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Hacked For Love & The Dom's Songbird

Page 11

by Michelle Love

  "Your breath caught when I talked about making you walk outside naked," he said, almost casually, and I gulped.

  "That would be embarrassing, wouldn't it?" I asked, and he gave me an amused look.

  "Is that all it would be?"

  I knew he was looking as I pressed my legs together more tightly, squirming a little.

  "No," I admitted, and Donovan laughed.

  "I think we are going to have a fine time together tonight," he said, reaching for my hand.

  I gave it to him without thinking, and then blinked when he tied a silk tie around my wrist.


  "Do you trust me?" he asked. I sighed, because he was stroking the skin of my palm with a gentle finger.

  "Yes … I think.”

  "Good. Everything we do tonight, it's all for making you feel good, all right? If you don't like anything, speak up... but I think you will."

  He waited until I nodded to lash the other end of the tie to the headboard. My other hand received the same treatment, and in a matter of seconds, I was pinioned to the mattress, my arms stretched up over my head. Donovan stopped to look at me for a moment, and I whimpered a little at how heated his glance was.

  "Perfect. Just perfect."

  I opened my mouth to tell him that he was obviously mistaken, but predatory look in his eyes made me shut my mouth. I wondered if he would really make good on his threat to make me walk out the door without my dress on, but I realized that even if he wouldn't do that, he would absolutely give me a spanking...

  "Good girl," he chuckled, as if reading my thoughts. "Now let's see about that dress..."

  The bed dipped under his weight as he came to kneel between my legs. He moved forward until I had to spread my legs wide, and even if my dress still covered me, I could feel how very exposed I was to him, to his eyes, his hands.

  There was a zipper along the back of the dress, but Donovan didn't even bother with it. Instead, he took took each jeweled strap in his hands and broke it before ripping my dress right down the front. I gasped at both the heavy ripping sound and the sudden exposure. My brain was shocked at the destruction of such an expensive dress, but then I was far more concerned about suddenly being in my underwear in front of Donovan.

  "God, so very beautiful," he purred, dropping a kiss just below my collarbones. "So very perfect..."

  This time, I couldn't muster a reply because his weight over me, his mouth on me, were all too much. It just all felt so good, and I wanted to get my hands all over him, but I couldn't.

  "I've thought about you like this, all perfectly open for me," Donovan muttered. "I'm going to make you feel so good, songbird."

  I started to say something, and then I could only moan as he worked his way down my body, pausing to stroke my breasts with just the gentlest touch of his fingertips. I had never thought my breasts were so sensitive before, but his light touch made me ache for me, arching towards him. When he set one mouth to my nipple, I couldn't stop myself from whimpering out loud as he licked it until it was standing proudly.

  "So perfect," Donovan muttered, and maybe I should have been embarrassed about how intimately he was speaking, but instead I felt a strange pride in how much he wanted me.

  Donovan kissed his way down my belly, making me giggle a little, and then he smiled at the lacy dark panties I wore. I thought he would tear them off just as he had torn off my dress, but instead he lifted my legs up and eased the scrap of lace down my legs instead. He kissed my thigh before laying them back down, and something about the tenderness there made me sigh.

  "Now I want to look at you," Donovan purred, and I gasped as he spread my legs wide.

  I had never been looked as so thoroughly by a lover before. Donovan handled me as if I were something sacred and precious, and before he leaned down to place a gentle kiss on my soft mound, I was already squirming for him.

  He stretched out on the bed as if we had all the time in the world, kissing my soft inner thighs and the crease where my legs met my body. Teasingly, he brushed the very tip of his tongue along my slit, making me shiver a little. When he circled my clit with just the ball of his thumb, I made a little longing noise, and he obligingly pressed his fingers against me a little more firmly.

  "Look at how wet you are getting, beautiful girl," he murmured. "So wet and perfect for me..."

  He pressed one finger inside me as he lapped at my clit, making me buck up against his touch. God I wanted to touch him then. I wanted to bury my hands in that sleek dark hair, not to try to get more of that delicious sensation but to simply be closer to him. Instead, I was pinned and helpless to do anything besides lie there and take the pleasure he was offering me.

  Soon enough, he was pressing two fingers inside me and then three. Instead of flinching away, I had my heels dug into the mattress, pushing up against him as best i could. I wanted him so badly that I was uttering his name in soft gasps, pleading little sounds that made him groan.

  "God, but you're irresistible," he said, rising up and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. "I wanted to stretch this out, wanted you to beg me for your release but I don't think I can..."

  There was something intoxicating about knowing that i had seduced him even when I was utterly helpless.

  "I want you," I managed to whimper. "Please. Don't resist... just give me... please give me..."

  I stuttered to a stop because I wasn't sure if i could say it, and he grinned at me briefly.

  "Another time," he promised. "Another time, I'll lay you down and make you spell out exactly what it is you want me to do. I won't care if it takes all day. I'll make you say it.

  "But not today."

  I had just a moment to be relieved that he wasn't going to be that cruel, but then he pulled away, reaching for something in the nightstand close by. For the first time since he had tied me to the bed, I wasn't touching him in any way and the sudden cold made me panic.

