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Black Mark Series Book 2: Black Mark's Secrets

Page 2

by Ebony Olson

  I think my jaw was on the floor. I was a total stranger and this woman was telling me all about her sexual forays.

  Cassandra looked at me and laughed. "Too much? Jeremy is always complaining about my openness."

  I shook my head. "I'm sorry. You are just so comfortable talking about this. I expected you to be a bit more..."

  "Of a prude?"

  "Reserved," I corrected.

  Cassandra smiled. "I was. We started this when I was thirty. I was so ashamed." Cassandra sat forward, lowering her voice. "I used to have this fantasy of being a sex slave. My owner letting dirty, ugly, rich bastards use my body. It was almost like Jeremy understood that about me and made it happen.

  "Jeremy's advocate was the first—the person who advocates your membership is always first—and he was charming and gorgeous, so that wasn't an issue. Darius was the first man who joined us after I'd given birth. Cody was six months old, and I was self-conscious about my body after having a baby. Darius made me feel so beautiful and sexy. He became my favorite. I wish we saw him more often."

  "How often do you and Jeremy have these outings?" I asked, intrigued by their lifestyle.

  "Minimum attendance is once a month, although most meetings are weekly. Occasionally, when it has been a few months since we have seen Darius, I will ask Jeremy to arrange an extra play date for the month so I can be with Darius again."

  I considered what Darius looked like. I had to concede, I'd probably want a piece of that on a regular basis, too. Oh, who was I kidding? I wanted a piece of that every morning and night, with the occasional lunch time thrown in. I squeezed my thighs together and blew out a breath to control my physical response to the idea.

  "So, you enjoy this arrangement with your husband?"

  Cassandra sat back, thinking about it. Eventually, she smiled and nodded. "Yes. I did not think I would. When he first told me about this group he was in, I threw stuff at him. I guess you just do not know what something is like unless you try it."

  I chuckled. "Jasper used to always say the same thing."

  Cassandra tilted her head. "Boyfriend?"

  "Recent ex."

  "And he wanted you to have a threesome with him?"

  I laughed. "Yes, and many other things. Some I tried, some I flat out refused."

  Cassandra leaned closer. "Did you try a threesome?"

  I lowered my voice. "Several times." I winked and noticed the happy surprise in Cassandra's eyes.

  Cassandra started laughing. She looked over her shoulder at the men before collecting her empty wine glass and holding it up. "You should join me for a drink, Mora. Darius always serves the good stuff."

  I smiled and raised a brow at her. "Are you hoping to get me sloshed, Cassandra?"

  Cassandra winked at me as Steffen topped up her glass. "Steffen, Mora would like some wine also."


  Steffen returned with a wine glass for me, pouring half the amount he poured for Cassandra. Steffen knew I wasn't big on wine. I preferred my spirits.

  "This is nice. How come I don't get this served at dinner?" I lifted questioning eyes to Steffen.

  "It is a merlot, Miss Ellis. A wine usually only preferred by those over thirty. It would appear your palate is more mature than your years."

  "Well, fill her up, Steffen. It's my last night living here. I may as well enjoy the hospitality."

  Steffen looked confused, his eyes flicking over my shoulder to Darius and back. "Your last night?"

  I raised a brow and lowered my voice. "He didn't tell you? I'm moving out tomorrow. Out of his house, out of his business, out of his life."

  Steffen's mouth formed a thin line, his eyes unhappy. "That is a shame, Miss Ellis. We will all certainly miss you. Could you not wait until after Christmas, so the brothers have a chance to say goodbye?"

  I shook my head sadly. "I don't think so, Steffen. I can catch up with them in the new year and say goodbye then." I took a sip of the wine and looked around. "We seriously need munchies if I'm going to drink. I'll go grab some." I started to stand.

  "Stay," Steffen ordered firmly. "I will get your munchies."

  "Munchies?" Cassandra queried, humored by the word.

  "What Miss Ellis likes to call snacks," Steffen informed her before walking out to the kitchen.

  Cassandra chuckled. "How long have you lived here?"

  "Seven months, or near enough," I replied, taking another drink of the wine. "I can't stand being waited on, and Steffen gets all huffy when I try to take care of myself."

