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Black Mark Series Book 2: Black Mark's Secrets

Page 5

by Ebony Olson

  In other words, he may inhibit my ability to insert said preventative and get his way. "Well, luckily my doctor did a good job fitting mine, and I can easily wear it for hours in advance." I smirked. Hell, I used to go out clubbing in it ready for Jasper to drag me back to his office.

  Darius rubbed his lips over mine. "That's good, because you’re going to be using it a lot!"


  Darius crushed his mouth to mine. The devil started her own little pep rally in my lower abdomen. Darius’ hands drifted over my body, under my skirt, and then he hoisted me to the kitchen counter. I sighed, hanging my head back as his mouth nipped down my neck. His hands unzipped the back of my dress, pushing it down my arms so his mouth could nibble across my collarbone.

  I opened my eyes and noticed a note scrawled on the blackboard opposite the bench. Steffen's neat calligraphy suited him. I started laughing. Darius pulled back, a questioning smile on his face, his eyes glazed with lust.

  I pointed to the board. "Steffen knows you too well. 'Do not defile my kitchen.'"

  Darius turned to see the board. He looked back at me. "That has nothing to do with what I am about to do to you, and everything to do with that terrible sandwich you just tried to feed me."

  I smiled. None of the boys understood peanut butter. "I'm going to feed our children peanut butter sandwiches and let them eat straight from the jar, just to drive Steffen mad."

  Darius pulled me off the bench, turned me around and stripped me down. He kissed up my spine as he stood again, and I heard him unzipping his jeans. "I love how you get the subject back on track, Mora."

  "I did?" I asked as Darius gently tilted my body forward and spread my ass cheeks.

  "Yes, you did." Darius rubbed his cock over my labia. His precum allowed enough lubrication that he slipped between my folds and found my opening. "You reminded me that we need to practice getting you pregnant."

  Darius pushed into me. I gasped. He didn't make it far. I wasn't ready for the monster yet. Darius took my breasts in his hands as he backed up and then pushed again.

  "Darius." I swallowed with discomfort. "I'm not ready."

  Darius pinched my nipple hard. I groaned and bent forward further.

  "We are also going to teach your body that when my cock kisses your cunt, you will flood automatically, ready to take it, Mora," Darius growled.

  I felt my eyes roll back in my head at the promise in his voice and, as soon as that happened, my body started to accommodate him more.

  "Now hang on, baby, because I am about to make you scream for me."

  Darius grabbed my hips and started pounding me against the kitchen bench, pushing further into me, making me moan and whimper until he sunk as deep as my body would let him go. The next time he thrust forward, I cried out as he rammed into my cervix. The combined pleasure and pain swept through my body.

  Darius pulled out of me. He threw me over his shoulder and marched me into his room where he tossed me on the bed. I bounced onto my back and partially sat up to look at him. Uncertainty flooded me as Darius walked around the end of the bed, looking me over. I didn't actually know what Darius’ proclivities involved

  "Do you know one of my main concerns when I came looking for you, Mora?" he asked as he circled me like a shark. I shook my head. "I was quite gentle and caring the night I pierced you, but I was very aware it must have hurt a lot. Especially when I reached my pleasure high and went to town on that tight little pussy of yours."

  I swallowed, remembering. I was pretty sure I'd drawn blood on his forearms.

  "So, I was worried I might have turned you off rough sex, or sex altogether." Darius walked to his bedside table on the bathroom side and opened the top drawer. He took something in his hand and used his knee to close the drawer. "You have no idea what a mixture of relief and jealousy I felt when I listened to you and Jasper that night."

  "You like rough sex?" I asked, eyeing what could potentially be a weapon if he wasn't careful with the monster.

  "I do. Not all that bondage stuff that's all the rage these days. Just a good long session of hard fucking."

  "You told me it'd been ages since you fucked a woman." I narrowed my eyes.

  Darius smiled. "That might have been a slight exaggeration, but I have not been inside another woman’s pussy since you came to live under my roof. That definitely feels like years." Darius knelt on the bed. "Roll over, Mora, we are about to find out if you like my idea of rough."

