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Obsession: The Hollow Universe

Page 10

by Shayne McClendon

  They fascinated me to no end.

  “It’s good to have you with us again, Ellie.” Fiaaz smiled gently. “There are many things I wish to say. For now, I’ll simply welcome you back to your life. You were missed.”

  “Thank you, Fiaaz.”

  I loved being back with my team despite the obvious absence of Hyde and Si. I tried not to dwell on it.

  Padme and Bianca helped settle me in my bedroom. The suite was too large to contemplate or explore.

  I took a long nap and had to be awakened for dinner.

  Bianca wrapped my casts and assisted me into the enormous shower stall. Once she was certain I was secure on the medical chair placed in the center, she left me alone.

  I took my time. It was the first time since the attack that I could bathe myself. I worked to sterilize every inch of my skin with water that was as hot as I could stand.

  Turning off the spray, I grabbed a towel from the hook and idly wondered if I could make it from the shower to my wheelchair.

  I wrapped myself in the towel and placed both hands on the chair rails when Bianca’s voice froze me.

  “I know you aren’t going to try to leave a wet shower unassisted with broken bones. That would be foolish and needlessly prideful. Two character flaws that don’t generally afflict you, Ellie. You were waiting for help. Am I right?”

  Giving her a bright smile, I lied through my teeth and gritted them as she helped me to the chair and back to my bedroom.

  “God, I hate this shit.”

  Meeting my eyes, she murmured, “I know Ellie. I swear I do. You’re naturally independent and brave.” She crouched beside me. “It isn’t weak to know when to ask for help so you don’t make an unpleasant situation worse.”

  I sighed. “I didn’t think about how my parents would react if I’d been injured further due to pure stubbornness. I’m sorry.”

  I meant it.

  She helped me into panties and a flowing sundress that came to mid-calf. It seemed my mother ordered clothing that offered support in soft materials that wouldn’t irritate.

  One of the wounds I sustained was at my shoulder blade. The stitches were dissolved but it still itched like crazy. A bra was an impossible addition to my wardrobe right now.

  Padme brushed my hair carefully and pulled it back from my face. “Shall we do a bit of makeup?”

  I rolled my eyes. “When do I ever want makeup?”

  She grinned at me in the mirror. “I have to try, Ellie.”

  My assistant pushed me from my apartment to the elevator with Fiaaz and Bianca walking on either side of the chair. We made the trip to the main living area in silence.

  My nerves were shot.

  I caught a glimpse of people waiting inside. Friends of my parents that I wasn’t in any condition to see.

  Sudden panic flooded my body and I dropped my good foot on the floor to stop the chair.

  It jarred me sharply and I hissed in piercing pain. Breathing too fast, shaking uncontrollably, my mind locked up.

  I was terrified.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Bianca instantly dropped to one knee in front of me and took my hand. “Breathe, Ellie. It’s okay.”

  I was humiliated that my eyes filled with tears. I blinked furiously to keep them from falling.

  “These are people you know,” Padme offered softly. “They love you but no one will even be allowed to touch you if that’s what you wish.”

  I whimpered in fear I didn’t understand.

  Fiaaz knelt beside Bianca. “Hyde never doubts your strength or bravery, Ellie. He likens you to Diana, goddess of the hunt. Powerful, fearless. You can do this.”

  Swallowing hard, I worked to get my breathing under control. I blotted at the sweat that beaded on my forehead. Gripping the arm of the wheelchair, I lifted my foot from the floor.

  “I can do this,” I said shakily.

  “Yes, you can.” My driver patted my white-knuckled hand and rose with Bianca. “Every damn time, Ellie. You’re a fighter.”

  I nodded and felt Padme touch my shoulder. “We won’t leave your side for a moment.”

  She pushed me into the great room and my mother and father saw me as they turned. They put down their drinks and hurried across the room to me.

  I forced a smile. “S-sorry it took so long.”

  “Ellie, you look lovely.”

  It was a lie but I murmured, “Thanks, Dad.” Avoiding looking at anyone else in the room, I whispered to them, “Thank you for the apartment. It’s good to be home.”

