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Accidental Trifecta

Page 13

by Avery Gale

  “She is indeed. You’re a very lucky man.” Carl turned to walk away, but Cam grabbed his arm turning him back to face him. His friend’s brow raised in question, he’d obviously heard the unspoken words in Carl’s tone. “Her safety needs to be my first concern, once she’s safe, I’ll be able to consider your offer.” With that, Carl turned and found his bag before settling in a seat at the other side of the luxurious jet. Opening his laptop, he tried to get some work done but his gaze kept straying to the beautiful woman sleeping so peacefully across the cabin from him.

  Long, dark lashes lay serenely atop the dark circles under her eyes. The contrast between angelic beauty and heartbreaking sadness made Carl’s heart clench with the need to protect her. He might be on assignment to guard her against a threat from the outside, but his gut told him the biggest threat to her safety and happiness was from herself.

  Once again reviewing the before and after pictures he’d been sent of the beach house, Carl was impressed with the changes Cam had made to the small bungalow. Well, it wasn’t exactly small anymore, the recent remodeling had nearly doubled the square footage, but surprisingly from the outside it didn’t look that much different. Additional underground safe rooms, offices, and a much larger dungeon had been carved out of the bedrock and provided a level of safety few would imagine without closer inspection. But Carl’s favorite change was the long veranda stretching the length of the enormous master suite on the newly added top level. The view over the ocean was spectacular even in photos and Carl could hardly wait to see it in person.

  “The remodeling you’ve done is going to make your beach home much easier to defend. It’s well planned and from what I can tell, the work looks like it’s been done right.” Carl wasn’t lying, it appeared Cam had used skilled craftsmen and he had to wonder what it had cost to ship in those people.

  “The most remarkable part of this project is all of that work was done using local labor. The talent on that small island is mind boggling.” Cam’s eyes had been focused on CeCe as he spoke and when they shifted to Carl there was a vulnerability there that Carl couldn’t remember ever seeing before. “It’s my hope that once this situation is resolved you’ll consider staying.” Carl felt his eyebrows raise in surprise and Cam chuckled softly from his seat across the wide aisle. “We’ll talk more about it after we get to the house. I have a brilliant plan.” His voice had dropped and the look of vulnerability was replaced by the devilish grin Carl remembered was always a signal his friend had likely cooked up a scheme that would leave the earth scorched around them. Years ago those plans had gotten them in more trouble than Carl wanted to think about.

  Instead of pressing for information, Carl simply nodded and returned to his work. It would be a long trip and he’d have plenty of time to rest later—after he managed to tame the raging hard-on threatening to topple the small computer off his lap.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Cam lifted his sleeping slave into his arms and with a quick jerk of his head letting Carl know he wanted him to follow, Cam made his way to the jet’s bedroom. They still had plenty of time to enjoy the perks of flying in luxury and Cam saw no reason to waste the opportunity. He’d been watching Cecelia sleep for several hours and when she began shifting restless in the reclined seat he knew it was time to wake her up with a smile.

  “Come on, my sleepy pet, your Masters want to play with you a bit. Let’s get you undressed first, shall we?” He set her on her feet but kept a tight hold on her as Carl lifted her short dress over her head. Yes indeed, this is reason enough to forbid undergarments forever. He’d always hated panties and had paddled Cecelia’s ass for wearing them so many times when he’d first collared her, Cam had started to wonder if she was disobeying him deliberately. One night after a particularly harsh spanking, he’d asked her why she simply refused to stop wearing the offending garments. She’d tearfully explained that she often had to dress and undress in front of other medical staff in the locker room before and after surgery, and she just couldn’t face doing that without underwear. From then on he’d made accommodations for that circumstance, but he’d given her several additional swats for not explaining her dilemma earlier.

  Cam wasn’t sure he would ever feel love the same way other people seemed to, he’d certainly never seen it modeled at home while growing up. Everything in the Barnes mansion was about the public’s perception. His parents had firmly believed it didn’t matter if they were actually doing the right thing, it was only important that it appeared as though they were. In their opinion, as long as they were listed at the top of the donor list for all the right local charities and were photographed at A-list parties, everything was copasetic. Their life behind closed doors was chaotic to say the least.

