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Blake, Abby - Suddenly Wolf (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 7

by Abby Blake

  “Daegan, drawer behind you,” Xavier said as he wrapped an arm under her belly and pressed his thumb harder against her anus. She squeaked and tried to scurry forward, but he held her trapped and gentled her with soothing strokes. “Relax, sugar.”

  Daegan handed a bottle of lube over to his brother, the grin he cast her way promising wicked delights. Isaac caressed her breasts, his touch gentle, his calm demeanor soothing.

  “You’re going to love this,” Xavier said as he drizzled cool lube down the crease of her ass. She gasped and nodded, her ass clamping down as he tried to press his lubed thumb into her. “Sugar, you need to relax. We don’t want to hurt you.”

  Daegan moved closer. “Open,” he said as he pressed his cock against her lips. She did as he asked, suctioning onto him as he pushed deep into her throat. She concentrated on swallowing him, swirling her tongue over and around the head of his dick. He groaned as she took him deeper, her enthusiasm growing as he started to pump shallowly into her mouth.

  A hand—probably Isaac’s—found her clit, his fingers sliding over her slippery flesh again and again. Orgasm built rapidly, the promise of rapturous meltdown flying toward her at dizzying speed. She barely noticed when Xavier breached her ass, the muscle clamping down on his thumb, dragging him deeper. She groaned as he pushed more lube into her ass and swirled the thumb in her hole, widening and stretching the muscles as he poured more lube between her ass cheeks.

  Andrea moaned around Daegan’s cock, moaning even louder when his legs wobbled, and he wrapped a hand around the back of her neck to keep them both steady. Xavier added his other thumb to her ass, his fingers splayed over each ass cheek as he worked them both into her back passage.

  But then he was gone, leaving behind only emptiness. Her ass burned, the muscles clenching against nothing, the nerve endings throbbing in time with her heartbeat. She heard the lube bottle, the sounds of the slippery fluid being spread, and then Xavier’s cock pressed against her back passage, the feeling so wonderful that she pushed back, eager to be filled by him.

  He held her steady, his big hands gripping her hips, holding her still, holding her safe. He worked his cock into her dark hole inch by incredibly slow inch as he thrust forward a little, pulled back, and then thrust a little deeper, a little farther, his cock filling her ass just a little more each time.

  Finally, finally, he filled her completely, his cock pulsing inside her as he panted for air. “Stay still a moment, sugar.” He caressed her thighs gently as Daegan eased his cock from her mouth and pressed her face against his thigh. Even Isaac stilled his movement, his fingers cupping her mound but no longer touching her clit.

  She moaned, her arousal making her shake, the wait making her impatient. But then Isaac slid lower, and she felt his cock probing her pussy, his head pushing into her suddenly much tighter channel. She could barely breathe as he, too, worked his way slowly into her body. It was uncomfortable, both massive cocks making her feel overstretched, overfilled. She whimpered as she tried to pull away.

  “Trust us, beautiful.” Daegan pressed his cock against her lips once more, and she opened for him, eager for the distraction. Everything ached, everything throbbed, and she panted at the strange sensation of Xavier pulling out of her ass one slow, slow inch at a time.

  But then something changed. Something flowed over her, a wave of heat, a wash of sensation. Electricity sizzled every nerve ending, her entire focus on these three men and the feelings they created. Without warning they all started to move faster, thrusting into her body, building a rhythm, building her need, building all sensation. Every feeling, every reaction, every emotion spiraled higher, tighter. She moaned as her orgasm crested, holding out of reach, waiting for something.

  “Come for us,” Xavier demanded as he pushed her hard against his brother and ploughed her ass almost violently. She shook, unable to stop, unable to gasp, unable to breathe as wave after wave after wave of heat flowed over her, through her, beyond her understanding. The men took their own pleasure, her ass and pussy clenching around them, her throat swallowing convulsively, her arms shaking with the effort to hold her up.