  I must have made a gasping noise because he was right back in a moment, kissing me and stroking my hair out of my face.

  "Don't worry, pretty one, I'm not going to leave you here like this. I would never..."

  I relaxed into his touch and his words, and then I watched as he drew his cock out of his pants. He laughed when he caught me licking my lips, but I refused to be embarrassed by it. He was thick and hard, and there was something ridiculously hot about the way he smoothed the latex down, sheathing all of that primal hardness.

  "Are you ready, beautiful?" he asked, and I nodded hard, unable to speak.

  I thought that he would untie me then but instead he only touched my hands gently before going down to kneel between my thighs.

  "Mine," he murmured, and there was a powerfully possessive note in his voice, something was more than what he had said before. There was almost a kind of wonder in his voice as he pressed the very tip of his cock against my entrance.

  As he sank into me, I sighed with pleasure my eyes fluttering shut. He filled me perfectly, and for a moment, we were utterly still. Then he started to move, and the pleasure only rose higher and higher inside me.

  "So good," he growled, his voice rough with passion. "You feel so perfect..."

  I didn't have words any longer. Instead, all I had were the soft noises he was forcing out of me. I writhed underneath him. All I wanted at that point was to have more of him. I would have sold my soul to touch him, to reach for him.

  Instead, all I could do was take the pleasure that was rising in waves through my body. drawing tighter and tighter like a thin silver wire... until it snapped.

  "Donovan!" I cried, and the climax took me apart. Something about being tied down, unable to move or reach for him, made my climax all the more powerful, and I sobbed helplessly as it ripped through me.

  "Beautiful girl," Donovan muttered, leaning down to kiss my throat. "So beautiful..."

  I was still recovering from the force of my pleasure as he thrust into me one last time. I felt his thrusts become more powerful, more erratic
, and then finally he thrust into me one last time, freezing for a moment. Then, as I watched, he came apart just as I had, melting into me.

  I knew he was wearing a condom, but for just a moment, I imagined what it would be like if he weren't, if I could feel him claiming me in one of the most absolute ways possible.

  He rested his weight on me for a moment, and then he rolled to one side. For a moment, I was panicked that he might leave me again, but instead he watched me, one hand stretched casually over my belly as if we did this all the time.

  "Tell me something?" he asked, his voice hoarse.

  "Of course."

  "If I could give you anything you wanted right now, what would it be?"

  "Easy," I said with a smile. I would want you to untie me so I could touch you."

  The sound he made was pure masculine pleasure, and he reached up to undo the ties that had held me captive. To my surprise, he held my hands in his for a moment, kissing each finger before looking up at me.

  "All right? No numbness or anything like that?"

  "No, not at all."

  "Good. I don't want to hurt you, Gwen. I never want that."

  I didn't want to think about hurting or anything like that at the moment. Right then, all I wanted was to be close to him, and newly freed, I could do that. I pressed myself close to his body, burying my face in his chest, and I sighed with pleasure.

  "This was what I wanted," I said, suddenly drowsy, and I heard him laugh.



  I kept my promise to Gwen. We explored each other thoroughly that night, and we both fell asleep some time not long before dawn. When I woke up, sunlight was streaming in through the window, warm and sweet, and I realized something odd.

  I had a good time with women, and I liked to think that they hada good time with me. That good time was usually something with an expiration date, however. We enjoyed each other's company and then we left one another in the morning, moving on with our respective lives. As I glanced at Gwen, sleeping curled on her side with a spray of golden hair in her face, I realized I didn't want her to leave.

  I hadn't had a woman in my bed like her in a long while, one that wanted me to lead and then rewarded me with a pure and gorgeously perfect response. That was what I told myself. Somewhere deep inside me, however, I knew that it was far more than that. I had never before had anyone like Gwen at all, never run into her passion, her delicate sweetness, her intoxicating combination of innocence and sensuality.

  I didn't want to lose it yet.

  In the dining room, I made a few calls, and by the time that was done, I could hear her stirring in the bedroom. I got back to her just in time to see her examining the dress that I had torn off of her.

  "I need to figure out what I'm going to wear when I'm get home."

  "That's nothing to worry about," I said with a shrug, although the thought of her leaving made me suddenly tense. "For now, just put on one of my shirts. Food will be here in a few minutes."

  Despite her worry about her clothes, Gwen brightened at the mention of food, and I was glad that I had told room service to bring up a little of everything.

  "Go shower," I told her. "Food will be here when you're done."

  While the water was running, I thought about what it would be like to come in after her, to step behind her in all of that hot steaming water. Would she let me wash her? Would she let me touch her in all the intimate spots that I was coming to know so well. I imagined her bent over the bathroom sink as I took her from behind, and it was all I could do to stay where I was, waiting for the food.

  She came out dressed in one of my dress shirts and not ravaging her right then and there took almost all the restraint I had left in me.

  We were quiet dining companions at first, but apparently food was what it took to loosen her tongue.

