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Hacked For Love & The Dom's Songbird

Page 73

by Michelle Love

  “Stanford University,” he said and her eyebrows shot up.

  “Prestigious! My, how did you manage that?” She moved his soapy hands to her pussy and moved his hands to rub it.

  “Turns out, I’m smart.” He smiled.

  “As am I, young man.” She moved to close the space between them and pulled his head down to kiss her.

  His arms ran around her and his mouth was pliable as the pill made him lucid and his body was much more relaxed. She turned the water off and pulled him out of the shower and to the bed. She laid him back on it and went to the door.

  She shouted out the door, “I’m going to fuck him. Do you want to watch? I’m going to put the camera on the dresser to record it.”

  Arsen lay on the bed and chuckled. His mind was nowhere near as cluttered as it had been. Mrs. Sinclair was going to fuck him and video tape it. Possibly while the woman he’d just fucked watched.

  He never saw it coming as he sat in the dark bar, drinking a little drink and thinking about what kind of sandwich he was going to get and take home for dinner that night.

  Her damp hair hung in limp strands around her then make-up-less face. Then he saw a few tiny lines around her light blue eyes. But that was okay, he thought.

  “Since I was much too hard on you about it the last time. You go ahead and come when you want to. I’ll be a lot easier with you this time.” She moved down his body, and he felt her mouth go over his limp dick.

  His eyelids grew heavy, and he closed them. The way her mouth was sucking at him had his cock making little twinges here and there, but the pill had him not feeling much of anything.

  Light filled the room as Shelia came in and turned the overhead light on.

  “I want to be able to see it all,” she said as she came into the room. “The camera needs light to capture the footage.”

  He placed his arm over his eyes to block out the annoying light. Mrs. Sinclair’s mouth moved off him for a second as she said,

  “Hey, can you grab some nipple clamps and put them on him. The liquor and the pill have him not feeling a damn thing. We need to bring some type of sensation up in him. His dick is limp, and that’s no fun.”

  Arsen found himself thinking he felt like their boy-toy. He wasn’t sure he liked that at all. He felt it when Shelia placed the first clamp on his little nipple. “Oww!”

  “Good,” Shelia said then pinched his other nipple with the other clamp.

  “Fuck!” he shouted as pain went through him.

  It subsided pretty quickly, and he found his cock pulsing as Mrs. Sinclair’s mouth sucked hard at it.

  A humming sound filled his ears, and he opened his eyes to see Shelia wearing nothing but a strap on nine-inch dildo which was thick and black and moving as she’d turned it on.

  “Hey, I’m going to take you from behind while you do that, Anne.”

  Shelia climbed onto the bed behind Mrs. Sinclair and Arsen watched as she pushed the dildo into the woman sucking his dick. When Mrs. Sinclair moaned, he felt it make his dick twitch.

  As he watched the woman with blonde tight curls moving back and forth, her tits bouncing as she did and his line of sight included a woman with long, blonde hair bobbing up and down as she sucked him off he became aroused.

  “Fuck me, you chicks are freaky!” he said as his stomach began to tighten and his dick hardened.

  Shelia winked at him.

  “Want to make an Anne sandwich, kid?”

  He didn’t know what an Anne sandwich was, but he wanted to.


  Shelia pulled out of Anne and Anne released Arsen’s dick. She smiled at him.

  “You’re going to take me in the ass.”

  “I am?” he asked.

  She nodded. “Get up.”

  He stood up and watched as Shelia laid down, her black dildo standing up. Anne climbed on and slid down it.

  “Fill the rest of me, Arsen,” Anne said.

  “This is wild,” he managed to say as he climbed on the bed and found his dick easily moved into her ass. “This doesn’t hurt?”

  “No,” she said. “Stroke along with me, Arsen.”

  Her ass raised, and he went all the way into her. Then she went down on the dildo and he stayed where he was, letting his dick pull away from her.

