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Fearsome Brides

Page 82

by Kathryn Le Veque

  Gallus lifted his eyebrows in agreement. “Excellent question,” he said quietly, then spoke louder as he addressed Kellen. “I understand your sister lives here, de Lara. Will she join us?”

  Kellen threw more pieces of kindling on his infantile blaze. “She will not,” he said. “She is tending my younger daughter.”

  “Where are they?”

  Kellen looked over his shoulder at Gallus. “In their chambers, I would think,” he said. “I do not expect them to join us.”

  Gallus turned back to his brother although he was eyeing Kellen oddly. “So he keeps the women hidden when male guests arrive,” he muttered. “Strange.”

  Maximus shook his head. “He did not keep them hidden last night.”

  “That is because he did not view you as a threat. Now, he evidently does, to any and all women in his family.”

  Maximus was fairly certain that was the truth, which worried him for the marital negotiations to come. But he sat down when Kellen indicated for him to sit at the same feasting table he had occupied the previous evening, and even in the same seat. But instead of Gallus on his right, last night it had been Courtly. Already, he missed her and the growing bond they had. Her smile, the warmth of her hand… he missed everything. He wished very much that she was sitting beside him.

  Kellen’s soldiers apparently had kitchen duty this night because two of them came from the small door that led to the kitchen yard bearing trays of cups and two big pitchers. But it was clear they resented the duty because they weren’t very polite or even very competent when distributing cups and setting down the pitchers. Wooden cups tumbled and rolled, and wine splashed from one of the pitchers, set down heavily, and splashed on Scott’s tunic. The de Wolfe brother was visibly displeased at the dark purple stain on his shoulder.

  If Kellen noticed that his soldiers were being rude, he didn’t speak up. He poured himself a full measure of wine and drank deeply before Gallus had even been served. Casting Maximus a long glance indicative of his feelings on de Lara’s bad manners, Gallus passed the wine pitcher to his brother before taking a drink of the tart, cheap wine.

  “Your younger daughter,” Gallus started the conversation. “How old is she?”

  Kellen looked up from his cup. “She has seen eleven years,” he replied. “Why do you ask?”

  Gallus shrugged his shoulders. “Simply to make conversation,” he said. “Why is she not fostering at that age?”

  Kellen was starting to look displeased again. “Because I never sent her away,” he said snappishly. “She was quite young when her mother passed and I never had the heart to do it. You said you had two daughters. How old are they?”

  Gallus didn’t appreciate the man’s rather confrontational tone but he let it go for the moment, especially since he wanted something from the man. “My eldest, Violet, is five years of age and her sister, Lily, is almost four,” he replied steadily. “They are not old enough to foster yet if that is what you were going to ask.”

  Kellen simply downed more wine because that was exactly what he was going to ask and he was frustrated that de Shera was one step ahead of him. “See if you do not send them away when they come of age,” he said knowingly. “It is more difficult than you think.”

  Gallus lifted his eyebrows in agreement. “I absolutely believe that,” he said. “Sending your daughters away to foster is much like sending them off to marriage. It is quite difficult to let them go but it is necessary.”

  Brilliant! Maximus thought as he cast his brother a casual glance. Gallus was leading up to the subject of their visit. But Maximus kept his mouth shut and let Gallus take the lead. He was much better at negotiations than Maximus was. Maximus tended to swing a sword first and ask questions later.

  Kellen, however, didn’t think Gallus’ statement was brilliant or relevant. He had nearly drained his wine cup by now and was moving to pour himself more.

  “Why is it necessary?” he wanted to know. “I see nothing necessary about marrying off daughters. It is simply a way for a man to gain your money through a dowry. Moreover, once your daughter is married, she no longer belongs to you. She belongs to a stranger.”

  Both Gallus and Maximus were coming to understand a great deal of how Kellen thought of marriage in that brief statement. “Not necessarily,” Gallus said. “If your daughter marries someone you know, a fine man that you approve of, who wants nothing from you including a dowry, that would be quite an excellent circumstance for your daughter. Not only does she have a fine husband, but you keep your money.”

