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The Virgin Duet

Page 6

by Alexa Riley

  I don’t feel like painting today, I want to see Bray. Plus I haven’t been out of the condo in over a week and I’m getting cabin fever. Maybe Bray will take me somewhere. It’s the first day of spring and it looks beautiful out. Maybe we can find somewhere with an open patio to have lunch.

  Going to the bedroom, I slip on the one dress I own. It’s a dark violet sundress that I’ve always loved. It shows off my curves and makes me look like a perfect hourglass with how it falls on my hips. The color makes my eyes glow a lighter shade of purple, which works well with my pink- and purple-streaked hair. Grabbing my chunky, studded, ankle-high boots, I slide them on and make my way across town in a taxi. I can’t help but hope Bray will have me lie across his desk, make me lift my dress and put on another show for him.

  When I reach his office Cindy is on the phone but gives me a puckered face like she swallowed a lemon. I roll my eyes and stroll past her right into Bray’s office.

  “Hey you can’t—” Cindy shrieks but I just ignore her, pushing the doors to his office open.

  “Vanilla, you gonna take me to lunch?” I ask, making my way over to him, plopping down in his lap, and ignoring the two men in his office staring at me with smirks on their faces. But none of their faces beat Cindy’s, who looks like she might die of shock.

  Bray’s hands lock onto my hips and squeeze. A soft moan escapes my mouth, because it’s the first time he’s really touched me and it caught me off guard. I hear Bray growl behind me.

  “Sir, I’m sorry.”

  “It’s fine, Cindy,” Bray says, cutting her off. “I actually could use your assistance with Rebecca if you don’t mind.” His words make my stomach clench. The idea of having to do anything with Cindy makes me want to pound my head up against the nearest wall.

  “It seems she doesn’t have a proper wardrobe.”

  I feel shame hit me and I’m sure it shows on my face. All my fight seems to leave my body. I should have some smart comment, but I probably look as shocked as Cindy did moments ago, and now she has a smirk on her face.

  Maybe I’ve read far more into Bray and I than we really are. Over the past few weeks I came to think he liked the way I am. I haven’t felt like this in a long time. This feeling that I’m not meeting someone’s idea of what I should be. That who I am isn’t good enough. To make it more painful, I thought I was past caring what others thought. But for some reason it’s worse coming from Bray than when it came from my own mother or one of my foster parents. I guess it’s okay to slum it with me in the privacy of his own home, but not in public where people could see.

  I try to stand so I can get away from him, because the touch I was craving moments ago now feels like it burns me. He locks his hold on me, and I give a hard pull to yank myself from his grasp. I nearly trip over my own feet, and increase my embarrassment.

  “I didn’t know there was anything wrong with my clothes,” I snap, refusing to look at him. I focus my eyes on the far wall, not wanting to look at any of them, but I can feel all four pairs of eyes on me.

  “It’s inappropriate,” is all he says in his cold controlled voice. Not the voice that I’ve heard for the past few weeks, the one that fought with me over how many towels I use when I take a bath. Or the voice of the man who came into the guest room and worked on his laptop so he could watch me paint.

  “Sir, it’s fine. I’ll call your personal shopper and have her set something up.” Eyeing me up and down with distaste, Cindy adds, “It’s probably best we have her come to Rebecca, so we don’t have to drag her into all the formal shops.”

  “That’s a wonderful idea. Set it up.” Nodding in approval, Cindy turns and leaves the office.

  I have the urge to flee as well. No point in sticking around for another group chat of ‘why Rebecca isn’t good enough’. Without looking at him I make my way to the door.

  “Rebecca,” he calls after me. A spark of hope lights in my chest. Maybe he sees how big an ass he’s been. How he just embarrassed me in a room full of people, one who might even be his side piece. Maybe you’re the side piece floats through my head, but I push it away. Maybe he’s going to apologize.

  “I’ll be late tonight, so don’t have dinner ready until eight.” His words are almost worse than a physical blow. I nod my head and make my way back out of his office.

