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Obsession: The Hollow Universe

Page 6

by Shayne McClendon

  “Elliana. You grow more beautiful every time I see you.”

  He bent to kiss my cheek and I couldn’t hold back my chuckle. “I have to ask if that crap really works on the socialite set.”

  “Oh yes. Almost without fail.” He winked. “You’ve managed to remain a stubborn holdout to my charms.”

  “Spoiler alert…it’s destined to continue.”

  Placing his hand over his heart, he laughed warmly and turned us toward the house.

  I smiled at the blonde man who waited there. “Elijah, it’s always so nice to see you.”

  “Miss Fields. The feeling is mutual.”

  Harper’s lifelong friend and personal bodyguard gave an elegant bow. “You have a new team since last we had the pleasure of your company.” He took in my group with a careful eye. “I commend your parents for demanding the best.”

  “High praise indeed.” I formally introduced everyone but knew it wasn’t their first meeting. I thought Elijah was one of the people who recommended Hyde’s crew to my parents. “Mom told you the details?”

  Sparkling green eyes held my gaze intently. “She did. I was unhappy. Your former team was sent here to be retrained.” He paused and crossed his hands at his back. “I made them cry. They’re better at what they do now.”

  “Poor things. College campuses are distracting places.”

  “No one in your immediate orbit should have difficulty remaining completely focused on you…and your protection.”

  I blinked. Glancing back and forth between men I’d known all my life, I grinned. “My goodness. The press is more obvious at twenty-two than it was at eighteen.”

  Elijah gave me a rare smile that reached his lovely green eyes. “It’s more appropriate at twenty-two than it was at eighteen and your parents aren’t with you this trip.”

  The laughter bubbled up in my chest. “Even though my mother would faint with pleasure, I must firmly decline all offers outside your friendship and the positively painful donation I’ll be taking with me when I leave.”

  “You break my heart, Elliana. Is it because I’m old?” Harper said the word with a funny face and it made me snort.

  “Your heart isn’t engaged, Harper.” I considered my words carefully. “It isn’t the difference in our ages. Unlike the lovely but outright silly socialites you draw like moths to flame, I have my own agenda. How boring it would be for you when I didn’t hang on your every word.”

  “Hmm.” Harper wrapped his arm around my waist and led me inside. “You’re fucking right of course and that’s annoying.”

  “I imagine. You’ll have a stunner on your arm three hours from now so I don’t feel bad for you.”

  Harper sighed dramatically. “Elliana…you’re so unique.”

  “Yes. I’m aware. I’m certain it keeps Mom up at night.”

  Half an hour later, we were settled in a suite of rooms on the second floor. I loved the bright beauty of the Delkin home. Padme came in to lay out my gown for the party and forced me off the computer.

  “Harper Delkin, huh?” I glanced at my assistant with a frown. “He’s quite the catch, Ellie.”

  “Oh god, are you kidding? Did Mom tell you to say that? No. Absolutely not. Harper has fucked half the women I know on the charity circuit and those are just the confirmed kills. He’s funny and brilliant, an incredible philanthropist. He’s a horrible choice as a romantic interest.”

  “He’s so pretty though.”

  “Yup. Still not my type.”

  “Elijah also seems…interested.”

  “You can’t have one without the other, Padme. They’re a…package deal, I guess. Not really sure how to put that.”

  “Like the Bradshaw twins?” I nodded and her dark eyes widened dramatically. “Oh my…does that bother you?”

  “Not the general idea…but Harper specifically? Yes. He’s been out of control since his wife died.” I shivered at the memory of that horrific day. “Women have become a habit to him. Nothing more.”

  I turned to head to the shower and met Hyde’s eyes. “Everything alright?”


  I passed him and quipped. “Elijah thinks you’re the best. I’m winning in personal protection. Woot.”

  I loved seeing him smile.

  “You’re a riot, Ellie,” Padme said behind me.

  “Be back in a bit.”

  The next hour wasn’t fun for me since I fought my assistant on everything to do with getting fancy. Finally, she simply did what she wanted and stopped asking my permission.

