Agatha Christie
Page 52
Dunne, J.W.: An Experiment with Time, 194, 363
Dwyer, Colonel, 173, 181
Egypt, 40–2, 217, 235, 320
Elephants Can Remember, 37, 369–70
Eliot, T.S., 262
Elizabeth II, H.M. Queen, 303
Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, 260, 292
Ellis, Mrs, 69–70
Enderby, Sir Luke (character), 304
Endless Night, 344, 346
Erzincan (Turkey), 225
Evening News, 116, 137, 139, 141–2, 144
Evil Under the Sun, 215, 229
Eyelesbarrow, Lucy, 306
Farndale (theatre company), 269
Faulds, Mr (witness), 140
Feisal, King of Iraq, 278, 280
Fennell, John, 294
Festival of Britain 1951, 285
Fiddlers Three (play), 369
Finn, Jane (character), 82–3
Finney, Albert, 375
Fisher, Charlotte (‘Carlo’): as AC’s secretary-governess, 116
dislikes Sunningdale, 119
on Clara, 126
absence in Scotland, 128
and AC’s estrangement from Archie, 130–1, 134–5
and AC’s disappearance, 135–6, 146–8, 153, 155, 162
and Rosalind, 163, 169, 187
Canary Islands holiday, 164
Blue Train dedicated to, 165
AC’s friendship with, 166
and AC’s marriage to Max, 186–8
introduces AC to dentist, 225
absent on war work, 226, 231
reads proofs, 227
arthritis and move to Eastbourne, 256, 280
and Harrison Homes, 354
Fisher, Mary, 136, 187, 256, 354
Five Little Pigs (in USA as Murder in Retrospect), 235, 241, 243, 253, 320–1
dramatisation, 312
Flecker, James Elroy, 371
Fleming, Ian, 355
Flemings Hotel, 338
Fletcher, Col. Bolton, 54
Floating Admiral, The (joint work), 197, 259
Fontana paperbacks, 323
‘Four and Twenty Blackbirds’ (short story), 295
4.50 from Paddington, The, 306, 323
see also Murder, She Said
Frankly Speaking (BBC programme), 304
Franz Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria, 64
French, Field Marshal Sir John, 1st Earl of Ypres, 66
Fuchs, Klaus, 299
Fürster, Charles, 23, 46
Gallaher (driver in Iraq), 206
Galloti, Mario, 334
Gardner, Judy (Nan’s daughter), 124, 286
Garstang, Professor John, 225
Garstang, Marie (née Bergès), 225
Genn, Leo, 296
George VI, H.M. King, 292
Giant’s Bread (‘Mary Westmacott’), 66, 167–9, 265, 344
Glanville, Stephen, 226, 231, 243–4, 247, 252
relations with AC, 244–5
on AC’s Egyptian background, 328
Glidrose Productions (company), 355–6
Glyn, Elinor, 113
Go Back for Murder (play), 312
Goby, Mr (character), 369–70
Goddard, Superintendent (Berkshire Police), 137, 146
Golden Ball, The, 49
Gollancz (publishers), 196, 233
Good Housekeeping (magazine), 260, 338
Goodson, Sir Alfred, 220
Gothenburg Trade and Shipping Journal, 210
Gough, Chief Inspector, 145
Gowler (butler), 301
Grand Magazine, 112
Greenway Edition (AC’s collected works), 341
Greenway House (near Torquay): AC buys and alters, 219–20
life at, 226
rented in war, 226
offered for sale, 231–2, 246
portrayed by AC, 235, 237, 302
requisitioned by Admiralty, 236, 240, 242
AC returns to after war, 251–2, 254, 256, 287
supervisor crisis, 293
gardening prizes, 301
William Collins visits, 304
garden, 332
social life, 333
Rosalind and Anthony live at, 357
Gregg, Marina (character), 328
Grey, Katherine (character), 164
Griffiths, Arthur, 58–9
Guyer, Miss (girl’s school, Torquay), 22–3, 37
Habur Valley, 208
Hallowe’en Party, 346
Hamilton, Robert, 269, 290
Hammett, Dashiell, 292
Hamoudi (site foreman), 213, 276
Hannaford (Greenway gardener), 236–6
