Obsession: The Hollow Universe

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Obsession: The Hollow Universe Page 25

by Shayne McClendon

  Too exhausted to talk, I soaked up their presence. I slept deeply, without any dreams at all, and it was marvelous.

  Twice, I drifted to the surface of consciousness to use the restroom and wondered about Katie. I felt guilty for spending so much time away.

  When Robyn returned to the house, Padme brought my daughter in to sleep beside me. Freshly fed and changed, I snuggled her close and drifted to sleep again.

  The Hydes alternated checking on the house and remaining beside me with Katie guarded between our bodies.

  I was out of it when they held her to me to kiss before returning her to Robyn near dark the next day.

  Around midnight, my body decided I finally had enough sleep. Inhaling deeply, I blinked to get a fix on my surroundings and adjust to the lack of light.

  Katie was no longer in the room but the Hydes were stretched out on either side of me, their arms crossed over my torso and their warm breath ruffling my hair.

  I laid my hands over theirs, sighed happily, and felt more than heard two masculine chuckles.

  My smile felt too big for my face. “Closer. You’re warm and obviously as bad as I am about kicking off blankets.”

  Without hesitation, they sealed their bodies more firmly against me and tightened their arms. Long legs lifted, their bare feet settling warmly along my own.

  “That’s much better.”

  We laid there snuggling for a long time and none of us felt the need to fill the silence.

  A sense of deep contentment, of things being exactly as they should be, settled into my spirit.

  A horrible chapter of my life was finished and I was ready to embrace the next phase.

  I told them quietly, “I’ve been thinking. We should take things slow. Get to know one another, spend time together. Enjoy some making out. Eventually, we can talk about living together and I’ll introduce you to my family.”

  Their laughter filled me up. I wanted to smile and keep smiling.

  “Oh wait…we’ve done all that.” They nodded and hugged me closer. “Never mind, then.” I sighed. “I guess that means we should shower together and you can sex me up in the manner in which I’d like to become accustomed.”

  Jonas said against my shoulder, “Ellie, it would be our pleasure.”

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  Jordan pulled me off the bed while Jonas went to start the shower. I clipped my hair on top of my head as they stripped away my sleep clothes.

  They kept our bodies close and I knew it was to make me feel safe, to help me adjust to their presence. I trusted them but appreciated the thought they put into touching me.

  By the time the water warmed, we were naked, and I was kissed out of my capacity for coherent thought.

  The kisses now were different than the ones I received before, and there was almost a sense of desperation to them that I felt as well. They reined themselves in to avoid frightening me.

  They didn’t frighten me.

  The moonlight shining through the high windows provided enough light to take in the visual impact of their nude bodies.

  I’d never seen a fully naked man so close before and my mouth hung open a bit taking in two excellent examples of the species.

  Their hair was ruffled from sleep. Broad shoulders and thick chests tapered to narrow hips and long legs. A light dusting of chest hair faded into a trail that pointed the way to thickly veined cocks nestled in trimmed pubic hair. Their balls hung heavy and tight between slightly spread legs.

  Jordan turned to enter the shower and I was amazed that the view from the back was equally as enticing. He turned and smiled over his shoulder at my little gasp.

  I stepped into the space with Jonas behind me. Their hands moved slowly, focused on keeping me comfortable and at ease. They took in the sight of my body as thoroughly as I was absorbing all the details of theirs.

  Fingers reached out to stroke my hair, hold my hand, and trace the curves of my body without aggressiveness.

  They kissed and nuzzled even as their erections slid against my wet skin. A tremor worked over me and I felt as if every hair stood on end in anticipation.

  Whispering my name in the damp air, strong hands slicked over me from the front and back, the scent of my body wash hung delicately around us.

  They didn’t leave an inch of my skin untouched and I could hear myself panting as their hands passed smoothly between my legs in tandem.

  I held myself up with a vise grip on the shoulders in front of me. My head rested on the shoulder behind me, my eyes closed as I soaked up the sensations created by the touch of four hands coasting over me.