  My mother knelt to hug me and my father struggled to get his emotions under control. They were on the verge of a breakdown and I didn’t want that for them.

  “I’m safe. I’m home. We won…again. Let’s celebrate.”

  Nodding, they straightened and turned to the room. I stared at my lap for a moment to get my panic under control again.

  Fiaaz and Bianca lightly touched my shoulders and I held my head up as people I’d known since I was little gathered around.

  The oldest friends of Samuel and Monica Fields ranged from long-time business associates to men and women who attended Oxford with my dad or Yale with my mom.

  Most of them attended my christening and I knew almost immediately that they were aware of my brutal attack.

  They were more like family.

  As the older set greeted me, they told me how good it was to see me home with family. I was offered yachts, islands, and castles to get away for a while.

  A couple made offers of vengeance and Dad assured them it was being handled. Heads nodded with cool calculation.

  Older friends drifted away and younger ones took their place. They moved slowly, cautiously, and she appreciated their understanding.

  Natalia approached and I wanted to tell her how much I loved her newly blonde curls, that I knew what the necklace she wore meant, and how happy both of those things made me for two people I loved deeply.

  I was frozen. Our last conversation in New York City made my throat clench up. The things I told her, the questions I shyly asked, the hope I had for my future were all I could hear in my head.

  Opening my mouth to speak, nothing came and she dropped to her knees beside me.

  “I know, darling. I know.” She put her cheek against mine and whispered at my ear, “Your heart continues to beat. They’ll rot in unmarked graves as you embrace the next phase of your life. You remain the most powerful woman I know.”

  She leaned back enough to look at me and I nodded through my tears. “I love you,” I mouthed.

  Her cool palm on my cheek, she mouthed it back and stood.

  Hudson’s hand cupped my skull and I could feel how he trembled. He said nothing but stared into my eyes for a long moment.

  Words weren’t necessary with a man like him.

  Bending, he pressed his forehead against mine, closed his eyes, and we stayed like that as I struggled to breathe.

  Pulling back, he kissed my cheeks and the back of my hand. Then he moved away with Natalia.

  Harper took my hand between both of his. He couldn’t control the emotion in his voice. “If you feel the need to run away, my home is yours. At any time, now or in the future. Whatever you need, Elliana.”

  “Thank you, Harper,” I managed hoarsely.

  Elijah crouched at my side. His green eyes stared into mine for a long moment. Then he bent forward to whisper, “Your Hyde found them all, Ellie. He avenged what was done to you. Bathed in their blood and broke their minds before ending their lives.”

  He stood, lifted my hand, and kissed the back. I sniffed, wiped my eyes, and smiled.

  “Thank you, Elijah.”

  “Sometimes, you need precise news to lift your spirits.”

  “You’re so right.” I managed a shaky laugh and he winked.

  The media portrayal of the uber-rich focused on selfish bastards who lived to spend their money. My parents made it a point to keep such people out of their inner circle.

r friends were socially aware and generous to a fault. It was a fact I’d always appreciated. I didn’t have to fake enjoyment of their company.

  I was exhausted by the time Mrs. Safoya announced dinner.

  I asked to sit close to my mother with my team nearby. Long accustomed to the presence of my staff at meals, my parents’ friends didn’t question it. A couple of place cards were moved and I was assisted into a normal chair.

  Course after course of my favorite foods were served. When my entree was placed in front of me, I worried for a moment about being able to cut the filet wrapped in delicate filo dough.

  I shouldn’t have given it a second thought.

  Cook had pre-sliced my food with knives so sharp it still looked whole. I glanced up to see the housekeeper looking at me with a smile.

  I took small bites of everything but couldn’t eat much. I was anxious, off-balance.

  I missed Hyde.

  My first speed bump occurred an hour into dinner. Over the years, I started accumulating wines from around the world. I had Dad’s discriminating palette.

  It was unusual to see me eat a meal without a glass of something from my collection.

