Stetsons and Stakeouts
Page 29
“Not enough. Fuck, Cesare, I know it, but it’s not about the money now. They’re threatening my family.”
“So you’re gonna kill mine?” No way.
“I… they just want your dad, man. For ransom. They’re going to get my kids.”
“No, they’re not. We’ll protect your family.” He would do his very damn best. “I keep my word. Unlike you.”
“I… I’m not a fucking millionaire like you. I have kids. They just paid me for one shift. One.” The gun began to waver, and Gianni could feel the noose tightening. This had to be over. Now.
“Well, you picked the wrong fucking millionaire to fuck with. Now!” He knew Kody and his men would be listening, would have cleared the civilians. Kody and the rest of the team swarmed in, Kody taking Farley down in a single, fairly breathtaking move. That was… wow. He’d never gotten to see this guy in action. And to be honest, Farley wasn’t a criminal. He was going to pay like one, though. Gianni rolled to his feet. “Got it?”
“I got it, man. Go get your family.” Kody’s eyes were pure ice, and the tone wasn’t the slightest bit warmer.
“Thanks.” He needed to make sure no one else had been sent, that Farley wasn’t just the decoy. Gianni pelted down to the corner room, texting on the way. Let me in caro
“Gianni?” Massimo’s voice was strong, sure.
“Sì, Papà. It’s safe. I’m alone.”
The door unlocked, and he slipped inside. “No one else here?” He scanned the room, then stepped into the bathroom.
“Just us.” Bonner searched his eyes from the shower seat. “You okay?”
“Mad as hell.” He sighed, but moved to drop a kiss on Bonner’s mouth. “Sit tight. The Rangers are checking to make sure no one is out there about to shoot. I’ll get a wheelchair so we can move you.”
“Take me home.”
“Okay, caro. I’ll fix it.” If he couldn’t keep Bonner safe at the hospital, he would damn well do it at home. He would hire his own people. Lots of them.
“I’ll help him get dressed, son,” Massimo offered. “It’s time for us all to be in the same space.”
“It is.” He nodded firmly before striding out to the desk, where the nurses were back at work. “I need to take Bonner home.”
“Now. I’m a federal agent, and I’m removing him for safety reasons.” He flashed his badge, hoping to hell it worked because he didn’t need a lot of shit right now. “Come on, y’all know me. Mason is at the house to help, and I’ll hire in nurses.”
“Well, Bonner will need full-time help, and Kevin can keep doing therapy….” Deena sighed. “I’ll get Dr. Caseman.”
“Thank you. We’re getting him dressed.” Kody had Farley removed already, and Gianni just had to get his father and lover home without killing anyone or having a hysterical breakdown on the way because, goddammit, he was tired of this shit.
“You did well, figlio.”
“Thanks, Papà. I don’t feel like it.”
“Che assurdità! You did well. Now we go home and sleep.”
“We do.”
Deena popped her head in. “You’re cleared. Dr. Caseman put in the order already. He’s very law abiding.”
“Thanks. Can I get a wheelchair?”
“On the way. You owe me a tour of your house, man. Seriously.”
“Anytime. Once everyone is healed up.” He winked. “We have a barbecue to recreate.”
“Yeah.” She grimaced. “Bang-up time. I’m sorry about your friend.”
He sobered. “Me too.” Greg had been a good guy.
“Y’all have dangerous jobs. It’s a thing, I guess.”
“It is.” He shrugged. “I hate that part. I’ll take it,” he told the tech who came with the wheelchair. He even flashed his badge again.
Bonner was dressed, braced, pale, lips firm. “Let’s go.”
“Which car?” Right. Massimo had a car here too. “Let’s take my truck. It’s more, uh, armored.” His dad always had a sporty something. “I’ll have someone bring yours back tomorrow.”
Thank God Massimo didn’t argue. He wasn’t ready for arguments.
“Hey, caro. You all ready?”
“Ready for my close-up, Mr. DeMille.”
“Here’s your chariot.” He presented the wheelchair with a flourish. Massimo had done well. Bonner wore sweats, an oversized hoodie, and slippers. “I’m going to get you home and in bed.”
“You going to come with me?”