  I was in sensory overload.

  Cooler on the front of my body, my eyes raised heavily to watch Jonas rinse me. He gathered me close and Jordan rinsed my back.

  The brothers traded holding me to wash themselves.

  “You’re…so beautiful.” I could hear the reverence, and the self-doubt, in my voice.

  They heard it, too.

  Wrapping me tightly between them, they said, “You’re not allowed to overthink any of this. Not one person in our lives, separately or together, ever affected us as you do. No one, Ellie. You hold all the power.”

  People kept telling me that but it was hard to believe.

  Stepping from the shower, they dried my body and wrapped me in a towel while they dried themselves.

  I couldn’t drag my eyes away from the simple realization that men did things differently than women. Even in the way they dried off after a shower, their hands were faster, rougher.

  It struck me as long-overdue knowledge.

  Jonas scooped me up, planted a gentle kiss on my lips, and laid me down in the center of my bed. Jordan pulled my hair from beneath me.

  They took their places at my sides, stretched out, heads propped on their hands. I realized immediately that the Hydes intended to take their time.

  They passed my mouth back and forth, kissing me for long minutes. While one kissed my lips, the other stroked my hair, planted little open-mouthed kisses on my neck, and played with my fingers.

  My hands explored them, drifting over warm skin. Unable to contain my curiosity another moment, I trailed my hands down their torsos and wrapped my fists lightly around their cocks.

  They threw their heads back with barely leashed control.

  “That feels good then…” I said into the darkness as I traced Jonas’s collarbone with my lips. “Good to know.”

  I moved to Jordan’s pectoral, licking once over the tight nipple. Their hands fisted in the towel still wrapped around me.

  I whispered, “It’s alright. I’m okay. Please.”

  Jonas rested his forehead against mine. “Ellie, if you don’t stop touching me, I’m going to lose it.”

  Jordan lowered the edge of my towel and took my nipple inside the wet heat of his mouth. I arched at the previously unknown sensation with a gasp.

  It pushed me firmly against his mouth and increased the pressure of his suckling.

  Jonas repeated the attention on my other breast and I released them. They edged their bodies further down the bed and slipped the towel from under me.

  Stroking my hands over their silky hair, I couldn’t muffle the soft moans escaping me.

  Fingers, light as butterflies, trailed a path over my ribcage, abdomen, and hips. Across my pelvis, directly above my mound. The lines of me were traced with hands and followed by lips that kissed me everywhere.

  A sensation I didn’t recognize at first built inside me. It was something I never experienced with another person. Gathering strength beneath questing hands, their mouths touched skin that suddenly felt too tight.

  Dipping lower, outlining the sensitive folds, my hips rocked up of their own accord, and pleasure slammed into me like an arrow from a bow.

  It stole my breath.

  They stared up the length of my body as the tension slowly let me go. “It’s so different than when I’m alone.”

  My eyes felt heavy but the greens and blues
in their eyes reflected the low light in the room.

  “You deserve all the pleasure we can give you, Ellie.”

  “This is about making your first time everything it should be.” I started to state the obvious and Jonas lifted his hand to place three fingers over my lips. “Your first time, when you give of yourself willingly, that’s now.”

  “We plan to make sure you remember it with happiness,” Jordan murmured. “And maybe a blush or two.”

  They rubbed their cheeks over the skin of my pelvis and I sighed. Raking my fingers through their hair, I whispered, “I’ve always loved your stubble.”

  Planting kisses on my hips, I could see their smiles. “We noticed that actually.” Jordan lifted his head. “Unless we had events, we stopped shaving in the evening for you.”

  “Such a small thing to someone else…but it slays me.”

  I lifted my upper body and they met me with kisses. Warm hands cupped the back of my skull as they traded my mouth back and forth.

  Keeping my hands on them, I rested my cheek on Jonas’s shoulder and whispered, “When did you know I loved you?”

  “When Jonas was shot at the Delkin party,” Jordan told me as he kissed his way up my neck. “We wondered before but the way you reacted left little doubt.”