  Cindy is leaning up against her desk as if she’s waiting for me.

  “Looks like he’s going to try and clean up the trailer trash. He can try all he likes, but don’t hold your breath. You can’t hang on to a man like Mr. Spencer. He’ll be back to his weekly dinner with me in no time.” The way she says ‘dinner’ lets me know it’s so much more. I wasn’t sure if they had something going on, but that just confirms that they have at one time. Or maybe they still do.

  “Well, I’m done sucking his cock, it’s all yours,” I force out around the lump in my throat, making my way to the elevator. I was stupid to think Bray could ever want me. I bet he touches Cindy when they are together. I bet she doesn’t have to pull him out to play with her.

  At least I won’t have to worry about avoiding him. I thought he enjoyed our dinners together, but maybe he was just being polite. Maybe that’s all any of this has been. Fine. From now I’ll clean his house, make his dinner, keep my fucking mouth shut, and stay out of his way until I can find myself a new job.


  I watch as Rebecca leaves my office. I’m agitated that she came in wearing such a revealing dress. She looked so sexy, and all I wanted to do was bury my aching cock inside her. Her hair was so perfect, with its wild pink and purple color. I know it’s different, but that’s the reason I’ve fallen for her. She isn’t like anything I’ve ever seen. Her waist is tiny but her hips are wide, and with the size of her breasts, she looks like a petite pin-up with all those curves. I can’t get enough of looking at her, but I can’t allow other men to see what I see. I don’t want thoughts of my Tinkerbell in anyone’s mind but mine. She’s pure and untouched, and I won’t have dirty eyes roaming all over her perfect body. I quickly push those thoughts from my head, feeling my anger grow. I need to breathe and get my agitation under control.

  My fairy flew in and blew my order out the window. I smile a little because I realize it never bothered me. I should be in a state of panic at the interruption, but all I can do is wish she’d come back through those doors and say something sassy to get me all worked up

  “Where were we?” I say, and the meeting continues after a few smirks from my colleagues. My concentration drifts, which is completely unlike me. I’m normally more than attentive but today, like most days recently, my mind is on my fairy. I lean back in my chair as one of the project managers goes over the next quarter’s goals, and I think about the other night.

  I finish getting ready for bed and walk out of the bathroom. Rebecca is under the covers and from what I can see, she doesn't have a shirt on. She’s sitting up so the sheet is just under her hard nipples. My already aching cock gets impossibly harder, because I know what she wants. She looks at me expectantly, but I can’t be the one to initiate it. I can’t let go of my control. I don’t know what I’ll do to her if I truly allow myself to have her, and those thoughts terrify me. Instead, I walk over to my side of the bed and get under the covers with her. This has been our routine for the past few nights. Her teasing me, and then attacking when I don’t respond. She seems to like when I tell her what to do, so maybe tonight I can do that. Rebecca leans over and traces her hands across my chest and I try to control my breathing. Just her simple touch is enough to undo me.

  “Scoot down to the end of the bed and spread your legs for me.”

  I see a blush blossom on her cheeks, but she bounces around excitedly in anticipation. She goes to move down and then looks back at me over her shoulder.

  “Panties on or off?” she says, batting her long eyelashes at me.

  “Off,” I command, already feeling my body grow tight with anticipation.

  I’ve never seen her naked
pussy. It’s always covered by her panties whenever we fool around. I’ve never seen a pussy in real life at all actually, just pictures or videos when I was hard up enough to google some porn. I’m hoping I don’t just attack it when she shows it to me.

  She steps off the bed and removes her panties, then climbs on quickly before I can see anything. I sit up and push the covers down to my hips and slip my hand in my shorts. I’m so turned on by what’s about to happen, I could probably cum with just this tease.

  She goes to the end of the bed and leans her back against the footboard. Her face is now bright red, and I know she’s probably a little embarrassed to be so open and exposed. She takes a deep breath and then slowly spreads her legs, pulling her knees up as she goes.