“You still want me?” He didn’t want to sound needy, but….
“I will beat you down, Cesare.”
“I bet you could too.” Gianni laughed a little, but he was so damn glad to hear that, and he stroked Bonner’s hair.
“I could. Let’s not for a couple days, though. Let’s just rest.”
“I think we might could ask for months.” He rolled Bonner out into the hall, every step making him more confident he wasn’t gonna get shot.
“Oh, bonus points for the correct use of ‘might could’ in a sentence.”
“Thank you. I can also conjugate the verb tump.” The adrenaline was wearing off, and Gianni’s hands were shaking.
“Oh, you must be a Texan for real.” Bonner tried to look up at him.
“I must be.” He laughed gently. “Save that neck, okay? We’ll be there soon.”
“Thank you.”
“For what? Getting you shot?”
“For bringing me home.”
“Well, I had to. I need you.” He wasn’t worried about saying this shit in front of his dad. Massimo got it. He’d only been in love once, he would tell Gianni. With Diana.
“Good.” They got Bonner loaded in the front seat, and Massimo waved him off.
“I will bring my car. I will stop at that Whataburger place. Your mamma loves it there.”
He wanted to argue, but he didn’t. Massimo was a grown man with a concealed carry. “Be careful” was all Gianni said. “Green chile cheeseburger for me, a patty melt for Bonner.”
“I will call the house for the rest.”
“Good deal. Thanks, Papà.” He checked his danger areas, wanting to get in the truck but knowing it left him vulnerable.
“Get in the truck, Gianni. Now.” His father’s voice was undeniable.
“Yessir.” He climbed in the truck, leaving Massimo behind. Mamma was so going to yell at him. He smiled at the idea, but his head was throbbing.
Bonner reached out to him. “I got you, honey.”
“You do. Whether you’re ready or not.” He winked over. “Massimo got you a shake, huh?” Bonner had been clutching it all the way down from the room.
“Strawberry. It’s basically soup at this point, but it tastes good. Is it mostly over, honey? I know it’ll never be over-over, but this round?”
“It is.” He said it hard so he could mean it. “Farley will give us someone we can use to clean out the rest.”
“Fair enough. Have you seen the babies yet? Did you know that Bri and Luis are… a thing?”
“What?” He blinked. “That dawg. I’ll have to talk with him. Just, you know, warn him to be good.”
“Yeah. I know, right? I’d hate to have to whup him.” Bonner laughed, the sound raw as hell, rough as a cob.
“My money would be on you, baby. It really would.” Pulling out, he saw Massimo’s sports car behind him, and the relief shocked him. He was getting PTSD. During TSD?
He was at the end of his rope, and he was… he needed out of the game. He needed a break.
Then he would think about what to do next.
Bonner’s hand on him gave him strength. For right now, he just needed to get home.
Chapter Forty-Six
GOOD THING Bonner was used to waking up in different places all the damn time, or he’d be fucking grumpy.
As it was, he sort of wanted to bite someone on the butt. Hard.
The bed was better than at
the hospital, but… damn. He was sore. Hungry. Maybe a little worried, since it was so dark. He slid his feet out of the bed, trying to focus, to remember where he was.
Once he turned on the light, he realized he was in Gianni’s bedroom. Sans Gianni. Huh.
Okay. He found his brace and got it fastened around him, and then he headed down the stairs to find something to eat, and then his lover.
Or vice versa.
“Damn it, Tom, I want arrests made.” Gianni was in the kitchen.
He didn’t hold back. He went to the fridge and got a glass of milk like he belonged there.
Gianni gave him a smile and a wave of his hand. “No. I know Farley gave it up. Get out there and arrest them.”
He drank his milk, then poured a second and started looking for food.
Maria had left chicken soup, grilled sandwiches to heat in the microwave, a strawberry pie, and a black forest cake.
Huh. He grabbed a sandwich. He could eat it cold. It looked yummy.
“Huh. Right. Well, fix it. One more attack and I will call in my dad’s people. You don’t want that, man.”
He went to sit, passing over half his sandwich. He imagined, after listening to Massimo snarl and snap in Italian while they were locked in a bathroom, that was a foregone conclusion, but what did he know?
