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Fall in Love

Page 169

by Anthology

  “They don’t care if someone can disprove it. They’ll blame it on the anonymous individual who sold them the pictures.” He made air quotes around the word anonymous. “It doesn’t matter whether it’s true—not if it sells magazines.”

  I’d considered believing the worst of Mason when he’d done nothing but treat me well the entire time we’d been seeing one another. “Can you forgive me?” I asked softly.

  “There’s nothing to forgive. I want you to talk to me if something is bothering you. But know this, Ellie.” He turned to me and took my face in his hands. “I’ll never lie to you. I may tell you things you don’t want to hear from time to time, but I will never be dishonest.” He leaned in and kissed my forehead and I melted into him.

  “Thank you,” I said. He was letting me off too easy but I’d take it.

  “Now, tell me. How did the interview go?” I groaned. “That doesn’t sound good.”

  I explained what happened and how I stormed out of the office. It must’ve angered him as a muscle twitched along his jaw while I told the story. Instead of addressing his anger once I’d finished, he took me into a tender embrace.

  “I can’t tell you what it means to me that you didn’t do what they asked. I know how much that job meant to you. You could have easily sold me out. The fact that you didn’t shows me how right I was to trust you. I already knew it, but this is further proof. Trust is the single most important thing to me, Ellie. It’s something I don’t give many people.”

  “It was never a consideration,” I whispered.

  He kissed me thoroughly and I went to take his shirt off but he stopped me. “I have to have a quick shower first. I didn’t have one after the show because I wanted to get back here.”

  I rubbed my hand across his pecs. “Or you and I could take a long shower together.”

  “Your ideas are always so much better than mine,” he said and smiled.

  We made slow and sensual love in the shower full of all the unspoken emotions neither of us dared say aloud. When it was over we moved to the bed where he tucked me into his side. I fell into a blissful sleep and dreamt about the two of us and a world where tabloids, paparazzi, and doubt didn’t exist.


  Ellie and I spent the day playing tourist in Boston and managed to stay under the radar. We looked pretty damn ridiculous in our baseball hats, sunglasses, and oversized clothing but they did the trick. No one seemed to recognize us. She’d been tired and had opted to stay back at the hotel instead of joining me at the venue.

  I was relaxing backstage and Jas was doing my make-up when Troy joined us.

  “Hey, man, how’s it going?” I’d worked with Troy long enough to know the expression on his face was smug so he must’ve had good news.

  “Couldn’t be better. Got a call from the producers of the reality show. They’ve made a decision.”

  “And?” I swear he always liked to drag things out for dramatic effect.

  “And…you’re in.”

  “Fuckin’ right, man. Thanks for your help pulling our chances out of the shitter after my mom’s incident.”

  “That’s why I make you pay me what you do.”

  “Don’t I know it,” I said.

  “That’s great news, Mason. Congratulations,” Jasmine said while she dabbed some type of cream under my eyes.

  “I have to call Ellie and tell her.” I reached for my phone on the table in front of me.

  “There’s one thing,” Troy said. I didn’t like his tone. I looked at him in the mirror, standing behind me. “Ellie’s out.”

  “What do you mean, Ellie’s out?”

  “Market research showed overwhelmingly that their core audience didn’t want to see you with a girlfriend. There can be females coming in and out of your life but anything serious and long term is a problem. Apparently young girls can’t imagine they have a chance with you if you’re seriously involved.”

  I glanced to Jas who dropped her gaze, looking like she’d rather be anywhere but here. “They don’t have a chance,” I said.

  “That doesn’t matter. They need to fantasize that they do and they can’t do that with Ellie hanging around.”

  “I hope you told them where they could put their stipulation.”

  “I told them it wouldn’t be a problem.” His gaze was firm and unblinking.

  “Then you need to call them up and tell them it is a problem and to figure something else out.”

  “It’s a deal breaker, Mason. Ellie goes or you don’t get the show.”

  This was unbelievable. I finally got Ellie to put a little trust in our relationship and give us a chance despite all her hang-ups about being under public scrutiny and now this.

  “I think I’ll let you two finish your conversation in private and come back in a little bit,” Jas said.

  “Thanks, Jas,” I said.

  “No worries. I’ll come back in twenty or so.” She left and closed the door behind her. I turned in my seat to face Troy.

  “I hope you didn’t make any promises I can’t keep, Troy.”

  “I said I’d discuss it with you and get back to them in a couple of days, but that it likely wouldn’t be an issue. Come on, Mason. You’re not seriously going to let an opportunity like this pass you by because of some girl you met, what…a little more than a month ago?”

  “What’s your problem with her anyway?” I asked, real anger seeping into my voice.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I can tell you’re not her biggest fan. I figured at first you were worried she was another Becca, but you’ve been around her enough to see that’s not the case.”

  “I don’t have a problem with her, but if you’re asking if I’m looking out for your best interests then yes, I am. That’s what I get paid to do.”

  “Ellie’s not bad for my career.”