  She moaned like she loved it. “Now all at once,” she said. “I’m going to grind on this dildo while you fuck my asshole, Arsen. Got it?”

  “Guess so,” he said as he moved back to fill her.

  Anne wiggled on the dildo as Arsen moved in and out of her. It was all going fine for a while. Until he really looked at what he was doing.

  He was fucking the mother of the only girl he’d ever loved. The girl who had thought him a loser after her father was able to beat him up.

  That woman was riding a dildo the size of a donkey’s dick as she fucked another woman and he fucked her up the ass. It was sick, twisted, and nothing he had ever even imagined doing. Then the pill and liquor hit him hard, and he threw up all over the women beneath him.

  The memory made Arsen nearly wretch out loud. He then realized it was fifteen minutes until dawn and at the very least he was going to see who it was that was supposed to be waiting outside to tell him something.

  Gently he moved away from Steele and went to get dressed. He called Paul and asked him to go outside, with his gun. But he wanted him to act as if they weren’t together.

  Paul joined him as he got off the private elevator. Arsen gave him a nod.

  “Thanks for getting up at the butt crack of dawn for me, Paul. I have no idea who it was that texted me, but I’m grasping at straws here. I have to listen to anyone who has a thing that can possibly help us.”

  Paul smiled, and the two bumped fists.

  “I got ya, man.”

  Arsen looked out the clear glass doors of the lobby and saw nothing outside. “I wonder if they’ll even come.”

  “Gotta give them time, boss,” Paul said and leaned against the wall. One foot he placed against it and fiddled with a pack of cigarettes.

  Arsen’s eyes went to it.

  “When did you start smoking, Paul?”

  “Since I started worrying about you, boss. I give quite a large shit about you, man.” Paul’s eyes looked a little glassy. “I’ll watch over her for you if something happens. I don’t want you to worry about that. I’ll take her everywhere and make sure she comes to see you on visiting days.”

  “I hope that’s not necessary, but you have no idea how much it’s appreciated. You always have been an exceptional person, Paul.” Arsen found himself feeling sentimental about so much on that night and early morning.

  “I know, Arsen. I know.”

  “I’ve been recalling my relationship, if you can even call it that, with Anne Sinclair. I’ve come to the conclusion she kind of molested my naïve young ass back then. She made me something I wasn’t before.” Arsen looked away as he felt kind of sick to his stomach.

  “When Steele and I have kids, and hopefully at least one will be a son, I would kill any bitch if she did the things to him, Anne did to me. I mean it. I would kill her.”

  Paul nodded.

  “And how about what you did to those women, Arsen?”

  Bile rose quickly in his throat as his long-time friend reminded him of what Anne Sinclair had turned him into.

  “Yeah, I know. I wish they were here for me to apologize to and get help for. The way Steele helped me. The girl hasn’t even realized it yet, just how much she’s helped me.”

  Paul laughed a little.

  “If I could turn back time,” he sang with his best Cher impression. “Right boss?”

  Arsen chuckled.

  “Yep.” He fidgeted a little then said, “Do you think it would be unfair of me to ask Steele to marry me with all this shit over us?”

  Paul’s eyes went wide and his eyebrows ran clean up to his dark hairline. “Marriage, boss? You sure you’re ready for that? I mean, you haven’t known her
long at all. Not to say I don’t adore her. I do. And I do think she’s good for you. If I can be honest though. I think you need to be sure you aren’t going to hurt her. Make her something she isn’t. You know like you said Anne Sinclair made you something you weren’t.”

  A sharp pain stabbed Arsen’s heart. His friend wasn’t lying. Paul was no yes man. That was a thing Arsen had always respected about the man who drove him everywhere he went.

  Arsen nodded.

  “You’re right, Paul. I should wait. I need to make sure she understands what it is I really want from her. At this point she still thinks I need to be in control of all things, her included, if I’m to be truly happy. That isn’t the case though. It’s far from what I want.”

  Paul looked at him with a frown.