  It was the better option for both of us.

  I stepped into my heels and took a deep breath, turning to take in my appearance. A pale purple gown that hugged me more closely than I liked, a complicated up-do, and dramatic makeup made me look like a different person and older than twenty-two. I added jewelry and called it done.

  Padme smiled. “You look beautiful, Ellie.”

  Waving my hand at the compliment, I said, “Get your shoes on. I’m not going down there without you.”

  I loved having her with me at formal functions to prompt me with names, dates, and so much more. She was an encyclopedia of fascinating information I used like a scalpel to extract dollars from the ultra-rich.

  The green sheath hugged her slim body and highlighted her caramel skin beautifully.

  Moving toward the door, I smiled at Hyde who was turned out in a gorgeous suit with his dark blonde hair swept back from his forehead.

  He stole my breath.

  “You look wonderful, Hyde.” My voice sounded much stronger than I felt. Inside, I trembled.

  He bowed and held the door for me. Fiaaz was downstairs and Bianca waited in the hall. The silver gown and heels she wore wouldn’t slow her down if there was an incident.

  I announced sincerely, “I have the best-looking team of anyone I know. Every single one of you is gorgeous.”

  “The same can be said of our queen,” Bianca replied with a smile. “Let’s show you off, Ellie.”

  The words made me blush.

  On the main level, the party was in full swing and Harper met me at the base of the stairs.

  “Aren’t you stunning?” The oldest Delkin sibling lifted my hand and kissed the back. “Are you sure I can’t keep you?”

  I shot back with a grin, “Positive. You’re dastardly.”

  Elijah laughed at his side.

  Harper winked. “Guilty as charged.”

  Slipping my hand through his arm, he escorted me around the room to meet the few people I didn’t know. Elijah remained at Harper’s shoulder and Hyde remained at mine.

  Many donations, not nearly enough food consumed, and several hours into the gala, I began to tire.

  As I decided to suggest a break to Hyde, a former employee of my parents’ company approached.

  My expression and tone were chilly because the parting had not been amicable. My personal interactions with the man were terrible. I hadn’t seen him in years but here he stood.

  A snake in a suit.


  “Miss Fields. What a pleasure to see the heir apparent. No mommy and daddy with you tonight?”

  Inhaling carefully, I put my shoulders back and looked the man in his beady little eyes. “I’m surprised to see you. I thought your search for investors took you to Japan.”

  He flushed. “I came as the guest of my new partner. We’re going to take the ideas your father didn’t want and make a fortune. His lack of vision. His loss.”

  Folding my hands in front of me, I considered walking away. In the end, there was no way I was going to allow passive aggressive insults to my dad.

  Particularly since they were lies.

  “Technology isn’t my division. However, I’m apprised of various departments as a safeguard. Dad sank two million dollars into your ideas. I’m uncertain how you got the prototypes to function during your initial meeting but the results couldn’t be duplicated by you or anyone else.”

  I lowered my voice.
“How dare you imply it was a lack of vision rather than shoddy workmanship that was at fault for your failure. I wish you luck in making it happen with a new source of capital.”

  “It’s unsurprising you have so little class. I consider myself lucky we didn’t suit.”

  I chuckled. I couldn’t help myself. “Didn’t suit? Consider yourself lucky my father didn’t break every bone in your body for manhandling me.”

  Hyde stiffened at my side and moved close enough for me to feel the heat from his body on my bare arm.

  Milton bared his teeth at me. “Naturally, you warp the events to match your narrative as any child caught doing something naughty would.”

  Once a snake, always a snake.

  “The aggressive sexual advances of a man in his forties is the last thing I wanted at fifteen. It wasn’t naughty, Milton. It was a crime. You’re lying if you pretend otherwise.”

  Turning, I met Hyde’s eyes. His expression was fierce.

  Behind me, I heard, “You little bitch…”

  Hyde reached out, pulled me flush to his body, and turned us in one fluid motion. His arms held me hard as he pressed my face to his chest.

