’s confidant with the cold-blooded killer who’d left her in the cold to die.

  He tried to kill me.

  More memories assaulted her. Martin dragging her across the rough pavement. The way he’d sounded just before he walked away. Cold and emotionless.

  What if he comes back?

  Fear that he’d return to finish the job left her shaken. Terrified, Brynnon tried calling out, but the only sound she could make was a low moan.

  Somewhere in the background, the incessant beeping sound she’d barely registered from before grew faster. More intense.

  She attempted to move, to get someplace safe where Martin could never find her, when a deep, soothing voice broke through the panicked fog.

  “Easy, Princess. You’re okay.”

  Clearing her dry, scratchy throat, Brynnon was finally able to speak. “Grant?”

  There was a slight pause and then she heard, “I’m here. I’m right here.”

  He sounded funny, his voice thicker than normal.

  Brynnon’s pulse slowly returned to normal, coinciding with the steadying rhythm of what she realized was her heart monitor. She licked her lips, the delicate skin there stinging as though they were chapped.

  You laid in the freezing cold for who knows how long. Of course, they’re chapped.

  Feeling stronger by the second, she worked her eyes open. The sight before her damn near overwhelming.

  Holding her left hand in his, Grant was sitting as close to the bed as possible. His gray eyes shone with profound relief.

  Brynnon immediately noticed something different about the way he looked. It had nothing to do with his rumpled clothes and scraggly hair. Nor was it the exhaustion reflecting back from his weary gaze.

  The man was still sexy as sin, of course
, but something just seemed different. If she didn’t know any better, she’d say he almost seemed...lighter.

  “Hi, Princess,” Grant whispered with a smile.

  Brynnon’s chin trembled and a tear escaped the corner of her eye. “H-hi.”

  With sweet understanding, he used his free hand to gently wipe the droplet away. “Damn, you’re a sight for sore eyes.”

  “So are you.”

  Reaching over to the metal tray beside him, Grant poured her a cup of water. Using great care, he put the bendable straw between her lips and held it there so she could take a much-needed drink.

  Once she’d had her fill, he set the cup down and exhaled a slow, shaky breath. Carefully cupping one side of her face, he said, “I thought I’d lost you.”

  Brynnon reached up and took hold of his thick wrist. “Me, too.” Despite fearing the answer, she asked, “Martin?”

  “Dead.” Grant’s answer was instant and final.

  Her eyes landed on the white bandage wrapped around his knuckles. “You?”

  He shook his head. “Downing got cornered by the police and shot himself.”

  “Oh, my god.”

  She tried to fight it, but in the end Brynnon couldn’t help but shed a few tears. Not for the man who’d tried to murder her, but rather the one she thought cared about her family. Now, however, she knew that man never really existed at all.

  What saddened her the most was knowing her dad had lost his right-hand man. Her brother, a best friend.


  Feeling horrible that she hadn’t thought about him first, Brynnon asked, “Billy?”

  Sadness filled Grant’s eyes. “I’m so sorry, baby. He didn’t make it.”

  This time, when the tears began to fall, they didn’t seem to want to stop.

  Brynnon’s face crumbled. She began sobbing uncontrollably as all the pain and loss she felt was set free.

  Careful of her wound, Grant slid onto the thin mattress beside her and held her closely. With his strong arms wrapped securely around her, the gentle giant stayed like that until finally, the gut-wrenching sobs subsided.

  As he pulled back, Grant brushed some hair from her forehead. “Whatever you need, I’m here.”

  “Thank you,” she whispered with a sniffle. “You know, it sounds awful, but part of me thinks Billy would have preferred it this way.”

  “What makes you say that?”

  She smiled sadly. “You met my brother. He never would’ve survived going to prison.”

  Brynnon knew her thoughts were twisted, but they stemmed from the love she felt for Billy. It tore her heart in two to know she’d never see him again, but he hadn’t been the same since their mother passed. Maybe now, he would finally find the peace he’d spent years searching for but never found.

  Take good care of him for us, Mama.

  “How’s my dad?”

  “As good as can be expected. He’s been in and out of here this morning, trying to check on you while dealing with the fallout from Martin’s actions.”

  Brynnon’s heart ached. “It must be awful for him.”

  “Yeah, he took it all pretty hard. I think the only thing keeping him going is the fact that the doctors told us this morning they expected you to make a full recovery.” Grant smirked. “He wanted to stay but I kicked his ass out.”

  Her brows rose high. “You did?”

  Grant nodded. “I know sitting around here wasn’t helping him, so I told him to go take care of whatever business he needed to attend to, and I’d keep him updated. He’s been checking in through texts and phone calls. He’ll be by later this afternoon.”

  “He trusts you,” she smiled.

  With a wink, Grant said, “Your father’s a smart man.”

  The two sat in silence for a moment before Grant took her by complete surprise by blurting out, “I love you.”

  Brynnon blinked quickly, her heart skipping. “W-what?”

  He cringed. “I’m sorry. I know my timing’s shit. But I’ve wasted so much of my life.” He squeezed her hand. “I’ve spent years avoiding the type of pain and loss I felt when my mom died, and again when I found out about my son. My entire life, I’ve tried so hard not to get hurt that I...I forgot how to actually live.”