  “You sure about that, boss? I mean, you and having control over things is your deal, man.”

  “It has been. Fuck! It had to be. If you had a clue about what I had to do to get out of evil Sinclair’s clutches you’d have a much better understanding. That woman ruled my ass with a hot mother-fucking poker for nearly four years. All through law school. Then the bitch took credit for all I had accomplished.” Arsen began to pace with the anxiety and anger which began to fill him.

  “I suppose that was the final straw when she did that, huh?” Paul asked.

  “You would think so, but that wasn’t it. I mean it was part of it, but not all of it. See, when I told her I wanted out of our contract which stated we would be in that contract. Get this shit, forever. And that I needed to move on with my life, she threatened me. Her husband and daughter didn’t know a thing about us. But Mistress Sinclair made sure to keep a video diary of our activities. She assured me her husband would hunt me down and kill me in cold blood without any hesitation.”

  Paul frowned. “Um, she was a part of it. Why would he only kill you? He’d probably kill you both.”

  “She had a special skill, the old bitch. She’d managed to record a ton of our conversations. She had me say certain things, I had no idea what she’d do with all that later.” Arsen stopped pacing as he saw the blue Camaro pull to a stop in front of the building.

  The windows were tinted so dark he couldn’t see who was inside.

  Paul’s hand on his shoulder made his look back as Paul said.

  “I guess this little conversation is to be continued, boss. Looks like your five o’clock meeting has just arrived.”

  Arsen walked out first and a few seconds later Paul walked out and leaned against the brick wall of the tall building which housed them both. He lit a cigarette and acted as if he was just another dude catching a quick morning buzz before heading out to work as he watched his friend.

  The window rolled down and as hard as he tried, he couldn’t see who was driving. Arsen leaned in then stood up and turned back to look at Paul, then got in the car and it pulled away.

  Part Eleven: For Fear


  The sound of the private elevator opening up in the entry room had Steele calling out from the kitchen where she was cooking breakfast, “Arsen, where have you been, Baby?”

  “Not Arsen,” Paul said as he came into the kitchen. “I’ve been trying to call him and he’s not answering. Do you know if he left his phone here?”

  “Check his office. I know it’s not in the bedroom.” Steele paused her stirring of the scrambled eggs. “Wait. You didn’t drive him? So he took the Jag? Where’d he go without his phone?”

  Paul ducked out of the kitchen and went down the hallway to Arsen’s office. Steele followed and saw Paul pick the phone up off the desk.

  “Here it is,” he said as he turned back to her.

  His dark hair lay across his shoulders in waves. Not his usual look. Paul always kept his long hair pulled into a low cue and kept it neat at all times. He was clean shaven that night Steele first slipped into the backseat of the Suburban. Now he had a light beard, unkempt.

  “Paul, you okay?” she asked as she watched him tap away at Arsen’s cell phone.

  “Yeah, why?” he said as he stared at the phone.

  “You look a little off. Your hair, your face. And do I smell cigarette smoke?” she asked as she looked him over and sniffed the air.

  His blue eyes moved to look at hers.

  “It’s just that I’m getting more and more worried about Arsen.” He turned the phone around and showed her the message Arsen had received earlier that morning. “He left with whoever it was who sent this message asking him to meet them this morning. Arsen just got into the car with a wave of his hand and they drove away. I didn’t get to see who it was.”

  Steele’s face went pale.

  “Was it a man or a woman?”

  Paul shook his head. “I didn’t get to see a thing. The windows were tinted a dark black.”

  “What kind of car was it?” she asked.

  “A blue Camaro.” Paul pushed the button to call the number that was all sevens. A recording came on telling him that was not a valid number and he pushed the button to end the call. “Just as I thought. That number isn’t anything we can track him by. I should’ve chased his ass down and made them stop.”

  Steele let out a sigh.

  “Paul, don’t blame yourself. The man thinks he’s ten feet tall and bulletproof sometimes.”

  Paul let out a laugh and walked out of the office.