  "He did not like that you were leaving." Cassandra watched me over the rim of her glass.

  "He has three daughters and several grandchildren. He's enjoyed having a spirited female under his roof again. I think 'spirited' is his way of calling me stubborn," I teased.

  Cassandra chuckled. "Spirited and adventurous. No wonder Darius wanted you."

  I choked and coughed on her wording. Cassandra started laughing. Steffen came back in with a plate of my favorite cheese and crackers, placing them in front of me.

  "Thanks, Steffen," I spluttered.

  Steffen looked at me, shook his head, and moved away. I picked up the bottle of water in the middle of the coffee table and poured a glass, drinking it down in one breath. Cassandra looked around us, took another sip of her wine, and sat forward to collect a slice of cheese.

  "I admire you, for being able to live in his house, work with him, and keep things professional. Living here would be hard on any woman. Between Darius and the Mann brothers, a woman's hormones would be bouncing all over the place."

  I picked up some food and tried to keep my face expressionless. "They are quite a collection, but they are all at the gym every morning and night to achieve that appearance."

  "Do you go with them?" Cassandra asked, looking me over. "You don't have the bulk of a gym junkie, but despite how lean you are, you look strong."

  I blushed with the flattery. "No, I've never been a gym kind of girl. I do aerial arts. It requires a lot of upper body and core strength, plus stamina. I don't really do any other exercise." I picked up my wine and took another drink.

  "Ladies." Jeremy smiled as he joined us, sitting on the couch opposite me. "You look like you are having an amusing time over here." He sat forward, helping himself to the cheese and crackers.

  Darius walked in on the other side, taking the seat opposite Cassandra.

  "We are. Mora was just telling me how she keeps in shape." Cassandra turned toward me. "I have never heard of aerial arts."

  "It is tissu," Darius answered, using the French term.

  "Oh, like the performers at the Halloween ball Marshall throws each year?" Jeremy asked.

  "Yes. That is exactly what it is." Darius sat forward, collecting some cheese. "In fact, Mora was one of the performers this year."

  "Last three years actually," I corrected.

  Darius paused for a moment; he met my eyes and scowled when no one was looking. He turned around to face Jeremy and Cassandra again, a vision of polite happiness once more.

  Cassandra's face was alight. "Oh, my goodness! You looked so beautiful up there. I wish I was brave enough to do it, but I am terribly scared of heights."

  "How did you get into that?" Jeremy asked conversationally.

  "Well, when I was six, I was badly injured. I spent some time in the hospital recovering. My grandmother was told I would need to keep strong if I was going to walk again. So, my grandmother spoke to a friend and they suggested I try aerial. It is anti-gravitational and requires a lot of strength. I started when I was seven and by the time I was eight, my body was healed and I could do everything the other kids could do, plus more."

  "And you stuck with it?" Cassandra seemed enthralled.

  "I did. I love being up there. When I moved to England, the first thing I did, once I was settled, was find a place locally that taught it." I smiled and took another drink, finding my glass empty.

  On cue, Steffen arrived at my side, refilling my glass befor
e topping up everyone else's.

  "How were you hurt?" Jeremy asked.

  I frowned. "I cracked two vertebrae, fractured several bones, and cracked my skull."

  Jeremy's mouth dropped open. "You were only six. Were you hit by a car?"

  I swallowed. "No, I was thrown down a flight of stairs."

  Darius leaned onto his knees, eyes hard and unhappy. "On purpose?"

  I frowned into my wine glass. Darius had heard my mother Eliza warn me to be careful on the stairs at his office. Everything she'd said to me about the incident made it seem intentional. “That I will never know," I mourned.

  I took a large mouthful of wine. Everyone was looking at me with combined pity and sympathy. I hated it. I took a deep breath and smiled, intent on changing the subject. "So, Jeremy, Cassandra tells me you promised to take her around the world, and then left her at home to raise your children. Is there a reason your kids can't travel?"

  Jeremy looked taken aback. "Uh, no. They are both very healthy. I spend most of my working life traveling. When I have holidays, I want to be home with my family." Jeremy looked at his wife sheepishly. "I promise to take you away next year, Cass."