  I nodded and kissed them desperately. “Fear was a constant companion after that night.”

  “Don’t be afraid, Ellie.” Jonas gently pushed me to my back and Jordan kissed his way down my torso. “Every close call, every scar, every moment of pain or rage or sadness, is worth it to be close to you, to see you smile, to hear you laugh.”

  He gathered my upper body in his arms and kissed me. I held him tight but wanted to crawl into his body with him.

  While his mouth devoured mine, Jordan kissed my nipples and continued lower to settle his shoulders between my thighs.

  His kisses on my most sensitive flesh made me gasp into Jonas’s mouth. A finger slid through my folds and I moaned.

  “Soak it up, Ellie,” he whispered against my lips. Hugging me, he moved his body and added, “Watch him. You need to see everything, feel everything.”

  Positioning himself slightly behind me, he held me and raked his fingers through my hair. His mouth trailed along my shoulder and up my neck.

  I stared at Jordan and he stared back at me. He circled the entrance of me with the tip of his finger as he sucked my clit between his lips.

  The whimper I released sounded desperate, needy, and Jonas’s hands moved around to cup my breasts.

  His thumbs stroked over my nipples and he murmured at my ear, “Every moment is about you, Ellie. It’s about the joy, the freedom, to touch you after years of longing.”

  I was awash in sensation, unsure what to do or if I was reacting in a normal way. I felt amazing but selfish and thought there was something I should be doing for them.

  Jordan lifted his mouth from me. “Let yourself feel and experience. Take everything we want to give you.”

  Jonas held me closer. “Let us please you, Ellie. Let us love you. Our pleasure is heightened by yours.”

  I watched fingers circle gently over my clit. The sight was so stimulating that it caused a shiver to race up my spine. Jordan smiled and I tugged my lower lip between my teeth.

  Lowering his mouth to me, he held my gaze as he licked, sucked, and nibbled flesh that trembled from his attention.

  Turning my head, I stared at Jonas and he kissed me roughly. I returned it as if my life depended on it and he groaned. One hand around the back of his head, I let the other rake through Jordan’s hair as he took me apart with pleasure.

  My breathing sped up, my heart raced, and as the climax crashed over me, Jonas told me, “I love you, Elliana.”

  Gasping, I said, “Jonas, I love you, too.”

  I sealed it with a kiss and he held me so hard I wondered that it didn’t hurt at all. He kissed along my jaw, buried his face at my neck, and I felt no doubt about his feelings.

  Raking my fingers through Jordan’s hair, he lifted his face to watch me as he stroked deeply into my body with his fingers.

  “For so long, we waited to love you and it’s humbling that you’re open, responsive to all we want to give you, Ellie.”

  I pulled him to me and he came willingly. Our lips met and I tasted my body on his. Strong hands gripped me, as if afraid to let me go for a single moment.

  Raising his face, Jordan stared into my eyes. “I love you. I never loved a woman before you. I’m glad you were the first.”

  “Really?” I asked softly.

  He nodded. “Life was too precarious. The way we lived, it wasn’t something that seemed possible. You changed all of it, Ellie. You made us think about the future.”

  Stroking my fingers over his jaw, I said, “I love you, Jordan.”

  Taking my hand, he placed it over his heart. I felt it pounding under my palm. “Since the first morning I watched your face light up when we all had breakfast together, you’ve made my heart race. None of us ever imagined you’d want such a thing.”

  “Everything about you was new to us, beautiful to us.” Jonas nuzzled my cheek. “Being wanted, being needed, it gave days meaning they never had until we met you. Loneliness, isolation, they slowly crept in and we hadn’t noticed. Not until you made us part of your life.”

  Blinking against tears, I hugged them as hard as I could. “I was so lonely before you. I wondered if it would ever be different.”

  They kissed me, over and over, until I was breathless between them. Their fists tangled in my hair and mine in theirs.

  Then Jonas kissed his way down my body and Jordan moved to sit behind me. He hugged me to his chest.