  Her perfect little pussy looks so pink and tight. Her labia are shiny with her passion, and her clit peeks out from between them, just begging to be touched. I lick my lips, my focus between her legs as I stroke my cock harder.

  “Touch yourself.”

  “Bray, I can’t. Let me sit on your lap and rub your cock until I get off.”

  “No. Use your fingers. I want to watch you masturbate. Finger yourself with one hand and touch your clit with the other.”

  I watch her put a finger to her mouth to wet it, and then move it down to her clit and start rubbing. I finally get frustrated with my own restrictions and push the sheet and my shorts off completely. I spread my legs wide and really start working my cock—one hand on my shaft all the way up and down as I watch her other hand move to her pussy.

  I start to rub my palm across my nipples and chest, imagining it’s her hand. I’m rubbing and jerking off when she cums for me. I see her body tense up and she throws her head back with a cry. She slowly rubs her clit as her legs lock up and her hips move in time. I see her pussy pulse around her fingers, looking for something to grip, and my cock leaks precum, wishing it was inside her.

  After a moment, her breathing evens out and she gives me a shy smile of satisfaction.



  “Again, TInk. Now.” I can hear the pleading in my own voice but I don’t care. I need to see it again.

  She spreads her legs wider and begins to rub again, my demands turning her on even more. The second orgasm doesn’t take as long, and in a few minutes she’s cumming.

  Watching her pussy clench around her fingers again is all I can stand. As her orgasm takes her over, I get on my knees and go to the end of the bed. I have the sudden barbaric need to mark her. Have something of mine touching her.

  “Lie back,” I demand and she moves into position.

  I haven’t stopped rubbing my cock since she took off her panties, so it only takes me two hard pumps before I’m cumming on her. Big thick streams of cum splash across her soft belly, and the sight of it makes another round of cum shoot out. By the time I’ve finished squeezing all the cum out of my cock, her sweet little tummy is covered.


  “What was that Bray?” Mark asks, and I blink my eyes, trying to focus on where I am.

  “Excuse me?”

  “You just said ‘mine’. Did we misinterpret the ownership area?”

  “No, sorry. I thought we were discussing something else.”

  Mark gives me a quizzical look as if to check to see if I’m dying. This would be accurate since I’ve never misunderstood anything we’ve gone over.

  At that moment my phone buzzes.

  “Hank is here to see you,” Cindy says, and I’m thankful for the interruption.

  “Gentlemen, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got another meeting I need to attend.” I stand and the team exits. Just a second after the last man is out, Hank comes in.

  He’s a big guy, but blends in and comes across pretty nondescript. Average height, average face. Pretty much the perfect person to not draw attention to himself—including attention from law enforcement.

  We walk over to the small couches that face one another and both take a seat, one on each.

  “So, give me the update I know you’ve got,” I start. It’s best to just get to the point with Hank.

  He pulls a manila envelope out of his jacket and opens it up. He’s written a report and provided pictures. “I’ve been keeping a guy on Sam for the past few weeks, but from what I can tell, it hasn’t turned up much. He’s checked back into the motel she was at a few times, but mostly stays at a Nico’s warehouse over on Queen Street. He seems to be pretty far under his thumb, running deliveries and sticking close to him.”

  “I don’t care about what Nico is up to, I just want to make sure he isn’t coming after my girl.”

  “Your girl?” Hanks says, giving me a half smile.

  I give Hank a look that says he’s crossing a line, and he goes back to the report.

  “I asked around and found out some interesting information you might like to know. Apparently brother dear was so deep in debt with Nico he had no way of paying it back. So he either had to work it off or come up with another offer.”

  “What do you mean ‘another offer’?”

  “Nico is in to some bad shit. Arms dealing, drug manufacturing, and there are whispers of sex trafficking.”

  My heart stops beating at his last words, and I feel all the blood leave my face.