  "Darius, I had a contract with Jasper." I stayed on my back.

  Darius’ grin grew. "You have no idea how much respect I had for you when you told me that." Darius moved over me so I was looking directly up at him. "Are you scared?"

  "Yes," I admitted.

  Darius’ eyes almost sparkled. "When I took you just now in the kitchen. Did you enjoy that?"

  "Yes, although I think I'll be nursing bruises tomorrow as a result."

  "If I promised it won't be any worse than what I just did to you, would you do as I ask?"

  I nodded, and Darius went back to his knees. I rolled over, pushing back onto my knees. I looked down the line of my body and watched as Darius inserted a couples’ massager inside me, hooking it around to settle against my clit.

  "I am too large for you to reach orgasm in this position, Mora. This will help you tune out any pain and find pleasure." Darius tossed something next to my hand. I picked up the circular disc with two buttons. "Since it is our first time, I will let you choose the intensity."

  Darius returned to his drawer and collected a tube of lubricant. He placed a small amount on the tip of his monster and tossed the tube to the side. I pressed the button on the disk and the couples’ massager came to life. I closed my eyes and moaned at the wonderful tender sensation.

  Darius laughed. He placed himself between my thighs, took his aim and thrust into me. I cried out as he buried himself deep, very deep, too deep. I whimpered, my breath panting as I tried to pull away. Darius held my hips tight. There was always a delicate balance with pleasure and pain. It was okay if pleasure outweighed the pain, but pain should never outweigh the pleasure—at least not with me—although everyone has their own preference.

  "Relax, Mora, your body will adapt to my size," Darius soothed.

  I reached back, grabbing his hand and pulling him forward, placing his hand to my breast. "Just help a little more first. Please?"

  Darius caressed my breast and kissed my shoulder, squirming his hips against mine. "I can stop, Mora, I want you to be into this, too. If it is too soon or too much, we can stop and work our way to this."

  I didn't answer him. I was breathing through the pain, willing myself to relax. Trust wasn't my strong suit, although the titillation, if you'll forgive the phrasing, was helping. As Darius palmed my breast and rolled the nipple between his fingers, I felt my body start to relax.

  "Mora?" Darius turned my face so he could see me. He took one look at the tears on my face and withdrew from me. "Damn it, Mora! You need to tell me if it is too much." He rolled me over and settled himself to my side. "We do not have to do this today. We have time. Plenty of time to get to this."

  "I'm sorry," I murmured to his chest where he held me.

  "Shh. It is my fault. I thought because you could do this with Jasper, it would not be that big a step forward for you."

  "We are working with bigger equipment here." I breathed in his scent. I didn't want to stop, but I wanted to be able to walk tonight as well. I took his hand, placing it back to my breast.

  Darius chuckled, "Are you telling me Mr. Jones has a small package?"

  I rolled my eyes. "No, I found Jasper to be quite large initially, but everyone has a small package in comparison to you, Dare." I gasped and bit my lip, back arching slightly off the bed as a wave of pleasure rippled through me.

  "You eventually adapted to his size?" Darius tweaked my nipple and smiled when I moaned.

  "Yes, it just took a few months," I breathed. I closed my eyes and rolled to my stomach.
"Let me try again."

  "Are you sure, Mora?" Darius checked as I pushed my ass into the air for him.

  "I want to do this, Dare."

  Darius took up his position again. "I will start slowly."

  He pressed into me, and I bit my lip against the sensation of being spread wide open for him. My body was more prepared now, the couples’ massager still buzzing against two of my erogenous zones. Darius used sure steady strokes to delve into me, going deeper with each thrust until my channel was slick and easy to slide through.

  It was uncomfortable, the stretch of his opening me, but as I relaxed and pleasure took over the balance, I felt the devil spiral into her lustful dance, growing tighter as I moved quickly toward orgasm.

  "Dare, I'm going to come," I moaned.

  "Good girl," Dare praised, rubbing his hand up my spine. He kept his thrusts steady and rhythmic.

  I bit into the sheets as my core tightened around him, restricting his movement. Spasms exploded through my body, my vision exploded in bright light, and I struggled to draw breath.