  I heard two shots and felt my bodyguard jerk twice.


  He grunted. I listened as he inhaled deeply.

  Padme barked, “Down, sir.”

  Looking around Hyde’s shoulder, I took in the image of an unconscious Milton face-down on the floor with Bianca and Fiaaz gripping his arms.

  None of it mattered.

  “Hyde?” He continued to hold me tightly.

  “I’m alright.” His voice was strained. “Cracked a rib.”

  I found Elijah’s eyes where he shielded Harper behind him. “M-my…Hyde is hurt.” I gestured to Milton. “That’s a stupid vendetta and he took advantage of an opportunity.” I swallowed the tears in my voice. “Fuck him. Help Hyde.”

  Everything moved quickly after Hyde slowly released me.

  A few minutes later, I stood with the others in Elijah’s office as a medic tended to Hyde’s bare back.

  I stared at the impact bruises on either side of his spine. I was thankful for the Kevlar vest that prevented his death from almost point-blank range.

  The estate medic wrapped his ribs tightly and Hyde looked better instantly. Stepping back, the man placed painkillers in his hand.

  Hyde read the label and shook his head. “These are too strong. I need something milder.” Checking his bag again, he handed my bodyguard another bottle. “That’ll do. Thanks.”

  It wasn’t the first time a member of my team protected me. It seemed someone was always pissed at my parents or the corporation for some imagined slight.

  I’d worried about losing Hyde since my friend lost her man to violence but it was the first time I truly understood that he could die keeping me safe.

  I remembered witnessing the pain of such a loss and it made my stomach hurt, my heart contract in fear.

  “Hyde.” He looked at me and I asked softly, “Are you alright?” He nodded. “Thank you. I’m sorry.”

  Shrugging on his shirt, he turned to me and held my shoulder. “Don’t apologize.”

  “I shouldn’t have antagonized him.”

  “You did nothing wrong. Thank you for remaining calm and don’t let this ruin the trip for you.”

  Blinking back tears, I gave him a small nod.

  I kissed Elijah and Harper’s cheeks. “I’m going to call it a night. Gunshots spoil my party mood. Thank you for h-helping him.”

  As I pulled back, I thought Elijah saw more than I wanted him to but he simply said, “You’re in excellent hands, Ellie.”

  “We’ll see you in the morning, Elliana,” Harper added quietly. “All will be well.”

  He took my hand and squeezed it. “You’re a credit to your family.”

  “You are, too.” I tried to smile. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  We took the back stairs to the upper floors and were back in our suite of rooms in less than a minute.

  Padme helped take down my hair and remove the makeup as everyone went to change.

  Dressed in yoga pants and a t-shirt, I sat in the dim alcove separated from the rest of the space. I stared out at the moonlit grounds, lost in thought.

  “An action movie is in order, Ellie.” I looked over my shoulder and smiled at Hyde in sleep pants and a t-shirt. “Don’t dwell on tonight. Let’s take your mind off things.”

  “That would be great.” I joined my team and it was the best way to end the day and assure me that everyone was fine.

  The distraction helped me relax but it didn’t stop the vivid nightmares I had for weeks about losing Hyde.

  Still so complicated to be me.

  Chapter Nine

  January 2014

  Completing my graduate studies felt amazing. The relief to be finished at last was huge.

  Mom and Dad insisted on taking me to Manhattan to celebrate. Si, Bianca, and Fiaaz planned to do some security upgrades while we were gone so only Padme and Hyde made the trip.

  I loved the apartment we used whenever we were in the city. The building owner waited in the lobby when we arrived.

  Hudson Winters turned to us with a smile and I always found it fascinating how similar he was physically to Harper Delkin.

  My father was his mentor in college and he featured in many of my first memories. My mother captured him in numerous photos over the years, starting with my second birthday party.

  “Mr. and Mrs. Fields, Elliana. It’s good to have you back in New York. Carlo assures me the apartment is prepared and Leonard did an additional security sweep.”