  “You’re sitting here considering giving up an opportunity anyone would kill for, all for her. I’d say that’s not a great career move. At least think about it. Consider all the possibilities.”

  He had a point. This was too big an opportunity to just squander without giving it due consideration. I hadn’t gotten this far in the business by acting impulsively every time there was a decision to be made. “Tell them I need time to consider it and I’ll get back to them in a day or two.”

  He sighed. “I’ll support whatever decision you make, Mason. I want to be sure you’re considering all the facts, that’s all.”

  “I know you will. It’s not the first time we’ve had a difference of opinion on things. Won’t be the last.”

  “Of that I’m sure,” he said, shook my hand and patted my shoulder before leaving the room.

  Jas came back in to finish my makeup a few minutes later but didn’t mention my talk with Troy. It was just as well; I had a show to do. I didn’t need any distractions running through my head while I was on stage. I needed to bring my A game—that’s what I got the big bucks for after all.

  The next day we flew to Chicago to head to another music festival. Ellie commented a few times on how distracted I seemed but I brushed it off, telling her it was nothing.

  I felt guilty as hell for not telling her what was on my mind but I couldn’t. How did you tell the girl you cared for you were deciding whether you’d pick her or the career you’d spent years building? I racked my brain for some way to make both the reality show and my relationship with Ellie work but came up empty.

  I did get a small piece of good news in a text from Deshawn as Ellie and I were cuddling on the couch in the hotel watching a movie. It was something I’d been working on for a couple of weeks and I was excited to share it with her. I hit pause on the TV controller.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “I have something I wanted to show you.”

  She creased her forehead. “Okay…what’s this about?”

  “Deshawn and I have been working with a track to go on my next album. I’d already recorded it but we bot
h felt it was missing something. We’ve been tinkering with it the past couple of weeks and came up with something I think works really well. I want you to listen.”

  She shrugged nonchalantly. “Okay.”

  I pulled the file up on my phone and started it. The bassline kicked in immediately and then the sample of Ellie’s laugh worked itself into the song. I watched Ellie’s face for recognition but saw nothing until a few seconds later when her eyes darted to mine.

  “Is that…?”

  “I told you I’d make it work.”

  Her hands came up to cover her mouth in disbelief. “Oh my God. I can’t believe that’s me.”

  “Believe it, babe. And that song is going to be at the top of the charts so everyone is going to hear it.”

  “I don’t know what to say.”

  “I could’ve written you a song and thrown poetic words your way but I wanted to create something that had some of me and some of you in it. Something we could put out into the world. Something that’d always be there. It’s our secret, the only people that’ll know will be us, and Deshawn I suppose. If you decide to tell anyone that’s your decision. While everyone else is trying to tear us down, this song will live on.”

  Ellie brought me into a fierce hug. When she pulled away I saw she had unshed tears in her eyes. “This means so much to me, Mason.”

  “There’s something else.”

  “What else could there possibly be?”

  “Because technically you’re performing on the track you’re going to get royalties for any sales.”

  “I don’t need your money, Mason. I can’t accept it.”

  I put my hand up in front of me. “It’s already done.”

  “I just…this is so unexpected. I wouldn’t feel right about taking the money. I mean, I didn’t really do anything for it. Would you be angry if I donated it to a charity? Maybe I could give it to the women’s shelter we visited. I’m not well off but the women and children staying there have it so much harder than I ever will.”

  “It’s not even a fraction of what I want to give you, but the money’s yours to do what you want with. I’ve never had anyone in my life like you. For five years all I’ve done is live and breathe the music industry. You’ve made me believe there are good people in this world. People still untarnished. You make me a better person by just being with me. You force me to open up to you and leave myself bare. I want to give you the world, Ellie. I want to give you every piece of me, every piece of my soul until we’re so intertwined there’s no beginning to you or end to me, we’re just one.”

  A single tear traced down Ellie’s cheek but she was smiling as she leaned in to kiss me softly, pouring all of herself into it.

  The depth of Ellie’s thoughtfulness and generosity never ceased to amaze me. She was one of a kind. How could I have even considered for a second letting this woman walk out of my life? She hadn’t hesitated for a second to do the right thing where I was concerned. My career was important to me but I was learning there was more to a fulfilling life than success and money in the bank.

  I’d tell Troy first thing in the morning to call the producers and tell them Ellie wasn’t going anywhere and if they had a problem with it they could find someone else to do the show. Business opportunities would come and go but you got one shot with someone like her in your life, and I was determined not to blow it.


  When we arrived at the festival grounds the following day I asked Ellie if she could give Troy and me few minutes to talk in my trailer. She’d gone off in search of Jas and hadn’t seemed to mind. I needed to fill Troy in about my decision and I didn’t want Ellie around to hear the details. If she knew her presence had caused me not to take the show she’d feel guilty—that’s the last thing I wanted.

  “I’ve made up my mind about the show.”

  Troy glanced around, looking around for Ellie I guessed. “I’m glad to see you’ve come to your senses and cut her loose.” I ignored his comment.