  Daegan caressed the back of her neck as he stilled all movement and his seed pumped into her throat. She caressed him with her tongue, the movement automatic, unthinking as Xavier poured his cum into her ass. Daegan eased his cock from her mouth, and she fell forward onto Isaac, her arms no longer able to hold her up. She felt Xavier pull from her ass, his hands gently caressing the soft flesh as her ass muscles tingled and pulsed.

  She was practically asleep, completely relaxed when Isaac grabbed her hips, lifted her off his cock, and then slammed her back down. Over and over, he plunged into her pussy, her exhaustion morphing into excitement, her contentment climbing toward need once more.

  Suddenly he rolled, pinned her beneath him, slamming into her pussy again and again and again. Her swollen clit zinged with renewed eagerness, her climax spinning violently through her, every muscle quivering and jumping as Isaac fucked her harder and harder and harder.

  He shouted his completion, his cock pulsing in time with her clenching pussy as liquid heat seemed to drench her veins. Panting hard, he fell forward onto her, careful not to crush her with his weight. “That was incredible,” he whispered in her ear. Then he kissed her, taking her mouth in a slow, drugging, passionate kiss. “Stay right where you are.”

  Panting, she nodded. Since she was fairly certain that all of her bones had somehow dissolved, Andrea didn’t think that was going to be a problem. They must have heard her thought, or maybe felt her humor because Daegan and Xavier both laughed and leaned over to press a kiss each to her lips. Isaac was back a moment later, a warm, wet washcloth in his hand. He ran it over her thighs, the skin so sensitive she jumped away, her flesh covered in goose pimples.

  “I can do that,” she said as heated embarrassment once more crept over her face and neck.

  “Be quiet, beautiful,” Daegan said as he smoothed the hair away from her eyes. “Let us take care of you the way you deserve.”

  “Oh, well since you put it like that…” It was meant to be just a little bit sarcastic—she was quite capable of taking care of herself after all—but it came out breathless and needy, and Isaac went back to what he’d been doing. She lay still and let him do what he wanted, too tired to argue the point.

  She woke several hours later, pressed between Isaac and Daegan. A quick flutter of panic churned her gut until she realized that Xavier lay across the end of the bed, one of his big hands wrapped around her calf muscle. She settled back onto the pillow, determined to sort a few things out in her head, but the warmth they generated, the sense of peace their presence gave her, and her exhaustion from their love play all conspired to drag her back into unconsciousness.

  * * * *

  Daegan woke a few minutes before the alarm was set to go off. There was no feeling of confusion or disorientation. He knew exactly where he was and exactly who slept in his arms. He pulled the woman closer, content for the moment to steal her from his brother’s sleeping form.

  She snuggled against him, and every hope he’d had for the future suddenly seemed brighter, somehow closer than he’d ever imagined possible. As much as he’d wished for a mate and a family, he’d never truly believed it would happen.

  He rubbed a hand over her belly, imagining what it would feel like to have his—or his brother’s—child growing in her body. It was something they would need to talk about. Once she went through her first full moon, her fertility would change, and she’d be at risk of becoming pregnant. It was a risk he hoped she’d be willing to take.

  Of course he first had to convince her to let all three of them claim her, and considering her views on marriage, that wasn’t going to be a simple task. Deciding to take the bull by the horns, so to speak, he sat up and pulled his lovely mate with him.

  “Shower time,” he whispered in her ear as he sent mental instructions to his twin to get his lazy ass out of bed. Fortunately, Isa
ac rolled out of bed, gave their mate a quick hug, and then headed downstairs. Considering how good he was at cooking, Daegan had no doubt that he’d chosen the right brother. Xavier wouldn’t know a skillet from a spatula.

  His eldest brother stirred, his eyes tracking Daegan and Andrea as they stepped into the bathroom, but Xavier seemed content to let them have some time alone. Daegan maneuvered his sleepy mate into the shower and stepped in behind her. She snuggled against him as he adjusted the water temperature and began soaping her down.

  As much as he would love to spend the next few hours exploring her delicious body, he knew they needed to get on the road if they were going to get her home in time to open her jewelry store. He could sense how important the place was to her. It wasn’t just a business owner concerned for her livelihood. Her feelings toward the little jewelry store in a tiny little town ran much deeper than that. Daegan wanted to know why, but at the moment it was more important to make certain they got her back in time.