  “Hudson. How many times do I have to tell you to call me Samuel? Hmm?” They shook hands firmly. “I think knowing you twenty years gives us enough familiarity.”

  Black eyes sparkled. “Samuel. Understood. It’s a hard habit to break, sir.” He looked at my mother with a gentle smile and took her hand in both of his. “How lovely you remain year after year. Time doesn’t touch you.”

  My mom blushed and waved her other hand at him. “You stop that flattery right now, Hudson. Gracious!”

  He bent to kiss her cheek and she fluttered adorably.

  Grinning, he turned to me, hugging me as he planted a kiss at my temple. The man gave incredible hugs.

  “Congratulations are in order. Well done on completing everything so quickly and competently, Elliana.”

  “Thanks. The last few months felt like years.”

  He leaned back and held my shoulders. “I disagree. It seems only yesterday that you were happily screaming on your first pony as your parents struggled not to panic.”

  “They still do that.” I reached up to touch the faintest trace of silver at his temple. “I love this.” Grinning, I added, “You and Harper remain twins.”

  “Don’t force me to color it, Elliana.”

  I laughed. “Don’t you dare.” Hudson turned, keeping one arm around my shoulders. I put my hand on Hyde’s upper arm. “You remember m-my bodyguard, Hyde.”

  I rushed on to cover the slip of emotion in my voice. “We didn’t bring the full entourage this trip. With Mom and Dad’s staff, it approached rock band proportions.”

  Hudson stared into my eyes for a long moment. “I think you have exactly who you need with you.” Hudson held out his hand and took Hyde’s measure as they shook. “Leonard would appreciate a discussion while you’re here.”

  Hyde’s smile was slow. “We have history. I’ll assure him of Miss Fields’ safety personally.”

  Releasing his hand with a nod, Hudson turned to my assistant.

  Avoiding looking directly at Hyde, I said, “And you know…”

  “Padme.” Even I could hear the sensuality in the way Hudson said it and my eyes went wide. He bent to kiss her cheek and her warm skin tinted with a blush. “A pleasure to see you again. Stunning as always and you smell fantastic.”


  It was all she said but the breathle
ssness told me my assistant and the real estate mogul had an intimate history with one another.

  My curiosity started to eat me alive instantly. I stared back and forth between them and wanted to know.

  With a second kiss on her opposite cheek, Hudson straightened. “Allow me to take you all to dinner. We must celebrate Elliana’s milestone properly.”

  “Outstanding. You have the best taste in food and it isn’t miniature.” My poor father hated the trend of tiny, colorful portions that abounded at most functions we attended.

  “A steak as big as your head. Check.”

  “Will Natalia join us?” I asked hopefully. “It’s been forever since I’ve seen her. You don’t get to Dallas nearly enough.”

  Hudson’s oldest friend was brilliant and sarcastic.

  He smiled. “Do you think she’d miss it?” I shook my head. “She can’t wait to see you.” Gesturing to the elevators, he announced, “Relax for a few hours and let Carlo know if you need anything.”

  I loved being back in New York.

  Hyde being with me made it so much better. As much as the city called to me, I was usually nervous about seeing the sights.

  No matter where we were, he always made me feel safe.

  * * *

  Mom and Dad decided on a nap the moment we entered our suite. He disappeared upstairs after hugging me violently.

  Taking my shoulders, Mom ordered, “Go, Ellie. Enjoy yourself. Hyde and Padme are here and you’ve never been so comfortable with a team while we’ve been in the city. It’s the perfect time to see everything.”

  “You’ll call me when you need me to come back?”

  “Darling, Natalia is quite the night owl. You have hours to yourself. I’ll call you when we wake up.”

  Turning to Hyde, I asked carefully, “Are you up for some sightseeing?”

  “Absolutely.” He gave a soft whistle and Padme poked her head from the bedroom she used when we visited Manhattan. “Ellie and I are leaving. Keep your phone on.”

  “You got it, boss. Have fun, Ellie! I’ll lay out your clothes for tonight.” She gave me a little wave and I returned it while crushing down the butterflies in my stomach.


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