  “Ellie stays. You tell those pricks if they want me on the show she’ll be around as long as she’s around and if they don’t like it they can find someone else.”

  Troy’s face grew red. “You’re going to throw this away for a temporary piece of ass? Un-fucking believable.”

  “You don’t know anything about her.”

  “I’m sure she gives head with the best of ’em, Mason, but she’s not worth tossing an opportunity like this away. How long do you think she’ll stick around before she floats on to a bigger and better meal ticket?”

  “I’m gonna do us both a favor and pretend you didn’t just say that. Go do your fucking job, Troy, which last time I checked is what I tell you to do. Call those producers and deliver the damn message.”

  “I’ll deliver the message but you’re going to regret this, Mason. When she screws you over don’t come running to me.” He stormed out of the trailer, slamming the door behind him.

  Troy and I had had disagreements before, but this was the first time there had been any real friction between us. He was a terrific manager, great at what he did but I was getting tired of his lousy attitude where Ellie was concerned. He’d never had much respect for women in the past but I’d never seen that side of him. I chalked it up to his disappointment that the deal wasn’t coming together. It was easy for me to forget he’d be losing a lot of money, too.

  I’d let it blow over for a day or two and act like nothing had happened. He’d get over it.

  When I saw Little Mac enter the bullpen where Ellie and I were chillin’ backstage, I knew my day was going from bad to worse. I’d had enough dealings with him to know he’d make his way over to us to try to get under my skin.

  Sure enough, when he saw me a shit-eating grin crossed his face and he headed in our direction. He stood in front of us and Ellie smiled up at him, having no idea who he was.

  “Well, well, Mason. Looks like you’re dipping in a pool of higher class girls than you usually go for,” he said.

  I didn’t bother addressing his ridiculous comment. “What do you want?”

  He ignored me and grabbed Ellie’s hand, bringing it up to his lips for a kiss. She giggled and my balls clenched up—not in a good way. Time to shut this down. I took Ellie’s hand from him and placed it on my thigh.

  “Ellie, this is Little Mac. You may remember me mentioning him before.”

  “Oh, I remember,” Ellie said, looking abashed.

  Mac laughed. “Panties still in a bunch I see, Mason. Don’t believe everything he tells you, Ellie. I’m sure it’s been exaggerated for dramatic effect.”

  “I do my best not to talk about you.”

  “I’m sure it pains you to see my name on the charts. I get it.”

  “Why don’t you be on your way? Aren’t you on soon? I’ve still got a few hours to kill.” It was an asshole thing to say. It was well known that the later in the day you performed, the higher up the list you were considered, and today I was on after him.

  “Enjoy it while it lasts. When my new album drops you’re gonna be the one eatin’ crow. Ellie, when you get sick of this second-rate performer come find me.” He smiled at Ellie, turned and stalked away before I could say anything. Suited me fine.

  “You weren’t kidding when you said you two didn’t like each other, were you?” Ellie asked.

  “Not even a little. Sometimes I think that guy would stop at nothing to try and bring me down.”


  Mason’s performance had been magnificent. No surprise there. The crowd had roared and was totally into it the whole time. After he’d showered we joined a bunch of other people in the bullpen backstage for a party of sorts.

  Music was piped in from the band on stage and we all sipped our drinks and mingled. Lights were strung from one side of the makeshift room to the other since the sun had already set. It was a fun laid-back vibe and I realized I was much more comfortable in the off stage environment than the first time I had joined Mason in Atla

  Reporters from entertainment shows and magazines were part of the mix. Mason was finishing up an on-camera interview off to the side, while I ordered another rum and Coke from the bartender. I looked off to my left as I waited for my drink and saw Troy talking to Little Mac between two trailers. It struck me as odd—what would they have to talk about? I shrugged it off. Troy was so protective of Mason maybe he was telling Mac where to stuff it.

  I went back to the couch where I’d been sitting before and saw Mason was already there. I sat beside him. “How’d the interview go?”

  He shrugged. “Once you’ve done a couple I swear they could probably just pull tape from the first one and get the same answers. The questions never change.”

  “Must get monotonous.”

  “You know it.” Mason put his arm around my shoulder and I leaned into his side. He played with the spaghetti strap on my tank top absentmindedly as we sat there.

  I was thinking of asking Mason if he wanted to head back to his trailer for some adult wrestling when Troy approached. “Mason, you’ve got one more interview to do and that’s it for the night.”

  “All right, man. Who is it?”


  Mason’s body went rigid beside me. He removed his arm from around my shoulders and leaned forward. “I hope you’re joking.”

  “No such luck. She landed a new gig as a co-host on Star Weekly.”

  “I wonder who she had to sleep with to land that.”

  Before I could ask what that was about a striking woman with blond hair and a short fitted white dress approached. A large V dipped at the front of her dress revealing just the right amount of cleavage to look sexy but not trampy. I caught a number of guys rubberneck as she passed. As she got closer it dawned on me who she was. Mason’s ex, Rebecca Stark.


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