“Thanks,” Gianni mouthed. “Right. Good. I expect a report. No, I know you’re the boss. I’m the team leader who lost a man and almost lost family members because you let locals do security.”
Tough guy Gianni was hot. Not quite as hot as toppy Italian lord Gianni, but pretty hot. Oh, toppy Gianni. His eyes crossed, just thinking about that. That was worth pondering for hours.
“Call me.” Gianni hung up, then sighed. “Lord have mercy, Bonner.”
“I hear you. God. I hear you.”
“You got some sleep, at least.” Gianni put down a Dr Pepper for him.
“I did. You didn’t. You look exhausted, honey. Talk to me.”
“It’s just been a long couple of days. Farley sang like the proverbial bird, but there was some kind of hang-up about which agency was going after them. Kody assures me the Rangers have it, but Tom’s being an ass.”
“Oh for fuck’s sake. Seriously? Does that matter?”
“No. Only because he’s embarrassed.” Gianni crossed his arms. “I’ve put in for administrative leave once my medical is over.”
“What does that mean?” He ate his sandwich and leaned back, eyes on Gianni.
“It means I’m reevaluating my career choice.” Gianni shrugged. “I’m taking at least six months off. What are you going to do with me, caro?”
“Love you. Lots. Maybe… go to the beach? I mean, I think maybe my boss will let me have a couple days off.” He wasn’t sure what was going to happen, but he knew that he’d die for Gianni, so Bonner wasn’t walking away from him.
“I think he will. Especially for the beach. As soon as you’re out of the brace, we’re going.” Gianni moved close, bent to kiss him gently.
“I need that. You. Me. Sand. Sea.” He could dream, especially now that it wasn’t a pipe dream.
“Now we just need to decide where. We could go anywhere on the Gulf, or I really could take you to Italy….”
“Are there beaches there?” He had his passport. He could go.
“Mmm. I think I told you we had a house in Sicily. You were stoned. Or we can go to Amalfi. So pretty. Maybe both….” Gianni peered at him, head ducked. Oddly sweet.
“I would love to go and see with you. I just don’t want to leave. I’ll make myself useful, I swear.”
“Caro, we can talk on all this later, but I never once thought you were useless. The hands like you. You’ll make a fine rancher. My fine rancher.” The next kiss almost distracted him completely, but his stomach growled. The sandwich first.
“We’ll take a piece of cake upstairs to share, hmm?”
“Uh-huh.” He took another bite of the sandwich. “Your rancher, huh?”
“I’ll need one. You know I’m too much of a dilettante to ever settle and run a ranch.” Gianni winked like an evil villain. “I’ll need you to help me with that part while I organize agents and play lord of the manor.”
“Will you?”
“Absolutely. I’ve decided I need to start raising bucking bulls. Or donkeys. I do like donkeys.”
“Don’t make me hurt you, Cesare.”
Alison came wandering in. “That’s my line, kiddo.”
“No, you call him Caesar.” Bonner smiled at her, though. They got along surprisingly well. “There’s cake. And pie.”
“I’m all over that. Tom called and offered me the team lead position. What the fuck?”
“I’m on a six-month leave. Then I’ll probably quit.” Gianni leaned on the counter, watching Alison.
“Six months. What are you going to do then? You’re not a rancher. You’d lose your mind.”
“I’ll be a consultant.”
Alison raised an eyebrow. “Private security.”
“Just so.”
“Seriously? You’re going to what? Hire people?”
“He can hire me and Xavvy. Did someone say pie?” Chris came in, heading for the coffee maker.
Xavvy followed, right behind. “No coffee for you.”
“What?” Chris gave Xavvy a glare.
“No caffeine until after your last surgery.” Man, that Xavier could glare.
“Cake. Someone said cake, not pie.” That was the Colt feller who made Bonner mad, but he looked so poor that Bonner couldn’t work up a snarl. And like night followed day, Mason wandered after Colt and grabbed the cake from the fridge.
They all sat there at the table before anyone could say boo, and Bonner was surprised he wasn’t wore out after the sandwich. Gianni gave him a sliver of pie and cake, then cut a big old piece of cake and hid it in the fridge.