  He laughed as he said it, hoping Kellen would, too. He was attempting to ease the man into the idea of his daughter being married. But Kellen saw no humor in the statement so Gallus wiped the smile off his face and took another drink of wine, thinking on his strategy.

  “Men are only after money,” Kellen reiterated as he started in on his second cup of wine. “They do not care for the women they marry.”

  Gallus shook his head. “That is not true,” he said. “I love my wife dearly and I took her without a dowry, although when I married her, I inherited Anglesey from her father. It is a fine legacy to pass down to my son. Wouldn’t you want a grandson to pass your legacy down to?”

  Kellen frowned. “I have not thought on it,” he said. “Although… although I will admit that I have been thinking on marrying again so I can have a son. Daughters are useless and expensive.”

  Gallus stopped drinking his wine. He was more interested in watching Kellen’s guard come down the more the man drank. Before he drank himself into oblivion, Gallus needed to act. He was very careful in how he proceeded.

  “They do not have to be,” Gallus said. “Daughters could actually bring you some wealth instead.”

  He purposely said it to pique Kellen’s curiosity, which it did. The man cocked his head thoughtfully. “How?” he asked.

  Gallus had him where he wanted him. “Let me see if I can think of an example,” he said, pretending to ponder the situation. “Hypothetically speaking, let us say that a man comes to you and offers for your eldest daughter. He is a wealthy man from a good family with excellent connections. Let us say that instead of expecting a dowry, he offers you lands in Cheshire that belong to him. The lands are part of a bigger estate, but what he will offer you is a gift of land that produces over a hundred acres of barley a year and has a small village attached to it, a town that you can draw revenue from. Now, for that kind of gift, you would gain quite a bit of wealth and keep your daughter’s dowry. Would you not find that manner of offer attractive?”

  Gallus and Maximus held their breath as Kellen mulled over the proposal. It was hard to tell just how seriously he was considering it because the wine was already having an effect on his manner – his face was flushed and his eyelids were droopy.

  “Mayhap,” Kellen finally said. “But I am not sure I can let my daughter leave me.”

  Gallus didn’t let up. “But you said yourself that you were considering marrying again,” he pointed out. “A house cannot have two queens. If you take a wife, your daughter will be unwanted in her eyes. You must allow your daughter to have a house and husband of her own.”

  Kellen’s brows drew together. It was clear that he was considering that scenario but Gallus didn’t want to give him too much time to think about it. He continued.

  “My lord, consider this,” he said. “I have found your daughter an excellent husband from an excellent family who will gladly give you a portion of wealthy lands in exchange for your daughter’s hand. That is an offer any sane man would readily accept.”

  Kellen looked at Gallus, shocked. “You…?” he stammered. “You have found my daughter a husband?”

  Gallus nodded. Then, he looked at Maximus, for it was time to bring him into the conversation. “My brother, Maximus, would like to offer for Lady Courtly’s hand,” he said with satisfaction. “He will make it a most attractive offer, my lord. You will consider it.”

  Kellen looked at Maximus. He simply stared at
him, without much emotion at first, but then it was as if Gallus’ words suddenly sank deep and he realized what had just been said. The man’s mouth popped open in outrage and he slammed his fists down on the table hard enough to spill the wine.

  “You!” he bellowed. “I knew you wanted her! I could tell when you came here last eve that you were determined to have my daughter. Well, I will not have it, do you hear? You cannot have her no matter what you offer. Do you think she can be bought like… like a cow? Is that what you think?”

  His anger was not surprising but Gallus and Maximus remained calm, particularly Maximus. He wanted something and he wasn’t going to leave without getting it.

  “It is not a cow I am bartering for, my lord,” Maximus said politely. “It is compensation for a daughter I am offering. I want to marry your daughter and I shall. It is your choice whether or not you accept any compensation for her.”

  Kellen was drunk and outraged. He stood up, falling over the bench in his haste to move away from the table as Gallus, Maximus, and the de Shera knights rose to their feet. Kellen finally stumbled to his feet, pointing accusing fingers at Maximus.