  Cameron made the unfortunate decision to come home early for Christmas break and walked in on a drug-fueled orgy that would have made the ancient Roman Emperor Nero proud. He’d stood in the doorway watching his father fucking his best friend’s wife while his mother was being pummeled by a device he later learned was called a “plow” as several men and women watched. The things he’d seen that night as a sixteen year old had made their judgment two years later all the more hypocritical.

  Everyone in attendance had been so high he’d gone completely unnoticed, as far as Cam knew, Thomas, his parent’s butler, was still the only person who knew he’d been there that night. The stoic Brit had worked for Cam’s grandparents before being reassigned to Cam’s parents. A few years ago Cam had contacted the man who had been the closest thing to a father he’d ever known. Cam had encouraged Thomas to retire and helped him move to St. Maarten to live in the small guest cottage behind the beach house. Smiling to himself, Cam knew Cecelia was looking forward to seeing the elderly man again, they’d hit it off immediately as he’d known they would. Thomas no longer worked but enjoyed island life, and from what Cam had heard, the ninety-two year old was still active and as sharp-witted as ever.

  Carl had stripped quickly and started the water while Cam walked Cecelia into the large shower. The doctor who had treated Cecelia had warned them she would probably be unsteady for several days so he and Carl made sure one of them kept their hands on her at all times. Cam handed her off to Carl and watched as his friend’s eyes softened as he enfolded her in his embrace. It was easy to see the man was already falling for the lovely woman, and that wouldn’t be surprising for anyone who knew Cecelia. She was the most genuine person Cam had ever met. Her heart was open and honest, he couldn’t recall a moment when he’d ever seen her be insincere. His only worry was that Carl might not be able to handle the relationship Cam envisioned for the three of them. But as his friend had said earlier, ensuring her safely had to come first. There would be time to discuss everything else later—right now it was all about keeping Cecelia and Chloe safe.

  He took his time getting out of his clothes, watching as Carl rubbed circles over Cecelia’s back while murmuring softly against her ear was pure eroticism. Cam had always considered himself something of a voyeur, it was one of his needs that had been filled by owning the club. But in all years he’d spent watching the pleasure of others, he’d never seen anything that turned him on as much as the scene playing out in front of him now. He wasn’t sure if they were swaying to something Carl was singing against her ear or if the movement was due to the jet’s gentle shifts, but it was completely mesmerizing.

  Cecelia’s entire body seemed softer, more relaxed under Carl’s touch. This contrast was exactly what Cam had felt she’d needed, and watching the two of them together confirmed his suspicion. When he’d first considered a permanent ménage relationship a couple of years earlier, the surge of possessiveness he’d felt had surprised him so he’d set the idea aside. But after spending time with his friends, he come to understand how much the arrangement benefitted all the parties involved. Jax McDonald and his best friend, Micah Drake, each brought different things into their relationship with Gracie. The same was true of Kent and Kyle West’s relationship with their s
hared wife, Tobi.

  The Wests’ relationship was actually a better model for the trifecta he hoped to form with Cecelia and Carl. Kyle was harsher than his twin, his view of the world was generally very black and white, just as Cam’s was. But Kent seemed to have been able to successfully blur the fine line between sexual Dominant and lover far better than Cam ever hoped to. And despite the fact everyone had noticed Kyle West had mellowed far more than any of them had ever expected, he was still much stricter than his brother. Cecelia was a lot like Tobi in that she needed both facets of the lifestyle in order to be happy.

  He and Kyle had sat up late the night before last talking about how his and Kent’s differing styles as Doms helped them meet Tobi’s needs. Kyle had smiled as he looked out the bank of floor to ceiling windows making up one whole wall of the penthouse’s huge living room. Kyle rolled the edge of his glass in slow circles on the arm of the leather chair, looking lost in thought for so long Cam wondered if he was going to respond. “You know, there are times when Tobi craves the discipline I provide, she thrives in a structured environment—strange as that may seem. But functioning on that level all the time is exhausting, both physically and emotionally, and it’s when she finds herself in that emotional abyss that she turns to Kent. My brother is every bit the Dom I am, sometimes he is actually stricter, but he is far better at coaxing Tobi into compliance than I am. He knows how to hold her and just let her absorb his strength. I can’t tell you how often I’ve walked up onto the terrace to find them just cuddled together on one of the loungers. Kent will be wearing nothing but soft flannel pants and he’ll have our naked nymph against his bare chest. He swears skin-to-skin contact releases some kind of feel good chemical in the brain, so he just covers them both in a soft blanket.”