Harlequin (figure), 46, 175, 249
Harrison Homes, 354
Harrogate, 146, 148–50, 157
Harrogate Herald, 146, 149
Hawaii, 99–101
Heaven, Mr Kenneth (accountant), 293
Hecht, Ben, 269
Heinemann (publishers), 263
Hekanakhthe Papers, 243
Hemsley, William (Archie’s stepfather), 58, 62, 68
Hemsley, Mrs William (Archie’s mother), 58, 67–8, 94, 142
Hentschel, Irene, 271
Hercule Poirot’s Christmas, 215, 352
Hertzog, General James Barry Munnik, 92
Hewitt, Norah, 26
Hiam family, 88, 91
Hickes, Stanley, 148
Hickory, Dickory Dock, 302–3
as musical, 332
Hicks, Anthony (AC’s son-in-law): marries Rosalind, 271–2
visits Greenway, 287, 301
suggests title for The Mousetrap, 291
and Greenway garden crisis, 293
specially bound copy of Mousetrap, 310
and AC’s taxes, 355–6
lives at Greenway, 357–8
appreciates Passenger to Frankfurt, 364
and AC’s Autobiography, 377
Hicks, Rosalind Margaret Clarissa (formerly Prichard née Christie AC’s daughter): born, 79
nursery, 81
and parents’ absence on Empire Tour, 88, 92–3
childhood and care, 106–8, 115–6
at Scotswood, 124
and father, 131, 163–4, 205, 313
letters from ‘Carlo’ Fisher, 133, 135
and AC’s disappearance, 136, 142, 148, 153, 155
schooling, 164–5, 169, 216
illness, 178, 181, 184
and Max, 185–8, 205, 213
Swiss holiday, 197
at Ashfield, 209, 216
trip to Egypt, 212
at Tell Brak, 213
learns French, 216–7
London season, 217–8
relations with mother, 218
at Greenway, 219, 287, 301
in World War II, 225, 231
marries Hubert Prichard, 225–6
copyright assigned to, 230
visits AC in war, 240, 242, 245
son (Mathew), 242–3, 245–6, 248, 264
and death of Hubert, 250
remarries (Anthony Hicks), 271–2
and Greenway crisis, 293
protects AC from photographers, 312
protests at AC films, 336
and AC’s Autobiography, 340, 377
lives at Greenway, 357–8
finds dog for AC, 365
and AC’s final writings, 371
and AC’s literary estate, 376–7
and proposed lives of AC, 377
Hidden Horizon (earlier, Moon on the Nile in USA as Murder on the Nile), 212, 239–40, 245, 248, 251, 261
Hillel, Rabbi, 324–5
Hitchcock, Alfred, 206
Hitler, Adolf, 362–3
Hollow, The, 25, 250, 254, 261, 265, 321
dramatisation, 285–6, 288, 294, 297, 303
Holt, Rinehart (US publishers) see Rinehart & Co, Inc.
Home, Margaret, 24
Honeybone, Mrs Daphne, 371
Hound of Death, The, 49, 159, 199, 308
House in Ba
ghdad, The, 266
‘House at Dreams, The’ (short story earlier ‘The House of Beauty’), 48–9
‘House of Shiraz, The’ (short story), 207
Howard, Lady Isabella, 180
Howard, The Hon. Esmé, 180, 183–4, 344
Hughes Massie (literary agency), 52, 112–3, 198, 230, 289, 293, 356, 365
see also Cork, Edmund
Hulin, Peter, 306
Huxley family, 26, 38
Hyde White, Wilfrid, 297
Hydropathic Hotel, Harrogate, 146, 148–53, 159
Illustrated London News, 171
Imperial Airways, 208
‘In a Dispensary’ (poem), 75
Ingram, Bruce, 83, 297
Institute of Archaeology, University of London, 266
‘In the Marketplace’ (short story), 50
Iran (Persia), 199, 327, 333
Iraq, 207–8, 278, 292
1958 revolution, 280, 309
see also Baghdad
Irving, Sir Henry, 35
Jackson, Sir Geoffrey, 367
James (dog), 237
James, Madge and Sam, 133, 136, 142, 148, 157, 162, 313
James, Montague Rhodes, 265
Japp, Inspector (character), 319
Jeans, Sir James: The Mysterious Universe, 194, 334, 363
John Bull (magazine), 270
Joseph, Michael (publisher), 263