“So, you quit?” Colt asked. “You’re hiring me, right? I’m just staying here. I like my quarters.”
“Yeah?” Gianni chuckled when Bonner made a face. “Of course I’m hiring you.”
“I won’t let you down again,” Colt said quietly.
Gianni glared at him. “You never let me down once, buddy.”
“That’s not true, and I know it, but….”
“Shut up, Colt,” Mason snapped.
Bonner thought Colt actually growled.
“The testosterone is flying in here. I’ll miss you, Cesare. I’m taking your job.”
Gianni nodded at Alison. “Come visit when you need a vacation.”
“I’ll come visit when I need help.” Alison nodded to him, her expression softening. “I’ll need your help.”
“I’m right here.” Gianni hugged her, but looked at the others askance. “Not hugging any of you guys.”
Bonner stifled a smile under his fork, eating a bite of cake.
So macho, his Italian.
“Hey, no one wants Boyardee cooties,” Chris murmured.
“Good. Then I will remove myself. And Bonner. Seriously, guys, I need to talk to all of you, no?”
“No,” they all said in unison.
They all cracked up, but Gianni just grabbed the slice of cake, two forks, and held out the other hand for Bonner. “Everyone but Alison get rest. She had some.” There were complaints and agreements, and Bonner didn’t bother to listen. He wanted their room, a locked door, no brace, and cake.
They hit the elevator and made their way up, and the room was cool, quiet, and theirs. He liked Gianni’s friends. His family too. This was… perfect. Well, it would be, once Gianni took off his brace.
“Your mom is okay?”
“She’s furious. This is her childhood place. If she could tear those drug people up with her bare hands, she would.”
“Yeah. I bet. She’s a tough lady, and your dad is… intense.” Cool, but a force of nature. Bonner saw where Gianni got it.
“I know. That’s Massimo. He was a trouper through all this. I owe him.” They settled
on the bed, the cake on the nightstand for now. Gianni helped him get the brace off, then eased him back, hands running over his body, touching him, making him remember how to feel good. It wasn’t sex. This was just reminding them both they weren’t alone. That they were together and safe. That there was hope for them.
Bonner closed his eyes, smiling a little. He wanted to believe that. Needed it. Gianni murmured to him, nonsense words that he knew meant Gianni was glad he was here, that they were together. They rested their foreheads against each other, sharing air, and he hummed. He couldn’t believe this was his life. “Love you, Gianni.” Every time he said it, it was easier.
“I love you too, caro. Now sleep so we can wake up and have our cake.”
Demanding man. “Stay with me this time? I want to wake up with you.”
“Are you kidding? I need a nap.” That laughter flowed over him.
“You might need two. You got time.” After all, he’d quit his job, hadn’t he?
“I do. I’m a free agent.” He got another kiss, then another.
“Is it weird?” He had to ask, even if the answer worried him some.
“Hmm.” Gianni seemed to give that the thought it deserved. “Not as weird as I thought it would be. I’m ready for a change.”
“I’m glad I’m part of it. Your life. Your change.” He felt like he didn’t have enough words to explain himself.
“I am too.” Gianni licked Bonner’s lower lip. “I’m not used to talking about shit.”
“You’ll figure it out.” He was good at listening, always had been.
“I will. We will, I hope. Is it crazy to ask you to stick it out with me?” Gianni searched his eyes.
“Probably as crazy as it is to hope that you want a broke-dick cowboy to stay around.”
“Then we’re two of a kind.” Gianni held him, and he listened to Gianni’s breathing, feeling that steady heartbeat thud against him.
“We’re something all right.” Something special. Something unique in all the world, thank God.
GIANNI SAT in the most comfortable lounge chair anywhere, staring out over his toes at the beach. Mondello was one of the most famous beaches in Sicily, just outside of Palermo, and while it could be overcrowded, his little private area was attached to a villa that even Massimo was proud of. The sound of waves lapping at the sand at this time of night made Gianni incredibly happy. Even more happy-making was the man sitting beside him, wearing an ancient pair of cutoffs and a smile. He hadn’t convinced Bonner to wear a Speedo. Not yet.