  “Where is my child?” he demanded. “You have her! I want her back!”

  Maximus, standing on the other side of the table, crossed his arms stubbornly. “Nay.”

  It was the only thing he said. Kellen, expecting something more by way of an answer, realized that it would not be an easy thing to get his daughter back and his hysteria went from bad to worse.

  “Give her back to me,” he seethed, going for the broadsword at his side. “Give her back to me or I will kill you!”

  The de Shera knights unsheathed their swords as well. Kellen’s bellows had invited the interest of his soldiers, just outside the hall, and when one looked in and happened to see Kellen with his sword drawn, more de Lara swords began to come out. The de Shera soldiers, across the bailey, then saw the de Lara men with weapons and their weapons came out, too. It was a chain reaction that had the de Shera men rushing the de Lara soldiers and, very shortly, the entire bailey deteriorated into a massive brawl.

  “This is going badly,” Gallus said, hearing the fighting outside. “Unless we want blood on our hands, I suggest we leave.”

  Maximus looked at his brother, stricken. “But…”

  Gallus grabbed at him. “We will live to fight another day, Max. We cannot accomplish anything more tonight.”

  Maximus was never one to back down from a fight. Moreover, he had an emotional investment in this situation.

  “I came to gain his consent in marrying Courtly,” he pointed out as Kellen was fended off by Scott and Troy. “I am not leaving until I have it.”

  Gallus shot him an exasperated look. “Can you possibly be serious right now?” he asked. “Look at the man. He will not give his consent tonight. We must leave this place before one or more of us ends up impaled on the end of a broadsword.”

  Maximus was quickly growing furious as he watched Kellen do battle against the de Wolfe brothers. It was like watching two cats toy with a mouse. Kellen was a decent knight, but the de Wolfe brothers had their father’s legendary skill. As Gallus tried to pull him away, Maximus yanked himself from his brother’s grasp and charged Kellen, shoving Troy aside and knocking Kellen’s broadsword away with his gloved hand. It was a very skilled, and very powerful, move. With a great shove, Kellen ended up on his arse, weaponless, as Maximus stood over him.

  “Listen to me and listen well,” Maximus growled. “I will marry your daughter with or without your blessing, so you may as well consent. This is not over, not in the least. I will give you until tomorrow morning to come to your senses or I will marry your daughter at first light and there will be nothing you can do about it.”

  Kellen tried to kick at Maximus. He was just that angry and frustrated and drunk not to fully realize what he was doing. Infuriated, Maximus stepped on the man’s kicking leg, so hard that Kellen bellowed with pain. At that point, Gallus pulled Maximus off of the man and away from the confrontation. He began pulling his brother towards the door that led out to the kitchen yard.

  “Rally the knights!” Gallus shouted.

  It was the call that would bring all of his knights to him. Scott and Troy, leaving Kellen on the ground, were heading in his direction but Stefan was at the great hall entry, fighting off any de Lara soldiers who were trying to come inside. He was having a marvelous time with it but Scott whistled loudly between his teeth, catching Stefan’s attention.

  “Du Bois!” he called. “Come now!”

  Giving one last de Lara soldier a poke, Stefan broke off and ran after the de Wolfe and de Shera brothers, following them out into the kitchen yard. There were no soldiers here, yet, but it was only a matter of time. There was a gate the connected the kitchen yard to the bailey and Gallus made his way towards it. Before he could reach it, however, a woman emerged from the shadows of the yard.

  “Sir Maximus!” she hissed.

  All five knights came to a halt as Ellice emerged from the darkness. She knew Maximus on sight, as she had seen him earlier in the day when he had come to Kennington along with Lady de Shera. Maximus peered at the woman he recalled seeing that morning.

  “You are Lady Ellice,” he said. “Your niece told me who you are.”

  Ellice nodded quickly, nervous as she heard sounds of fighting. “I am,” she said. “Where is Courtly?”

  Maximus wasn’t entirely sure if the woman was foe or ally so he answered carefully. “She is safe,” he replied.