Judy see Gardner, Judy
Kenny, Sean, 332
Kenward, Superintendent (Surrey Police), 137–8, 145–6, 154–7, 162
Kenyon (Yorkshire Post reporter), 152
Kirkwood, Commander (RN), 237
Kirwan, Larry, 309, 312
Kirwan, Stella, 307, 309, 312, 345, 358
Kitchings, Mrs (witness of disappearance), 139, 141
Kitchener, Field Marshal H.H., 1st Earl, 66
Knox, Ronald, 195, 259
Kokoschka, Oscar, 347–8
Kon, Nan (née Watts), 26, 36, 119, 286
Labours of Hercules, The (short stories), 224, 232, 263, 319, 349
Lancing College, 182–3
Landor, Walter Savage, 309
Lane, Allen, 217, 242, 246, 275, 300, 341–2
Lane, Clare, 246
Lane, John & Co. (publishers), 121
Lane, Lettice, 242, 246
Las Palmas, 164
‘Last Days of Nimrud, The’ (ode), 280
Laughton, Charles, 296, 306
Lavin, Frank (gardener at Greenway), 301
Lawrence, T.E., 171
Layard, Sir Austen Henry, 269, 276–7
Ledbetter, Dick, 148, 153
Lee, Sir Rupert Crofton (character), 284
Leeming, Bob and Mrs, 151
Le Rougetel, Lady Mary, 367
Levy, W.J., 262
Listener (magazine), 195, 197
Listerdale Mystery, The (short stories), 206, 295
‘Little Lonely God, The’ (story), 49
Lloyd, Stanford (character), 344
Lobb, Washington, 23
Lockridge, Frances Louise and Richard O., 259
Lockwood, Julia, 297
Lockwood, Margaret, 297, 300
Lord Edgware Dies, 200–1, 316
Love from a Stranger (play adapted from ‘Philomel Cottage’), 206, 260
Lucy family, 38, 57, 97
Lucy, Reggie, 57, 60, 70
Lynmouth, 294
McAllister, Edward, 138, 154
Macartney, Robin, 208–9, 211–3
McBean, Angus, 359
McDowell, Superintendent (Yorkshire Police), 147, 152
McGillicuddy, Mrs (character), 108
McGinty, Mrs (character), 336
Mackintosh, Ernest, 217, 242
Mackintosh, Marion, 208, 217, 234–5, 242
Macleod family, 226
Mallock family, 45
Mallowan, Barbara, Lady (née Parker Max’s second wife), 276, 375, 377
Mallowan, Cecil (Max’s brother), 235
Mallowan, Frederick (Max’s father), 181–3
Mallowan, John (Max’s nephew), 302–3, 333
Mallowan, Marguerite (née Duvivier Max’s mother), 182, 289
Mallowan, Sir Max: at Ur, 178, 184, 190–1, 199
meets and escorts AC, 179–81, 184–5
background and character, 181–4
religion, 182–3, 185
proposes to AC, 185–6
relations with Rosalind, 185–8, 205
marriage and honeymoon, 187–90
at Nineveh, 190, 200
and AC’s broadcast, 197
returns home via Russia, 199
leads expedition to Arpachiyah, 206, 207
quits Iraq for Syria, 207–8
at Chagar Bazar, 209–10
reputation, 210
trip to Egypt, 212
at Tell Brak, 213
edits for Penguin Books, 217
in World War II, 223–5, 231
postings in Middle East, 234, 241, 247
copyright assigned to, 230
wartime correspondence with AC, 237, 238–50
relations with Glanville, 244–5
considers career, 247–8, 256
reading, 248
returns from War, 252, 256
chair at University of London, 266
returns to Baghdad, 267
at Nimrud, 269, 272–81, 289, 312
and modern archaeology, 273–6
mother’s death, 289
and Mathew, 301
silver wedding, 304
in USA, 306–7, 343
C.B.E., 312
sets up British Institutes abroad, 312
1961 visit to Iran, 327
suffers stroke, 329
All Souls Fellowship, 329
driving, 329
complains on trip to Paris, 341
knighthood, 344
holiday in Yugoslavia, 345
second stroke, 345
and AC’s temperament, 357
bitten by dog, 365
and AC’s broken hip, 368
new car, 368
and AC’s old age, 371, 374–5
political romanticism, 372
and AC’s death, 376