  Dean DeMarco, a college friend of Dad’s and fellow wine lover, asked, “You’re not partaking of your lovely wines, Elliana. We’re enjoying one of our mutual favorites.”

  “I-I…” The question took me by surprise and I was unsure how to answer. I blushed violently.

  Directly behind me came, “Miss Fields is taking too much medication right now to risk combining it with alcohol.”

  Hyde’s voice startled me and sent chills racing over my skin.

  Dean’s broad smile directed over my head made me want to turn more than anything. “Of course! Ellie looks so vibrant I didn’t even consider the danger of mixing pills and alcohol. Thankfully, someone did.”

  That Hyde came to my defense instantly in such a way told me two things that almost made me shake apart.

  He’d been there far longer than I realized and he knew I was keeping the child resulting from my rape.

  I hadn’t seen him in weeks and I worried about passing out from instant, debilitating stress.

  My body shook and I placed my hands on my thighs to conceal it as much as possible. Beneath the table, Padme and Bianca each placed a hand over mine.

  I stared at the candle in front of me, willing myself into shallow meditation that finally allowed me to calm down. With a final pat, my friends pulled away.

  “How’s the writing going, Ellie? I’m dying for more chapters.” Thaddeus Kellering was one of my mother’s first business partners. He owned a publishing company and begged to be given first looks at my work. “The stories are so fresh and exciting. I’m hooked and you left me on a cliffhanger!”

  His lovely wife Sarah nodded in agreement. Their estate abutted the northern border of Elysian Fields.

  I swallowed carefully and extended my good arm to lift my water goblet with a steady hand. “I finished another six chapters. I can email those to you if you like.”

  “Loved the first two books of the series. Loved them. Sarah stayed up all night reading. I don’t even cringe at the romantic elements. They’re well-blended into the overall espionage and villainy.” Thaddeus said the last with a stereotypical cartoon villain’s voice.

  I never discussed my writing in front of my team…since they were the basis for many of my characters. I swore my personal assistant to secrecy.

  Sarah added, “Your hero makes me flat out swoon. Thaddeus started getting jealous but I can’t help it! He seems so real. I have to know who inspired you!”

  Laughing a little shrilly, I took another long drink of water. I worried I’d give way to hysterics any moment. I was careful not to look directly at anyone.

  Natalia said from a few seats away, “Ellie’s mind is probably overflowing with people to draw from. It seems the circle who knew about these books is rather small and I’m not in it. Firm talking-to later, darling.”

  Another semi-hysterical giggle and I tried to change the subject. “I should be finished in the next month. Padme is transposing my notes.” I cleared my throat and made a subject change. “H-how’s Cameron?”

  “He’s getting over a nasty cold so we didn’t bring him tonight but he’s practically a giant. I won’t be able to keep him away for long.” Sarah was always happy to discuss their little boy.

  Thaddeus was almost twenty years older than his wife and they adored their child. He said seriously, “He asks about you daily, Ellie. To him, you hung the moon. The colt rarely goes a day without being ridden.”

  “I recognize a fellow equestrian when I meet one. I knew Sarafina’s foal would be perfect for his first horse. I’ll be glad to ride again. After…when I’m not wearing these.”

  I held up my casted arm wrapped in fluorescent pink to cover my near slip of the tongue.

  “Send him over for a visit, Sarah. Dad put a PS4 in the media room and I owe Cameron a rematch on Call of Duty. Two weeks. Tell him to be here or I’ll consider him too scared to face me.”

  Laughing happily, Sarah and Thaddeus agreed they’d present him the instant I was ready.

  Glancing down the table, I smiled at Vera Queen, my mother’s roommate in college. “How are the mastiffs?”

  “Huge and happy, as per usual.”

  “I’d like a puppy, please. Preferably a girl. I haven’t had a dog since I was twelve.”

  It would be nice to have a dog again. A big fucking dog who could swallow someone’s head.

  Vera clasped her hands in front of her. “I have just the girl for you, Ellie. Perfect form and excellent manners.” Lifting her glass, she added, “I’ll bring her by to meet you.”