  The last thing he wanted was for Andrea to feel that they didn’t understand how difficult such large and unexpected changes would be for her to deal with. It didn’t matter that they’d had no choice but to change her. He still wished they’d been able to give her some time to get used to the idea before making her a werewolf.

  He cleaned her down, unable to resist the lure of touching her almost everywhere with his soapy hands. She cuddled closer, but he removed her hand from his rapidly hardening cock several times before he growled and pinned her hands behind her. “Unless you want to be late for work, I suggest you behave.”

  She giggled softly at his growled words, but then the meaning must have sunk in because she stared into his eyes for a moment before leaning up to press a kiss to his lips. “Thank you,” she whispered softly. Her eyes glistened with unshed tears, and he worried that she’d heard at least some of the thoughts swelling through his mind.

  “Don’t thank me,” he said with an exaggerated leer. “We’re not out of the shower yet.”

  She laughed when he pinched her bottom but didn’t protest when he turned off the shower and grabbed a towel. He started to wipe her down, but the vision of his mate so openly trusting and happy and, oh god, so gloriously naked was messing with his good intentions. Desperate to keep his promise, he wrapped the towel around her, turned her toward the door, and patted her bottom as he sent her on the way.

  He almost breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Xavier had grabbed one of his shirts and was pulling it over her head with a warm smile. Daegan finished drying himself off and headed into his own room to throw on some clothes.

  “Breakfast is ready,” Isaac called telepathically.

  Daegan smiled when he realized that he could sense their mate’s reaction to Isaac’s words even with her in the next room.

  * * * *

  Andrea took a deep breath, inhaling Xavier’s spicy scent. The shirt he’d placed on her was way too big. It came almost to her knees, and she’d had to roll the sleeves several times just to find her hands, but it would do until she got home. She pulled her jeans on without underwear. She had no idea where her panties or bra had landed last night, and it just seemed too embarrassing a question to ask. Hopefully she’d find them at the bottom of the stairs and be able to pocket them before anyone noticed.

  The smell of sausages, ham, and eggs was deliciously enticing. She’d never been much of a breakfast eater, but she suspected this might be part of being a werewolf. Xavier held her hand as he led her to the kitchen area, and she was pleasantly surprised that Isaac was the one cooking. She’d feared that in a house so large they might have a cook, or housemaid, or even a butler. Heated embarrassment suffused her face when she remembered what they’d gotten up to last night in the foyer, and she felt doubly glad they didn’t seem to have servants.

  Of course memories of last night’s carnal activities made her acutely aware of the fact that she wasn’t wearing panties. All three men in the room turned her way, three near-identical grins aimed in her direction. She dropped her head forward and rubbed her eyes. Even after everything they’d shared last night, she was still embarrassed by her responses to these men.

  Xavier reacted almost as if he’d heard her internal thoughts—and perhaps he had. The link between them had been growing stronger all night. In a move so fast she barely saw it coming, he pinned her against the bench, ground his hard denim-clad cock against her pussy, and kissed her like the world was about to end. By the time he let her up for air, she was shaking like a leaf in a windstorm and so needy for her men that she was certain the heated pink of embarrassment covered every inch of skin she owned.

  Xavier growled, picked her up, and placed her on a stool at the breakfast bar. “Get over it, sugar,” he said in a thick voice. “Werewolves are very accepting of passionate behavior between mates.”

  “Don’t worry, Andrea,” Isaac said as he placed a plate laden with food in front of her. “One full moon will cure this shyness.”

  “Full moon? You mean the night I’m supposed to turn into a wolf.”

  “Supposed to?” Daegan asked with a laugh. “You still doubt us?”

  “Well, no, I guess I don’t. Not really. It’s just a little hard to imagine.” She shrugged. The full moon was nearly three weeks away. She planned to deal with one problem at a time, but she would like a heads-up on how they figured she’d be cured of her shyness. Shyness? Since when had she become a delicate flower? She’d swapped bawdy jokes and teasing jibes with the guys in her precinct without even batting an eyelid. Back then she’d given as good as she’d gotten, so what had changed?