remarries, 377
death, 377
Memoirs, 179–80, 182, 188, 276–7, 279, 375
Nimrud and Its Remains, 277, 295, 329, 336, 338, 341
Mallowan, Peter (Max’s nephew), 302, 303, 333
Mallowan, Philip (Max’s brother), 289
Man in the Brown Suit, The, 109–11, 113, 116, 211
Maples, Angela see Prichard, Angela
Marcelle (Rosalind’s nurse), 107, 115–6
Marple, Miss Jane (character), 16, 159
introduced, 175–7
Ackerley on, 198
featured, 200, 221, 229–30, 232, 242, 270–1, 284, 291, 305–6, 311, 321, 328, 335, 337–8, 342, 366–7, 376
and AC’s plots, 319–20
in films, 327, 334–7
Marple Hall (Cheshire), 176
Marsh, Dame Ngaio, 261, 263
Mary, H.M. Queen, 261
Mellor family, 59
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (film company), 327–8, 331, 334–7
Meyer, Bertie, 239, 251, 271, 285–6, 288, 294, 296–7, 303
Milestone (US company), 232, 234
Miller, Clara (Clarissa née Boehmer AC’s mother): character, 1, 3,13, 27
born, 2
meets Frederick, 3–5
reading and upbringing, 3–4
spelling, 5
poetry and writings, 5, 13, 50, 75
marriage, 5
family and home life, 6–8, 10–11, 13, 25, 29
and education, 8, 18–19
religious beliefs, 11
relations with AC, 13–14, 30, 35, 70, 193, 218
letters to AC, 20
and Frederick’s illness and death, 32–5
pension and allowances, 34, 62: health, 35, 40
trip to Egypt, 40
and Eden Philpotts, 51, 53
and AC’s suitors, 54–5
and Archie, 59–61
eyesight, 62
and AC’s marriage to Archie, 68, 70
and AC’s first detective story, 78
and AC’s Empire Tour, 88, 92, 99, 101–3
and Monty at Ashfield, 106
at Scotswood, 126
death, 126, 159
advice on men, 131
AC portrays, 305
‘Miller, Daniel’ (AC’s pseudonym), 207
Miller, Frederick Alvah (AC’s father): character, 1
meets Clara, 3–5
background, 3–5
marriage, 5
children, 6, 8
collecting, 7, 10, 14
portrait of, 10
life in Torquay, 14, 29
letters to AC, 20
teaches AC, 21
finances and accounts, 23–4, 31, 44
relations with AC, 29–30
illnesses and death, 32–3
reticence, 76
in Pyrenees, 193
Miller, Gilbert, 298
Miller, Louis Montant (Monty AC’s brother): wild schemes, 1
born, 6
schooling, 9
absence from AC as child, 9, 23
character, 9, 173
portrait of, 10
on AC as child, 12
military service abroad, 34
trust income, 34, 83
theatre-going, 44
return to England, 83–5, 88, 92, 96, 105
career and schemes abroad, 83–4
health, 105–6
in Devon, 106
portrayed by Madge in The Claimant, 114
remembered in Baghdad, 173
death, 173–4, 178
portrayed by AC, 310
Miller, Margaret (née West AC’s step-grandmother ‘Auntie-Grannie’): background, 1–3
and AC’s parents, 6, 10
and AC’s childhood, 14–16, 19
character, 16–17, 27, 176
pension, 34
lives at Ashfield, 69–70, 127
AC reads accounts of murders to, 76
death, 82
possessions, 127
as model for Miss Marple, 176
Miller, Margaret Frary see Watts, Margaret Frary
Miller, Nathaniel Frary, 3, 6,31, 34, 343
Mirror Crack’d from Side to Side, The, 328, 334
Miss Marple’s Final Cases (short stories), 308
Mrs McGinty’s Dead, 284, 286, 289–90
film, 335
Modern Masters series (Fontana), 363
Montant, Auguste, 34
Moon on the Nile see Hidden Horizon
Morris, Eileen, 46, 56, 69–70, 73, 165–6
Mostel, Zero, 337
Mountbatten, Admiral of the Fleet, Louis, 1st Earl, 120–1, 375
Mousetrap, The (play adapted from Three Blind Mice): Mountbatten praises, 121
produced, 262, 291, 294, 297, 299, 303