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Ariel: The Restored Edition

Page 4

by Sylvia Plath

  I try to keep him in,

  An old pole for the lightning,

  The acid baths, the skyfuls off of you.

  He lumps it down the plastic cobbled hill,

  Flogged trolley. The sparks are blue.

  The blue sparks spill,

  Splitting like quartz into a million bits.

  O jewel. O valuable.

  That night the moon

  Dragged its blood bag, sick


  Up over the harbor lights.

  And then grew normal,

  Hard and apart and white.

  The scale-sheen on the sand scared me to death.

  We kept picking up handfuls, loving it,

  Working it like dough, a mulatto body,

  The silk grits.

  A dog picked up your doggy husband. They went on.

  Now I am silent, hate

  Up to my neck,

  Thick, thick.

  I do not speak.

  I am packing the hard potatoes like good clothes,

  I am packing the babies,

  I am packing the sick cats.

  O vase of acid,

  It is love you are full of. You know who you hate.

  He is hugging his ball and chain down by the gate

  That opens to the sea

  Where it drives in, white and black,

  Then spews it back.

  Every day you fill him with soul-stuff, like a pitcher.

  You are so exhausted.

  Your voice my ear-ring,

  Flapping and sucking, blood-loving bat.

  That is that. That is that.

  You peer from the door,

  Sad hag. Every womans a whore.

  I cant communicate.

  I see your cute dcor

  Close on you like the fist of a baby

  Or an anemone, that sea

  Sweetheart, that kleptomaniac.

  I am still raw.

  I say I may be back.

  You know what lies are for.

  Even in your Zen heaven we shant meet.

  The Other

  You come in late, wiping your lips.

  What did I leave untouched on the doorstep

  White Nike,

  Streaming between my walls?

  Smilingly, blue lightning

  Assumes, like a meathook, the burden of his parts.

  The police love you, you confess everything.

  Bright hair, shoe-black, old plastic,

  Is my life so intriguing?

  Is it for this you widen your eye-rings?

  Is it for this the air motes depart?

  They are not air motes, they are corpuscles.

  Open your handbag. What is that bad smell?

  It is your knitting, busily

  Hooking itself to itself,

  It is your sticky candies.

  I have your head on my wall.

  Navel cords, blue-red and lucent,

  Shriek from my belly like arrows, and these I ride.

  O moon-glow, o sick one,

  The stolen horses, the fornications

  Circle a womb of marble.

  Where are you going

  That you suck breath like mileage?

  Sulfurous adulteries grieve in a dream.

  Cold glass, how you insert yourself

  Between myself and myself.

  I scratch like a cat.

  The blood that runs is dark fruit

  An effect, a cosmetic.

  You smile.

  No, it is not fatal.

  Stopped Dead

  A squeal of brakes.

  Or is it a birth cry?

  And here we are, hung out over the dead drop

  Uncle, pants factory Fatso, millionaire.

  And you out cold beside me in your chair.

  The wheels, two rubber grubs, bite their sweet tails.

  Is that Spain down there?

  Red and yellow, two passionate hot metals

  Writhing and sighing, what sort of a scenery is it?

  It isn’t England, it isn’t France, it isn’t Ireland.

  It’s violent. We’re here on a visit,

  With a goddam baby screaming off somewhere.

  There’s always a bloody baby in the air.

  I’d call it a sunset, but

  Whoever heard a sunset yowl like that?

  You are sunk in your seven chins, still as a ham.

  Who do you think I am,

  Uncle, uncle?

  Sad Hamlet, with a knife?

  Where do you stash your life?

  Is it a penny, a pearl——

  Your soul, your soul?

  I’ll carry it off like a rich pretty girl,

  Simply open the door and step out of the car

  And live in Gibraltar on air, on air.

  Poppies in October

  for Helder and Suzette Macedo

  Even the sun-clouds this morning cannot manage such skirts.