  “Watch him, Ellie. Take all the pleasure. We want you to be ready so there’s no pain, no fear.” His lips trailed down my neck and back again. “Touching you, tasting you, is heavenly.”

  Jonas settled between my legs and rested his face on my inner thigh as he explored me. I whimpered.

  “Do you like how that feels?” he asked.

  I nodded and watched as he lifted, his lips worshipping every fold and suckling my clit. He alternated between gentle open-mouthed kisses to flat passes with his broad tongue to tiny flicks that made me squirm in need.

  Jordan held my nipples between his thumbs and forefingers, tugging and rolling them.

  The multiple sensations were almost too much. Never had I felt such pleasure from the touch of my own hand.

  Fingers thrust deep, curling inside me. I knew he was preparing me for so much more and my heart pounded.

  At my ear, Jordan whispered, “How do you feel?”

  “A-achy, needy, desperate,” I answered honestly. His cock pressed against the crease of my ass and my hips circled to feel more of him.

  He hissed, “Ellie…”

  I rocked my hips against a hot mouth that shredded my ability to be demure or coy. “Please. Please, Jonas.”

  Raising his face, he stared at me, his fingers stroking rhythmically to the movement of my hips.

  I felt as if he could see everything about me – who I used to be and who I could become – and wanted all of it.

  It was liberating.

  “Let me please you. Let me love you.” I didn’t recognize the hoarseness of my voice. “I need you.”

  Jordan said, “We want to love you into the new phase of your life and give you good memories to overwrite the past.” He placed a kiss at my temple. “Are you ready, Ellie?”

  “Yes. Yes, please.”

  His hands never stopped moving on my breasts and Jonas worked his fingers urgently inside me. The way I panted into the quiet room should have embarrassed me but it didn’t.

  Their touch was everywhere, reaching a heart that ached so long to love them, to touch them in return.

  With a long moan, my body arched as I careened over the edge of bliss again. I wasn’t afraid, there was no doubt. I knew they’d see me safely to the other side.

  “Now,” I said between gritted
teeth. “Now, Jonas.”

  There was the sound of plastic tearing as Jonas crawled up my body and kissed me with a desperation I returned. I held his face as he positioned his cock at the entrance of my body.

  He hesitated and I knew he wondered if they were moving too fast. “I need you, Jonas. I want you inside me.”

  “Ellie, if anything gets to be too much…”

  I put my fingers over his mouth. “I trust you. I want this. I want all of it. You won’t hurt me. You don’t frighten me. Don’t make me wait anymore to feel you, Jonas.”

  The thick head of his cock pushed inside me and I tensed for a moment at the unfamiliarity. He stilled instantly.

  “Don’t stop. Please don’t stop.”

  Slow, steady thrusts as he held my gaze built the tension in my entire body. Being held between them as Jonas pushed his way inside me was surreal.

  When our bodies were sealed together, he stilled and spent almost a minute kissing me as his breath panted against my cheek. His cock throbbed against flesh that felt everything.

  “Roll us over, Jonas.” The request took him by surprise. The brothers froze. “I need both of you. Our first time, it has to be all of us.”

  I didn’t know much about men or sex or relationships but there was a part of me that knew I had to show them they were equal to me, that I loved them both with all of myself.

  “It can be…intense, Ellie,” Jordan whispered behind me.

  “I imagine.” Turning my face, I stared at him. “Show me.”

  Jonas rolled me and I straddled him. I was shy about how open and exposed I was but I held myself up by my hands and stared down into a face I knew better than my own.

  Jordan left the bed then the room.

  My hair was a thick curtain around us and he gathered it, dropping all of it over one shoulder.

  “You’re fucking stunning, Ellie.”

  “So are you. In all my fantasies, I never imagined this would actually happen.” Jordan returned and climbed up on the bed. He kissed my shoulder and I turned to look at him. “I missed you. I’m glad you’re back.”

  I focused on kissing and touching Jonas, struggling not to move on him, as two lubricated fingers circled the tiny entry of my ass.


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