  I looked at my parents. “I need to call it a night. I’m exhausted.”

  “Of course, darling. We’ll save tarts.” Mom stood with my father. “Excuse us while we walk Ellie to her wing. Enjoy another glass of wine and dessert will be served shortly.”

  I smiled and said my goodbyes as Fiaaz lifted me carefully into my wheelchair. “Sorry to quit so early.”

  Everyone murmured assurances that it was fine and rose to kiss me goodbye. Some told me they’d be around for a few days while others mentioned staying in Dallas.

  My parents waited in the doorway and Bianca and Fiaaz stepped back to allow them space to walk at my sides.

  “I’m sorry, Ellie. You know how our dinners stretch once we all start talking.”

  “I’m ready to drop.”

  Padme said quietly, “We’re late on your medication, Ellie.” At my sharp glance, she added, “I had the original prescriptions changed to safer selections but Ellie…they’re not as effective. Are you sure you’ll be able to handle the pain?”

  I kept it simple. “Yes. I’m sure.”

  When we arrived at my rooms, I didn’t see Hyde. I wondered if I dreamed his voice. Then I caught him from the corner of my eye entering his room without a backward glance.

  My heart thumped hard.

  Mom insisted on helping me get ready for bed so we could chat about the dinner party. When I was wearing a tank top and sleep shorts, she helped me into bed and sat beside me to smooth my hair.

  I felt ten-years-old again in a way that wasn’t unwelcome.

  Si entered the room with a cup of tea and bowed. “Ellie.”

  “Welcome back, Si.”

  “You were missed.” His smile was gentle. “You lost weight. I’ll make it my goal to reverse that.”

  I chuckled. “I know you will.”

  “Until tomorrow. Sleep well, Ellie.” With another bow, he left.

  Mom stabilized my hand so I could drink the tea and when it was done, my parents bent to kiss me goodnight.

  I settled down to sleep, listening to the sounds of my household quieting for the night.

  New guards were stationed on the roof and grounds.

  Si and Fiaaz had rooms across the hall. Bianca’s room was next door. Padme and Hyde slept in my suite.
  I heard the locks engage through my partially open bedroom door and the tones of my alarm system being activated.

  It took me a long time to relax. I should have known recovery would include subconscious mental trauma.

  I wasn’t sliding headlong into a drug-induced sleep. My bedroom wasn’t brightly lit or noisy like the hospital.

  It was quiet.

  It was dark.

  Terror waited to reach out and toy with me.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Being home brought down a brick in the wall my subconscious erected around my attack.

  I had my first nightmare and it was a whopper.

  The contents were hazy but terrifying. I woke on the floor of my room with Padme and Hyde crouched over my body.

  My assistant had bleeding scratches on her upper chest and Hyde sported a busted lip.

  Streams of sweat dripped from my body. I was in severe pain. My hair was plastered to my face and upper body.

  Padme reached out and pushed the strands away. “Ellie. Please tell me you’re awake.” I nodded, confused. “Thank God. Oh, thank God.”

  She sat cross-legged beside me and lifted my head from the floor into her lap. Then my assistant did something I’d never seen in nine years. She burst into tears.

  A ripple of fear skated down my spine.

  My throat was raw when I tried to ask what happened.

  I looked at Hyde’s face. Every muscle in his body was rigid with tension. He was flushed, shaking, and clearly enraged.

  For a moment, I wondered if he was angry at me. Then a piece of my dream flashed before my conscious mind and my body jerked, sending knifing pain through my healing limbs.

  “Going t-to be sick. Please.”

  Hyde stood with me in his arms in seconds, striding for the bathroom. He held me suspended from the floor around my waist as I lost anything still in my stomach.

  The pressure on my ribs was agony but the position was necessary since I couldn’t bend one leg. His other hand gathered my hair and held it out of my way.

  Padme got a damp cloth and wiped my face and mouth. “Alright, Ellie. Okay. Let’s get her to the sink, Hyde.”

  He gently moved me across the room and held me steady as I brushed my teeth and washed my face with one hand.


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