  “Yeah. It’s what you think. Nico wants Rebecca. I think he set up bad deals for Sam in order to have him so far in debt, that was the only way out. From what I hear though, he isn’t looking to sell her, I think he just wants her. But my advice to you is you should cut your losses now before you get tangled in this. Nico isn’t a guy you want to get in the way of.”

  I glare at Hank and he just shakes his head.

  “Thought you’d be like that. Look, I’m not going anywhere, and if it comes to it I know we can handle it, but what kind of friend would I be if I didn’t warn you?”

  “I understand,” I say as I nod my head. It’s the only response to what he’s telling me. I can’t let Rebecca go. Not yet. Not ever.

  “I’ve done as much research on Nico as I can, and it seems to me the best option we have is to offer him something else he wants just as much, or take him out. I’ll keep looking for other options, but so far this is it.”

  I have no doubt Hank would take Nico out without a second thought. “What else could he want more than her?” I question, because I can’t think of one thing that would be more valuable than her. How often does one find a fairy?

  “I don’t know. But if this gets ugly, you ready to go down that road?”

  I nod my head, and it’s all the confirmation Hank needs. He grabs the envelope and puts everything back in his jacket and walks out. There’s no way I could let Nico, or anyone for that matter, get their hands on my Tinkerbell.

  After he shuts the door behind him, I sit on the couch with my elbows on my knees and my fingers steepled against my lips. I think back to everything I’ve done to get to where I am now and what I would do in order to keep my life how I want it.

  I sit like this until the sun sets and Cindy walks into my office telling me she’s leaving for the day.

  “Goodnight,” I say, and check the time. It’s almost eight and I need to get home to my fairy.

  “Tink?” I say as I walk through the penthouse. When I walk in the door the first thing I see is one of Rebecca’s paintings and it makes me smile. My home never felt bare before, but seeing her art on my walls makes it a happy place to come to at the end of the day. I want every inch of my walls bathed in her. The smile her painting gave me freezes on my face when I walk into the kitchen. I only see one place setting, and it’s on the breakfast bar, instead of two place settings together in the dining room where we normally eat.

  I walk all over the penthouse looking for Rebecca and calling her name. I finally go to the gym as a last option, and I find her on the treadmill. She’s in tight yoga pants and a hot pink cropped shirt. I’m instantly hard looking at her sweaty body, and think of all the things I want to do to her.
  “Are you not joining me for dinner?” I ask, but she doesn’t look at me.


  I’m surprised by her tone. “Is everything all right?”

  “Everything is fine, Mr. Spencer,” she spits at me, but still doesn't make eye contact. She stomps on the treadmill like it personally offended her, and I have no idea what’s happened.

  “Why are you calling me that? What’s happened Rebecca?” My anxiety ratchets up, and I go through my mind, trying to think of what’s happened since I last saw her.

  Finally she glares at me and answers. “Nothing. Everything is just peachy. Go eat your dinner.”

  A rage comes over me and I can’t take her attitude anymore, not when it’s pushing me away. I don’t think about my control or the fact that this situation is out of my hands. I just react. I reach around to the front of the machine and pull the emergency stop button.

  For a second I panic, thinking she might fall, but she rights herself and gets off of the treadmill, pushing past me with her shoulder.

  “Rebecca, don’t speak to me like that and don’t walk away from me.”

  She turns around before she exits the room and gives me a look that would take lesser men to their knees.

  “I won’t ever change for you, and I sure as hell won’t apologize for being who I am. If I’m not good enough to be yours in public, then I’m not good enough to be yours at night when your dick is hard.”

  I walk over to touch her because the need to comfort her is consuming me, but she takes a step back.

  “No! You don’t get the privilege of touching me ever again.” She turns and walks out of the gym, and I let out a frustrated grunt. What just happened?

  I follow her to the master bedroom and see her coming out of the closet, carrying a bag.

  “What are you doing?” I ask in a panic. My stress levels are peaking and I don’t know what to do. This can’t be happening.


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