  "This all looks so good, and I don't even recognize half of the fruit here... What's that one?"

  "Dragon fruit," I said with a smile. "Try it, it's nice and sweet..."

  Whenever she tasted something new, she insisted I try it as well, and though I laughed, I could feel something inside me coming unmoored, untethered. I loved indulging my partners in bed, but that was usually as far as it went. In its own way, sharing food with Gwen, letting her feed me what was on her plate, was almost as intimate as what we had done the night before.

  All too soon, though, breakfast was over, and Gwen sighed.

  "I guess I need to start thinking about how to get home," she said. "I'm off for the weekend, but I know you’re busy."

  Before I could say anything, there was another knock on the door. Gwen froze, unsure of what to do, but I smiled at her.

  "Don't worry. I'm expecting them. Stay right there."

  I came back with a double armful of bags, setting them on the couch.

  "Here, these are for you."

  She blinked, walking over to look through the bags in shock. I saw her face register delight and confusion, and finally she turned to me.

  "There must be at least a thousand dollars' worth of clothing in here...."

  "I didn't know what you wanted or liked, so I asked my personal shopper to make some decisions."

  "But how did you..."

  I held up the tag that I had cut off of her ruined gown. It had her size on it, but Gwen still looked confused.

  "This is too much," she said, and I grinned.

  "Not if you're coming to Atlanta with me."

  She looked at me as if I had gone insane, and I laughed again. There was something about surprising her that delighted me.

  "What's in Atlanta?"

  "Some kind of museum opening. It's marked on my calendar as something I should absolutely not miss, and I wouldn't mind having a pretty date on my arm. If you say yes, I can make arrangements for suitable attire there, but these clothes should be perfect for seeing the town."

  "Well, they're perfect if there were five of me," she said absently, and then Gwen raised those extraordinary blue eyes to me.

  "What is this?" she asked softly.

  I frowned.

  "What do you mean?"

  "Well, we had... an unforgettable night, one that... well, unforgettable. And amazing. But now you're buying me clothing and taking me away for the weekend..."

  "Is that not what people do when they like each other?" I asked, but I thought I saw where she was going.

  "It's the kind of thing that people do when their relationship is a little more transactional than I would prefer. I know that you said you don't pay your women..."

  "This isn't a payment," I said. I could feel the tension in my voice, and she winced a little.

  "It feels a little like one," she said lifting her hands helplessly. "You must know that there is no way that I can give you anything half so impressive."

  "You want to give me presents?" I asked in surprise, and she gave me a strangely uncomfortable look, one that was mingled disbelief and perhaps even pity. It made my hackles rise even as it made something in me, something I didn't want to look at, prowl a little closer.

  "Of course I do," she said. There was that red blush on her cheeks again, but she forged forward. "We... we shared something I thought was very special. Maybe you don't think it is. Maybe I'm just making a fool of myself. But yes, I do want to give you something nice."

  She looked as if she was on the verge of tears, and that overrode everything else that was making me so cautious. I crossed the space between us with just a few strides, coming to take her in my arms. She smelled like my shampoo and my laundry detergent, but underneath that was her own smell, something lovely and sweet, almost like honey and milk.

  "Stop worrying about this right now," I said softly. "There is nothing transactional about this at all. I want you with me. I want you to be happy when you are, and that involves buying you some clothes, maybe taking you to a party, having some fun. This isn't... some kind of dark arrangement where I expect you to do exactly as I say for some damn clothes,

  She sighed, pressing her face against my chest.

  "Promise?" she asked, and the slight tremor in her voice could have ripped my cold black heart to shreds. What was it about this beautiful young woman …

  "I do."

  "And will you let me buy you a gift in Atlanta?"

  I had everything that I ever wanted, and if I didn't, then I could probably have it delivered to me within twenty-four hours. But the look in her eyes, and the fact that no one who didn’t have a financial stake had ever offered me gifts, combined in my mind as I murmured, “Yes.”



  Atlanta had a graceful and almost melancholic elegance to it. Where I was from in Florida, everything was new and oftentimes ugly as well. Atlanta seemed to hang on to whatever beauty it could lay hands on, no matter how old. When I mentioned this to Donovan, he smiled a little.

  "I've always liked Atlanta for precisely that reason," he said. "Florida might be more fun, but Georgia has deep, deep roots."

  He had flown us into a private airstrip, my first experience with a private jet, and when we touched down in Georgia, there was a sleek dark car waiting for us.

  "Are we staying at another hotel?" I asked, and he smiled.

  "I thought about it, but I have some property here I think you might like."

  The small house on the very outskirts of Atlanta's most fashionable neighborhood was gorgeous, surrounded by a tall fence covered with creeping myrtle, and though it had all the modern accouterments, it was clear that the form of it had stood the test of time.

  "Good bones," Donovan said as I looked around at all the polished wood and glass. "I bought this house years ago when I was thinking about doing more business in Atlanta. I don't know if I've stayed more than a total of a month or so in it, though."

  "If I owned this place, I don't know if I would ever leave," I murmured, looking out the back window into the lush garden in the back."


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