  Nor the woman in the ambulance

  Whose red heart blooms through her coat so astoundingly

  A gift, a love gift

  Utterly unasked for

  By a sky

  Palely and flamily

  Igniting its carbon monoxides, by eyes

  Dulled to a halt under bowlers.

  O my God, what am I

  That these late mouths should cry open

  In a forest of frost, in a dawn of cornflowers!

  The Courage of Shutting-Up

  The courage of the shut mouth, in spite of artillery!

  The line pink and quiet, a worm, basking.

  There are black discs behind it, the discs of outrage,

  And the outrage of a sky, the lined brain of it.

  The discs revolve, they ask to be heard,

  Loaded, as they are, with accounts of bastardies.

  Bastardies, usages, desertions and doubleness,

  The needle journeying in its groove,

  Silver beast between two dark canyons,

  A great surgeon, now a tattooist,

  Tattooing over and over the same blue grievances,

  The snakes, the babies, the tits

  On mermaids and two-legged dreamgirls.

  The surgeon is quiet, he does not speak.

  He has seen too much death, his hands are full of it.

  So the discs of the brain revolve, like the muzzles of cannon.

  Then there is that antique billhook, the tongue,

  Indefatigable, purple. Must it be cut out?

  It has nine tails, it is dangerous.

  And the noise it flays from the air, once it gets going.

  No, the tongue, too, has been put by

  Hung up in the library with the engravings of Rangoon

  And the fox heads, the otter heads, the heads of dead rabbits.

  It is a marvellous object

  The things it has pierced in its time!

  But how about the eyes, the eyes, the eyes?

  Mirrors can kill and talk, they are terrible rooms

  In which a torture goes on one can only watch.

  The face that lived in this mirror is the face of a dead man.

  Do not worry about the eyes

  They may be white and shy, they are no stool pigeons,

  Their death rays folded like flags

  Of a country no longer heard of,

  An obstinate independency

  Insolvent among the mountains.

  Nick and the Candlestick

  I am a miner. The light burns blue.

  Waxy stalacmites

  Drip and thicken, tears

  The earthen womb

  Exudes from its dead boredom.

  Black bat airs

  Wrap me, raggy shawls,

  Cold homicides.

  They weld to me like plums.

  Old cave of calcium

  Icicles, old echoer.

  Even the newts are white,

  Those holy Joes.

  And the fish, the fish
  Christ! they are panes of ice,

  A vice of knives,

  A piranha

  Religion, drinking

  Its first communion out of my live toes.

  The candle

  Gulps and recovers its small altitude,

  Its yellows hearten.

  O love, how did you get here?

  O embryo

  Remembering, even in sleep,

  Your crossed position.

  The blood blooms clean

  In you, ruby.

  The pain

  You wake to is not yours.

  Love, love,

  I have hung our cave with roses,

  With soft rugs

  The last of Victoriana.

  Let the stars

  Plummet to their dark address,

  Let the mercuric

  Atoms that cripple drip

  Into the terrible well,

  You are the one

  Solid the spaces lean on, envious.

  You are the baby in the barn.



  This is the sea, then, this great abeyance.

  How the sun’s poultice draws on my inflammation!

  Electrifyingly-colored sherbets, scooped from the freeze

  By pale girls, travel the air in scorched hands.

  Why is it so quiet, what are they hiding?

  I have two legs, and I move smilingly.

  A sandy damper kills the vibrations;

  It stretches for miles, the shrunk voices

  Waving and crutchless, half their old size.

  The lines of the eye, scalded by these bald surfaces,

  Boomerang like anchored elastics, hurting the owner.

  Is it any wonder he puts on dark glasses?

  Is it any wonder he affects a black cassock?

  Here he comes now, among the mackerel gatherers

  Who wall up their backs against him.

  They are handling the black and green lozenges like the parts

  of a body.

  The sea, that crystallized these,

  Creeps away, many-snaked, with a long hiss of distress.


  This black boot has no mercy for anybody.