  “You don’t have to tell me that. I know that man better than anyone. He’s hard headed and completely self-destructive at times. What he did with women was…” He shut up and glanced at Steele.

  Her cheeks had turned pink with embarrassment.

  “I know. It’s okay.”

  Paul reached out and touched her arm as they walked back to the kitchen.

  “He’s different with you, Steele. He’s better with you.”

  She nodded.

  “I wonder why he would take off with someone.”

  Steele gestured for Paul to sit at the table. He took a chair, and she brought him a cup of coffee.

  “Thanks,” he said as he picked up the sugar bowl and put a couple of spoonfuls into the cup.

  Steele made up two plates with eggs, bacon, and toast and took them to the table and sat across from Paul. After taking a bite of the eggs and a sip of her coffee, she asked, “Do you think Arsen can truly be happy with a vanilla woman like I am?”

  Paul looked at her and smiled.

  “You aren’t vanilla, Steele. I like to think of you as a brilliant variation of flavors. A little chocolate, a touch of vanilla and some spicy cinnamon.”

  She smiled with the compliment. Then her cheeks turned scarlet as she thought about how many things she’d done with Arsen while the man across from her drove the car, a mere rolled up window between them.

  Steele shook her head with the memories of all she’d done with the man in the back of that car. Her panties went damp with the thoughts which had flashed through her mind.

  “It has occurred to me you know a lot about our sex life, Paul,” she said as she looked at her plate, not daring to meet his gaze as she felt him staring at her.

  He laughed.

  “I wear headphones, Steele. I have no wish to hear what goes on in the back of the SUV.”

  She breathed a sigh of relief, but the fact was he knew what they were doing in the back of that car and that was embarrassing to her.

  “Paul, do you think I’m a trampy slut?”

  “Look at me,” he said with an air of authority she knew he’d learned from Arsen. She raised her head and did as he said. “You are no tramp, Steele. I could tell you weren’t one of those girls when I first saw you in your boots and jeans. You and he clicked. You had something. I know you would never have done what you did without that spark that instant connection you two had from the very start.”

  “That night. Was he really waiting for me?” she asked then sipped her coffee. “It seems impossible to me. He’s so damn good looking. I just can’t imagine Arsen Sloan sitting in a car waiting for any woman
to come outside.”

  Paul laughed.

  “I was surprised by him saying he wanted to wait for you. You’re right, he’s not the kind of man to wait on a half chance with a woman. He’s the guy who goes in takes who he wants and the women are grateful for the time he gives them.”

  Steele looked away.

  “He’s had more than his fair share of women, hasn’t he?”

  Paul cleared his throat.

  “I shouldn’t have said that. Please have that stricken from the record.” He laughed.

  Steele did too.

  “Paul, I can’t help worrying about where he is right now. And who he’s with. And what the fuck they’re doing.”

  Paul shook his head.

  “I’m sure it’s just a person who can help him find out more about the murders, Steele. He’ll be back before we know it and hopefully he’ll have some great answers that will get him out of all this shit he’s in.”

  “It wasn’t Anne, was it?” Steele’s eyes were beginning to shine with unshed tears.

  “It wasn’t her car.” He said, making her feel a little better.

  She didn’t trust that woman at all. She knew she had a certain hold over Arsen because of all the abuse and she was afraid of Arsen reverting back to his old self. It had been a fear she’d had since she found everything out about the complex man.

  “I’m supposed to be in my first class in half an hour, but I won’t be able to concentrate anyway. I’m staying home today. At least until Arsen makes it back.” She got up and put her empty plate in the sink.

  Paul followed and asked, “You want me to hang out here with you?”

  She turned with a smile.

  “Would you? That would be so nice of you, Paul. It would help me not to get all crazy and jump to conclusions. I have to admit the pictures going through my mind of Arsen in a hotel room with Anne, or anyone really, keep coming in and haunting me. I love that man and jealousy is a thing which is nearly constant in me for him.”


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