  Cassandra huffed. "You say that now because you know I plan to be pregnant in the new year and will not be able to travel."

  "You are trying for another one?" Darius pouted.

  Cassandra blushed slightly when she smiled at him. "Sorry, Dare. I want a little girl."

  I looked at them, confused. "Why are you apologizing for wanting a daughter?"

  Darius and Jeremy looked ready to deny everything. Cassandra smiled at me. "It is part of the group rules. Pregnant wives are out of bounds and stay that way until they stop breastfeeding." Cassandra chuckled. "One of the wives has not stopped breastfeeding until she was pregnant with her next child. She is pregnant with number four right now. She has gone nearly eight years being married to her husband without having to participate."

  Jeremy sat forward. "Cass, did you tell Mora about the group?" His voice was passive, but I could tell he was worried.

  Darius was tense. Cassandra shrugged. "Mora has been living here for over six months, honey. She knows about the group by watching us bounce through Darius’ door."

  "Actually, I've heard more than I saw," I corrected. "I usually stay upstairs with the brothers when Darius’ guests come to visit."

  Jeremy sat back, shaking his head. "Cass, we don't tell outsiders about the group. You know that."

  "I have only told her a few rules, nothing major. Jeez, would you settle?" Cassandra took a large sip of wine.

  "Truly, Cassandra has really only told me how it affects her," I covered. "There were no details given. All I know is it's a minimum monthly adventure and there is a 'no penetration without permission' rule."

  "That's only for the wives," Jeremy corrected.

  "I would suspect that any other female joining in would have the same option?" I replied.

  Jeremy looked humored. "They do. Most do not hold back." He sat forward, green eyes vibrant. "Say for instance you joined the fun tonight. I would not be held to the same rules as Darius would be with Cassandra." Jeremy tilted his head. "I would be quite tempted to make Cassandra sit and watch while Darius and I made you the meat in our sandwich."

  I laughed at the idea. Everyone else sat looking at me. I sobered quickly. "Oh, shit, you're not joking?"

  Jeremy smiled. "I never joke about a good sandwich."

  I swallowed. "Well, I think that's my cue to say goodnight." I put down my glass and stood up.

  Jeremy stood also. "You are not even tempted?" His eyes dropped to my breasts.

  I casually closed my robe, forcing his eyes north again. "Jeremy, you're a good-looking man, so please don't take this the wrong way. Unlike the men in this house, I have no issue with commitment. When it comes to sex, I prefer to be committed to one person for that activity."

  "You and Mr. Jones had an open relationship," Darius challenged.

  I glared at him for calling me out in front of his friends. "He had other women. Sometimes we shared those women, but he was the only man I slept with in the years we were together. Due to the physiology of sex, the chances of a man catching a disease from a female is quite low. Unfortunately, a female catching one from a male is very high."

  "I am clean." Jeremy stepped toward me. "Part of the rules. We get tested regularly and we must use protection."

  I met his eyes. "I'm very happy for you." I turned to Cassandra. "It was lovely meeting you, Cassandra."

  She forced a smile and nodded. "You also, Mora." Her disappointment was clear in her eyes.

  "What if Darius and I just watched?" Jeremy pressed. I frowned at him. He flicked his eyes to his wife and back to me. "Cassandra wants you, I can read her like a book. Would you do my wife if I promised to stay in this chair and just watch?"

  "You are not used to people saying no to you, are you?" I scowled.

  Jeremy laughed. "Everything in life is a negotiation, Mora. You just need the ability to determine what other people want enough in order to get what you want."

  I crossed my arms across my chest. "And what do I want, Jeremy, that would make it worth my while to be part of your live porn show?"

  Darius was watching me darkly. "Mora has just finished her dissertation for her Masters of Philosophy in Music Studies. As of tonight, she is jobless. You could offer Mora a promising future in the music industry."

  My jaw dropped. "Oh, my God! Do you really think I would suck his dick for a job?"

  Darius stood up. "When it comes to you, Mora, I rarely know what to think." He walked to the archway that led out to the foyer. "Thank you, Steffen. That will be all tonight."

  "Yes, Master."