  "Jeez, Mora, you are holding me hostage with how tight you are," Darius groaned.

  I smiled as the orgasm subsided, and I felt my body starting to relax again. I looked over my shoulder at Darius. He looked like he was struggling not to join me in post-orgasmic bliss. "I'm all yours," I whispered.

  Darius ran a hand over my rear tenderly. "Are you sure?"

  I clicked the disc twice, and the vibrations picked up intensity. Darius closed his eyes, taking steadying breaths. I turned my face back to the mattress with a drawn-out moan. I could do this; he wouldn't hurt me. He was experienced fucking women hard with the monster. He would know his limits. I needed to trust him.

  "Fuck me, Darius," I begged.

  Darius growled. His fingers dug into my hips and he started thrusting with abandon. Yes, it hurt every time he rammed into the very core of me, pounding my cervix relentlessly. I held the button down on the disc until the massager was at full power, then tossed it aside and gripped the sheets. The pain was slightly more than I would have preferred, but I focused on the pleasure, feeling it coil tighter, building slowly.

  I cursed, and when I couldn't form coherent sentences anymore, I cried out. Darius growled like a wolf, and that seemed to meet the approval of the lustful creature inside of me. I tumbled into climax with no warning. I clawed at the sheets, my body growing tight again.

  I felt him pulse. Hell, pulse wasn't the word for the sudden hard jerk of his cock inside me. Heat filled my abdomen as Darius threw back his head and came. My body reacted and came again instantly. I was going to suffocate if it didn't stop. I couldn't breathe.

  Darius murmured my name as he stilled inside me.

  I pulled away from him, fumbling to find the disc to turn off the vibrator. I couldn't find it and started to panic as I dived head first into orgasm again.

  "Mora, what is wrong?" Darius rolled me over, panic stricken.

  "Get it out," I squeaked, trying to suck in oxygen.

  Darius looked surprised. He hooked his finger and pulled the massager out of me. My body still quaked with the orgasm, but as I dropped from the wave into the ocean of bliss beyond, I was able to suck in a rasped breath and assure my brain I was going to be okay.

  Darius cupped my face in his hand and looked into my eyes worriedly. "Mora?"

  I met his eyes and could see the laughter hiding in them. I should have been angry, but I had to admit, explaining to the ambulance I suffocated under a litany of orgasms would be pretty funny. I felt myself smile, Darius mimicked me, and then we both started laughing.

  "You scared me there for a minute." Darius dropped his face and started kissing me.

  When he pulled back, I started to roll away. Darius grabbed me and placed himself back on top of me. He pressed into me, and my eyes rolled back in my head. He pulled my legs up until I wrapped them around his waist.

  "No, baby, we are practicing getting you pregnant. That means you have to stay on your back with me inside you for at least fifteen minutes after sex. You know, for gravity to help my fellas to reach the prize." He winked at me.

  "Darius, you can't get me pregnant right now," I complained. "I'm not ready. We really need to be using protection." I wasn't really worried. I knew my cycle and knew I wasn't fertile right now.

  He gave me the most devious grin I'd ever seen. "Practice makes perfect, baby." His face sobered a little. "Seriously though, that was amazing. Are you hurting?"

  I actually gave it some attention and felt the heaviness in my womb, which told me my uterus wasn't happy with the beating it just received. It was the equivalent of a really bad period without the cramps, but that initial draining feeling was there.

  "I might be out of action tonight. I feel like my period is about to start." I thought about it and my eyes went wide. "Darius, get out of me."

  Darius frowned. "Why, what's wrong?"

  "I'm due tomorrow."


  "I think you just accelerated the start date." I shoved at him.

  Darius frowned and pulled out. Sure enough, mixed with the fluids of our love making was a very obvious hue of blood.

  "Shit." I rolled off the bed. I was so embarrassed I ran into the bathroom and slammed the door. I turned on the shower and stepped under the hot water, quickly cleaning up between my thighs.

  Darius opened the door and joined me in the shower. Pressing his body against my back, he stilled my hands.

  "Calm down, Mora. It is only blood." Darius squirted some of my body gel onto his hands and started washing me with tender but firm hands. "I am not disgusted if that is worrying you."