  “I’d have never taken Kent as a new-age enthusiast.”

  “You’d be surprised. My brother reads anything he can get his hands on, always has. But since we became husbands and fathers, his reading seems to center on anything he deems might make us better in those roles.” Cam didn’t hold back his chuckle because it was obvious the man was enjoying the perks of his brother’s research, even if he didn’t want to admit it. At one time Carl had been very much like Kent West and Cam wondered how much the years had changed his friend. Walking away from Carl Phillips that night had been one of the hardest things Cam had ever done, but he’d hoped to save his friend from the fall-out that was sure to follow if he didn’t. As it turned out, Carl had too much integrity to live the lie Cam had given the school officials. By the time Cameron had found out what Carl had done it was too late, but refusing to contact Carl later was all on his shoulders.

  Cam knew he came off as a hard ass. Hell, recently he’d been a jerk of epic proportions. Just last week his administrative assistant had reminded him that all the things he lectured others about were among his most annoying traits. He’d growled at her like a rapid dog, but in the end he’d known she was right. He felt himself slipping further and further away from the person he should be and he didn’t like it one bit.

  Sighing inwardly, he tried to shake off the direction his thoughts had gone and refocused his attention on Carl’s hands as they stroked the globes of Cecelia’s sweet ass. The contrast between his tanned fingers and her pale flesh made Cam wonder what those fingers would feel like as they wrapped around his own throbbing erection. He could hardly wait to feel Carl’s tongue dipping into the slit for the pearly pre-cum that he could already feel beading at the tip of his cock. Pushing his shirt off his shoulders and shoving off his slacks, Cam stepped to the edge of the shower but stood back…watching.


  Carl had seen Cam standing outside the shower and wondered if he intended to join them or not. He doubted the man realized how, in unguarded moments, his expressions played out clearly on his face. Carl wondered what internal struggle his former friend was dealing with, but was determined to stay focused on giving the woman in his arms the attention she deserved. If CeCe had been dealing with Cam’s emotional distance the entire time they’d been a couple, Carl could certainly understand her exhaustion.

  CeCe’s skin felt like wet silk beneath his fingers as he stroked his hands over as much of her as he could reach without moving her out of his arms. He didn’t want to do anything that would put space between them, feeling her tightly peaked nipples pressing against his chest was sending every available drop of blood south. He hoped like hell that it was a smooth flight because he wasn’t sure his brain was getting enough oxygen-enriched blood to handle the split-second reactions needed to stay balanced on a wet floor if they hit any turbulence. If there was one thing military service had taught him it was to appreciate the luxuries of commercial air travel, and this jet put the first-class seats his parents always insisted on to shame.

  Leaning down so his lips brushed over the wet shell of CeCe’s ear, “Baby, you are going to be the death of me and we’ve only just started.” He was grateful to hear the small hitch in her breathing as she pressed even closer. “Your body molds against mine and all I can think about is giving your Master the show he’s waiting for.” He felt her stiffen, “Oh no, he’s enjoying what he sees, sweetness, don’t doubt that. He wants you to enjoy this moment and judging by his enormous erection, I’d say he is certainly enjoying it. Let’s give him something worthwhile to watch.”

  Carl turned so CeCe’s back was pressed against the wall as he started kissing his way down her slender neck and biting down gently on the sweet spot where her shoulder started. Just that small bit of restraint amped up her heart until he could feel her pulse pounding against his cheek. Running his tongue over the mark he’d left, he pressed kisses from one collarbone to the other until he could leave a similar mark on her other side. He ramped things up by pushing her arms behind her and shackling her wrists with one of his large hands. Carl never stopped moving his mouth over her slick skin as he kissed and licked his way to her breasts. “Oh, baby, you have the most beautiful breasts. They are fucking perfect, and these peachy nipples turn the most incredible shade of rose when you are aroused.” Swirling his tongue around her areola, Carl could hardly wait to see her peaked nipples clamped with gold chain swinging freely between the jeweled tips. “I’m surprised you haven’t pierced these lovely nipples, sweetness.”