  Darius sat on the arm of the couch behind Cassandra and casually draped his arm over her shoulder to start fondling her breast.

  "What would you do for your dream job, Mora?" Jeremy asked, pulling my attention back to him.

  I laughed. "Jesus! You don't even know what my dream job is, but you'll give it to me if I let you watch me go down on your wife?" I stepped toward him. "What if I said I want a general manager’s role?"

  Jeremy stepped closer, taking a strand of my hair and twirling it around his finger. "For that, you would have to give me your ass."

  "Fine." I shrugged.

  Jeremy stopped dead still. "What?"

  "I said fine. You can fuck my ass, and I'll eat your wife out in exchange for the general manager’s role at your production house." I stepped back from Jeremy, dropping my robe to the floor.

  Jeremy stared at me, agape. His eyes flicked to Darius. "Is she for real?"

  Darius shook his head. "No. She is testing you."

  Jeremy looked back to me, and I couldn't help the smile on my face. "You should have seen how pale you went, Jeremy, when you thought I would go for that."

  Jeremy breathed a sigh of relief. "Damn, I will not be playing poker with you."

  I stepped closer to him so that our bodies were touching. Running a hand up his chest, I delighted in watching his pupils dilate, his breath growing more rapid. I caressed my hand up his neck and into his hair, twining my fingers into his inch-long auburn locks. Giving his hair a slight tug, I tilted his head backward and licked along his jaw to his ear. Jeremy's hands slid around my waist with a sigh.

  "I'll fuck your wife, Jeremy. She's hot and I know it will rile you both up. You aren't going to fuck me. You can try, but I know Darius is not going to let that happen," I whispered quietly.

  Jeremy's hands slid up my back. He sucked my ear lobe into his mouth. "Why?" he murmured.

  I chuckled. "Rule one of me living here. The only man I can fuck under his roof is him."

  Jeremy stood straight. He gathered my hair into his fist and pulled my head back so he could meet my eyes. His eyes flicked to Darius and back to me. He opened his mouth to speak. I placed a finger over it.

  "Shh," I whispered, then kissed the other side of my finger. Using my other hand
, I pushed him backward to the couch he'd been sitting on, and shoved him into it. "Take a load off."

  Jeremy's eyes were wide with surprise. I suspected it wasn't often a woman put him in his place. Turning back to Cassandra, I found her touching herself through her dress. Darius was still squeezing her breast, but his dark gaze was focused angrily on me.

  "Mr. Rafal, if you could move the coffee table, put on some mood music, then take your seat, please," I commanded, putting my hand out for Cassandra.

  Cassandra jumped off the couch to get to me. Darius moved the coffee table before walking to the wall system and turning on some soft music.

  I walked Cassandra into the space between the couches, positioned her so that Darius could see her back, and her husband could see what I was doing. Taking her face in my hands, I ran my thumb over her lips. Her eyes fluttered closed. I smiled and leaned in for the kiss.

  Cassandra fed at my mouth like she was starving for me. I had to resist laughing at her eagerness. She was so turned on. I wasn't, not by her. Getting it on with another woman was play acting for me. I didn't mind doing it, but my enjoyment came from knowing the man watching us was getting hard as a rock.

  Pulling back from the kiss, I whispered in her ear, "Tell them to strip. That you want to see them naked and stroking themselves while I fuck you."

  I stepped around behind her, kissing across her shoulder as I moved. She told them what she wanted while I unzipped her dress.

  "Why don't you girls undress us?" Jeremy suggested, standing up.

  Cassandra hesitated, so I gave her ass a smack forward. She stepped up to her husband and started helping relieve him of his clothing, sparing time to kiss and touch him. Darius stood, and I approached him. I slid his jacket from his shoulders, untied his tie, and started unbuttoning his shirt.

  "I didn't expect this after your behavior earlier," he murmured so only I could hear him.

  I slid the tie from his neck, placing it around mine loosely. "It's what you wanted, Boss." I slid the shirt from his broad shoulders and down his muscled arms, letting it fall to the floor.

  "I do not think you should be calling me boss while you undress me," he chuckled.

  I unbuckled his belt, and unzipped his pants. "As you say, Mr. Rafal."


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