  I leaned back into him and exhaled. "I should have realized why I was coming so hard."

  Darius kissed my neck. "You climax more aggressively when you bleed?"

  "Yes," I sighed.

  Darius’ hands cupped my breasts and I felt his erection growing against my ass again.

  "Jesus, Darius," I gasped. "Do you have a steel rod implanted in that thing?"

  Darius smirked against my neck. "I am quite aroused by touching you. Now stop changing the subject. Orgasms are healthy for your body. They are more intense during your moon cycle to help alleviate the cramping."

  I rolled my eyes. "When did you get your doctor’s license, Mr. Rafal?"

  Darius pinched my nipple hard, and my knees nearly buckled. He turned me to face him and put my back to the wall.

  "A client of mine at university was a doctor. She liked to fuck during her cycle. She explained that if she did not, she would be bedridden for two days with cramping. As she needed to be there for her patients, that just was not acceptable to her," Darius educated me.

  He lifted my thigh to his hip and slid his cock to my entrance. He wasn't as large as before, but still just as hard.

  "Did your clients request weird stuff from you all the time?" I asked interestedly.

  Darius pushed into me. I gasped and leaned my head back against the tiled wall.

  "I only saw her during her period. She was married, but her husband was a prude and would not help his wife out. She felt forced to seek assistance elsewhere," Darius clarified, holding himself steady, moving his hips minutely. It was amazing how good that little movement felt inside me.

  "Was there anything you said no to?" I asked.

  "Yes," Darius breathed. "Even sex workers have their boundaries, Mora."

  My eyes flashed open. "I didn't mean…"

  "Yes, you did."

  "No, really." I pressed on his chest slightly, not to push him away, just to get his attention. "I was friends with a girl at university who was an escort. She loved it. She told me all about it. I think she was hoping to recruit me."

  "Were you tempted?" Darius kept an excellent poker face.

  I smiled and caressed his jaw. "I was still so young then. In truth, the idea of letting strange men touch me repulsed me."

  Darius tapped under my chin, forcing me to meet his eyes. "The tho
ught of any man touching you drives me insane."

  I watched the truth of those words in Darius’ eyes. I swallowed hard. "You chose this lifestyle, Dare, not me. I'm happy for you to never share me."

  Darius kissed me deeply. His manhood, which had started to shrink under the rather intense conversation, started to grow again inside me.

  "Darius," I breathed as he sucked my earlobe. "Once I am pregnant, you can't fuck me like you just did."

  Darius laughed. "Are you scared I will put dents in his head, Mora?"

  "I'm scared you will hurt it full stop. I was worried you were going to come out my mouth at one point," I teased back.

  Darius brushed his lips against mine. "I guess it is a good thing I will own your ass by then, isn't it?" I moaned at the thought. Darius thrust harder inside me. "That's it, baby, come again for me."

  Chapter Four

  "You look way too happy." Alex narrowed his eyes. "Who is he?"

  I gave him a naughty smile and winked.

  "Are you seeing someone new, Mora?" Marshall asked as he picked up his wine glass.

  "Of course, she is. Look at her." Alex laughed. "She is smiling like she just got off him."

  "Alex!" I rasped as Grandfather Blake started choking.

  Nanna Blake was trying to hide a smile while I blushed profusely.

  Marshall cleared his throat. "Anyone we know, Mora?"

  "Does he treat you well, dear?" Nanna Blake asked at the same time.

  I ignored Dad's question. "He does."

  Nanna Blake smiled. "That is all that matters then."

  Granddad Blake finally recovered and decided a subject change was needed. "How is your new job going, Mora?"

  I swallowed my mouthful of food and took a large drink. "Well, I quit, actually."

  "What? When?" Alex asked, astounded.

  "Friday night. I gave my two weeks’ notice. With the holidays I’m owed, I won't need to return to work except to pack up my stuff."

  Marshall balanced his cutlery in his hands. "I know you have been unhappy there for a while now, so what finally made you leave?"

  "Mr. Rafal and I got in an argument and it was clear there would be no easy way to work with him after that. So, I resigned."


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