  “I’m afraid of needles.” Her breathless words caught him by surprise. A surgeon who was afraid of needles? That had to make her life interesting. She’d obviously noticed his amusement at her announcement, “I know, it’s really insane. I’m not afraid of using them, but I panic if anyone else even looks at me when holding a syringe.”

  Carl heard Cam’s soft chuckle behind them, “It’s true. Dr. Barnes’ staff knows never to look at her if they are holding a syringe. She uses a very small core group of medical people in her private practice and they are very careful to avoid traumatizing their boss.” Carl didn’t miss the amusement in Cam’s voice and judging by the small furrow between her brows, CeCe hadn’t either.

  “Magnets perhaps? Those nipple and clit pieces might make you reconsider your needle aversion.” Carl wasn’t joking. As she would quickly discover the magnetic clamps could be brutal, most were far stronger than anyone realized. The quick pain of piercing would probably be a welcome relief. He felt her shiver against him—perfect.

  Carl continued his decent pressing kisses against her abdomen. He was pleased when he felt the goose flesh that followed her shudder, he was pleased to know she was as affected by the contact as he was. Feeling the small chill bumps race over her skin urged him closer to her sex. He could already smell the musky scent of her arousal and he could hardly wait to taste her. Carl wanted to feel her honey coating his tongue as he fucked it in out of her channel. He planned to spend hours worshipping her body, but he didn’t have the luxury of time now. The water was already starting to cool so it was time to get this show on the road. No doubt he and Cam would be taking icy showers but it would be worth it, and the woman pressing herself against his fa
ce needed and deserved this orgasm.

  Holding his hand to the side, Carl gave the military’s hand sign for now and heard Cam respond immediately. “Come for us, pet. Right now.” Carl felt her muscles seize before Cam had even finished speaking. He was glad he’d already secured her against the tiled wall because he felt her knees fold but he wasn’t willing to let her go until he’d finished lapping every bit of syrup from her sex. “Fuck that is sexy. Watching the flush move over your skin as you come, the changes in your facial expressions—you are so very beautiful, pet.”

  Carl turned and kissed the inside of both thighs right on the crease between her flowered pussy lips and her legs before biting down ever so gently. “Beautiful and so very responsive. You honor your Master and yourself, sweetness.” Standing, he turned and moved her into Cam’s arms and quickly washed up before stepping out of the now tepid water. Holding a towel open for her, Carl helped her step out of the shower. By the time he’d dried her, Cam had finished and joined them in the bedroom.

  They managed to keep CeCe naked and in between them for the duration of the trip. Carl wasn’t sure she’d be able to walk off the jet on her own by the time they landed—hell, he wasn’t entirely sure he could. But one look out the windows as they descended was motivation enough. He’d forgotten how much he missed the Caribbean. Brilliant blue water, palm trees, white sand beaches, and brightly painted buildings were just a few of the things he’d fallen in love with the first time he’d accompanied his parents on a holiday to the islands.

  As an adult, he appreciated the people—their laid-back approach to life had annoyed him as a teen, but now that he understood the importance of living life in the moment. He was looking forward to the slower pace. Carl felt his chest squeeze at the realization that he’d essentially “thought” himself into the answer. He’d been wondering if he should stay on after this mission was complete, the conversation he’d had with Cam while CeCe slept had been enlightening. Hearing that Cameron Barnes was considering selling Dark Desires to the Wests had surprised him, but Cam’s confession that he wanted to become a part-time operative with the Prairie Winds team had floored him. Most of the men joining the Wests’ team were single and when they married, it seemed Kent and Kyle managed to arrange for either one or the other to stay home while the other went on missions that involved being away from home for extended periods of time. Ordinarily the assignments the married operatives got were as treacherous, but usually for shorter periods of time. Maybe he’d been shocked because he really couldn’t understand why Cameron would even consider voluntarily putting himself on a team where he’d be away from his family. Maybe he’d already been planning to bring in a third? If so, he’ll find someone else if I don’t stay. Something about that didn’t set well with Carl—not well at all.


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