  It was a generic answer, one that Ellice didn’t have much to say to. It was clear that Maximus didn’t want her to know.

  “What is the fighting about?” she asked. “Did my brother attack you?”

  Maximus shook his head. “He is not happy because I offered for Lady Courtly’s hand,” he said. “I shall have to ask another day when he is calmer and not so drunk.”

  Ellice sighed heavily. “It will not matter if you ask another day,” she replied. “His answer will still be the same.”

  Maximus frowned as the sounds of fighting began to draw closer. The de Shera knights were keeping watch but it was clear that they would soon need to flee.

  “What do you mean?” Maximus asked. “Why is he so opposed to me marrying his daughter?”

  Ellice shook her head. “It is not you in particular,” she said. “Kellen has done it to every suitor. He even did it to my suitors when our father died at an early age. Kellen feels that he is protecting the women of the family when, in fact, he is ruining us. Did he tell you how his wife died?”

  Maximus peered at her curiously as men spilled out from the hall, fighting, and the de Shera knights went into battle mode.

  “He did not,” Maximus said even as Gallus unsheathed his broadsword to fend off the deadly tide that was creeping towards them. “What happened?”

  Ellice swallowed hard. “A knight who came to court me,” she said, struggling through it. “He made advances to Kellen’s wife when Kellen was elsewhere. She rejected him and he killed her. Kellen has blamed me ever since and he has chased away every suitor that has ever come for me to punish me. He is repeating the pattern with Courtly. He will chase you away, too.”

  Maximus’ jaw flexed with sorrow, with determination. Sorrow for what had happened to Courtly’s mother and determination that he would marry Courtly regardless.

  “I am sorry that happened,” he said, unsheathing his broadsword because he could hear the fighting close behind him. Even though he was facing Ellice, he could still hear it. He knew the sounds of Gallus’ sword. “Courtly does not know this, does she?”

  Ellice shook her head. “She must never know,” Ellice said. “She was away fostering at the time. Kellen told her that her mother died of a fever.”

  The fighting was nearly upon him. Ellice was starting to back up, fearful of the men with swords, but Maximus followed her. He had to know something more. Answers were coming forth from an unexpected source and he needed them.
  “If Kellen will not consent to marriage, then I will take her anyway,” he said. “I am telling you this so you will know. I… I am very fond of your niece. I am sure I will grow to love her. I will make her happy and comfortable for the rest of her life, I swear it.”

  Ellice’s dark eyes glimmered at him, a moment of peace and joy amidst the turmoil of the battle surrounding them.

  “Then you have my approval,” she said. “Let Courtly know happiness where I have not. Do not let her father’s burdens become her own. Take her.”

  Maximus could see that the woman meant it. But the fighting drew too close and she ran off, back to the shadows from whence she came, leaving Maximus somewhat reeling from the conversation. Courtly’s mother was killed by a rejected suitor. Now, Kellen’s attitude was starting to make some sense. Maximus was eager to share the information with Gallus but they had to get out of this predicament first.

  De Shera and de Lara men were fighting all throughout the kitchen yard, in the hall, and in the bailey. The de Wolfe brothers and Stefan had entered the fight in the kitchen yard and de Lara men were beginning to die. Gallus had even entered the fight and he had already dispatched two soldiers. Maximus, sword in hand, began to move towards the bulk of the fighting and the de Lara men, knowing the Thunder Warrior on sight, began to back off. Sometimes, all Maximus had to do was show himself in order to strike fear into the hearts of men. But Maximus had another purpose. He was looking for someone.

  St. Héver. De Lara’s big, blond knight was not in the kitchen yard so Maximus moved through the kitchen gate and out into the bailey beyond in search of the man. He finally spied him over near the doorway leading into the great hall and he shouted the man’s name above the combat. He had to call him three times before St. Héver finally heard him. Then, the blond knight headed directly for Maximus, his sword leveled.

  But Maximus didn’t want to fight him. He wanted to speak with him. As St. Héver drew near, Maximus held up a hand.


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