  She glanced at all three men watching her expectantly, and she realized the one major difference. Back on the force she’d been one of the group, but here she was center of attention—center of attention for three testosterone-laden, alpha-male types all willing to share her. She fanned herself with her hand. Hell, had it just gotten way hotter in here?

  Daegan wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pressed a kiss to her temple, and advised her to eat. “We need to be on the road in fifteen minutes,” Isaac added, glancing at his watch.

  She practically wolfed down her food, almost giggling at her own silly pun, before it occurred to her that she had no idea what Xavier would be doing today. “Will I see you tonight?”

  “Probably not,” Xavier said as he finished his own breakfast and pulled her onto his lap. She straddled his thighs, her arms going around his neck as he pressed another hard kiss to her mouth. When he’d somehow managed to suck all the air out of the room, he moved her slightly away and pressed his forehead against her own. “I’ve got a really tight schedule the rest of this week, but I’ll try to clear a couple of days at the beginning of next week.”

  “Don’t try. Do.”

  Xavier laughed and pulled her closer. “Yes, boss,” he said in an indulgent tone of voice. He lifted her off his lap, placed her on her feet, and gave her a look that made heat curl through her belly. “I’ll clear my schedule. You go pack up your shop.”

  “But…” Her words trailed off as he shook his head. He didn’t look any happier about it than she did, but it seemed to be something he wasn’t willing to negotiate on. Well, that was too damn bad. Even if she wanted to sell her jewelry store—and she most emphatically did not—it took more than three weeks to find a buyer, get all the paperwork done, and close off that part of her life. She had no intention of walking away from everything she’d worked so hard to achieve. She’d alter, she’d bend, she’d change a little and compromise, but there was no way she was giving up everything that made her the person she was before meeting them.

  * * * *

  Five hours later Daegan could still sense Andrea’s anger as he watched her deal with a customer. The argument had been swift and angry and full of hurt feelings and unsure reactions. It probably sounded opportunistic and self-serving, but he’d stepped back and let his brothers handle it. Xavier had gone all alpha werewolf on her and started giving orders. She�
��d reacted by defying him even more, digging in her heels, and refusing to compromise one iota.

  Isaac had stepped into the fray, trying to calm the situation, but had ended up on the receiving end of both their considerable tempers.

  Daegan had remained quiet, seeing the argument from all sides, and in some ways understanding that it was necessary. Xavier would never be happy with a mate who let him order her around. He needed Andrea for her strength and her ability not to be intimidated by him. She knew he was in charge of the whole pack, but it didn’t mean she was going to docilely accept his decrees—especially when he was acting like a dick.

  Daegan couldn’t quite stifle the urge to laugh. Xavier sure wasn’t used to compromise. It simply reiterated that he needed a strong mate who could make him think differently. Yes, Andrea was the perfect match for Xavier. Fortunately, she was perfect for Daegan and Isaac, too.

  “No worries, Mrs. Thomson. I’ll have this repaired by Monday,” Andrea said as she finished making notes about the watch the older lady had brought in.

  “Thank you, dear. It’s so wonderful to have a jeweler in town that we can trust.” Andrea smiled and followed the lady to the door, but the older woman turned at the last moment, pinned Daegan with her stare, and added, “And it was delightful to meet your new beau. You take care of her now, young man.”

  “I will, Mrs. Thomson,” Daegan promised with a grin. Wouldn’t the old lady be surprised to discover that her trusted jeweler was now a werewolf and had three new boyfriends, not just one? As soon as Mrs. Thomson was out of the shop, Daegan cornered Andrea and pulled her into his arms. He could still feel her anger from this morning’s argument, but at least she was willing to hug him back.

  Isaac had made himself scarce for most of the morning, finally realizing that Andrea needed space, not consoling. Thanks to the mating link, it was becoming easier to understand what Andrea was thinking and feeling. They just didn’t know why.


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