  “Grant,” Brynnon whispered back, shocked by the man’s emotional confession.

  “Then I met you,” he whispered, his voice cracking at the end.

  Unshed tears filled the fierce warrior’s eyes as he continued filling her heart with more love than she could’ve ever imagined.

  “You make me feel whole, Brynnon.” His Adam’s apple bobbed. “Because of you, I’ve known happiness again. I’ve laughed for the first time in years, and I’ve...I’ve loved.” He blinked, sending two silver streaks racing down his rugged cheeks. “I love you, Princess. God, I love you. And I know we have a lot to work through with everything that’s happened, but I swear I’ll do whatever it takes to make sure you’re happy and safe from here on out.”

  She thought she understood, but just to be sure, Brynnon asked, “W-what are you saying?”

  Grant’s lips curved up into that sexy, half-smile she loved so much. “I’m saying, I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

  Brynnon nodded against her pillow. “Okay,” she answered quickly.

  Grant’s broad shoulders fell as he sighed a breath of relief. “Thank Christ.”

  His reaction to her response made her giggle. She hid a wince when a twinge of pain pulled in her back, refusing to let anything ruin this crazy, wonderful moment.

  Very gently, Grant leaned down, pressing his lips to hers. When he pulled back, his smile widened, lighting up his entire face...and her world.

  “In case you’re wondering,” she smiled back at him. “I love you, too.”

  With cocky wink, he said, “I know.”

  Brynnon laughed, immediately groaning from the pain. “Oh, God. Please don’t make me laugh.”

  His whispered apology was followed by another sweet kiss. Looking her square in the eye, the bossy man let her know, “Just so we’re clear, I want it all. Marriage. Babies. The works.”

  The beeping increased again, her new tears filled with happiness. “I want that, too, Grant. More than anything, I want that, too.”



  Five weeks later...


  “Oh, my gosh! That is so freaking adorable!”

  “I love it so much. Thank you!”

  From the back of the room, Grant took a sip from his beer to hide the smile working its way to the surface.

  If someone had told him two months ago he’d be attending a baby shower, he would’ve told them they were crazy. If they’d asked if he ever thought he’d enjoy one, his answer would have been an immediate, “Fuck. No.”

  Yeah, well...a lot of things can happen in two months.

  His eyes slid to where Brynnon was sitting with the other women of R.I.S.C. With Charlie—Derek’s fiancé—at the helm, they’d all banded together this past week to throw Jake and Olivia a surprise baby shower.

  Despite Grant’s objections, Brynnon had insisted on setting up and decorating for the day’s event. The doctor had recently declared her fully healed, but when it came to his wife, Grant refused to take chances.

  My wife.

  Married nearly three weeks, now, he still wasn’t used to calling her that. God, he fucking loved the sound of it.

  In the days following the shooting, Brynnon had been inundated with answering questions and giving her official statements for both Homeland and the DPD. During those times, Grant never left her side once.

  When he thought it was becoming too much for her, the questions ended. Immediately.

  Once she was released from the hospital, Grant had moved into her condo, paying the extra to get out of his lease. His apartment was too damn small for the two of them, and after everything she’d been through, he’d wanted to bring some sense of normalcy back into her

  The condo, however, was only temporary. They were breaking ground on the new cabin next week. The one she’d lost had been her dream home, and he had to admit it suited him just as well.

  As for the wedding, they’d chosen against a big one...for several reasons. The most obvious being the media circus surrounding Martin’s shocking murder spree and subsequent suicide, and Billy’s death.

  Brynnon’s father was still dealing with the aftermath of the whole fucked-up shit show, both personally and professionally. Even though he had no knowledge of what Billy and Martin had done, William Cantrell felt responsible for those soldier’s deaths.

  As a matter of principle, he’d resigned his position as senator and was doing everything in his power to help the surviving families deal with the truth of what really happened. Between the evidence found on the P.I.’s computer and Martin’s confession, it was clear Brynnon’s father played no part in the cover-up.

  The military had taken swift and immediate action against the man who’d falsified the original investigation report, ensuring everyone involved paid for crimes they had committed.

  The final bit of closure came when Hank Mitchell’s body was recovered. He’d been shot, his body and car dumped in the water. Just as Martin had said.

  Originally, Brynnon had wanted to wait to get married. Once Grant found out it was because she’d been worried her still-healing body would be a disappointment on their wedding night, he’d put a plan into action.

  After making a few phone calls, he took a few days to get things together. As soon as everything was ready, Grant had promptly hauled her happy ass here, to Jake’s ranch.

  The second they’d stepped foot into the ranch, Max, Lexi, Charlie, and Gracelynn had whisked Brynnon away where a dress and flowers were waiting for her. While the amazing women helped get her ready, he and the guys quickly changed into a matching set of tuxes.

  Less than an hour later, Brynnon had walked down the make-shift aisle in Jake’s decorated living room—courtesy of Lexi and the others. Grant could still see the love she felt for him as she’d made her way to where he’d stood, waiting to make their unbreakable bond official.


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