  Why should it, it is the hearse of a dead foot,

  The high, dead, toeless foot of this priest

  Who plumbs the well of his book,

  The bent print bulging before him like scenery.

  Obscene bikinis hide in the dunes,

  Breasts and hips a confectioner’s sugar

  Of little crystals, titillating the light,

  While a green pool opens its eye,

  Sick with what it has swallowed——

  Limbs, images, shrieks. Behind the concrete bunkers

  Two lovers unstick themselves.

  O white sea-crockery,

  What cupped sighs, what salt in the throat!

  And the onlooker, trembling,

  Drawn like a long material

  Through a still virulence,

  And a weed, hairy as privates.


  On the balconies of the hotel, things are glittering.

  Things, things——

  Tubular steel wheelchairs, aluminum crutches.

  Such salt-sweetness. Why should I walk

  Beyond the breakwater, spotty with barnacles?

  I am not a nurse, white and attendant,

  I am not a smile.

  These children are after something, with hooks and cries,

  And my heart too small to bandage their terrible faults.

  This is the side of a man: his red ribs,

  The nerves bursting like trees, and this is the surgeon:

  One mirrory eye——

  A facet of knowledge.

  On a striped mattress in one room

  An old man is vanishing.

  There is no help in his weeping wife.

  Where are the eye-stones, yellow and valuable,

  And the tongue, sapphire of ash.


  A wedding-cake face in a paper frill.

  How superior he is now.

  It is like possessing a saint.

  The nurses in their wing-caps are no longer so beautiful;

  They are browning, like touched gardenias.

  The bed is rolled from the wall.

  This is what it is to be complete. It is horrible.

  Is he wearing pajamas or an evening suit

  Under the glued sheet from which his powdery beak

  Rises so whitely, unbuffeted?

  They propped his jaw with a book until it stiffened

  And folded his hands, that were shaking: goodbye, goodbye.

  Now the washed sheets fly in the sun,

  The pillow cases are sweetening.

  It is a blessing, it is a blessing:

  The long coffin of soap-colored oak,

  The curious bearers and the raw date

  Engraving itself in silver with marvelous calm.


  The grey sky lowers, the hills like a green sea

  Run fold upon fold far off, concealing their hollows,

  The hollows in which rock the thoughts of the wife——

  Blunt, practical boats

  Full of dresses and hats and china and married daughters.

  In the parlor of the stone house

  One curtain is flickering from the open window,

  Flickering and pouring, a pitiful candle.

  This is the tongue of the dead man: remember, remember.

  How far he is now, his actions

  Around him like livingroom furniture, like a décor.

  As the pallors gather——

  The pallors of hands and neighborly faces,

  The elate pallors of flying iris.

  They are flying off into nothing: remember us.

  The empty benches of memory look over stones,

  Marble façades with blue veins, and jelly-glassfuls of daffodils.

  It is so beautiful up here: it is a stopping place.


  The unnatural fatness of these lime leaves!——

  Pollarded green balls, the trees march to church.

  The voice of the priest, in thin air,

  Meets the corpse at the gate,

  Addressing it, while the hills roll the notes of the dead bell;

  A glitter of wheat and crude earth.

  What is the name of that color?——

  Old blood of caked walls the sun heals,

  Old blood of limb stumps, burnt hearts.

  The widow with her black pocketbook and three daughters,

  Necessary among the flowers,

  Enfolds her face like fine linen,

  Not to be spread again.

  While a sky, wormy with put-by smiles,

  Passes cloud after cloud.

  And the bride flowers expend a freshness,

  And the soul is a bride

  In a still place, and the groom is red and forgetful, he is featureless.


  Behind the glass of this car

  The world purrs, shut-off and gentle.

  And I am dark-suited and still, a member of the party,

  Gliding up in low gear behind the cart.

  And the priest is a vessel,

  A tarred fabric, sorry and dull,

  Following the coffin on its flowery cart like a beautiful woman,

  A crest of breasts, eyelids and lips


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